The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2589: Force war

The face of the flower fairy changed slightly. She found that her flower sea could not stop the bamboo shadow of the other party. The other side of the world contained a kind of martial art. She was a very quick-seeing person and immediately took up the flower basket. A smile appeared on his face:

"Xuan Zongzhu, I did not think that you have integrated the circuit into the world. This is also the first person in the ages. The younger sister is willing to go down the wind."


Xuantianao also put away the bamboo shadow, and his face showed a smugness. He was confident that he could defeat the dream machine and the earth by the fusion of his own path and the world. As for Hua Yu, it was not an opponent. It is his mysterious sky.

The dream machine flashed, and then laughed and said: "Xuan Zongzhu, it is really hidden!"

Xuan Tianao smiled and said: "This is the achievement made in the crackdown of the Tianmen in the past ten years. Today is the first time it has been made. Ha ha... Dream master, but intend to discuss it?"

"it is good!"

The dream machine was bold and promised, so the group was settled.

In the first game, the dream machine was against Xuan Tianao.

In the second game, the soil was on the water to Hua Yu.

The monks must first take a break. Although the time for discussion is short, it does not mean that the monks consume less. Fighting for the position of the lord, everyone is careful.

Nothing is quiet.

Dream God machine, Xuan Tianao, Tu Yishui and Hua Yu are all in the process of adjusting interest rates and adjusting the state to the peak. And Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi are closed-eye comprehension. It’s not just the lessons that I’ve personally participated in, but also the insights of watching others. Everyone feels that if they fully digest the understanding, whether or not the realm can be promoted, there must be a qualitative leap in the use of immortality, and the combat power will also increase.

After half a day.

All the monks opened their eyes, and the dream machine and Xuan Tianao flew to the center of the virtual fairyland, standing opposite each other.

There is a lot of bamboo shadow behind Xuantian.

The virtual image of the heart appeared behind the dream machine.

Heavy bamboo shadows shake. There is a blur between heaven and earth.

The great heart turns and the world shook.

Xuantian Austria moved, and the footsteps went lightly to the opposite dream machine. There is a graceful rhythm in the footsteps, like a dance step.

The piece of bamboo shadows and the footsteps of Xuan Tianao spread to the opposite dream machine. The whole void space began to ring, and that was the echo of heaven.

The earth is watery, the gold is endless, Liu Jinsong, Hua Yu, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi are intoxicated, and the silky roads hover, so that they have different levels of perception in an instant. A pair of eyes can not help but look at the other side of the dream machine. See how he responds.

The eyes of the dream machine show a glimpse of appreciation. This rhythm that fits the heavens makes him have to admire the understanding of Xuan Tianao.

The huge virtual image behind it hovered, and the heart sounded a rhythmic sound.

The heart has a heart.

The bamboo figure, which was originally very rhythmic, suddenly smashed up, and the rhythm of this one and the other was destroyed. Even the pace of Xuan Tianao was scattered.

Xuan Tian's heart was shocked. He had a feeling that made him horrified. That is, the dream machine has already sneaked through his heart. At this time, he is connected with his heart.

The dream machine is not fighting with the realm of Xuan Tianao, but directly fighting with his heart. It affected his state of mind and made him unable to display the rhythm. Let the separation between the battle and the world.

Xuan Tian Ao Li wants to return to the rhythm, and he is struggling to maintain that pace. But it is this kind of force that makes him lose his nature and can't find the rhythm anymore.

Xuan Tianao sighed in the heart. I paused and walked towards the dream machine:

"Dream master is brilliant!"

"Carrying!" There is a faint smile on the face of the dream machine, which contains boundless confidence. His eyes turned, and he swept over the faces of Tu Yishui and Hua Yu. He waved his sleeves and fell off the court.

Tu Yishui and Hua Yu glanced at each other, both of which swept their bodies and came to the center of the imaginary wonderland. The eyes of the monks gathered on two people. The winners of these two people will compete with the dream machine for the position of the lord.

Hua Yu did not have the meaning of temptation at all. When you come up, you will be released out of bounds. Going to the soil and spreading along with the water.

The earth stretches out its own soil property boundary, and the walls of the road are rumbling and erected between two people. Keep the boundary of Hua Yu out.

Standing on the wall!

Hua Yu’s mouth was slightly cold, and the plaques in the world blasted, and the walls of countless millennials burst into flames, turning into powder and flying in the air.

In time, the world is chaotic, and it is covered by dirt.

The earth is swelled with large sleeves, and the waters are rushing to the surface, generating countless huge vortices that will absorb endless patterns.

Haina River!

Hua Yu did not panic, and his palms suddenly scored. More symbols are generated in the bounds.


At this moment, the heavens and the earth are one of the clear. The earth's soil is absorbed by the water world, and the boundary between the soil property and the water property is perfectly integrated.

The vast ocean became muddy, stagnate, and the message became a swamp.


A swamp of swamps turned into a clay figurine. Ten feet tall and wide, and the mud and water rushed toward Huayu.


Numerous plaques blew up the clay figurines, but the bombarded clay figurines in the air made countless small clay figurines rushing toward Huayu, while more giant clay figurines were generated, impacting the boundaries of Huayu.

This is a protracted war. It lasted for four hours, and eventually Hua Yu was incapable and unwilling to admit defeat. The dream machine looks at the water and the gaze of the earth has been faintly despised. If the earth is only at this level, he will defeat it cleanly and sit on the position of the lord.

The monks once again entered the interest rate adjustment. This time, the time for adjusting the water by the soil was relatively poor. After all, after four hours of comparison, it consumed a lot of power.

After one day.

The soil returned to its peak state and opened its eyes. At this time, the monks were already waiting. They saw the earth and the eyes open, and the eyes of the monks were bright. They all looked forward to the battle between the earth and the dream machine.

The Dream Machine is a late peak of the old Tianzun, and is one of the earliest of the nine masters. However, the soil is very mysterious, and no one knows when he entered the peak of Tianzun. If it wasn't for the sect of Zong Zongzhu, who was suddenly degraded, I am afraid that no one in the whole Yuanyuan still knows that the earth is already the peak of Tianzun.

Such a mysterious figure, just a battle with Hua Yu is his real strength?

It is a person who is as strong as a dream machine and is filled with alert at this time. Standing on the opposite side of the soil, the huge virtual image behind it has rotated.

The face of the earth is faintly smiling. Step by step toward the dream machine. The dream machine is a glimpse. Is it true that the earth also has the power of Xuantian? Can the rhythm of the pace be integrated into the world?


Looking at it with a fixed eye, it is not the same thing at all. The soil is always walking as usual, as if walking. Even the body has no ups and downs.

what 's wrong?

It’s not just the dreams of the gods, but the hearts of the six lords who stood by and watched.

The heart of the dream machine suddenly raised a color of shame.

Is this scorning me?


The virtual image of the heart behind him shrank and screamed.

A layer of mysterious atmosphere shrouded in the opposite side of the earth, and the soil immediately felt a bit fascinating. The two hands were clenched into fists and suddenly collided in front of them.


A roar. The shrouded mysterious breath was instantly shaken. The earth is still swaying toward the dream machine.

Suddenly, the look was slightly changed, and the wind gathered at the foot, and then one outward, and the boundary was born.

Just in the blink of an eye, the world spread to the front of the earth, and everyone was surprised that the soil did not release the boundary, but lifted the foot to the spread of the dream machine. Stepped on.


The earth is cracked, and the cracks are also bounded by the dream machine.


The dream machine spewed out a blood, and his face changed dramatically. The huge virtual image of the heart whirls quickly. The right hand stretched out to one side, and the big hand grabbed it, and a sword was held in the hand.


The kingdom of the dream machine is surging toward the sword in his hand. Above the fairy sword, there is an image of the world.


The **** of dreams shouted, and the sword in his hand went to the earth that had already approached. The earth swayed a fist and slammed into the sword of the dream machine.


In the hands of the goddess, the image of the sword is flying in the hands.

The world collapsed!


The dream machine also spewed out a blood, and looked at the soil in front of his eyes, and asked in a loss:

"You...who is holy?"

"Into the holy?" Liu Jinsong and others were shocked, and then the heart became very complicated. Both happy and lost.

Fortunately, the earth's sacred water has an unimaginable benefit for their eight sects. At the very least, they can resist the Shangzun. The Eight Great Zongmen have a leading figure.

What is lost is that everyone has been vying for a lifetime, but in the end it is the earth to enter the holy. Take them far behind. Six people looked at each other and walked to the front of the soil. Arched the waist:

"See the lord!"

There is no word in the water, but the eyes are fixed on the opposite dream machine. The dream machine is sober from the shackles. There was a bitter bitterness on his face, and he bent over the earth in the water:

"See the lord!"

"You are pleased!" Tu Yishui’s face showed a gentle smile: "We still go back and discuss the matter of dealing with Shangzun."

"it is good!"

In the hall of Shenjizong's deliberation, Tu Yishui asked the flower fairy again, and whether Tian Xiangzong had secretly transferred elite disciples, and the flower fairy was still denied. The soil immediately made a decision based on the water, questioning Shang Zun, and questioning the Stars of the sects in order to achieve the purpose of unscrupulous means, even with such a trick to discredit a large door, on the eve of the catastrophe, what do you want to do? ?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued)

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