The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2611: I want to kill

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Xu Ziyan touched Sha Xiaofan's hair and smiled: "Your cultivation speed is fast enough, and then it is not a good thing. [][].[].] You need to polish the foundation."

"Yes!" Sha Xiaofan replied skillfully.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan fell on the body of thousands of miles, and the face showed a happy color:

"Congratulations to Master, you can start to get through the bridge of heaven and earth!"

The surrounding monks looked at the eyes of Wanli and they were full of envy. They were also full of joy in the thousands of miles. Hehe smiled and didn’t know what to say.

"Master!" Sha Xiaofan shook the hand of Xu Ziyan: "The Shangzun began to work outside."


Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan frowned at the same time and looked at Sha Xiaofan.

"Master, the Shangzun summoned the monks of the world to gather the celestial sects on the 15th of next month, saying that they would open the world conference and discuss the catastrophe of the lord's palace."

"Oh..." Yanshan soul sneered.

"Mountain soul, what's wrong?" Xu Ziyan looked at the Yanshan soul, and other monks also looked at the Yanshan soul.

"Shang Zun, he is no longer a human race..."

Yanshan soul faintly tells that the look of the monks have become more and more ugly with the story of Yanshan soul. They fully believe in the spirit of Yanshan and know the power of Yanshan. If he wants to know a person, that person will have no secret in front of him.

It can be said that the Yuanshen of the Yanshan Spirit invades the sea of ​​any monk. Excavating all the secrets in his memory, the monk will not feel. In addition to the Five Saints, perhaps only the intensity of the Yuanshen can reach the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Stage.

Therefore, everything that Yanshan Soul said is true.

"That... what do we do?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "If we kill Shangzun in this way, it will make the world's monks incomprehensible, and we will become the public enemy of the billion-dollar monk!"

"Not so serious, I have a perfect way to deal with Shangzun..."

The monks listened to the intention of the Yanshan soul. There is a color of admiration on each of the faces. This method can also be thought of by Yanshan Soul, because others do not have that strength, naturally they will not think so.

This day.

Starland Zong dead camp. Nearly 40,000 dead camp monks were slouched or sitting there, or chatting with each other without a ride. Suddenly all the people looked a glimpse, and a voice appeared in their knowledge of the sea.

"I am Xu Ziyan..."

Nearly 40,000 monks were ecstatic. I looked at each other one by one. After that, he pressed the ecstasy and restored the appearance of listlessness.

Numerous monks are coming to the Stars, and among these monks there are countless small sects with ancestral elders and proud disciples. Many of these small sects have deep worries on their faces. These lords are all branded by Shangzun. At this time their fate is not up to them. They know that their fate is also Stronger than the dead camp.

It was at this time that a sound suddenly sounded in their sea of ​​knowledge.

"I am Xu Ziyan..."

The eyes of a small sect of the lord gradually faded. There is ecstasy in the look...

At this time, the soul of Yanshan came to the realm of the demon. Sitting in front of the demon Lord, the two seem to be negotiating, and finally the Lord nodded, and the Yanshan Soul condensed a law of heaven. Bend a finger and bounce into the eyebrows of the Lord. Then the shape of Yanshan soul disappeared.

Star domain.

The world’s monks gather together.

There were countless banquets on the square of the Stars, and the nine ancient gods sat on the seats, showing the color of worry in their eyes. Originally they thought that coming from ancient times would definitely be the ruler of this world, and in fact it was true at the beginning. The monks of this world are too weak.


I didn't think that the world was changing too fast. It was only then that there were so many monks over them. Not to mention the five saints that originally surpassed them, they said that they originally looked down on Shangzun and Tu Yishui and even surpassed them. This can't help but make them feel depressed.

This is not the main thing. The main thing is that they lack trust in Shangzun. Want to respect such a person, can you really lead the world to resist the catastrophe?

But is resistance now useful?

Dreams of God, Luo Bufan, Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu and Xian Tian’s eyes also show anxiety. For example, today’s dynasty is in name only, because they jointly deal with Xu Ziyan, and their six sects have been married together. What is the summoning of the monks in the world?

Is it really necessary to discuss the Holocaust?

What if he wants to unite with others to deal with Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul?

At this time, they have learned from the mouth of the southern monks that Xu Ziyan is not the reincarnation of Fengzu, but only unites the soul of Fengzu. Xu Ziyan is still a human race, but is this all important?

They have offended Xu Ziyan...

The flower fairy's eyebrows are locked deep, and she really doesn't know what to do at this time? Now she can only hope that the emergence of the lord can make her a follower of the lord.

The earth is also covered with frost, and no one knows what he is thinking at this time.

The southern monks were also very anxious at this time. The only leader in their hearts was Xu Ziyan. Everything Xu Ziyan has done in the South has conquered their hearts.

The half demon layman was killed by Xu Ziyan, and the golden armor **** was also driven away from the south by Xu Ziyan, and later killed in the north. In the chaos of the Yaozu, although Xu Ziyan did not come in person, Lang Yue, Xu Qinyang and others all returned to the South, and it was these appearances that helped the South to completely drive away the Yaozu.

What is still respecting?

They have been waiting for the news of the purple smoke, but Xu Ziyan has not appeared. This does not help them to be anxious.

Inside the valley.

Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan, take thousands of miles. Swords and other people have already put on a new dress, sitting in the valley, each person has a large peach, scent, and a variety of dishes. In the middle there is a water curtain released by the Yanshan spirit. The scene above the water curtain is flowing on the square of the square. The monks are watching and drinking while watching the water curtain in the middle.

Among these people monks. There is also a monk who is very awkward, because he is a demon, it is the demon of the Mozu. At this time, I am also drinking the fairy. Slightly squinting at the water in the curtain of the respect, the corner of the mouth emerged a trace of sarcasm.

The valley is very quiet, only eating and drinking, no voice.

The same is true of the Stars. Shangzun sits in the middle of the head. There was a smug look on his face. In any case, with one voice, the world’s monks gather all the stars, this is strength. As long as the monks in this world are completely transformed into their own power, what about the evil Lord?

"I want to kill the holy!"

A black robes dotted with countless stars are worn on the body, revealing his stalwart figure, sitting on the top, a feeling of being in the world.

Shangzun’s always irritated heart calmed down. There was even a smile on the corner of his mouth. Looking towards the nine ancient Tianzun and the Eight Great Zongmen, I saw their worries. Shangzun smiled happily. However, my heart was thinking hazy:

"These people are worried, obviously they are not willing to return to me. Oh, then don't blame me, I will control you one by one. Hehe..."

His gaze looked toward the little sects and the dead camp monks, and this is the power that truly belongs to him.


Suddenly, he had a strange feeling. The pair of small lords and the dead camp monks looked cold to his eyes. A kind of cold deep into the bone marrow was like waiting for a snake.

An inexplicable chill suddenly spread from his tailbone along the spine...

At this time, the elites of the monks in the world are almost all concentrated here. Everyone is so powerful because of the cultivation, the body exudes vitality, the sun shines from the air, and the surrounding fairy clouds, everything looks so grand. However, Shang Zun actually feels a bit murderous in his heart, a trace of resentment...

The surroundings were quiet and all the monks looked at Shangzun. After all, this world conference was held by Shang Zun, as the organizer should say something before the conference. And the world monk also wants to know what the plan is.


The still respect is like a godless, sitting frowning slightly. Wen Yao sat on the side, a little anxious. In the face of the monks in the world, how do you surrender in the hearts of the monks in the world? So I said to the acquaintance of the gods:

"Lord! Sovereign!"

Shang Zun was shocked and knew that he had just lost his mind. But the uneasiness in my heart was lingering, taking a deep breath and calming my emotions, condensing and saying:

"Dear friends, the fairy world has now entered an eventful autumn. In the future, there will be a catastrophe in the Palace of the Immortals. In the past, there were half-demon priests and golden armor gods. This made me regret that if we were able to condense a group of monks, The half-demon layman will have fallen, and the golden armor will not cause such a great catastrophe. Therefore, this holy convening of the world’s monks is to unify the order to deal with the future lord of the lord palace..."

Shang Zun’s mouth is endless, and he has been preparing for today’s speech for a long time. The meaning of the words is nothing more than a desire to spend the catastrophe. The monks of the world must converge into a group and listen to the command of the lord. For example, today, under the monks, he is still the highest in his respect, so the position of the lord is not allowed.

The faces of the eight great masters are very unsightly, and it is really worrying about what comes. From the heart, the Confucian monks are condensed together, and they think that this is not wrong. But let Shang Zun be the ally, they will not be able to stand it.

However, the fairyland is to respect the strong. Who makes their repairs worse than Shangzun? Of course, they can also be like the siege of Xu Ziyan, and the eight major sects of the squadron will work together to deal with the incomplete 戮仙阵 against Shangzun.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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