The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2618: Refuse

At the same time, the four sects also had some sneak peeks. Since Xu Ziyan still left Liu Huaping, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi and Hua Gu Ren to stay here, they regard them as friends, so they would not blame them four too much.

As for Xiao, who did not leave the more than a thousand people, Xu Ziyan had already agreed to join Taixu. At this time, they also practiced in their own bamboo building, and took the initiative to serve as a police patrol. Every day, several teams were dispatched to patrol. $$$().()()().() In fact, they also know that the repairs of these people who are currently at the lakeside of the big handprint do not need them to guard the patrol at all, but this gesture must be made. . It shows that they are grateful to Xu Ziyan and their loyalty to Taixu.

The reason why the four sects still stay here is not that Xu Ziyan does not see them, but that Xu Ziyan is not here. After Xu Ziyan broke through the second level of the holy level, Yanshan soul pulled her overseas, and the two men fought overseas. The Yanshan soul was using this method to make the foundation of the holy level of Xu Ziyan.

Only the foundation of the second level of the holy level is solid, and Xu Ziyan can continue to cultivate breakthroughs. Otherwise, the foundation is unstable and it is difficult to get further breakthroughs. Therefore, the four lords are only waiting here. Every day, I suffer from the chilliness of Taixu.

Suddenly, the four lords looked up into the air, and there was a joy in the eyes, a complicated...

All the monks in the surrounding bamboo buildings opened their eyes and silently watched the Xu Ziyan falling from the sky, especially Liu Huaping, Jin Ge, Hua Gu Ren and Xuan Daozi, the most tangled in their hearts. They are not eager for Xu Ziyan to forgive the four lords, but at the very least not to hurt the face of the four lords. After all, the four lords are their elders.

Xu Ziyan is a return. Yanshan soul, he has some feelings, one person stayed overseas. The figure slowly descends from the sky, and the sapphire blue dress flutters in the wind. Under the fluttering hair is a delicate face, and the slender figure gently falls on the grass and walks toward the four lords. The smile on the face is like yesterday.

The four patriarchs felt a sigh of relief, as if they suddenly returned to the moment when Xu Ziyan first met...

"Sister!" The four lords did not stand up and blurted out.

"Older brother!"

Xu Ziyan whispered softly, and the sound was as good as the past, and the smile on his face made him feel sincere.

This moment. The hearts of the four lords were even more shy, and at this moment they felt that Xu Ziyan was their sister, no matter what their old brother did wrong. This sister forgave them.

If Xu Ziyan does not regard them as old brothers, how can he forgive the wrong kind of things they have done? They had to kill the sister in front of them!

When the five people sat down again, there was a time of more than ten. The four lords stabilized their emotions. They have not been so ruined for a long time. However, Xu Ziyan’s “old brother” made them feel uneasy.

Seeing that the four lords have returned to calm, Xu Ziyan whispered: "Older brother, you are coming today, but something?"

Liu Jin loosened his head. At this time, there was nothing to hide, so it was also clean and honest:

"Two things, the first thing is to come to the sister to sin!"

Xu Ziyan gently waved his hand: "Older brother, that thing is all right. You are also confused by Shangzun."

"Thank you!" Liu Jinsong's voice was a bit desolate.

"Thank you!" Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao also opened the way.

"The second thing. I hope that the sister can be the leader of the Terran!"

When the words fell, the four lords looked at the face of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s look did not change at all. The two things that the four lords came out did not surprise her. Just wanted to open the door, and saw a monk flying close to the ground, falling far away, and then fast. Steps toward Xu Ziyan.

"The lord of the lord, the sacred master of the **** machine seeks to see."

Xu Ziyan’s gaze flashed a flash of an accident. She did not fly directly in the unexpected dream machine, but waited for the notice. Then I remembered the words of Yanshan and her thoughts. His own cultivation is still growing too fast, and has not adapted to his own identity change.

Nowadays, he is already a holy monk, and the peak of the goddess of the gods is already like an ant in his own eyes. No wonder the four sects of the past have seen themselves greet them as old brothers and will be excited.

However, Xu Ziyan still does not adapt to the status of today, and can not help but sigh. If Yanshan soul knows his mentality at this time, he will be angry with himself.

Forget it! The family is full of family! There are endless years in my own future. It is not a numbness to keep a family, and it is not necessarily a kind of happiness.

Xu Ziyan stood up and said: "Four old brothers, you sit here first, but I greet the dream master!"

The four lords also stood up, and Liu Jinsong smiled and said: "Let's go with the girl!"

Is not this nonsensical? The holy monks of the people have all gone out to meet, and their four heavenly monks sit here firmly? Also sit still?

Far from seeing that the dream machine is standing under a big tree, Xu Ziyan has accelerated his pace and far-handedly:

“The dream lord is coming and coming, it’s radiant!”

The face of the dream machine was pulled out. He didn't expect Xu Ziyan to come out, but Xu Ziyan greeted him, but he didn't know if it was fierce. A heart in the heart, fluffy and shining? Xu Ziyan will not want to rebuild Taixu? Immediately got a ritual:

"If Xu Zongzhu wants to rebuild Taixu, God machine is willing to contribute a force!"

The four patriarchs also jumped in their hearts and immediately said to them: "I am willing to contribute to the sect."

Xu Ziyan’s look was a glimpse, and then she couldn’t smile on her face. She was stunned at this time, and she was so radiant that these people thought they were extorting them. Can't help but smile:

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have not rebuilt the mind of the tyrannical sect, and this matter is over! Come, let us go to the lakeside."

The five lords heard a glimpse of their words and looked up at Xu Ziyan. Seeing that Xu Ziyan was indeed a sincere appearance, one heart could not help but be more embarrassed. Dream God machine again to give a courtesy:

"A dream of a crime, I also ask Xu Zongzhu to punish!"

"This is also a matter!"

The heavy weight of the dream machine suddenly relaxed and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, who had already turned away, and could not help but sigh:

"Is this the heart of the Holy Master?"

Big handprint lakeside.

Nine chairs around a large table, Xu Ziyan, Tu Yishui, Life Tianzun, Dream God Machine, Liu Jinsong, Jin Endless, Hua Yu, Xuan Tianao, Luo Bufan and Huang Baiji sit around the table.

Soon after the dream machine came, Tu Yishui, Luo Bufan and Huang Baiji also rushed to the scene, and Life Tianzun also represented the nine ancient gods, and they all depended on the number of gifts. At this time, various kinds of fairy fruit and fairy are placed on the table, and these people are drinking easily.

"Ziyan, now the catastrophe is coming, our human races must be united together. Now the South is dominated by you, and our nine sects in the east and the Shangmeng in the north are also willing to serve you as the ally."

The soil is standing straight upright, looking at Xu Ziyan, the surrounding atmosphere is a suffocation, and everyone's eyes are concentrated on the face of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a faint smile, and the sun shone on her face, reflecting the white light.

"You, the lords, I have no intention of being the leader of the lord. This catastrophe depends on the lords. I only want to live in this big handprint lake, no longer being harassed by the mundane things."

"Xu Zongzhu!" The eyes of Life Tianzun revealed Xifeng: "In fact, the so-called "Emperor's Palace" is a catastrophe for us, but it is only for you and the evil Lord. Can you please the evil master?"

The eyes of the monks were all bright, but Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "This kind of catastrophe, the mountain soul, he will not shoot."

The monks of the monks are a dark one, and the dream machine is hand-handed: "That is also to ask the Lord to be born!"

Xu Ziyan still shook his head gently: "I will not be born. This matter will be gone. The catastrophe still needs your lord to worry about it."

The eyes of everyone gathered in the face of Xu Ziyan. Seeing that Xu Ziyan did not seem to be a fake, there was a panic on one face, but nearly 10,000 Tianzun. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and I finally frowned.

The earth is drinking from the water and drinking a drink and saying: "Ladies, since the purple smoke is not willing to be born, then I will be the ally, can you have opinions?"

Everyone's face is changed, no one speaks. When the soil was lost in the water, the people in the room were all clearly seen. Such a person served as the leader of the human race. If suddenly mad, is there a future for the Terran?

“How?” Tu Yihui’s brows were twisted: “Ziyan is not willing to be the ally, so I have the highest level of cultivation here. Shouldn’t I be the ally?”

"Hey..." The dream machine took a look at Xu Ziyan. Seeing Xu Ziyan has always been a look outside the scene, and eventually had to sigh one voice:

"The sect of the soil, according to your current cultivation, it is indeed up to you to be the leader of the lord, but..."

"But what?" Tu Yishui looked at the dream machine.

"But you have the crisis of losing your mind and falling into madness at any time. Imagine if we are fighting with the Palace of the Immortals, then you suddenly become mad..."


I don’t know if I’m crazy, but since that time, he has never committed it. Nowadays, it was mentioned by the dream machine. I only felt that my heart was full of anger and violent.

Each of the masters has a tight face, and they look forward to the earth. The look of Xu Ziyan is also slightly changed, lightly opening the lips and lips:

"Tuzon Lord!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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