The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2595: Tough both sides

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Jinjiao Tianzun sighed and said to Tian Tianzun: "Big brother, now Xiaobai goes to Tianxiangzong. You see if we are taking this opportunity to summon the various demon tribes and jointly resist Xiaobai. We are not worth hundreds of millions of people." She is alone and can resist our billions of demons!"

浑天天尊神色凝道: "I have not considered this matter, but that white is the purple pet's demon pet. If we hurt the white, then the purple smoke is necessary to come to our demon revenge. It is said that she is already holy Grand Master, we are not her opponent at all."

Silver Moon Tianzun slightly frowned and said: "I heard that today's Terran chaos, Tian Mingmeng and Taixu League opened the battlefield in front of Tianxiang Zongshan. Xiaobai is going to watch the battle this time. This should be our get rid of the white control. Our best chance."

A piece of Dilong Tianzun shot the thigh: "Yes, this is the best opportunity for us today. Now Xiaobai is not in the Yaozu, it is the best time for us to condense the Yaozu. They want to give words to the various demon tribes. Speak clearly, continue to be controlled by Xiaobai. When the catastrophe comes, we can only become the cannon fodder of the Terran. But if we get rid of the control of Xiaobai, at least we can fight for our interests and rights on the occasion of the catastrophe."

Jinjiao Tianzun nodded: "In fact, as long as we have a hundred thousand demon people condensing one heart, there is nothing terrible about Xu Ziyan. The holy monk can not resist the billions of demon people, she is only one person after all."

浑天天尊 picked up the wine glass in front of him and said: "The golden horns brother said it well, and the catastrophe is coming, the Terran may not be willing to fight with us in full, as long as we are willing to join hands with the Terran to cope with the catastrophe, presumably That purple smoke will not be difficult for us at the time. Just..."

浑天天尊's mouth sneaked out a sneer: "That white has controlled our Yaozu, and has smashed the resources of our Yaozu. Now even if we drive away Xiaobai, what do we use?"

Jinjiao Tianzun’s eyes burst into flames, and they smashed the wine glass in their hands:

"Let's go grab! Now the four monarchs of the South and the high-ranking monks of several families have gone to the Eastern Tianxiangzong. At this time, when the South is empty, we take the whole into the South and rob the resources."

"But..." Silver Moon Tianzun was shocked: "Will this completely irritate the Terran and aggressively attack our Yaozu?"

Jinjiao Tianzun said with a slap in the face: "What about anger? In the past, we didn't have to deal with the Terran in times of weakness. Are our billions of demons killed for the Terran? Will our Yaozu not kill?

And at this time, when the catastrophe is about to come, I will not believe that the Terran will dare to fight with our Yaozu. And we can preach to the entire Upper Yuan, we are taking the resources that belong to us. She Xu Ziyan let Xiaobai collect the resources of our Yaozu, does it not allow us to get back from the hands of the Terran?

Besides, what do we mean by living in a nest? Is it really going to be the demon pet of Xu Ziyan? Either we fight for dignity for the Yaozu, or we will die so badly. ”

Dilong Tianzun also threw the wine glass in his hand on the ground and shouted: "Yes! Our demon family can never go on like this. Now, the demon Lord and the evil Lord have been born, presumably our demon Lord will be in the near future. If the demon Lord is born after the old man, seeing that our demon family has become the demon pet of Xu Ziyan, the demon Lord, the old man still slaps us to death, and it is better to die with the Terran."

浑天天尊 double eyes red, will be a heart: "Recently summon the tribal leaders, we go to the South to grab back our resources!"

Eastern Tianxiangzong.

Shangzun, Xu Ziyan, Tu Yishui and Li Lazy are standing in the middle of the battlefield. The eyes of the surrounding monks are focused on these four people. Every monk is very clear in his heart. Now the future of the Terran is in this place. In the hands of four people. The eastern continent has always been the strongest party in the fairyland. If there is a fairy war on the eastern continent, after this war, the strength of the human race will be greatly weakened.

At the same time, the leaders of the tribes of the Southern Yaozu territory are still gathering in one direction, gathering in the tribes of Tiantianzun...

Outside the Tianxiang Ancestral Hall, in the middle of the battlefield, four people remained silent. In the end, I still feel a little intolerant, and said:

"Xu Zongzhu, the sect of the sect of the sect, two of the friends came, I don't know what advice?"

Li lazy and silent, Xu Ziyan sank a bit: "Shang Zongzhu, at this time when the catastrophe is about to come, if you both sides start a fairy war, the strength of the Terran will inevitably fall. Then experience the catastrophe of the Palace of the Lord, At that time, Shang Zongzhu thought that the strength of the Terran could still be left behind?"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan glanced over the distant view of the Mozu and the demon group: "At that time, if the demon and the demon are attacking aggressively, can our Terran still resist?

Shang Zongzhu, you are one of the nine masters of the sect of the sect of the sect, do you not want to be a sinner of the human race? ”

Shang Zun took a look at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, I did not mean to be enemies with the Eight Great Zongmen, but also want to work with the world's human race monks to resist the catastrophe. But Tianxiangzong did what they did, and everyone knows well. Tianxiangzong not only secretly transferred elite disciples, but also refused to admit it. Such a sect is not worthy of being one of the nine sects, and it is not worthy of being the sect of the world who led the monks to resist the catastrophe. Tianxiangzong made a very bad thing for the Terran. As a role model, Tian Xiangzong must be punished and severely punished."

Although Xu Ziyan has always looked at Shangzun, but the gods are watching the monks in the world. Moreover, Xu Ziyan and Shangzun did not deliberately suppress the sound, and their conversation was clearly heard by the monks in the world. At this time, the look of the monks in the world faintly revealed anger. At this time, they have probably believed in Shangzun’s words. Where would it be so coincidental? The disciples of Tianxiangzong’s disappearance are exactly five hundred, and all of them are elite disciples?

The soil on the side of the soil is also paying attention to the look of the monks in the world. At this time, I have to interject:

"Shang Zongzhu, that is your guess, you have no evidence!"

“What evidence is needed?” Shang Zun’s nasal passage: “Yunting is not evidence? Is the list not evidence?”

In the eyes of the water, there was a violent anger in the eyes: "These are not enough."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan stopped the words: "Shang Zongzhu, what exactly do you want? Do you really want to open a fairy war?"

Shangzun’s face is a sinking road: “I don’t want to open the fairy war, but I still respect it, but he is water. I have said that I am going to fight with the Eight Great Zongmen? I just came to represent the Terran to punish Tianxiangzong. But with eight major sects blocking me with me, I want to fight with me.

I don't understand why the Eight Great Zongmen are so afraid to punish Tianxiangzong? Is it that the secret transfer of the elite's lords is not only Tianxiangzong, but the eight major sects are involved? ”


"If you haven't done it, don't stop me from punishing Tianxiangzong, so as not to chill the hearts of the monks in the world. I don't ask much. Tianxiangzong has been stripped from the nine major sects from this moment and compiled into the death camp of our heavenly alliance. , supervised by our star domain, this is my bottom line."

"This is impossible!" Tu Yishui refused.

Shang Zun Shen Sheng said: "Xu Zongzhu, the sect of the sect, you have also seen, not that I want to open a fairy war, but the eight major sects!"

Xu Ziyan condensed the voice: "Shang Zongzhu, you have no definite evidence today, you must deprive Tianxiang Zong of the name of the big gate, and you have to put the whole Tianxiangzong into your world's alliance camp, is this too much?"

Shangzun has not spoken yet, and the soil on the side shouted and said: "Shang Zun, when you have no real evidence, you dare to smear our eight major sects. I am challenging you at this moment, can you dare to fight?"

Shangzun looked at the soil and looked at it with water. He said: "To avoid the loss of the human race, it is the best solution to narrow the scope to the battle between you and me. Is it true that if you defeated the Tuzhu, Tianxiangzong will be incorporated into the world? League dead camp?"

"What if you are defeated?"

Shang Zunzheng said: "I immediately led the Tianxiu monks to evacuate!"

"Ha!" Tu Yi said with water: "Do you think this is fair? I lost, Tianxiangzong became your dead camp, and you lost, but just left with a monk?"

Shangzun slightly frowned and said: "What about you?"

"Everything must be fair. If I lose, Tianxiangzong is incorporated into the death camp of your Heavenly Alliance. You lost, and the Stars are incorporated into the death camp of our Tianmeng League."

"You are so daring!"

The face of the earth is ridiculous: "What? You are afraid!"

Xu Ziyan immediately interjected: "Two masters!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had to plug in, she could not make this appointment. She didn't know why the soil was so confident, but in her opinion, the soil was very large.

Shang Zun and Tu Yishui heard the opening of Xu Ziyan, and could not help but look at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said with a deep heart:

"I think your bet is a bit bigger, Shangzong, and now your evidence for Tianxiangzong is really insufficient. You don't have the right to put Tianxiangzong, one of the nine main gates, into the dead camp. The Tujiazong, Tianxiangzong is also the nine major sects. First, you have no right to take Tianxiangzong as a bet."

Shang Zun is not very pleased: "Tianxiang Zong must be punished. It is the bottom line for the war camp. This is my bottom line."

The earth is also coldly shouting: "Tianxiangzong belongs to the Tianmeng League, and I am the master of the Tianmeng League. The fate of Tianxiangzong is naturally decided by me."

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but reveal a bitter smile. The body of the earth relied on the water to rise up. Since his body strength reached the peak of the holy level, his heart expanded. For example, today's masters are almost all concentrated here, it is when he is famous. How can he give up this opportunity?


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