The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2600: Fall apart

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"Tujiazhu!" Shangzun said coldly: "If you have caused the world to suffer because of your reasons, can you afford this responsibility?"

"I can afford it!" Tuyi said: "Because I think Xu Zong is more reliable than you!"

"Hey!" There is a hint of killing in the depths of Shangzun's eyes. He looks at the other seven main lords: "You, the lords, this is a big deal, involving the roots of the human race.! ybdu! For such things, we would rather kill Wrong, can't let go. Do you really want to listen to the command of the earth?"

The faces of the seven great masters hesitated, and the soil shouted with a sigh of relief: "Legour, don't forget that you once sworn in when you contend with the ally."

"Sisters!" Shang Zun immediately said: "You have seen it before. When I was fighting with the soil, he had lost his mind, like a beast. Such people are no longer worthy of your lord. Imagine if he lost his mind when he was fighting with the Holocaust in the next time. It is not a disaster for the Terran. Now, I don’t think he is in a state of consciousness. Maybe he has been controlled by Xu Ziyan. I also strongly believe that the lords think twice, and I join forces to kill Xu Ziyan."

Seven masters, look at me. I look at you, and look at the Xu Ziyan in the fairy tales. Everyone has a worry. If Xu Ziyan is really the reincarnation of Fengzu. I am afraid it will be more dangerous than the catastrophe of the Palace of the Lord.

At this time, I heard the sound of Xu Ziyan in the fairy tales:

"Nine friends, do you really want to force purple smoke?"

Life Tianzun sighed with a sigh: "Xu Zongzhu, I am sorry! It is reasonable to say that you have grace for us. But the personal grace is difficult to reach the righteousness. Now the Terran has become self-reliant, and we do not want the Terran to return to the era of being ruled by Fengzu. ”

"Have you heard it?" Shang Zun looked at the seven masters, the dream machine, Liu Jinsong. Jin Endless, Hua Yu, Xian Tian and Luo Bufan finally nodded in a difficult position.

Shangzun’s eyes are on the flower fairy. “The flower master. As long as you work with me this time, the Stars will give up the secret transfer of Tianxiang’s secret disciples.”

"You turned your back on the covenant!"

The dream machine said faintly: "The patriarch, it is not that we abandon the covenant, but you have just lost your mind. A monk who lost his mind. How do we keep the covenant?"

"Good! Good! Good!" The soil was so good that it was three times, and the momentum of the body suddenly broke out.

"Tuzhuzhu!" Shangzun said coldly: "Do you want to be an enemy of the Terran people? Not to mention that the consequences of your enemies with the world must be the death of the Emperor, and that it has caused disaster to the people of the world. This is Did you become the wish of the lord?"

The violent smell of the earth is a stagnation, he remembered the ancestors. If you fight with Xu Ziyan at the same time, I am afraid that Zhai Zongzhen will be wiped out from the fairy world. And if he leads the battle between the emperor and the world, it will indeed cause a catastrophe.

This... he can't do it!

Looking at the air trapped in the imperial array of Xu Ziyan, the soil sighed with a sigh: "Good! Today, I will give up the position of the lord of the heavenly alliance."

The words fall. The figure flew back to the monk and the monk shouted: "Follow me!"

The soil led the waters to lead the monks and monks to fly in the clouds and flew in the direction of the emperor. Still respecting the direction of the departure of Emperor Zong. The slap in the middle of it is flashing, and the heart is dark:

"The earth is water, do you think I will let you go like this? We come to Japan, huh..."

Turning his face, his eyes looked coldly at the flower fairy. "Flower, how do you decide?"

The flower fairy took a deep breath, and her heart did not believe in the promise of Shang Zun. Now that the soil has left, the eight major sectarian alliances have actually collapsed, and no one can resist Shangzun. The same result is that after the event is over, no one can protect Tianxiangzong.

Tian Xiangzong wants to survive and rely on himself.

The flower fairy's face calmed down. She was not unprepared, and she had already negotiated a result with Tianxiangzong's top, but she did not want to use it when it was not necessary, because once it was used, Tianxiangzong was thoroughly Earth bondage.

The flower fairy suddenly rose a few feet in the air, and his eyes swept through the surrounding monks at this time, and screamed:

"Everyone in the world..."

The eyes of Shangzun flashed, and his heart suddenly rose a little badly. Although he didn't know what the flower fairy was doing, the look of the flower fairy was too calm.

"Now the Lord and the evil Lord have been born!


Tianxiang Zongzong, the main flower fairy, firmly believes that the old man will also be born in the near future. Therefore, today I flower fairy to announce here, from this moment, Tian Xiangzong is the follower of the lord of the lord. From this moment on, Tian Xiangzong closed the mountain and waited for the birth of the lord. Benzong here appeals to more fellows in the world to become followers of the lords. I think that the old man and his old man will be rewarded for those who follow him. Moreover, this sect is also convinced that if there is someone who dares to offend our followers, the old man will not let him go after he is born. ”

Active, the figure of the flower fairy flew in the direction of Tianxiangzong, and shouted to the Tianxiangzong monk:

"Return to the sect, seal the mountain!"

Looking at the monks of Tianxiangzong, they entered the gate of the mountain. The guardian ancestors opened up in a big way. Shangzun and the remaining six lords face each other. In the heart of Shangzun’s heart, the flower fairy announces a high-profile follow-up of the lord. Shangzun will not take it seriously. But now the demon Lord and the evil Lord have been born, as the flower fairy said, the birth of the lord is only a matter of time.

In this case, how dare you take Tianxiangzong?

If he dares. He had already attacked the flower fairy just long ago. Because his heart is very clear, regardless of whether the Emperor accepts Tianxiangzong in the future, but if he dares to openly apply to Tianxiangzong. That is the face of the lord.

The lord can not accept Tianxiangzong, but before the lord has no statement, you go to attack Tianxiangzong, that is, not to give the face of the lord, is to play the face of the lord.

Is the face of the lord so good?

Good abacus! Flower Fairy is really a good calculation!

The eyes of Shangzun flashed through the eyes, and the heart said: "I can't openly deal with Tianxiangzong, but it doesn't mean that I can't deal with it in secret. You are doing this for me!"

"You will not change your decision again?" Shang Zun's eyes looked at the remaining six masters.

The dream machine sank a bit: "Shang Zongzhu, we can join forces this time, but after this time, you can't have any more action against our destiny!"

"Good!" Shang Zun decisively nodded.

"How do we do it?"

"Remember the 戮仙阵?"

"Zhu Xianzhen?" The eyes of the dream machine are condensed.

"Not bad!" Shangzun looked sharply: "At the beginning, our ancestors had teamed up to explore a secret place and got the celestial squad. But the celestial squad is too powerful, so the original nine masters did not want to be any one. The door was obtained, so the sacred sect was divided into nine parts. Each sect was given one-ninth. It was reserved for the unstoppable catastrophe in the celestial world.

"But..." The dream machine frowned slightly: "We don't know the extent of the power of this fairy squad, and now the ancestors and the celestial incense have been withdrawn, we simply can't lay it out. A complete 戮仙阵."

"It doesn't have to be complete. The Yan Xian array, which is set up by our seven major sects, is not complete enough, but it is enough to kill Xu Ziyan."

In the eyes of Shangzun, there is a trace of coldness: "If we are the nine major sects, we will complete the complete sacred sects of the nine masters, not to mention Xu Ziyan, which is any of the five saints. We all have the opportunity. Will kill."

"you sure!"

"I am sure!" In fact, there is no number in the respect of the heart, but this is the best way he wants to come out.

The dream machine hesitated. Finally nodded: "Well, we each go back and lead the sect of the sect of the sect."

On the other side, the sword is full of anxiety and the heart of the thousands of miles is anxious, and the two are constantly communicating with each other. In the end, the two reached an agreement. Take the miles to the secrets of the sects of the sects of the sects:

"You leave here immediately!"

“Why?” the monks asked in a neat voice.

"I have to look for opportunities to leave the purple smoke, and you stay here to get in the way."

The monks listened, but they were not very comfortable in their hearts, but they also knew that it was true to say what they were saying. They couldn’t help themselves here. Maybe when the sword was empty and the purple smoke was saved, they became burden. After all, it is the costume of the sect of the sect, which is worn by Wanli and Sword. If you take thousands of miles, the sword is not empty and Xu Ziyan finally escapes. The seven ancestral gates and the nine ancient celestial gods will surely catch them.

"Predecessors, I will stay!" Xu Qinyang knows the voice.

"No!" The sword said with no decisiveness: "Even after you enter the demon, the strength will rise to the peak of the late Tianzun, and it will be useless to stay here, and will reveal the identity."

Xu Qinyang and others were shocked. They asked: "The two predecessors are already sanctified?"

Gently nodded in a thousand miles: "We are just sacred, so they will leave as soon as possible!"

As a result, Xu Qinyang and others did not hesitate any more, and immediately tore apart the cracks in the space. Liao Bufan looked at the secret monk who left, and asked strangely:

"This friend..."

"Shut up!" The sword is not empty. For the four masters, there is no good impression. It is precisely this Liao extraordinary letter that opens the river, so that Xu Ziyan falls into danger.

Liao Bufan's look is a stagnation, but he can also feel the power of the sword and the energy of thousands of miles, and at this time Xu Ziyan is being killed, he does not want to enemies at this time. So I had to silently look at the nervous eyes.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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