The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2593: Gathered in Tianxiangzong

I am very grateful to Xiao Tailang (888), Niu Niu Ma Ma (588), Jie Yu (2oo), Mu Yuer (1oo) for the reward!


Eight major sects join hands with the monk?

These six days of reverence are very reluctant, this is completely dragged into the chariot by the flower fairy. In this case, how could they not despise the flower fairy? The heart is even more angry.

"That's a fight!" A figure walked in from outside the gate.

"See the lord!" When the seven people saw that the water had come in, they joined hands and gave gifts.

The soil strode down to the upper position and sat down, and asked the other seven masters to sit down. This said:

"The Eight Great Zongmen monks have a battle in the morning and evening. Even without the Tianxiangzong, this war can't be avoided. On the occasion of the catastrophe, the fairy world can only have one voice, so that the entire fairy world can work together to tide over the difficulties."

The monks were silent, only the flower fairy stood up and turned to the earth to cross the water:

"Thank you for your lord!"

The earth is swinging by hand: "The flower lord, everyone knows the things before, and hopes that you don't want to do things like before."

"Don't dare!" Flower Fairy lowered his head.

"Everyone!" The sound of the soil is slightly improved, and the domineering is full: "Everyone immediately returns to the Zongmen, each of which mobilizes the Zongmen elite, gathering Taixu, and respecting the monk."

Tianxiang Zong.

The two armies confronted each other.

One is the big, medium and small sects led by Shang Zun, and the other is the eight sects and the attached sects. The black-pressed team dragged the sky and couldn’t see the margin.

There are still many monks in the distance from the two teams. These monks are coming to watch the battle. The nine ancient gods came, and the four monasteries came to the south. Even the Yaozu and the Mozu have a big monk to watch.

After all, this is a vast fairy battle in the fairy world, attracting many monks to come and watch.

A thousand miles away, above a mountain. Xu Ziyan held his hand and looked at a monk who was pressed by the distance. The brow was deeply twisted into a ball.

He can't make this war, and once this war is born, there will be a large number of monks in the human race. But how do you stop this war?

A thousand miles away from the other side, in a valley.

Li lazy and other people gathered here, Li's lazy face is full of anxious colors, looking at the sword and the virtual road:

"Also ask two seniors to stop this fairy fight!"

The sword is in vain and the relative smile is ten thousand miles. Is such a large-scale fairy warfare that they can stop? Li lazy also thought of this, could not help but look at the surrounding monks. Xu Qinyang frowned and said:

"No matter what. This fairy war must be stopped, otherwise it is a disaster for the Terran."

"Not bad!" Xu Tianlang also concentrated on the head.

"But... how do you stop it?" Jin Ge asked, frowning.

Everyone is silent, it is really bad at this time. In their hearts, they know the Tianxiangzong of the party that is losing money. Shangzun holds the righteousness at this time. In this case, how to convince Shangzun becomes a key.

But is it so easy to be persuaded?

"If the purple smoke is here!" Lang Yue sighed.

Everyone could not help but nod, but when I thought that Xu Ziyan had been missing for a long time, I couldn’t help but feel depressed.

“Or...” Xu Xing-fan suddenly said: “We appeared as a sect, and can we find opportunities?”

"Secretary?" The sword has no change in color. "You can't come. I haven't seen the sect. But just listen to the rumors and know that the sect is a very rich sect. You take their name. When it appears, it will bring disaster."

Xu Qinyang and others heard a glimpse. Then he smiled mysteriously. Their attitude makes the sword worthy and unhappy, and they can't help but blame:

"Laughter? A group of little kids who don't know the consequences!"

Being trained as a little boy, Lang Yue and others can't laugh and cry on their faces. They really can't refute them. They are really small children in front of the sword. Langyue grabbed the head and said:

"Master, tell you a secret, you must keep it secret!"

The sword has no emptiness and will squint at the eyes: "There is something to say!"

"Then... we are the secret sect!"

"What?" A look at the side of the mile, and then some smiles and said: "Do you mean that the secret sect is composed of you? And the sect of the sect is purple smoke?"

The sword is not empty, but also grabbed Lang Yue and said: "Kid, is this the case?"

"Yes!" Langyue nodded honestly.

The sword is indifferent and takes a look at each other. Then I took it seriously and asked: "Longyue, I ask you. Why do you want to set up a secret sect?"

Having said that, the gaze of Wanli swept the monks and said: "The composition of yours here is very complicated. There are too sects, there are four disciples of the Danfu dynasty, there are disciples of Luo Tianzong, there are disciples of Tianxiang, I must have established you. At the time of the sect, the sects of Langyue and others were still disciples of the ancestors. In addition to the disciples of the celestial sects and the gods, the nine sects included seven major sects, as well as other small and medium sized disciples. Your purpose is what?"

Langyue and others were asked by Wanli to sneak a slap in the face, half a ring, these juniors could not help but laugh, one by one, laughing very little, lying down on the ground, that is, Li lazy, Lan Bailing, etc. Female repairs also try to maintain grace.

"Laughing and laughing?" The sword snorted without a sigh, which made these juniors converge. They climbed up from the ground one by one. Langyue wiped a laughing tear and began to describe the process of forming the sect. Again.

"You, you, you... you said that you were just trying to make a secret sect?" The sword was stunned and stunned.

"Yes!" The juniors nodded together.

The sword has no imaginary and takes a thousand miles to look at it, and can not help but sigh, the current junior is really a must, a secret sect that came out of the chaos has provoked the world.

"Master, you said that we appeared in the form of the sect, can we stop this fairy fight?"

Swords are not empty and take thousands of miles into thinking, for a long time, said in thousands of miles: "I don't know, but there is always a chance. Try it."

The sword nodded and nodded: "Let's see the machine!"

"What are we waiting for?"

Xu Xing jumped up and took out the costume from the storage ring and began to dress up. Watching a group of juniors quickly dressed up, black tights. Bloody red cloak, yellow bucket. Golden mask.

The sword is full of emptiness and looks at the dresses of these monks, and the darkness of the heart, not to mention, such a dress, immediately scattered a mysterious atmosphere, especially with Xianbao to block the breath, so that others can not see through, It seems more mysterious.

"Longyue. Do you still have these equipment? Give me and Wanli brother a set."

"Yes!" Lang Yuedao said: "In the beginning, everyone prepared several sets. But the sword and the bow are gone, only the purple smoke is there."

"Nothing, we and Wanli brothers put on their costumes and hide themselves."

"Good!" Lang Yue nodded, his eyes glanced: "Master, your body is similar to me, the size of the predecessors and the stars are almost the same, you two wear me and Xingfan clothes."

When the words fell, Langyue and Xu Xingfan took out a set of lines and handed them to the sword and the thousands of miles. After the sword was in vain and took a walk in the line, they looked at each other and asked for a thousand miles:

"Is there a hidden treasure?"

Langyue shook his head and said: "No. But the earliest purple smoke once gave us some convergence, and there is still left."

"Then I have it too! The purple smoke gave me a lot!"

While taking a thousand miles, he took out two sets of concealed charms and handed them to the sword. One opens on one's own body. The breath of the two people quickly covered up.

On the other side, Xu Qinyang took out two jade slips and sent the exercises of Tianlong Yin respectively, and then handed them to the sword and the two people:

"The two predecessors, this is the unified practice of our secret sects. It is not difficult to understand the two seniors."

"Oh?" The sword is not empty and takes the Wanliqi: "Do you still have a unified practice?"

"That is of course!" Lang Yue said proudly: "Otherwise, isn't it a person who recognizes it?"

The sword was in vain and took thousands of miles to explore the jade, and soon read one side, two people looked up:

"This technique is very strong!"

"Of course strong! Master, this is the purple smoke created!" Leng Qingyi said proudly.

The two masters of Xu Ziyan looked at each other. All of them shook their heads gently, and they were pleased. There are also losses. After all, Xu Ziyan is their apprentice, and they are able to make them both happy. But it also made them both lost.

"Right, who do we play as the patriarch?" Ma Jingying suddenly said at the side: "First declare, this sect is not related to your male repair, purple smoke is a woman, so only a few women in us I chose it when I was repairing it. I can’t let it happen!”

All the monks shook their heads together: "You are not reliable!"

"How can I not rely on it?" Ma Jingying refused to accept, but no one would take care of her.

Everyone had a lot of controversy, and eventually they were dressed as the sect of the sect of the sect, and the group flew to the tyrant.

Before the Tianxiang Zongshan Gate.

Both sides have been arrogant. The reason why I haven't played it yet is because the soil is still in the water. At the time when Shang Zun just wanted to make an offensive command, Tu Yishui pre-empted the seven major masters:

"Dear friends, after a while, I will give it to me. You will join forces to kill the Stars and those small and medium-sized sects. Don't hide your strength and kill them as quickly as possible."

Although the seven patriarchs did not dare to succumb to the command of Tu Yishui, but before the war, they could not marry the momentum, so they shouted in unison:


This order is still hesitant. It is true that the strength of Shangzun can be above the eight masters. However, the comprehensive strength of the eight masters is not the same as that of the small and medium-sized ancestral gates. The bottom of the door is comparable to the small and medium-sized gates?

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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