The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2610: Holy level

A circle and a circle of boulevards spread out of the bamboo building, spread to the valley, passed through the dragon, and took thousands of miles and swords. The three great monks felt that their bodies were being tempered by the avenue, and the strength of the body could not be lifted. They are also raised by their gods. . Ybdu. Their gods now absorb the avenues that come round and round like a sponge.

However, it was only about a quarter of an hour, and the body of the sword was flying away. He was pushed out by the lap of the circle, and his realm could not absorb the avenue that Xu Ziyan spread out. The gentle avenue was pushed out.

The body of the sword has been retreating to the mouth of the valley before stopping, re-falling on the ground, opened his eyes, and looked at the envy of the thousands of miles still sitting in front of the bamboo building.

I took back my envious eyes and checked my body. I couldn’t help but reveal the ecstasy. Business of sacral singer singer.

However, in his eyes, there was a hint of unwillingness and frustration. The reason why he can't become a true holy monk now is his qualification. He is not a spiritual root.

However, this is something that cannot be solved. Now there are not so many fusion beasts that let him cultivate the missing spiritual roots.

After half an hour passed, the figure of the thousand miles was pushed out by the avenue. At this time, his body strength exceeded that of the sword, and it has reached the peak of the second level of the holy level, and the power of the gods also reached the peak of the third level of the holy level. What he needs to do now is to Panel the Bridge of Heaven and Earth.

He opened his eyes and glanced gratefully at Xu Ziyan in the bamboo building.

Another hour passed. Xiaolong’s body was also pushed out. When Xiaolong opened his eyes, he wanted to make a dragon whistle, and suddenly remembered that it was the time when Xu Ziyan broke through. An emergency closure, he was flushed, but the eyes revealed the endless joy.

At this time, his body and the gods have reached the second level of the Holy Level. He can continue to communicate with the bridge of heaven and earth and enter the second level of the Holy Level.


The atmosphere of Tiandi Avenue began to shrink, and the body of Xu Ziyan was taken back, and then it slammed. An aura of a thick arm spread out from behind Xu Ziyan, and then a halo of thumb thickness spread out from behind her. A thick and thin ring of aura rotates behind Xu Ziyan.

The aura of the arm is the aura of the twelve bridges of the world in Xu Ziyan. The aura of the thickness of the thumb is the astronomical aura of the thirteenth meridians.

Yanshan soul opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan with astonishment. At this time, his heart has already understood that Xu Ziyan is not just the five attribute roots, but the eleven attributes. So come. Xu Ziyan's future achievements will definitely exceed his Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul is not only a yearning, but with his five attributes, the roots can reach the middle level of today's holy level, so what will the purple purple smoke eventually reach?

Is the realm of Longzu and Fengzu, or will it exceed the realm of Longzu and Fengzu?

I took a deep breath and felt that my cultivation had a slight improvement. I took another step toward the mid-level peak of the eighth grade, and I couldn’t help but smile. In the heart:

"It seems that I don't have to deliberately practice, as long as the purple smoke breaks through several times. I sit next to it and it will be improved!"

at this time. The thick and thin two-ring halo was taken into the body, and Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the Yanshan soul. His face showed a happy smile:

"Mountain Spirit, I broke through the second level of the Holy Class. Is it not necessary to practice for a while?"

The smile on the face of Yanshan soul could not help but be a stiff, and my heart could not help but sigh: "If you have such qualifications, I am afraid I will not know how to cultivate in the years? But purple smoke her..."

When I think that Xu Ziyan has broken through a realm and really needs time but precipitates the realm, she smiles and nods:

“Nature, what do you want to do?”

"I don't want to do anything, just stay with you in this valley!"

Yanshan soul shook his head and flexed his fingers. Two Guanghua entered the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan immediately closed his eyes and then opened his mouth in surprise:

"Mountain Spirit, how can you have the inheritance of the Fengzu system and the inheritance of Longzu Alchemy?"

"This is only a small part! I only got these!" Yanshan soul whispered: "In the mysterious space, I got the soul of a dragon ancestor and a phoenix ancestor. These inheritances are all from them. You are a clerk and an sage master. These things are passed on to you, better than staying with me."

Xu Ziyan jumped happily from the chair and suddenly sniffed his nose and looked at his body. He saw that his body had no impurities. But still a little more sweat, it flashed into the purple smoke space, leaving a string of sound in the bamboo building:

"I'll be right back!"

The soul of Yanshan looked at the space where Xu Ziyan disappeared, and looked at his body again. He also entered his own body world.

Star domain.

The still respected heart is more and more uneasy. Although Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan did not come to him for troubles over the past year, he always felt that Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan were like two swords in his head. On, at any time, I can fall and kneel down his head.

"No! I can't sit still like this, I have to act, I have to protect myself!"

Still admiring and walking around the hall, he has been huddled in the celestial domain for more than a year, and he has not gone out to catch a woman to practice, because he is afraid that Yanshan soul has been observing him with God, but this way But it is hard to improve his cultivation.

Moreover, the pressure of the evil master is too great for him. He no longer fears the soul of Yanshan all the time, which makes his spirit collapse. He feels that if he goes on like this, he will kill him without fear. He will run out of the gods because of fear.

"What do I have to do?

Go to the Lord of the Lord? No! The Lord of the Devil is not the opponent of Yanshan Spirit. Besides, the Lord of the Lord cannot fully support himself. It is not the power that he can control. I need to have the power to fight against the evil Lord.


The power of your own control! ”

Shangzun suddenly stopped his footsteps, and his eyes flashed with madness.

"I want to hold the world's monks in my hands. I don't believe that the evil Lord can resist the monks of the world."

Shang Zunqiang pressed down the irritability of his heart and slowly walked back to the chair to sit down and slowly thought about it.

"Now the South is composed of four churches, the Taixu League has disintegrated, because the identity of the four masters has become a big joke. It should be easy to control the southern monks in their hands.

The eight major sects of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect Together, pulling them over is not a problem at all. So there are only nine ancient gods.

These nine ancient antiquity Tianzong also once killed Xu Ziyan, which is a common foundation for cooperation. Although it is not possible to turn the world's monks into their own power for the time being, it is not a problem to gather them to their side. then……"

Shangzun’s eyes flashed out of the haze: “The big deal, finally, the eight masters, the nine ancient gods, one secretly cleaned up and planted them, so that the world’s monks are in my hands.”

"Come on!"

"The Sovereign!" A monk walked into the hall and was praying.

"Call Wen Yao come!"

In a short while, Wen Yao’s figure appeared in the main hall and prayed to Shang Zun:

"See the Lord!"

Shang Zun condensed and said: "On the 15th of next month, in the celestial sect, the world congress, the eight masters, the nine ancient gods, and the various factions in the world, including the southern families, gave me notice, and said that I Shangzun wants to discuss with them the catastrophe of the Palace of the Immortals."

"Yes!" Wen Yao answered, then he looked a little hesitant: "The day Xiang Zong and Yu Zong..."

"You just want to go to the notice, they will come." Shang Zun waved: "Tian Xiangzong claims to follow the lord, then the crisis caused by this fairy palace, she needs to come forward more. As for the ancestral, facing this catastrophe He will also come out. After all, it has been more than a year now, and the catastrophe is not far behind."

Purple smoke inside the world.

Xu Ziyan took a bath in Xianhe while observing her body. Now she has integrated the time and space attributes and the nine attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng.

And as Xu Ziyan imagined, after she merged the time and space attributes and the nine attributes into the realm of Xiaocheng, it is true that the thirteenth barrier of the bridge of heaven and earth disappeared, allowing Xu Ziyan to successfully open the thirteenth article. The bridge of heaven and earth successfully became a master of the first level of the second level.


There are dozens of figures in the sky, but it is the Langyue and others who went to the south. At this time, the southern Yaozu had been completely rushed back to the Yaozu territory by the Southern monks. Later, Lang Yue and others let Xiao Buyi and others return to the lakeside of the Wushou Mountain Big Handprint Lake, and these people returned to the valley.

As soon as the bamboo door opened, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan came out from the bamboo building. Take the Wanli and the sword to the people and come to the front.

"Ziyan, mountain soul!"

Yanshan soul just stood by and smiled, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the people swept through the crowd, and the eyes could not help but reveal the shocked color:

"You... have all broken through?"

"Master!" Sha Xiaofan ran to the front of Xu Ziyan, pulling the hand of Xu Ziyan: "We are all breakthroughs in the road that you broke through, but the disciples' repair is too low, just broke through the first layer. I can't keep going."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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