The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2619: Grinding opportunity

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The words "Tuzhu Zong" contain the sound of Xu Ziyan's sound and dragon and phoenix. The soil is only clear to the water, and he vomits a long breath. He looks at Xu Ziyan and his face looks uncertain. Just now he Almost insane. The first time I fell into madness, it was because I was holding the spur of the behemoth, but now I am going crazy in a few words by the dream machine. Is it that my condition is getting worse?

I couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I..."

Xu Ziyan stood up and walked toward his bamboo building, whispered: "You come with me!"

The soil immediately stood up, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, followed by Xu Ziyan. The remaining lords looked at each other and they all silently said nothing. Quietly waiting for Xu Ziyan and Tu Yishui to come out from the bamboo building. They are very clear in their hearts. If Xu Ziyan can heal the soil, then it is also the best plan to become a human race leader. If Xu Ziyan can't cure the soil water...

The monks couldn’t help but frown again. Now, apart from the fact that they are sanctified by water, they are just the peaks of the late Tianzun. How do you deal with the catastrophe?

All of a sudden, they couldn’t help but fall into the hustle and bustle...

Within the bamboo building, Xu Ziyan and the soil sit opposite each other. Two people each reached out with one hand, and after a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan took back his hand and frowned and thought. Suddenly, her face changed. She is familiar with the power of the soil in the water, but she is not so familiar at first.

In fact, the strength of the earth depends on the power of chaos, but it is very, very thin. Let her not think about it for a while. And the power of this chaos is still a very impure force of chaos, extremely mottled. There is a violent energy.

Xu Ziyan thinks of Yanshan Spirit and the kind of behemoth he said. Later, Yanshan Spirit gave the monster a name called Chaos Beast.

"This should be the energy of the Chaos Beast? Unfortunately, the Mountain Spirit is not here at this time, otherwise he will definitely recognize it. Just... How can Tusibo absorb this tyrannical energy? This energy will make him burst. Dead!"

"Tuzhuzhu!" Xu Ziyan asked: "Can you tell us how you are sanctified?"

The face of the earth is hesitant, this is his biggest secret, he does not want to say. Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and there was a fluster in his heart. Did the Chaos Beast invade the fairy world at this time?

"Tudor, you absorbed energy from the Chaos Beast?"

"Chaos beast?" There is a hint of sorrow in the look of the earth.

Xu Ziyan was in the heart. Doesn't he know the chaotic beast? According to the memory that Yanshan soul described to her, Xu Ziyan stretched out her fingers, and Yuanli took it out and began to swipe in the air. Soon she drew a chaotic beast.

"Is that it?"

The chaotic beast that looked at the air in the air, his face still shook his head. Xu Ziyan waved away the chaotic beast and started painting again.

"Is that it?"

"Is that it?"


"Is that it?"

When Xu Ziyan painted the eighteenth pattern, the earth changed greatly, and Xu Ziyan’s heart was also a shock. Did the Chaos beast really start to invade the fairy world?

The soil swallowed a mouthful of water. Difficult nod.

Xu Ziyan’s face changed greatly: “The Tujiazhu, the chaotic beast you saw there?”

"This...this is called a chaotic beast?" Tu Yi looked at Xu Ziyan with water.

Xu Ziyan solemnly said: "Tell me!"

The earth sees Xu Ziyan's face is serious, and his heart is also a jump. The look hesitated. In the end, I will say the whole story.


Xu Ziyan breathed a long sigh of relief, but fortunately it was not a chaotic beast invasion, but the ancestors did not know when to seal one. I am afraid that this chaotic beast is not a seal of the ancestors, but existed before the establishment of the ancestors, but it was only discovered by the ancestors.

However, such a purple smoke also has a headache, how can we control the soil and water is no longer in madness? Seeing the appearance of the earth depends on the tide of madness.

"Ziyan...I..." Tu Yishui saw Xu Ziyan's frowning brow, and a heart hung up.

“Hey...” Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: “The landlord, you really are not suitable for the position of the lord, and you should not participate in the fight against the catastrophe. Go back and pass on the position of the lord, then come here. Let's practice by my side."

The look of the earth depends on the water. Sinking and screaming: "Ziyan, can you tell me the truth?"

Xu Ziyan also indulged in a half-sound: "Some things should let you know. Let's go, let's go out and say."

On the lakeside of the big handprint, Liu Jinsong and others jumped in the heart, and his eyes looked in the direction of the bamboo building. Seeing Xu Ziyan and Tu Yishui came out from the inside, Xu Ziyan’s face was dignified, and the soil was full of water. confused.

"Your lords!" After Xu Ziyan was seated, the voice said: "There is one thing to say to each of the lords, but this matter needs to be kept secret, otherwise it will cause panic in the fairy world..."

After half an hour, the big handprint lakeside was quiet. The breeze smashed through the lake and gave birth to a circle, while at the same time the heart of each lord was turbulent.

"This is... really?" The voice of the dream machine was a little trembling.

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: “Yu Zong has such a chaotic beast, and the Tuzhu Lord is taking the energy of his body and sanctification.”

The eyes of the monks are bright, and they all look to the earth. One by one, in the heart, can we also be sanctified by this method?

The earth was still there, and he was shocked by the story of Xu Ziyan. I felt the gaze of everyone, and I woke up from the shock. I saw the bright eyes of everyone, and I couldn’t help but smile on my face:

"Dear friends, I don't think about this road."

The eyes of the monks continued to look at the earth. I hope he can give an explanation. The bitterness of the earth's face is bigger.

"Dear friends, first, we have only one chaotic beast. It is dead now. That is to say, the source of the promotion of strength is gone. Maybe you have it in the sect, but you have to listen to me. point.

The second point is how to absorb the violent energy in the chasing beast! ”

The eyes of the monks are all bright. I can't help but jump. Only the bitterness of Xu Ziyan and Tu Yishui’s face is thicker.

"The energy in this chaotic beast is very violent. As long as it absorbs a thin trace, it will cause the monk to explode and die. Even if we are the late monks of these days."

The faces of the monks showed unbelief. If so, how do you still live here?

"I also had a way to absorb this energy in an accidental situation. Do you still remember the Danish spirit?"

When the monks moved in their hearts, they nodded, and then they said in detail how they cultivated.


Everything was quiet, and everyone’s face was bitter.

At this time, there are Dan Devils on these people! I have already used up, if there is still one person. That is Xu Ziyan.

she has!

And there are many! At the beginning of the Danish spirit in the Palace of the Duke, there were 80% of them obtained by Xu Ziyan, and these Dan Devils have no use for Xu Ziyan, but they gave them some moon, but how many people, and the Nine The sect of the sect, the sect of the nine great ancient Tianzun, is a slap in the face. Therefore, Xu Ziyan has a lot of Dan Yao in his body.

These people have no chaotic beasts, and there is no Danish spirit. Even if you know how to sacred, what is the use?

"And..." The bitterness of the earth's face is becoming more and more intense: "This way is to go astray!"


“Not bad!” Tuyi nodded bitterly and said: “Now I have an energy trend that can't control his violent temper, and maybe I will lose my mind when I am mad.”

The monks looked a glimpse. This reminds me of the fact that I lost my madness in the water, and it looks very ugly.

"Oh..." Tu Yishui sighed: "It seems that I really don't fit in as a lord. After I go back, I will immediately pass the position of the lord to others. Then I will retreat."

"Tulou Lord..."

"Xu Zongzhu, don't persuade me, I still stay in the Zongmen."

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and it was not good to force the soil to stay by his side, and he only nodded lightly. Then Xu Ziyan and Tu Yishui will stop talking. At this point, the things here are no longer the two of them, and the lord will be born among the rest of them.

The dream machine was contemplative, and there was a stunned look in his eyes. Finally he looked up and looked at Xu Ziyan’s voice and asked:

"Xu Zongzhu, can you tell us why you and the evil Lord are not willing to be born?"

Xu Ziyan no longer concealed at this time: "Since you already know the things of the Chaos Beast. Naturally, you will not hide it again. I am afraid that the Dream Master has also thought of it. The Mountain Spirit has a feeling. The Chaos Beast is the real catastrophe, and this The catastrophe seems to be not far away. The mountain spirit believes that the monks in the fairy world are too weak now..."

Speaking of it. Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked at the life of Heaven, and Tian Tian nodded his head:

"Yes, the monks in the fairy world are far worse than the ancients."

The face of each of the lords was a red, and then I heard Xu Ziyan continue to say: "And the lord of the lord of the lord is a experience of the monks of the immortal world. No matter what method you want, you must rely on yourself to spend this catastrophe. Holy monk It is not going to be shot. Only after such a big wave of sand washing, the remaining monks can resist the chaos of the chaos. This is an opportunity to sharpen oneself."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)

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