The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2590: Obsessed with obscurity (two more pink)

Do you want to cause confusion in the fairy world?

Do you still have great meaning in your heart? Is there still a world?

You can make such a mean means. If this world is repaired to lead you against the catastrophe, will the Terran still exist?

Are you worthy of the trust of the world's monks?

In the end, Tu Yishui represents the eight major sects of the door and appeals to the monks of the world to abandon the Shangzun and gather under the umbrella of Tian Ming Meng. [..

Immediately after the Tianxiang Zongzong main flower fairy issued a declaration, the announcement explained the Yunting incident in detail. The announcement pointed out that Yunting was missing when the female monk was missing a lot. Tianxiangzong sent a monk to look for Yunting, but did not find a trace of clues. Now Yunting suddenly appeared from the Stars, and she hoped that Yunting could come out and give her a confession.

The world is awkward!

Originally listened to the star field Zong Yunting, the world's monks are full of contempt for Tianxiangzong. However, the strength of the eight major sects of the land is now confusing.

I don't know if Tianxiangzong secretly transferred the elite disciples, or the conspiracy tricks that the Xingyu sect made in order to crack down on the eight major sects.

Immediately, the interpretation of the Tianxiang Zongzong Master Flower Fairy detonated the world's monks. Although the flower fairy just said that Yunting was missing when a large number of female practitioners were missing, they never said the rest.


The imagination of the Terran is unlimited!

Is this related to the metaphor of a large number of female practitioners missing? Related to Shangzun?

Xu Ziyan left the valley at this time.

Yanshan soul has some insights, and seems to find a different conflict that suppresses ruthlessness and friendship. It is a glimmer of opportunity. So Yanshan soul chose to retreat in the valley.

Xu Ziyan naturally supports the retreat of Yanshan Soul and will not bother him. It is natural to know from her current realm that if the Yanshan soul has been walking down the road of suppression, one day it will not be suppressed. Completely collapsed and embarked on the road of no return. One day to find the opportunity to merge, it will be safe one day earlier.

Yanshan soul does not need to protect the law, even if his realm is converging the gods, do not smell the outside world, no one can hurt him. Therefore, Xu Ziyan occasionally leaves the valley. Go to the nearby town to go around.

It is because she goes out from time to time to let her know what happened to the mainland.

Upon hearing the beginning and end of this matter, Xu Ziyan’s heart was anxious. Tian Xiangzong secretly transferred the elite disciples, but she knew it clearly. Li is lazy now in the Wuthering Mountains! At the beginning, Xu Ziyan saved those Tianxiangzong elite disciples from Wen Yao’s hands.

Nowadays, the celestial domain sect promoted this matter. It was originally very unfavorable to Tianxiangzong. However, it did not think that Tianxiang Zongzong’s main flower fairy was hard to admit it. Instead, it suggested that a large number of female practitioners in the celestial world were related to the celestial domain.

Is this not looking for death?

Even if it is still stupid. But the great monks of the entire Stars are not stupid together. Since they dare to let Yunting stand up and expose this matter, they must have a backhand, but Tianxiangzong has denied it. Once things are going to be in the world, Tianxiangzong is not only a secret transfer of elite disciples, but also being The disclosure refused to admit it, and the reputation of Tianxiangzong was completely destroyed.

The reputation of a sect is destroyed and destroyed, even if he is a big door. But this will directly affect the entire eight sects. This is because it is not a sect of Tianxiangzong who issued a questioning voice of the celestial domain, but the sound of questioning from the eight main gates.

So come. The entire eight sects will lose face and their reputation will drop. Originally on the occasion of this catastrophe, the eight great masters were one of the pillars of resistance to the robbery and one of the leaders. Now the reputation of this leader has collapsed. This is not a good thing for the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

As for the end, let Shangzun become the head of the group dragon, Xu Ziyan only slightly thought about it and denied the idea. Shang Zun’s past is not trustworthy, and she always feels that there is something she still has not figured out. That is, the strength of Shangzun seems to belong to him. This matter has not been clarified. Xu Ziyan is hard to rest assured.

However, Xu Ziyan also knows that it is useless to come out at this time. Is it a lie to let yourself reveal that the flower fairy is saying? Or is it helping the flower fairy to lie?

These two roads obviously do not work.

There is another problem that makes Xu Ziyan worry about it. He does not know why Tu Yishui will become the ally of the Eight Great Masters. In terms of strength, it should also be the lord of the Eight Great Gates.

Is there any conspiracy here?

In the end, Xu Ziyan decided to hide it aside and unveil the facts before making a decision. A great monk is not just a repair, but also her wisdom. Everything must be determined, and once it is shot, there is no possibility of retreating.

Sure enough, just as the entire fairy world was in chaos, some people supported the celestial domain, and rebuked Tian Xiangzong as one of the big gates to make such awkward things. The other part is to support the eight major sects, and to blame the sect of the sect. At this time, the Star Fields once again made a sound. After half a month, the Stars will once again provide evidence that Tianxiangzong secretly transferred elite disciples.

After the monks listened to the world, they immediately put down their cultivation and gathered toward the Stars. The Eight Great Zongmen also led to the Xingyu Zong under the leadership of Tu Yishui. However, the nine ancient antiquity of the north and the four churches of the south did not act at all, but stood by. They didn't want to get involved in this kind of thing until the situation was unclear.

After half a month.

A large number of monks were gathered before the mountain gates of the Xingyu Zong, but the Xingyu Zong had always closed the mountain gates, and did not entertain the monks of all parties. Even the eight major gates were blocked from the gates.

The soil was sent to the water to ask questions, and the guardian ancestors only told them to know when they arrived. Tu Yishui also had to endure the anger in his heart and waited outside the gate. And let go of the rhetoric, if the Star Fields ultimately can not produce strong evidence, the eight major sects will attack the Stars.

This time, the entire Upper Yuan Dynasty was tense. This is the collision between the nine major sects. I don’t know how much innocence will eventually be caused. After their war, is there any resistance to the catastrophe in the Upper Yuan Dynasty?

Li lazy is already in a hurry. She naturally knows the facts like Xu Ziyan. At this time, she has already come outside the mountain gate of the Xingyu Zong. They have not found the trace of Xu Ziyan on this road. At this time, these people are gathering together. In a valley, discuss how to deal with this matter.

At this time, Li lazy has already said that Tian Xiangzong’s story is clear, and all the monks also know that Tian Xiangzong did this. The sword can't help but roar:


Take a thousand miles and sink like a waterway: "This thing is not easy to deal with! Since the Stars of the Stars dare to invite the monks to gather in the world, I am afraid there is a complete means. The eight major sects will probably suffer a big loss this time."

How can this be good for the two predecessors? Li lazily asked anxiously.

The sword did not squander and sighed: "The only way now is to let Tian Xiangzong admit the matter and apologize to the world before the sect of the celestial domain." The matter is settled here, although the Tianxiangzong will be condemned, but the situation It won't expand. Otherwise, it will hurt the eight major gates, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"But...but..." Li lazy and a little panicked: "The Sovereign may not be willing to listen..."

Take the Wanli hand: "It's not a thing for her now, it's not a matter of your Tianxiangzong. Let's go, our two old guys will accompany you to see the eight masters."

Eight major Zongmen resident.

The eight great masters were gathering together to discuss the space, and they saw the space swaying, and the tens of thousands of miles and swords were wrapped around and Li was lazy.

"There is no vain friend, take a friend!" The eight great masters saw the sword and the vicissitudes of the world, and thought it was to support them, one by one.

"See the Sovereign!" Li lazily floated down to worship.

"You..." The flower fairy naturally recognized Li's laziness at a glance, and there was a fluster in his eyes. Then he immediately warned Li to be lazy and talk nonsense.

Li’s lazy face could not help but show a bit of bitterness. At this point, where is the room for her to be the master?

"Flower Lord!" The sword is not vain at all, but in fact, his heart is also very contemptuous of the flower fairy, looking directly at the flower fairy road:

"Today, are you still ready to deceive?"

The face of the flower fairy appeared a panic, and then became firm: "There is no vain friend, Hugh to be nonsense, who is this deceit? What deceive?"

On the side of Li's lazy face was a disappointment. She did not think that the lord who had always worshipped was so unruly. When she refused to do so now, she bowed her head.

"Who deceived? What deceived?" The sword angered and said: "Do you know that you will drag the eight major gates into a situation where you can't stop it? Do you think that Shangzun will be as stupid as you, without follow-up? means?

If there is no means, Shangzun will summon the world's monks to gather in the domain? I want to ask you, once you still have the evidence to secretly transfer the elite disciples, how do you let the eight major sects end? ”

When the sword is in vain, the faces of the other seven masters have changed, and the dream machine looks at the flower fairy road coldly:

"The flower lord, what the vain friend said is true?"

The flower fairy looks indifferent: "I don't know what he is talking!"

"I don't know what I'm talking about?" The sword was full of laughter, and Li said lazily: "She won't know you?"

"She is my sect, I naturally know!" Flower Fairy looked coldly at Li and lazy, and said: "But she is not our Tianxiang disciple now. He made the general rule one year ago." Has been expelled from the sect."

"The lord..." Li lazily screamed.

"I am not your lord!" Flower Fairy said coldly: "You are not a Tianxiang sect!"

"Hehehe..." On the side of the road, I was very angry and laughed. I reached out and gently patted Li’s lazy shoulder. "Slack, this kind of sect is out of the way. From today, you are too imaginary." Zong disciples."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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