The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2604: Retreat

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Yanshan soul sighed and sighed: "But she did not think of the power of the light group. Her **** was finally smashed, but Nedan and a few souls escaped. ybdu. Then Nedan facilitates the separation of souls in space. Later, the few souls were forced to separate in the endless wandering, and the memory in the soul I got was only these. As for the inner Dan and the remaining souls, I don’t know. Perhaps the wick of your refining is one of them.

The reason why I have a relationship with Feng Zu is because I have refining the soul of Feng Zu, and I have improved it. I will tell you the news of Feng Zu today, and it is also a fate. ”

The bamboo building was quiet, and no one thought that there was such a terrible place in the fairyland. Even the existence of Fengzu and Longzu had to be degraded. Half-sounding, Liao Bufan trembled and asked:

"The evil Lord, that mysterious space..."

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "The place is very mysterious. After I finally came out from there, I could never find that place again."

The disappointment of the four-faced master's face is that the disappointment of taking a thousand miles and a sword is also a disappointment. On the contrary, Xu Ziyan does not care. She was not a man who was eager to practice and diligent in cultivation. Today's achievements are also forced out.

"You don't want to entangle the purple smoke in the future, do you know?" Yanshan said coldly.


Liao Bufan said in a low voice, the voice is full of confusion. Waiting for Fengzu is their mission. Now that I heard that Fengzu has fallen, they have lost their goals at once, and they are so upset that they don’t know where to go.

Yanshan soul sighed in a sigh, and experienced him is naturally to understand the mood of the four monks of Liao Bufan at this time, to understand and understand. But it did not help them. And this kind of thing is not a fight, the four halls are not the mainstay, and the Yanshan soul is going to help. This kind of thing can not help even Yanshan soul wants to help. Then, when the mind was moved, the four church owners disappeared into the bamboo building. When they were awake from the shackles, they found that they had returned to the healing valley.

Inside the bamboo building.

Xu Ziyan whispers softly: "Mountain Spirit!"


"The fairy master. The demon and the Quebec?"

Yanshan soul thought a little bit: "They will eventually come out. Just don't know when it is."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan nodded and no longer thought about this matter. Anyway, after the fairy, the demon and the Kuidian came out, there was a mountain spirit to resist, and she turned her eyes to the thousands of miles and the sword was innocent:

"Master, who are the secrets?"

"I let them leave in advance! I don't know where they are going?"

"Oh, what about white?"

"Little white will be south!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a hop: “Back to the South? What is the situation in the South now?”

"Not very clear. The news that has been received in succession says that the Yaozu has now captured the Li family and the Huyan family. They are attacking the southern continent. The southern monks are losing ground."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "There is no move in the Oriental Zongmen? Seeing the Yaozu raging?"

The sword shook his head and said: "They are all frightened by the mountain spirit. For today, Xiang Zong announced that he would seal the mountain and wait for the birth of the lord, and the ancestral ancestors would not seal the mountain, fearing that it would be revenge. However, Shang Zun and others are giving The mountain spirit was terrified. At this time, they all huddled in the Zongmen and did not dare to come out. It is estimated that it will take some time for them to come out."

Speaking of this, the sword looked at the Yanshan soul and said: "When they find out that the mountain spirit has not made it difficult for them, they will come out!"

"Hey!" Yanshan soul snorted, and his heart was still worried about Xu Ziyan preventing him from slapping and killing those people.

Xu Ziyan smiled and reached out to the hands of Yanshan Soul, and the face of Yanshan Soul was slowed down.

"Little white will not be dangerous?"

After experiencing being killed by Yan Xianzhen, Xu Ziyan was worried about Xiaobai. Shaking his head in a thousand miles:

"No, even if the white is not low, the demon is besieging, and no one can stop her if she wants to leave."

Xu Ziyan’s face was slightly slow, and he said with indulgence: “The southern continent was first plagued by the semi-demon and the golden armor, and now it has been looted by the Yaozu. The southern continent was originally the lowest strength part of the Quartet. Today’s strength It’s even lower. Right, there is no action in the eastern Zongmen, and there is no action in the northern Shangmeng League?”

Take a thousand miles and shake your head: "The nine ancient antiquity of the ancients also killed you at the beginning, but now also fear the revenge of the mountain spirit, how dare to act rashly?"

Xu Ziyan sat there in a daze, but in the end it was a slap in the head: "Forget it, now that the tyrants are gone, the Southern Continent has nothing to do with me. Since the people of the world regard me as a demon, why should I take it? The matter of the human race."

At this time, Yanshan soul was laughing at the corner of his mouth. He personally gave Xu Ziyan a cup of tea: "Do you really care?"

Xu Ziyan looked bitterly: "No matter!"

The look of Yanshan's soul gradually became serious, and looked at Xu Ziyan's condensate voice:

"Ziyan, no matter how you care about the South China, you can't be so lazy..."

"How can I be lazy..." Xu Zi said with a sigh of relief.

"I also said that you are not lazy?" Yanshan smiled and laughed: "You have practiced one day in more than half a year? Purple smoke, you have to know that in the future there may be more catastrophe waiting for us, strength is over, can The greater the hope of living..."

"I just been lazy for half a year... In the past two hundred years, I have been relaxed in the past six months?"

Yanshan soul silently, the bamboo building also calmed down, taking Wanli and Jianwu to see the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan, the look is not awkward. Xu Ziyan has been through life and death for more than two hundred years, and it is not easy to live. Tensed for more than two hundred years. It seems that relaxing for half a year is also excusable...

Time passed by in the silence, about a quarter of an hour later, Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan softly:

"Start practicing now!"


"Good. Just tomorrow!"

When you look at the evil spirits, you must be careful to talk to Xu Ziyan, and you can't help but feel funny. Seeing the atmosphere in the house eased, and said to the Yanshan soul by Wanli:

"Mountain Spirit, can you see if I can enter the holy?"

Yanshan soul nodded and said: "You have the foundation of sanctification. Originally you were the root of the five attributes, and you also cultivated the inner world. Today, it is only the power of the gods. The power of the gods breaks through to the holy one. Layers, you can communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth. But this requires your own efforts, and now you only have the basis for sanctification."

"Mountain Spirit. What about me?" asked the sword.

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "You are not perfect in the five elements, it is difficult to enter the holy. Now is not a very ancient period, there are so many fusion beasts to make you fill the five elements, you can say that you are not expected to be holy in this life."

The sword is innocent and the face is stunned.

“But...” Yanshan’s soul said faintly: “You can walk into the holy road. So you can live with the heavens and the earth. It’s just a big fight against other holy monks.”

The sword asked without hesitation: "The mountain spirit, if you practice ** to the ultimate level, what would be the result?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have never seen a monk who has practiced ** to the ultimate level!"

The sword's vain eyes suddenly shone, and clenched his fist: "No one is practicing in that realm, then I will come."

There is a hint of appreciation in the eyes of Yanshan soul, but there is no more words.

Take thousands of miles to say to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan. You will stay here to practice. I will go back to the South with nothing to look at. On the one hand, I will meet Xiaobai, and if there is anything, I will come back and tell you."

"Thank you Master!"

"Right!" The sword is innocent: "If you meet the people of the secret, do you want to tell them that you are here?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Nature can tell them. They are all rare friends in my fairy world!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan thought of Yanshan soul to let her begin to practice, then turned to look at Yanshan soul, Yanshan soul look serious:

"They can come, but they can't go out before you break through to the second level of the Holy Level! You can't see them."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Yanshan soul frowned and said: "After you retreat, I have to retreat."

Turning his eyes to the miles and the sword: "The two Taoist friends can tell me the news of the retreat of me and the purple smoke, they are willing to come, but don't bother us before we leave the customs."

I took a look at Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul in Wanli, and hesitated and said: "You two are retreats. Do you need to protect the law? So, I will go to the South alone, and I will stay here for you."

Yanshan soul shook his head: "No, now with the strength of me and the purple smoke, even if someone comes, it will not hurt us. Even if they are a few of them, as long as I have it, there will be no problem."

Take Wanli and the sword to see the Yanshan Soul saying so, then nodded, and then asked some questions about cultivation, then left.

The second day.

Xu Ziyan was retired in the bamboo building.

Now that she has communicated with the Eight Bridges of Heaven and Earth, and she wants to meet the requirements of Yanshan Soul, she must open the bridge of the 13 heavens and the earth before she can enter the second level of the Holy Level.

Immersed in my own body world, Xu Ziyan began to communicate the ninth bridge of heaven and earth...

Yanshan soul did not enter the retreat at this time. To be honest, until now he has not found a way to integrate ruthless stone and sentimental springs. All he can do is suppress it. Although it seems to have a glimpse of a trace, it is still far away from comprehension.

At this time, he was standing in front of the bamboo building, looking at the white clouds in the air, seemingly leisurely, but it was like a sinking water. For a long time, the mouth whispered:

"Don't dare to kill the purple smoke! Since the purple smoke does not make me a difficult person, but the culprit can not let go."

His knowledge spreads out, and the sanctuary of the eighth level can almost cover most of the fairy world. The conversation of every monk in the fairy world is in his consciousness.

Still owed to the chapter, still owed 1 chapter!

*(To be continued..)

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