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In their subconscious mind, they don't care whether Xu Ziyan is a reincarnation of Feng Zu, just to have a spiritual sustenance. (..

They are... a group of poor and respectable demons!

But understanding is one thing, acknowledging is another matter.

No one knows better than Xu Ziyan that she is not a reincarnation of Fengzu. She is a pure and pure human being. She does not want to be isolated by human beings.


Today, this situation really made her feel overwhelmed. Looking at the eyes of these monks around her, she was shuddering. Her gaze removed from Liao's face and looked at Shangzun. She saw the shock in the eyes of Shang Zun mixed with the triumph of the purple smoke.

She looked at the soil and the water was restored, but the shock in her eyes was obvious. This makes Xu Ziyan's heart very painful, because there is only shock in the eyes of the water, and there is no disbelief.

Her gaze moved away from the face of Tu Yishui, and looked at the seven great masters. Seeing their shocked eyes revealed the alert to her, which made Xu Ziyan's heart more painful.

She looked away from the faces of the seven great masters and looked at the nine ancient antiquity. In addition to the shock, the alert, and the fear of the nine ancient gods.

The eyes were removed from the faces of the nine ancient Heavenly Zun, and they looked at the four masters. The face of the four masters showed a little relaxation, a kind of relaxation after letting go of their minds.

In the end, her eyes fell on the eyes of the secretaries, and the heart was warm. In the eyes of these people, the eyes of Xu Ziyan are only trust.

Think about it, these people are the people who know the most about Xu Ziyan. Xu Tianlang, Ling Hao and others started fighting with Xu Ziyan from the mainland of Cangwu. No one knows more about the origin of Xu Ziyan than they do. When they first met Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan was only a refining period. When did the monsters in the refining period become adult?

Therefore, it is undisputed that Xu Ziyan is a human being in their hearts, and other people have learned from Xu Tianlang and Ling Xiao’s mouth more than once to hear the story. Xu Ziyan walked from a day-old monk to the present experience step by step. To be honest, Xu Ziyan’s experience of just over two hundred years is much richer than the experience of these immortal monks. When I first heard the experience of Xu Ziyan, they were not only admired in their hearts, but even they could not wait to be killed by the fans. Therefore, these people have nothing to do with the words of Shangzun. I believe that Xu Ziyan is a human being.

"Xu Ziyan, what do you have to say about this Yaozu now?" Shang Zun's eyes are staring at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes are full of hatred:

"Say, you appear in the fairy world as a human being. What is the conspiracy?"

Xu Ziyan has calmed down at this time. She can't argue now, can she let herself give up some resistance, including knowing the sea and letting people explore?

This is totally impossible!

I have a lot of secrets that I can't let them know.

And there is no doubt!

Now she is not able to take care of her, although it will make her heartache, but she is not afraid of any situation. His eyes slowly swept over the monks, and his eyes fell back to the faces of the eight great masters. Condensation channel:

"What do you say?"

The eyes of the eight masters looked back and forth at a glance, and the soil was finally bitten by the water: "I don't believe that the purple smoke is a demon!"

"Hey..." Shangzun smiled and said: "You don't believe? Then you ask Xu Ziyan to dare to give up resistance. Let us check it again? And..."

Shangzun’s gaze looked up and down the earth: "With your strength, plus the look you have just been crazy, I have reason to suspect that you are also a demon!"

"What do you say?" The momentum of the soil on the water was suddenly violent, and the sage was savage.

"Shang Zong has passed!" Luo said in a faint manner: "I thought that the nine masters, including your father, knew each other and often learned from each other when they were young. We can prove that the Tuzhu Lord is not a Yaozu. Because At that time, the realm of these people, if it is the Yaozu, simply cannot be transformed."

"Hey!" Shang Zun snorted: "But, Xu Ziyan, this Yaozu, you can't prove it? And I suspect that when she first joined the ancestral temple, she always hides her cultivation, otherwise she repairs Why is it growing so fast? In the history of the fairy world, there is a holy monk in his 200s? I suspect she is an old demon."

The eyes of the dream machine looked cautiously at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, I hope you can come up with evidence!"

The look of Xu Ziyan is a anger, and the eyes are a bit cold. "Let me come up with evidence? Why? Because he still respects nonsense, can you doubt me? I have made purple smoke since I came to the fairy world." Is there a matter of sorry for the Terran?"

"This..." The dream machine is a word stagnation.

"Hey! You didn't make it before, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future." Shangzun said coldly: "Maybe you have an ulterior purpose, and everything you do now is to hide the ultimate goal."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes passed through the eight masters, and his face showed disappointment. He looked at the nine ancient gods:

"What do you say?"

Life Tianzun looked hesitantly said: "Xu Zongzhu, maybe you are really the reincarnation of Fengzu and you don't know. I can't see it like this. You and I will go back to the Yuanmeng, we will seal you in one place, and we will prove you. After the reincarnation of Fengzu, you will be released again."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan’s face showed a sarcasm: "I believe that you are old and confused."

There is a bitter smile on the face of Life Tianzun: "Hou Zongzhu, don't blame us. The reincarnation of Fengzu is really too great. We are rather credible and have no credibility. If we don't see Xu Zongzhu always Good deeds, what we have to do is not just to seal you!"

"Let's relax!" Liao Bufan stunned.

"You shut me up!" Xu Ziyan Liu Mei was upside down, and his eyes spurted out anger. If it wasn't for Liao Bufan's letter, why did Xu Ziyan come here so much trouble?

"Hou Zongzhu, but promised the old man?"

"Do you think I will promise?" Xu Ziyan said coldly.

Life is sacred, and long sighed a long time: "Xu Zongzhu, I am sorry. For the sake of the world, we only have to stay strong."

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan sneered two channels: "I want to stay in Ziyan, stay away, want to go, who can stop me?"

The eyes of Life Tianzun swept through the faces of the other eight Tianzun's late peaks, and the other eight Tianzun's late peaks were all focused. Life Tianzun once again looked at Xu Ziyan’s voice:

"Xu Zongzhu, we have placed a big array of nine, as long as Xu Zongzhu can break out, as long as you don't do sorry for the Terran in the future, we will no longer control your affairs."

Xu Ziyan only felt the flames in his heart rushing up and forth, his face was iron and green: "I don't need to make a gamble. I really want to try your ancient fairy tales. I also welcome you to continue to find me in the future, as long as you still have that. courage!"

"You..." The face of Life Tianzun instantly rose red.

"More to say no benefit!" Xu Ziyan shouted coldly.


The figure has already swept away, standing in the middle of the void, and the eyes swept through the nine ancient heavens:

"come on!"

Life Tianzun took a deep breath and slammed and said: "Up!"

Nine figures disappeared in place, and instantly appeared around the body of Xu Ziyan, surrounded by Xu Ziyan. Life Tianzun took out the fairy sword and said:

"Xu Zongzhu, this large array of nine people is called the sacred array."

Xu Ziyan extended his right hand and lifted it to the side of his body. The virtual sword was coming out of the body. Xu Ziyan grasped it in his hand and screamed in his mouth:

"come on!"


The figure of the nine ancient antiquity began to turn, and the figure in the air was distorted. It was only an instant, and the space began to distort. Xu Ziyan immediately felt that he had disappeared from the nine ancient antiquity in his own vision. He felt that his body seemed to fall into the abyss, and kept falling down, and the speed of falling was getting faster and faster.


In her ups and downs, the nine ancient gods appeared, and they rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan is too short of a virtual sword, and the body is circling. The bodies of the nine ancient gods are broken. However, Xu Ziyan’s face did not have the slightest joy, but instead showed a hint of alert.

Her figure is still falling down quickly, and Xu Ziyan tried to tear the void away, but found that it was sealed.


The nine ancient antiquity Tianzun appeared again and again around her up and down, and Xu Ziyan once again killed him with a sword. The brow showed a hint of worry.

At this time, she has speculated that the nine ancient gods who are constantly appearing are not their own bodies at all, but that they borrowed the law that was condensed by the sacred squad, and as long as the sacred sacs are not broken, this kind of law will continue to surge. Out, although this kind of law only has the power of the peak of Tianzun's later stage, Xu Ziyan can completely kill it with a sword, but so endlessly, Xu Ziyan will finally be consumed for a moment and will eventually be killed.

Beyond the fairy tales, Shang Zun’s eyes flashed. He looked at Xu Ziyan, who was trapped in the fairy tales, and kept killing the nine laws of the ancient antiquity. The eyes flashed a bit of anxiety. With a large sleeve, the figure falls to the front of the Eight Masters:

"Everyone, the nine great ancient gods have already shot, are you ready to arm?"

The eight masters fell into silence, but when they knew the moment, the eyes of the earth were clear, and their eyes swept through the monks:

"No matter what you think, I don't think that Xu Zongzhu is the reincarnation of Fengzu, and I don't think she is a Yaozu. Now I am instructing the Eight Great Masters to be incited in the capacity of the Lord of Heaven."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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