The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2585: Xinmi

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"The disciple Yunting meets the sovereign!"

"stand up!"

"Xie Zongzhu!"

Shangzun opened his micro-closed eyes and looked at the Yunting Pavilion below. He saw Yunting’s pretty appearance, and the performance of the Hehuan sect was so eager to make him burst into flames under his lower abdomen. I took a deep breath and pressed the heat, and asked:



"Do you still have a family?"

"No, the disciple is an orphan."

Shangzun contemplatively said: "Yun Ting, this sect arranges a family for you, and then you need to stand up and expose Tianxiangzong. Tomorrow, in order to preserve the inheritance, Xiangzong selected five hundred elite disciples from Zongmen and secretly transferred overseas. And because you are not willing to abandon your parents, you will sneak out and want to live with your parents, but they will be chased by Tian Xiangzong. Then they will be able to live their lives.

"Yes! Yunting understands."

"And, can you remember the names of the Tianxiangzong elite disciples with you?"


"Well, you recorded those names."

"Yes! The disciple will write immediately!"

The color of the haze is revealed in the double eyes of Shangzun: "Oh, since it is a catastrophe, you need someone who should be robbed..."


"Since it is a catastrophe, you need someone who should be robbed!" Yanshan said quietly.

"But..." Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably: "If you shoot, this is not a catastrophe at all, and naturally there is no need for anyone to rob."

Yanshan soul was silent for a while, and his face showed helplessness: "There are counts of heaven and earth resources, not only the resources of heaven and earth, but also the power of heaven and earth. Now hundreds of millions of years have passed. Ten billion, this is not counting the Mozu and the Yaozu. The strength of the heavens and the earth is becoming thinner, and if it is absorbed so infinitely, the world will collapse.

Everything in the world has a reincarnation, and this heaven and earth is no exception. ”

Xu Ziyan heard a word. For a long time, he said: "You mean... The so-called catastrophe is to let the monks in the world fall into abundance, and let the talents they have cultivated come back to heaven and earth?"

"Not bad!"

"This... is too ruthless..."

"Tiandao is ruthless! And today's monks are too weak, only through this blood baptism can make them stronger. Only become stronger to be able to cope with the real catastrophe."

"Real catastrophe?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

The look of Yanshan's soul has become dignified: "Ziyan, you know that my past life was a stone, and it took a long time since the birth of the intellect, but it slowly changed shape. But from the birth of the ingenuity to the transformation, it is a very long time. It’s been a long time for me to see the changes in the vicissitudes of life. Today’s Four Saints are still not born. Some things don’t even know them.”

"They don't know?"

Yanshan spirit sighed with a long sigh: "After a long time ago, I was just born out of wisdom at that time, Fengzu and Longzu are still very young.

one day.

The heavens and the earth suddenly trembled, and the whole space was humming, and then the space shattered a big hole, and countless strange animals rushed out from it. ”


"Not bad!" Yanshan soul looked solemnly: "This kind of animal does not belong to the human race, the demon, any of the demons. It has a variety of appearances, but one thing in common is that there is an inexplicable energy in the body. The energy is so violent that these animals are very powerful.

then. Those aliens rushed out of the cracks in space, causing enormous catastrophe to the fairy world. In addition to these exotic animals, there are also extraterrestrial demons.

Purple smoke, after I changed shape. I once entered the cracks in space and looked around for the kind of beasts, but I couldn’t find them. I have a speculation that these alien beasts and extraterrestrial demons simply do not belong to our world. At the beginning, the space crack was not what we can now. The crack in the space is broken, but the real thing comes from outside the sky. ”

"The sky?"

"Not bad!" Yanshan soul condensed and said: "In this world we exist, there are countless spaces, such as three thousand small worlds. Before the small world and the small world is the spatial turbulence, but even so. That space The turbulence also belongs to our world and exists between the small world and the small world.

but. The crack in the space gave me a feeling that the world outside the crack does not belong to our world. That is a more terrible world. ”

"A more terrible world?" Xu Ziyan was amazed: "So... when they were Longzu and Fengzu, they didn't rush out of the crack in the space?"

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "There were three kinds of havoc in the cracks in the space. One was the attack of the alien beast, the other was the attack of the extraterrestrial demon, and the other was the influx of the inexplicable energy."

"The influx of energy will also be a kind of catastrophe?"

"Yes!" Yanshan soul nodded: "In fact, we also have a speculation about that kind of energy. Later, it was recognized that it is the most precious chaotic gas. It is only this kind of chaotic gas that is not absorbed by the Terran and Mozu monks. It is often just absorbed a little, and it will explode and die. Even if you accidentally **** in a little bit in your breath, you will explode and die.

The crack is where the chaos is the most intense and pure, who dares to approach? If you accidentally inhale a trace, you will explode and die.

The most important thing is that there are a large number of alien beasts and extraterrestrial demons in the cracks in the space, which can't be rushed out, even if Fengzu and Longzu can't get out.


The strange thing is that the Terran, the Mozu and most of the Yaozu are not able to absorb the chaos, but some beasts can ignore the chaos, not only can absorb, but also make their cultivation grow quickly. . ”

At this time, Xu Ziyan rang the semi-solid and semi-liquid things in his space. Those things were chaotic. When they had risked to absorb your extremely thin ones, they almost killed themselves or later used them to refine them. Xiandan was able to take it, but the white beast was able to absorb it directly.

"That... later, they repelled them? Where is the crack now?"

“Where can they repel them?” Yanshan said bitterly: “At that time, there was a great fairy in the crack. The strange animals and the extraterrestrial demon were trapped inside, and then all the monks in the world were there. The beast, as well as the extraterrestrial magic.

but. Even so, there are some alien beasts and extraterrestrial demons that have smashed out of the fairy tales. until one day. The tribes are almost unable to support, and the space crack suddenly begins to close slowly, and finally the space crack disappears. After three years, the tribes of the tribes killed the alien beasts and the extraterrestrial demons within the fairy tales, and then chased the alien beasts and the extraterrestrial demons scattered throughout the world. Slowly this catastrophe calmed down.

Now I watch the phase of heaven and earth and find that the change of the heavens is very the same as when the catastrophe occurred. I am worried that the catastrophe will come again. ”

Speaking of this, Yanshan soul's face showed disdain: "The strength of the monks today is too weak, much different than the monks of ancient times. So they need blood experience, the former half demon and the golden armor will It has already made some monks grow up now, and the death of the monks returned to the heavens and earth, and also restored the power between the heavens and the earth, which is of great benefit to the living monks.

This sacred catastrophe is also a kind of experience for them. The surviving monks will take responsibility for the greater catastrophe, and the fallen monks will contribute to the living monks. With their power scattered between heaven and earth, the living monks grow up faster. ”


"Lord, what are you doing?"

Wen Yao, Zhang Ku and other big monks looked at the list on the table, and looked at Shangzun in some confusion.

Still proud of the smile: "Now we only have a witness like Yunting. Even if Yunting shows up, it may not be the trust of the world's monks. But..."

Shangzun reached out and gently patted the list on the table: "With this list, it will be different. When it is revealed in Yunting, we will announce the name on this list. If Tianxiangzong wants to crack them, The crisis must be made on the list, but is she still looking for these people? Hehe...

Since these monks on the list are the elite disciples of Tianxiangzong, they will not be strangers in the Upper Yuan Dynasty. There must be many people who know them. In this way, it proves the authenticity of the list, and it is impossible for Tianxiangzong to want to send some monks to impersonate.

In this way, Tianxiangzong’s reputation is stinking. Will be cast aside by the world's monks. But this is only the first step! ”

"Just the first step?" The monks in the hall looked forward to the respect of the past.

"The second step. We are going to make a rumor. Since Tianxiangzong has done such awkward things, is it a **** machine? There are four ancestors in the ancestors of the ancestors, and Luo Tianzong did not make this." What about it?

They belong to the Tianmeng League, and it is said that a mouse has broken a pot of soup. The entire Tianming League will be suspected by the world's monks, and the eight major sects will be jealous of each other, and the internal division will not be avoided. Ha ha... So, the strong fortress is broken from the inside. ”

"High! The Sovereign is really high!" The monks in the hall praised in unison.

Shangzun showed a arrogant color on his face: "In this case, the nine ancient gods, the four southern churches, Xu Ziyan and the secret sects will also form alliances with these savage heavenly alliances? Their general trend Crashly collapsed."

"Not bad!" Wen Yao said excitedly: "At that time, maybe the nine ancient gods, the four masters, and the secret sect will come to cooperate with their star domain."

There is a haze of sorrow in the double respects: "It’s not enough. We have to completely step the eight sects under the soles of our feet and slam their faces so that they can lose their faces on the mainland. There is no confidence to fight with them. So we have to continue the third step."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued)

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