The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2602: Mountain soul shot (one more pink)

The so-called water drop stone wear is the truth. . .

The eyes of Xu Ziyan’s left time turned and turned.


Billion Xiaguang is a quiet, completely still in the air, mapping a magnificent color.


The hole in the body of Xu Ziyan is continuously opened, and the bridge of the heavens and the earth is communicated. The power of the world erupts, and the sword in the hand is hovering over the head. Each circle is circled, and one world is present on the head, and the world is layer by layer. Three layers were formed.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, the force of the three layers of the world was bombarded in one direction, and the body of Xu Ziyan also followed the impact of the past.


The time of rest has passed, and the billions of rays of light have moved again.


The power of the world and the hundreds of thousands of Xiaguang collided, both sides are collapsing, but Xu Ziyan relied on the power of the three-tiered world to blast a passage and rushed out of the center of 10,000 Xiaguang.

The eyes of Shangzun are shrinking, and there is a trace of fear in my heart. She can see that the holy power released by Xu Ziyan has surpassed him. This made him somewhat unclear. Seeing that the volatility of Xu Ziyan was clearly a level of the holy level, and still did not reach the peak of the peak of the holy level, it is reasonable to say that it should be worse than him, but in fact the power of Xu Ziyan’s release has exceeded him. .

This is not the most surprising thing for him. He is most surprised and even has a trace of fear. How can Xu Ziyan be so powerful?

Has her power been not consumed now?

How is it still like a bit of power and no consumption?


Hundreds of thousands of Xiaguang gradually dissipated, and the power of Xu Ziyan’s world collapsed.

"Puff puff……"

Those who were repaired as lower monks in the celestial array were spurted out of the blood by the force of the world. Yan Xianzhen showed a hint of looseness. Xu Ziyan felt this sharply, and his heart was a joy.


Open the hole again and communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth. Nine kinds of attributes have been successfully poured into the sword and the nine swords are merged.

"Swords become pearls!"

Shang Zun’s mouth is drunk, the celestial array is spinning, the celestial array is vibrating, and the billions of swords are born. The sword silk converges in two directions in an instant, condensing into two giant sun-like beads, hovering and thinking about Xu Ziyan. Strangled.

The shape of Xu Ziyan is very small before the two beads. The two beads were rolled toward him like two planets.

Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and she kept keeping her hands and didn't want to cause too much damage to the human race. Nowadays, I saw that the seven sects are completely to put themselves to death. The anger in my heart also climbed. In the view of Xu Ziyan, this so-called Zhu Xian array is not as good as the four-beasts that killed the Golden God.

However, the original Golden Armor will have hundreds of thousands of zombies as helpers, and Xu Ziyan is suffering from a loss at this time. Only rely on oneself.

Outside the immortal line, the eyes of the four masters showed despair. The tears are rolling down:

"Feng Zu..."

Take a thousand miles and the sword is not illusory. He rushed to the celestial array, but he was quickly bombarded again and bruised.

Inside the fairy squad.

Xu Ziyan’s Taixu sword crossed in a circle, and the power of the world on one layer was continuously generated. Only in an instant, nine roads were created. The sword was in the air, and the power of the nine worlds was rushed. Toward two huge beads.


There was a riot in the celestial array. The world collapsed and the beads collapsed. On the occasion of this chaos, Shang Zun issued a squad of the celestial array.

Seven boundaries are one!

The power of the seven positions is concentrated in the body of Shangzun. The law of the avenues formed by the celestial sects gathers on the sword of Shangzun at this moment. It is the way of killing.

The sword in the hands of Shangzun seems to carry a huge world, making his movements very slow.


The innate sword in his hand could not bear the power of the avenue and was cracking.


Shangzun sighed and finally took the sword out.


The congenital sword in the hands of Shangzun smashed into a powder, and a sword mang, which was filled with the destruction power of the heavens and the earth, slammed the past with Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s heart glimpsed and his body flashed in the air, but the killing swordmang locked her body, but it was already in front of her.

Since you can't hide, you can only fight!


Continuously open the power of the acupoints, quickly communicate the bridge of the heavens and the earth, Xu Ziyan fists out, and slammed toward the sword.


This burst of blow, the huge anti-shock force made the whole 戮仙阵 shaking.


Numerous seven major sects were killed for the low monk explosion.


Xu Ziyan in the celestial array spurted a blood, and her figure flew in the air. This was the first time she had been injured since she achieved the strength of the Holy Five-layer body. Although the injury is not serious, the crisis has already occurred.

When the first purple smoke and other people killed the golden armor, the golden armor would be powerless because he was able to draw strength from the altar. Today, Xu Ziyan has no such opportunity at all. Yan Xianzhen has isolated her in an independent space. She has nowhere to absorb energy. If the body's strength is consumed, waiting for her is only degenerate.

"Seven circles reincarnation!"

The celestial array was once again running, and a huge reincarnation appeared on the head of Xu Ziyan, descending toward Xu Ziyan. A shadow of death enveloped Xu Ziyan, which gave Xu Ziyan a horror in his heart. The huge power made Xu Ziyan's injured body further rush, and another blood spewed between the nose and mouth.


In the valley near the Yuanmeng League.

The Yanshan soul who was retreating suddenly felt a horror in his heart, suddenly opened his eyes, and the knowledge of Yanshan soul spread out. Covered the entire valley.

"Well? Purple smoke is not?"

The gods suddenly burst into the air. At this time, there was a very flustered feeling in the soul of Yanshan. The knowledge spread instantly.


Inside the fairy squad. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and his eyes became brighter and brighter. The body released the Meng Baoguang, the body strength was born to the extreme, Xu Ziyan's body rushed to the reincarnation of the air as a sharp arrow.


The huge reincarnation collapsed instantly, and the raging energy shook back.


There are nearly 10,000 monks who have smashed their bodies and destroyed their gods.

Xu Ziyan’s body was also bounced back, and a blood spurted out of the air.


Zhu Xian array will turn again. Another reincarnation disk was generated in the celestial array, and the power of the devastating release in the air rushed toward Xu Ziyan.


A big hand penetrated the celestial array from the air and blasted the reincarnation effortlessly. Then I grabbed Xu Ziyan, and then the big hand shrank back from the fairy.

The celestial squad swayed for a while, and the desires collapsed. The monks couldn’t help but look up at the sky. I saw a black robe boy standing in the air. In the arms of Xu Ziyan, the flame in the eyebrows rose, and a pair of stars burst into an endless anger.

Shang Zun only feels that the eyes of the blind man are dry, and a voice is beating in fear in his heart:

"Evil Lord..."

Yanshan soul left Xu Han with his left hand, and his right hand slammed the past against the fairy singer.

"Don't!" Xu Ziyan screamed.

The giant palm that had already slammed to the edge of the celestial array suddenly slammed, although there was no direct slap on the celestial array, but only the power generated by that smashed the celestial squad, and millions of monks rolled. Thinking about flying around. In the air, one monk squirted blood in the air, and there were tens of thousands of monks who were repaired as low monks.


Yanshan soul snorted in the air. This coldness was like a cockroach blasting in the air, and countless monks were fainted in the blink of an eye. Still respected by the cold sweat, looked up, the air has disappeared the shape of Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan.

Taking a long breath and sighing with the sword and the sword, the two men looked at each other and one of them rolled up two church owners, tearing open the space crack and leaving. Shangzun looked at the thousands of people and other people to leave, but did not dare to have the slightest action, he has been scared at this time.


The valley near Shangmeng.

Inside the bamboo building.

Xu Ziyan sat on a bamboo chair on the knees. Yanshan soul sat on the opposite side of her, holding a cup of tea in her hand and drinking slowly. The eyebrows still angered.


Xu Ziyan spurted a breath between the mouth and nose, like a dragon, and then was inhaled by Xu Ziyan, slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the appearance of Yanshan soul sitting there, I couldn’t help but laugh:

"The mountain spirit, how can you be discouraged?"

Yanshan soul put down the teacup in his hand and stared at Xu Ziyan: "Why don't you let the brother shoot them all slap?"

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "Mountain Soul, if they are all dead, who else will resist the catastrophe in the future? They are all elites of the Terran. You once said that the Holocaust of the Immortal Palace is not a real catastrophe. For the creatures of the fairy world, it is just an experience, and there is a real catastrophe."

"Hey!" Yanshan soul sighed a sigh of relief: "The brother can not manage so much, the death will die, the Terran is dead, and the Mozu and the Yaozu."

"But... I am a human!" Xu Ziyan said: "I can't watch the Terran destroy."

There is a trace of impatience on the face of Yanshan's soul: "The Terran will not be extinct, and the Terran has not lived well after countless cycles? But the strength will drop. Besides, whether they are extinct or not has nothing to do with me. Brother, they are going to have psychological preparation for death."

Xu Ziyan looked at the appearance of Yanshan soul, and could not help but smile: "Well, this matter, even if I beg you, don't care, okay?"

Yanshan soul stared at Xu Ziyan half-sound, but in the end it was a long sigh: "Hey... this thing does not blame you!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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