The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2594: mutation

As Tu Yishui said, if the soil is really able to entangle the Shangzun, the Eight Great Zongmen can definitely defeat the so-called coalition forces of Shangzun. And the Stars will be hit hard.

The reason why the Stars are strong is that they are strong in respect of one person, not the overall strength. The overall strength of the Star Fields is as strong as any of the eight major sects, and is not weak compared to the sacred machine. However, compared with the strength of the eight major sects, the strength is much weaker.

How can the strength of a big gate compare with the strength of the eight major gates?


This time, Shangzun was determined to destroy Tianxiang Zong, and arrested all the female masters of Tianxiangzong for him to cultivate. In any case, I will not let this opportunity pass.


I have already made such a big squad, if I just retire back, how does the world’s monks see the celestial sect? How to treat him still respect?

"Transfer!" Shangzun shouted loudly: "The cloth defense is big! Waiting for me to kill the earth and water..."


His words have not yet fallen, and he heard a sudden surprise in the eight sects of the opposite side. He couldn’t help but turn his head and look at the space fluctuations. He saw a team of black tights, a **** cloak, a yellow brawl, and a golden color. The mask is coming from the wind.

At this time on the other side, a figure is flying towards this side.

The figure that flew in the air fluttered and the hair fluttered, but it was Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan heard the order issued by Shang Zun and knew that he had to come forward. No matter what method was used, he must stop this fairy war. Therefore, she also refused to take care of the other at this time, and she flew to the clouds and flew.

With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, only one thought has already come to the battlefield. This fashion respected camp is opposite to the camp of the soil, Xu Ziyan is flying from the right side of the camp, while the secret sect is flying from the left. .

After Xu Ziyan was in a step, he had already seen the secret sect flying in the distance, but at this time he had already appeared and could not avoid it. He had to stop his body shape and stand on the top of Xiangyun and look towards the opposite side.

Although those people wear masks, Xu Ziyan is too familiar with their dresses, so they still recognize those people who are at a glance, but only two of them are familiar with the figure, but they can't recognize who it is.

Xu Ziyan is so rich in imagination, and he does not think that there are two people in the sword and in the thousands.

At this time, Li was lazy and saw Xu Ziyan. She was always looking for Xu Ziyan. Suddenly, she suddenly forgot her identity and shouted:


Then he flew away toward Xu Ziyan.

The secret is coming!

Xu Ziyan is here!

And a female practitioner in the secret sect also called the name of Xu Ziyan, secret sect and Xu Ziyan know?

"Hey," a few million eyes looked at Li lazy. Xu Ziyan’s gaze also looked away to Li’s lazy, only to see Li’s lazy **** cloak, flying towards himself.

There is no help in the heart of the sword and the thousands of miles. I also know that this is Li’s lazy and suddenly seeing Xu Ziyan, as if he found the backbone of the heart, and suddenly lost his mind. Take the mile to know the voice:

"Let's go too! Remember, at this time, the lord of the sect is Li lazy, otherwise a person who is not a lord will leave the sect and run out alone, which will make people doubt."

"I..." The faint moon dance confessed to the voice: "I have not been able to get a word from the lord..."

A group of monks forced to laugh, one by one from the middle of the camp of Shang Zun and Tu Yishui, flew to the right side of Xu Ziyan.

The monks in the world are eye-catching, but also at the same time.

What is grace?

This is the demeanor!

Completely ignoring the confrontation between the two millions of monks on both sides, completely ignoring the two sacred monks of Shangzun and Tuyishui, and so arrogantly passing through the two camps.

The entire space is silent, and the two camps of Shangzun and Tuyishui have become mud puppets. The four masters who watched the battle in the distance, the nine ancient gods, the demon and the demon were also stunned.


Li lazily flew to the front of Xu Ziyan, just wanted to open again, and the two people who had traveled thousands of miles and swords had already flew to the front. I was afraid that Li lazy and flustered to reveal the bottom of the sect, and both of them clasped their hands:


At this time, Xu Qinyang and others also flew over. They naturally did not want to let Li lazy to reveal the bottom of the sect. This matter is very troublesome to explain. The sword is worthy and can be trusted to build a secret. Zong, but will others believe it?

To say that these people are not in a low position in their own ancestral halls, suddenly they are known that they have formed a secret sect, will anyone believe?

No one can believe it! These people are all sacred when they are in their respective sects. How can they form a secret sect for playing?

There must be a conspiracy inside!

Therefore, they did not dare to let Li lazy to expose it, and they all yelled at Li’s laziness:


The world’s monks lined up to watch, and their eyes gathered on Xu Ziyan and Li Lazy. My heart guessed what the relationship between Xu Ziyan and Mizong.

Li lazy was awakened by the excitement of the "sovereign", and he was shocked by a cold sweat. He took a deep breath and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, you must stop this fairy fight!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the familiar people in front of me. Did they think of a way to stop this fairy war? So God knows the voice:

"Do you want to come out to stop the fairy war?"


"That you?"

"Thinking about coming to see the machine!"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the sword and the tens of thousands of miles: “What are these two?”

"Your master!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were shocked and he continued to know the voice: “Master, how come you?”

"Ziyan, if you talk about the old, you will talk about it later, do you still want to stop the battle of the fairy war?" The sword has no illusion.

At this time, Shang Zun and Tu Yishui’s robe sleeves flew over here. Xu Ziyan said helplessly:

"Lazy, go with me."

"I?" Li was lazy in his heart. Shangzun, Tu Yishui, Xu Ziyan are all holy monks, and the pressure for her is not generally large.

"Well! Now you are the sect of the sect, how can you stand by?"

"But... what did I say when I arrived?" Li asked lazily.

"You can stay silent!"

When Xu Ziyan fell, he flew to the opposite side and flew to the opposite side. Li was lazy and had to fly up and flew out, and Xu Ziyan flew sideways to the front.

Four people gathered in the middle of the two camps, and all the monks' eyes were gathered at the four holy monks in the center of the battlefield.


Of course... one is fake, and Li is not a holy monk. But at this time, no one doubted her, and she thought that she was the highest among the four holy monks.

"Xu Zongzhu!"

"Secretary Sect!"

"Shang Zongzhu!"

"Tuzon Lord!"

The four monks saw each other in the middle of the battlefield. Even if the purple smoke and the sages were as deep as each other, they still maintained the proper demeanor in this environment.

After the four people finished greeting, they were all silent. At this time, the four people really don’t know what to say. Shangzun is bent on destroying Tianxiangzong and arresting the female cult of Tianxiangzong for his own cultivation, but he did not think that the soil will be so strong, and the soil is really capable of entangled him, then the eight majors The door joined forces to deal with his men.

However, this is not a battle, as long as you kill the earth in the shortest possible time, you can reverse it. But now Xu Ziyan and the secret sect suddenly appeared, making Shang Zun feel the pressure.

Xu Ziyan is impossible to stand on his side, and will definitely help the soil. Judging from the observations just now, the relationship between Xu Ziyan and the secret sect is not shallow, otherwise the sect of the sect can not preemptively greet Xu Ziyan. Such a soil, water, Xu Ziyan and the sect of the sect of the sect, he is certainly not an opponent.

At this time, the soil is full of confidence. He firmly believes that Xu Ziyan will stand on his side. Whether it is from the hatred of Xu Ziyan and Shangzun, or Xu Ziyan’s origins, Xu Ziyan has no reason to stand by.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was very entangled in his heart. This is not a simple hate problem, but a cohesive force involving the entire fairy world. If a treatment is not good, the hearts of the entire fairy world will be scattered. A scattered ethnic group will suffer a lot in the catastrophe.

Shangzun’s eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Xu Ziyan, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. At this time, his heart also reacted. Although it seems that Xu Ziyan, the soil and the sect of the sects of the sects of the sects are more powerful than themselves, but at this time they are in control of the righteousness, he would like to see how Xu Ziyan will deal with it?

Li, who was dressed as a sect of the sect, was lazy and silent, a mysterious appearance. The earth is water, Xu Ziyan and Shang Zun’s eyes are intertwined in the middle, colliding, and wiping out endless sparks...


"Big Brother, we can't go on like this anymore! Xiaobai is just a demon pet of Xu Ziyan. Now we are under the guidance of Xiaobai. Doesn't this mean that our entire Yaozu has become the demon pet of Xu Ziyan? Our Yaozu is How can the noble blood flow down to people?"

In the demon territory, Jinjiao Tianzun was full of anger and shouted.

"Yes! This way, our Yaozu is not far from extinction. When the catastrophe comes, I am afraid that Xiaobai will obey the orders of Xu Ziyan, let us rush to the front and be the cannon fodder of the Terran. We can never let it do such a thing. Occasionally, this is not a matter of our lives, but the general trend of the demon life." Silver Moon Tianzong said with anxiety.

浑天天尊's face is gloomy, and he smiles sadly: "You are quite good, but who made us the Yaozu do not have a peak of Tianzun who can compete with Xiaobai? You and I are all in the late Tianzun, not a small white opponent. There are no monks in the world for us now."


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