The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2603: Shocking news (two more pink)

"Hmmm?" Xu Ziyan did not think that Yanshan Soul would figure it out so quickly, and in turn persuaded himself that his face could not help but show curiosity. !ybdu!

The anger between Yanshan soul and eyebrows disappeared. Seeing the curiosity of Xu Ziyan, I could not help but laugh:

"Your heart is not enough, it is because you are not numb!"


"Not bad!" Yanshan soul stood up from the bamboo chair, walked to the window, reached out and pushed open the window, looking at the Baiyun Road in the air outside the window:

"Ziyan, your weakness is that you broke through too fast. In just two hundred years, you have become a holy monk from a mortal, which makes your heart unable to change from a mortal. If You have lived for thousands of years, and millions of years, you will ignore life, and today you will not stop me from killing those monks."

"Millions of years! Billions of years! Indifference..."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shaking, and there was a stupid moment there.


If you have lived for thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, after countless years, you are used to life and death, will you have a sensitive heart like that at the time?

Will you ignore everything?

Xu Ziyan’s face is bitter, she has now broken through the holy level, can live with the world, has endless life, and think of the future, she is likely to ignore everything, the heart is like a stone, Xu Ziyan’s heart can not help but shake She doesn't know if life is happy. Is it what she wants.

"Mountain Spirit... Are you happy?"

"Happiness?" Yanshan soul's mouth slightly skipped a bitter smile: "I feel that my happiest time is just a period of time, and then it is all the way to cultivate the fairy. All the way to fight, at that time, although the feeling of happiness began to go away, But living is very fulfilling. But..."

The face of Yanshan soul gradually dimmed: "When I broke through to the holy level, I gradually became bored. In addition to cultivation, I was able to experience some happiness, and my heart was already numb!"

The bamboo building was quiet, and the Yanshan soul seemed to enter the memory, and Xu Ziyan was trapped in thinking.


The higher the cultivation, the farther happiness seems to be...

The height is not cold...

"Later, my cultivation was stagnant on the seventh floor of the Holy Level, and I could no longer enter. No matter how I practiced, this last trace of happiness disappeared. Until... until I was sealed..."

Yanshan soul turned and looked at Xu Ziyan sitting in the chair, and Zhaoxia came in from the window. Wrap the body of Yanshan Soul in the Xiaguang, his eyes are like Xiaguang, and he is happy.

"Until you meet you, the time with you makes me know what is true happiness. This world. On this long holy road. I am no longer lonely!"

Xu Ziyan's double swells moved up a layer of movement, stood up from the bamboo chair, walked to the front of Yanshan soul, slowly snuggling into the arms of Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul frowned slightly, Xu Ziyan looked up from the arms of Yanshan soul, two people turned and looked out the window, saw the sword and the figure of two people flying in the valley, seeing snuggling in the window Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. The faces of the two men were a joy, and they took a thousand-mile figure and flew toward the bamboo building.

"Mountain Spirit. Purple smoke, you are really here!"

The look of Yanshan's soul is slow. He is very familiar with Wanli. When his cultivation was not restored, he used to spend thousands of miles in this valley. He also knows that riding thousands of miles is the root of five attributes. With the foundation of the achievement of the holy level, it is not necessarily impossible to see that he has already formed a **, and it is not necessarily impossible to fully break through to the holy level in the future.

The Holy Order is also only a glance at the Holy Class, or a monk who can become a holy class in the future.

Not to mention the master of the thousands of miles or Xu Ziyan, and the two men in front of him have been killed to save the purple smoke. So Yanshan soul smiled slightly:

"Take a friend. Nothing is a good friend, don't come innocent!"

"Don't come!" In the Wanli, I walked into the bamboo building, sitting on the bamboo chair, holding the cup of Yanshan soul on the table, and then screaming:

"It's still a purple smoked tea!"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls looked at the thousands of miles with a smile, and took a look at the Yanshan soul road:

"Mountain Soul, you are too meaningless, just thinking about saving the purple smoke, no matter what we are. Just throw us two, if we are both killed by them, see the purple smoke can you?"

Yanshan soul embraced Xu Ziyan and walked to the bamboo table, inviting the sword to be seated, and then said:

"They dare!"

Take a look at the miles and then understand. Since the Yanshan spirit has saved Xu Ziyan, and if it is not Xu Ziyan to stop the Yanshan soul, then the Yanshan soul will slap it down, I don’t know how many people will survive. In this case, who else dares to both of them?

Seeing that he was riding a thousand miles, Xu Ziyan did not want to make his master embarrassed and whispered:

"Master, what happened later?"

"Not very clear!" He shook his head and said: "At the beginning we both left with four masters, but later I heard that those people had dispersed."

"Four masters?" Xu Ziyan's eyebrows were picked up, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes: "Where are they going?"

"After the two of us left with them, they threw them aside. They were all harming you. What do we do with them?"

Yanshan’s soul suddenly condensed, and now he has not had time to ask why the world’s human monks will kill Xu Ziyan. Now, listening to the words of Wanli, not only the stars are flashing:

"what happened?"

In angrily, he said in angrily: "Who knows what the four main churches are mad at, but they say that Xu Ziyan is the reincarnation of Fengzu, which has led to the monks of the world besieging the purple smoke."

"Fengzu reincarnation?" Yanshan soul curiously looked up and down Xu Ziyan, half said: "How do they think you are the reincarnation of Fengzu?"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "I have refining the souls of Fengzu, and I have the unyielding will. After the four masters discovered that I have the unyielding will, they have determined that I was the ancestors of Fengzu, and their four ancestors were The ancestors of Fengzu, the ancestors stayed in the south and waited for the return of Fengzu."

Yanshan soul nodded, and the gods spread out. Soon, they found the four masters. At this time, the four masters did not return to the south, but healed in a valley in the east. The four of them were not hurt, and now they have not recovered the three-tier repair. ,

Suddenly, the space was distorted. The four masters found themselves screaming. When they were awake, they found themselves sitting on the ground of a bamboo building. When they looked closely, they suddenly jumped from the ground. He said:

"See you... evil Lord!"

At this time, the hearts of the four people were extremely fearful. They knew very well that Xu Ziyan was besieged by the monks in the world. It was because Liao Bufan said in public that Xu Ziyan and his ancestors passed away. If the evil Lords blame them, they would not have the possibility of surviving. Just now they were still healing in a valley in the east. In the blink of an eye, they were arrested by Yanshan Soul, saying that they are not afraid that it is a fake.

Yanshan soul looked at the four main halls faintly: "Although because of the four purple smokes, but because I have some relationship with Fengzu, so I will spare you this time, the next time will not be light."

"Thank you... Xie evil master!" The four-headed lord stood respectfully opposite the Yanshan soul. My heart is relaxed, and my heart is also very curious. What is the relationship between Yanshan Soul and Fengzu?

"I am calling you this time. I want to tell you one of four things. It is also a fate for me."

The four hall owners looked at the soul of Yanshan, even Xu Ziyan, riding Wanli and Jianwu no emptiness can not help but look forward to the Yanshan soul, waiting for the Yanshan soul to what kind of fate.

"Fengzu is dead!"

"What...what?" The four halls were stunned and unbelievable. Xu Ziyan also looked at the Yanshan soul with astonishment, not knowing why Yanshan Sohu would say so.

After the four masters were shocked, it was endless sorrow. Although the Yanshan soul did not say the reason, but the identity of Yanshan soul said that Fengzu was dead, it should be true.

Liao Bufan raised his hand and wiped the tears, and went down to the soul of Yanshan: "Please also ask the evil master to tell the details!"

Yanshan soul swayed the sleeves of the four halls, and sighed with sighs. The existence of Fengzu and Longzu would be degraded, leaving a sorrow in the heart of Yanshan.

"Because I saw the bodies of Fengzu and Longzu!"

"The corpse... the body?"

The monks in the room were shocked to see the soul of Yanshan. The spirit of Yanshan said softly: "At the beginning we chased the five-color Emperor Dragon King and rushed into a mysterious space, where we saw the bodies of Longzu and Fengzu. It was just a huge light group beside the corpses of Longzu and Fengzu. At that time, the five-color Huanglongwang’s emotions ran out of control and instantly fell. I think Fengzu and Longzu were also degraded because they were close to the light group.

Later, I left there and wanted to come out of the mysterious space, but I could not find the path. I happened to encounter a soul that Fengzu floated in that mysterious space... Yes, purple smoke, you are not Also refining the soul of a few phoenix ancestors? Didn't you get any memories from Feng Zu's soul? ”

Xu Ziyan pondered and said: "The first soul I got was obtained from a wick. Since it became the wick, her memory has been refining and dissipating, so I did not get the memory of Fengzu's death. As for Later, I got the soul of Fengzu, which was before the death of Fengzu, so I don’t know that Fengzu has fallen."

“Yeah!” Yanshan’s soul nodded and continued: “In the mysterious space, I refining the soul of Fengzuo and getting some memories from it. When Fengzu learned that he must fall, he would The **** of the gods wrapped around his inner Nei to escape to the outside."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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