The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2583: Make up

Congratulations to the book friends 14o6o7o42928744? Students become the best elders!

When the Eight Great Zongmen were bitterly discussing, they took the opportunity to go out. He has cultivated the ontology to the level of the Holy Level. He has already cultivated the body space in the five spiritual roots, but his strength is not as strong as the Holy Spirit. This time, he is trying to find a chance to make his strength of the gods reach the holy level.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan also left the South. She heard that the Eastern Women's Repairs were missing, and decided to go to the East to see, and she also came with Yanshan Spirit.

In the hall of the **** machine, everyone from time to time put forward their own opinions, but it is undoubtedly not the solution to the fundamental problem. Above the main position, the dream machine looks dignified, and there is a hint of irritability between the eyebrows.

A large number of methods are not applicable. Gradually, the results in the hall have been made. Everyone sees that the face of the goddess on the subject is getting more and more ugly, and one can not help but show a bitter face.

"Secretary!" Xuantian suddenly said: "If the secret sect can be born, there will be a force that can resist the respect of the sage. I think that the strength of the sect of the sect is better than the sage."

The eyes of the monks are all bright.


If the secret sect is born, the strength of the sect of the sect is completely able to compete with Shangzun, and through the battle of Ailao Mountain, the eight masters believe in the heart of the sect.

Didn’t you see that the secrets of the people left immediately after killing the golden armor? If the name of the figure is not profitable, if such a heart is still unable to obtain the trust of the eight masters, what kind of heart is worth trusting?

"But..." The dream machine sitting on the main seat spoke: "Where is the secret sect?"

Inside the main hall was a quiet, and the monks who had just fled in the air were sitting back in the chair with dismay.


The reason why the sect is called the secret sect is that it is mysterious. Where do they go to find the secret sect?

"Don't forget the purple smoke!" Luo said in a faint voice.

“Xu Ziyan?” Liu Jinsong said with a smile: “You don’t mention that we are almost forgotten. She has not been born for a long time, and even the battle of Ailao Mountain did not appear.”

The eyes of the monks looked at the sword. Everyone knows that Jian Wu is the master of Xu Ziyan. If there is another person here who knows where Xu Ziyan is, there is no doubt that the sword is worthless.

There was a bitter smile on the face of the sword: "The purple smoke is in the Wuthering Mountains. But I once persuaded her to help me, she ignored me!"

The monks are silent. Xu Ziyan didn't even pay attention to Master, would they care for them?

At this time, there are disciples outside the hall to report: "Open the lord, take the opportunity to see!"

The monks listened to the eyes and it was a bright light. The name of Wanli was in the fairyland for a long time. If he joined, even if he could not resist Shangzun, the strength here is also great.

After leaving the valley near Shangyuan League in Wanli. I really don't know where to look for opportunities. When I thought about it, I went to visit Luo Tianzong's Luo Bufan. He went to Luo Zongzong as a sword, and went to learn from each other. Maybe he could understand.

But when he went to Luo Tianzong, he realized that Luo Bufan went to the Shenji Zong, and he rushed to the Shenji Zong.

Standing outside the celestial machine, in a short while, I saw the eight monks coming together, and the old-fashioned laughter:

"Take a friend to visit. Let this sect grow up!"

The dream machine laughed and came to the front of the Wanli to give a gift, and immediately returned to the ceremony, and also prayed with the other seven masters. Everyone laughed and talked to the main hall.

After the guest was seated, the dream machine said with a smile: "I don't know if I will visit this sect at this time. What's the matter?"

"In fact, there is nothing." He smiled and said: "I originally wanted to find a way to learn from Luo Daoyou. I heard that Luo Daoyou was here. I found it. I don't know where the friends gathered here, why?"

The dream machine is a bitter smile and tells the story of the cause. The dream machine is very confident that it will stand on their side, because it has an indescribable hatred.

The monks in the hall naturally know this history, and all of them are happy. It’s a surprise to get the support of thousands of miles.

Listen to it in miles. But they did not immediately join the Tianmeng League they founded as they imagined. Instead, he lowered his eyes and thought about it.

No one has tried to ride thousands of miles, and no one dares to remind. Not to mention the strength of the powerful. They said that they did not dare to remind the situation in front of them. If they were allowed to leave by thousands of miles, it would be their loss.

Considering a lot of thousands of miles, he is not afraid of the monk respect, although the Shangzun has been sanctified, but it is even more exciting. The strength of the Five Saints is too strong. If you take a thousand miles to find a five-sacred fight, it is to find death.

However, it is still different, but it is just a breakthrough in the holy level. This level is stressful and has a fatal danger. However, it is considered that this pressure is just right, and maybe you can find a breakthrough. Opportunity.

This is how it is...

I lifted my eyes and took a glance at the eight monks. When I saw their look at this time, I knew that the eight monks were also rushed by Shangzun, and lost their squareness in their hearts, and pinned their hopes on him.

However, are they really pinning their hopes on themselves? I am not sanctified!

Looking up and seeing the sword is not empty, the new middle has seen some understanding. The purpose of these people is probably purple smoke. Both the master and the sword are sitting here. If both of them join the Tianming League, will Xu Ziyan not join?

Xu Ziyan is not here, it proves that Xu Ziyan still does not want to lick this drowning water, looking at the sword is not empty, the heart can not help but gently shake his head.

Although this sword is in vain, although it has been separated from the ancestors, it has joined the Taixu. But after all, in my heart, I still can't let go of it. However, do you know where to put Taixu? Where is Xu Ziyan placed?

The world's monks learned that your sword is doing nothing, I am afraid that the jokes in the heart will be too imaginary, and the jokes will be purple. The Taixu sect was destroyed by the demon Lord, and Xu Ziyan couldn’t even control the monks in the sect. Didn’t he see the sword and ran back to the ancestors?

Even if you are the master of Ziyan, but you are a too sinister monk, Xu Ziyan is the sovereign, how can you make such a decision without the consent of Xu Ziyan?

Different from the sword and the sword, the sword has no illusion and grew up in the ancestral temple. It has a hard-to-make relationship to Zongmen. However, taking thousands of miles has always been a sneak peek at the Shangyuan University, and there is no concern about the sect. It was hard to have a sinister sect and was destroyed by the lord. So at this time his heart was only purple, no one else.

Taking a deep breath, he said slowly: "The old man is a sinister monk, so the old man's behavior is naturally bound by the sect. Before the lord makes a decision, the old man can't join the Heavenly League. The rules, otherwise, is it not a matter of judgment?"

The sword's imaginary face is red at once, how can he not hear the sarcasm in the words? The meaning of taking thousands of miles is very clear. You are now a monk who is too imaginary, and has nothing to do with the ancestors. Now that you don't want to help Xu Ziyan to revitalize Zongmen, but ran back to Miao Zong, what is this?

The sword is not stupid, but it was just too concerned about the ancestors. Now I have been awake by a thousand miles, and I can’t help but move towards the mile:

"Thank you! When I return to Mou Zong, I will say goodbye to my brother, and return to the Wuthering Mountains."

Take a look at Wanli’s eyes: “Is the purple smoke now in the Wuthering Mountains?”

"Yeah!" Sword no doubt thinks that he had persuaded Xu Ziyan to return to Zhai Zong to help, and then some guilty nod.

Listening to the Wanli is a move in the heart, it is better to go around and look for opportunities to talk with Xu Ziyan. At this time, he knew very well that although he was the master of Xu Ziyan, he had already fallen behind Xu Ziyan on Xiuxian Avenue. In fact, Xu Ziyan was more appropriate for his master.

I took a ride from the chair and said: "The proposal of the Taoist friends, Cheng will bring back the tyrants of the tyrants!"

The sword is not empty, but also hurriedly stood up and said: "You friends, no matter what!"

The seven great masters looked at each other and they were helpless, but they also knew that they could not be forced at this time. Only the Wanli and the sword could be sent to the outside of the mountain gate.

Beyond the mountain gate, Meng Shenji said sincerely: "Through the road friend, I hope that you can persuade Xu Zongzhu to go out of the mountain. Now is not the time to avoid the world!"

The seven great masters returned to the main hall of the parliament and frowned against each other. The dream **** machine tapped gently with his fingers, his eyes gradually sharpened, and he said:

"Now the situation has not allowed us to delay. If Shangzun is a trustworthy person, it is not impossible for us to take orders from him. But he is not trustworthy, so we must create momentum. We divide into several ways..."

The dream machine looks at the lord of the Danzong, Liu Jinsong: "Liu Zongzhu, you represent our destiny to sign an alliance with Shangyuan, we have an alliance before the zombies, this alliance is a matter of course. Then immediately join the nine great gods Announce the Eight Great Zongmen and the Shangyuan League to the Immortal World."

"Good!" Liu Jinsong nodded immediately.

The dream machine also looked at Fu Zongzhu's master Hua Yu Road: "Hua Zongzhu, tired of you personally ran to the south to find Liao Weifan's friends, lobbying too guild and their alliance, in any case must succeed, after success Immediately announced to the world that the Eight Great Zongmen and the Taixu League allied."

"Good!" Hua Yu Ning focus.

The dream machine once again looked at the ancestral gold of the patriarchal lord: "The lord of the Jin dynasty, troubled you to search for the sect of the sect, and at the same time release the momentum, that the eight major sects will soon be associated with the sect."

"Is this... suitable?" Kim said indefinitely.

"Appropriate!" The dream machine nodded: "We did not say that we are allied with the secret sect, but that we are about to form an alliance. Presumably, even if the sect is unhappy, it will not say anything. And..."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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