The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2584: Small valley

In the eyes of the dream machine, there is a ray of wisdom: "I hope that they can find you with dissatisfaction. Now it is necessary to see your lobbying ability. It is not easy for us to find the secret, but it is easy for us to find us." Once you have found you, we must seize this opportunity to bring the sect to our warship. If the sect is really able to appear and join us, even if we refer to the sect of the sect, we are willing."

Kim nodded and looked dignified.

"I personally went to the southern Wuthering Mountains to persuade Xu Ziyan. If Xu Zongzhu can join, even if there is no secret, we are no longer afraid of Shangzun. Don't forget, Xu Ziyan's side is also powerful by the two forces of Wanli and Jianwu. Grand monk."

"Not bad!" Xuan Tianao nodded: "There is also the Gorefiend Xu Qinyang, his strength is unfathomable."

"Xuan Zongzhu, Luo Zongzhu, the flower lord!" The dream machine looked at the three humanities: "The three of you are responsible for investigating the missing of the woman, this thing is very strange, maybe it is a catastrophe, really Autumn in trouble!"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls had nothing in the East. The two men had no choice but to return to the valley where they had lived for a short time.

Standing in the valley, Xu Ziyan is as clear as water, with a shallow smile on his face, and there are thousands of styles between the eyebrows. The happy memories of the scene flash in front of her eyes.

Yanshan's soul and sharp face also showed tenderness, light and comfortable arm smashed the waist of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan gradually became hot, but the pair of eyes looking at the Yanshan soul was like water.

The two people are so embracing each other along the small radial road in the valley, each step is naturally fit. It reveals a rhythm, like a dance step with the same mind.

Walking into the bamboo building, everything is still as it used to be. A bamboo table. Four bamboo chairs. The soul of Yanshan sits on a bamboo chair, and the hand is gently pulled. Xu Ziyan is gently sitting in the arms of Yanshan soul.

"Mountain spirit, we will live here, no longer separate, okay..."

Xu Ziyan was not a strong woman, she has a kind of gentleness in her bones. A kind of innocence, but she shoulders too much on her shoulders and is forced to walk to the present position. It was a rare time to relax for a while. Let her like this life. Lying on the broad chest of Yanshan, she found a dependence, no need to bear everything, she felt that this is the happiness she always wanted to find.

The lips of Yanshan soul have a hint of love. Gently stroking the hair of Xu Ziyan:

"You don't want to rebuild too imaginary?"

Xu Ziyan squinted and whispered: "Don't want to!"

Yanshan soul laughed and said: "Where is the catastrophe of the main palace? What does Xu Dazong have?"

Xu Ziyan looked up. The clear eyes looked at the soul of Yanshan: "Are you going to slap and kill those gods?"

Yanshan soul stunned Xu Ziyan's arm tightly, slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, the soft smile on his face gradually disappeared, revealing a trace of coldness:



Xu Ziyan squatted in the arms of Yanshan soul and looked up at the Yanshan soul who was close at hand. In her memory, Yanshan soul never refused her own request. Why did this rejection so simple?

The angular face, the cold look makes Xu Ziyan feel awkward. A long time ago, the cold Yanshan soul seemed to overlap with the Yanshan soul, which was just like the water.

Xu Ziyan gently left the arms of Yanshan, she did not speak. Just looking at the Yanshan soul with the eyes of the inquiry. The cold face of Yanshan soul finally showed a bitter bitterness.

"Ziyan, your cultivation time is too short, there are many things you don't understand!"

Xu Ziyan blinked and whispered: "Mountain Spirit, although I have been practicing for too short a time, I have experienced a lot of things."

There was a hint of pampering in the eyes of Yanshan soul. Stretching out his arms and pulling Xu Ziyan into his arms again, Xu Ziyan struggled a little, and then leaned on the arms of Yanshan soul, but there was a trace of anger in his tone:

"Why not help me?"

Yanshan soul laughed and laughed twice, but there was a kind of cold in the laughter.

"Ziyan, I am not not helping you, this... It was not your own thing... and now the tyranny is gone, why should you manage the lives of those ants? You are already a holy monk. Be accustomed to the way of thinking of the Holy Masters..."

"I can't get used to it!"

Xu Ziyan sat up straight again, although Yanshan soul wanted to pull her back into her arms, but she still reluctantly looked at the Yanshan soul road:

"You just asked me if I want to rebuild Taixu!"

"I... just afraid that too imaginary will become your heart..."

"But... those gods in the main palace are still presented by you!" Xu Zi looked at the Yanshan soul with enthusiasm.

Yanshan soul looked directly at Xu Ziyan, half-sounding, and sighed a bit: "Actually, I asked you to mean that you don't want to go to the Emperor's Palace."

Xu Ziyan sat on the thigh of Yanshan soul, looking at Yanshan souls in a pretty way: "Why? Is it... you are afraid of the Lord..."

The temperament of Yanshan soul changed, and the coldness radiated from the bone caused the temperature around it to drop sharply.

"Is the brother afraid of a little fairy?"

"Then tell me why this is why?"

"Why is this? Eight Great Zongmen, the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects, the Four Masters, Xu Ziyan, and the Secrets of the Alliance. The Eight Great Zongmen, the Nine Ancient Tianzun and the Four Church Main Leagues are still possible, and the purple smoke disappeared for so long. Have you formed an alliance with the eight major sects?

Secret sect! Is the secret sect really born? Also aligned with the eight major Zongmen? ”

Within the hall, it is still unstoppable, and Wen Yao and others are ashamed. The main chapter of the temple of Chuan Gong Temple is a cool eyeball:

"Sovereign, how is your cultivation compared to the purple smoke, the sect of the sect?"

Shang Zun has indulged, and now he has arrested some female practitioners. After some cultivation, his spiritual intensity is very close to the holy level. This is his own knowledge, truly his own god. strength. The lack of Linggen has also been made up. Although it has not yet formed its own five-in-one attribute space, the power to release the world is much smoother than before, and the power has increased by 10%. Judging from the current realm, even if his own strength is less than that of the sect of the sect, it seems that he is similar. As for Xu Ziyan, he was able to suppress her before, but now it is even more important. Thinking of this, the mood is slightly loose:

"My strength is now between the master and the sect of the sect, and Xu Ziyan is completely able to suppress it, but if he wants to be able to kill him, he still needs my cultivation to increase by another."

Zhang cool eyebrows screamed: "Today everyone is arguing for a trend. Most of the original Eastern meditation has been attached to our celestial sects. Those small sects have also been returned to our celestial sects. We have completely suppressed them on the general trend. Eight major sects. But nowadays, the eight sects of the sects have crossed the line, and their momentum has surpassed us. So now we have to fight back this trend."

"How to fight?"

"Challenge!" Zhang said coldly: "Challenging Xu Ziyan, with the hatred of our Stars and Taixu, the lord challenged Xu Ziyan, no one can stop it, because this is a matter between our two sovereigns, It is the hatred between the Sovereign and Xu Ziyan, so this has removed Xu Ziyan from the alliance on the one hand, and let the Eight Great Masters, the Nine Ancient Heavenly Respects, the Four Masters and the Secrets have no reason to intervene in this matter, only to stand. On the other hand, we have hit the other side's alliance at this time, as long as the lord has an advantage in the duel, even if it can not kill Xu Ziyan, it also affects the world.

The monks in the world will see that even if the Tianmeng League has Xu Ziyan, it is not the opponent of our alliance. Mastering this general trend, at the very least, it will make the Tianxia League up and down, and it will not be thought of. ”

Wen Yao’s brains at this time also started. He said: “The Sovereign, there is still a way to attack the power of the Tianmeng League from the inside, so that the world’s monks cast aside the destiny.”

"any solution?"

“Do you remember Tian Xiangzong?”

“Tianxiang Zong?” Shang Zun’s eyes flashed a little and realized.

"Not bad! Tianxiang Zong secretly transferred the elite disciples. If we were promoted, Tianxiang Zong will become a public enemy of the fairyland. A large gate will not secretly deal with the catastrophe when the catastrophe is about to come, but secretly transfer the ancestral elite. Disciple, but on the bright side, there is a stern appearance, asking other sects to fully cope with the catastrophe."

Speaking of this, Wen Yao’s voice is sharp: “Does only they need to leave a fire, and other sects do not need it?”

“Not bad!” Shang Zun’s “slap” is a clapping: “When the Tianxiang Zong’s things are exposed, let’s not say that the small and medium-sized sects attached to them in the east will be separated from the Germans. They have a scruples about them, that is, the other seven sects will also I have a view on Tianxiangzong. This is not the main thing, huh, huh..."

Shang Zun suddenly smiled and looked fierce: "This thing can't be simply revealed, we need to operate it."

Shangzun squinted slightly, slamming a finger and gently tapping the arm of the chair, looking at Wen Yaodao:

"When did we arrange the disciple of Tian Xiangzong to call Yun?"


"Well! Send someone to call her!"


Wen Yao went out to arrange it, and then returned to the hall. The interior of the hall was quiet, and the eyes of the monks gathered on Shangzun's body, while Shangzun was contemplative with his eyes closed.

A burst of clothes rushed into the air, a woman's figure walked into the hall, and bowed to the top of the Shangzong:

"The disciple Yunting meets the sovereign!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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