The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2629: Xu Ziyun

Congratulations to the bookmate 140929212302339 to become the best elder!



Sword without the virtual sword light, abandoning the law repair, is completely a sword repair attack, the one became dozens of broken, big mouth gasping, took out the communication jade, the look is a glimpse, and then overjoyed, The figure disappeared and disappeared.


Twenty-eight monks such as Xu Qinyang finally joined forces to smash a Tianzun into a powder. In this battle, the most powerful people were not these human monks, but the horses.

After the end of the battle, one by one immediately took out the communication jade, read the message inside, one face appeared ecstatic color, Xu Qinyang tore a space, leading the monks to shuttle space.


The monks appeared in Taixu, and saw Xu Ziyan, one by one excitedly called.

"Qin Yang!"



"West Gate Seniors!"

"The son is forging!"


"Oh la la..."

One by one monks flew over and gathered together happily. There was a lot of disturbances with Xu Ziyan going to the Taixufeng Hall.

After entering the hall, (a) (this) (read) novel ybdu.. Xu Ziyan sitting on the top did not say anything, just smiled and looked at the monks on the hall loudly.

These days are undoubtedly the most happy time for Xu Ziyan. The Taixu lost and recovered, and every monk has made a breakthrough. The most important thing is that after this tyrannical disaster. It is obvious that it is possible to feel the cohesiveness of the upper and lower imaginary. In particular, those teenagers who were originally admitted to the Zongmen did not say that Taixu Zong had all kinds of complete cultivation practices and rich cultivation resources. Not to mention that there are still various cults, and it is said that the sect of the Taizong ancestor can resist the attack of the lord, and avoid the existence of the lord's knowledge, which is not what they could have imagined before. .

Such sects make them feel safe, and such lords deserve to be guarded.

When they heard that their lord Xu Ziyan is now on the second level of the Holy Class, their hearts are even more excited. Ask the fairy world, is there a sacred gate with a holy monk?


not a single one!

This pride makes cohesion even better. Today's Taixu Zong is even a piece of iron. At first, Xu Ziyan's strategy of recruiting only young disciples has finally received good results.

With such an effect, Taixu will definitely become the first gate of the entire fairyland.

It’s awkward. Only gradually calmed down, everyone's eyes were looking at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan sat up straight, looking at the sword without a virtual road:

"Master, what is the situation in the fairy world today?"

The sword has nothing to think about: "There are still more than three hundred days in the fairy world. They are now scattered. Some are in the north. Some are in the east, some are in the south, and some are in the devil. Demon world. They come and go without a trace, but only know the killing, it seems that killing is their only mission. It has brought huge losses to the entire fairy world. Now all the sects in the fairy world have opened the guardian squad, all the families They also opened up the guardian squad, and all the celestial cities also opened the Guardian City.

Those monks who have been scattered or have been smashed by the guardian are also arranged to enter other sects, families or fairy tales. Then all the monks in the Terran were divided into dozens of squads. Receive messages at any time. Which Tianzun is attacking which Zongmen, family or Xiancheng. Just go to the space and go to the cofferdam. However, the situation is not optimistic, and those Tianzun are very strong. ”

Speaking of this, the sword has no illusion and smiles: "The only good news is that you don't have to go to the Mozu and the Yaozu to reach an agreement. It is impossible for the Mozu and the Yaozu not to participate in it, because those Tianzun have already killed people. The devil and the demon world."

The swords are full of ambiguity and reveal the color of admiration: "Ziyan, all this is thanks to you. If you don't shoot in time, I am afraid that there will be more than 6,000 Tianzun rushing out, and now there are only more than three hundred 傀儡, the pressure of the people. It has been reduced a lot, and there is a share of the Mozu and the Yaozu. The pressure of the Terran is much less, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Sha Qianli said: "Predecessors, why only Tianzun formed a small team to hunt and kill? If the monks in the fairy world all mobilized, wouldn't it be faster to end this havoc?"

The sword shook his head and shook his head: "Because only Tianzun can receive the news of where it is, the tearing space will reach the place at the first time. The monks below Tianzun do not have this ability. When they arrive at the place, those are The attacking Xiaozongmen or the small family may have been attacked by a large array and have been killed."

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Yes, there are not many leftovers. The Terran adopts this kind of defense, and then Tianzun forms a small team to pursue the strategy at any time. It will gradually eliminate these defects, and it will not cause too many casualties." ”

The sword falsified his head: "Ziyan, the situation is not optimistic. Now there are less than a thousand people in the Terran, and there are only a dozen peaks in the late Tianzun. The Tianzun of the Terran cannot be lost. Every Tianzun is a treasure of the Terran. Therefore, every team has a peak in the late Tianzun, which can ensure that the casualties of Terran Tianzun are reduced to a minimum.

However, as a result, it is stretched. Today's situation is probably like this. More than 60 Tianzuns have entered the Devil World. More than 50 crickets have entered the demon world. The remaining 200 crickets are distributed in the fields of East, South and Northern Terran. And we only have a dozen teams, so every day some small families and small sects are destroyed. ”

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked up, and his face showed a happy color:

"Gold invincible is back!"

There is no movement in the sword: "Ziyan, I will take over the disciples of the Jianfeng who left me with me."


Xu Ziyan nodded, and the sword had no shape in the hall. In a short while, the chaos led the gold invincible, Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away, and the chaos was still the cultivation of the peak of Tianzun’s later stage. It seems that her strength will not increase any more. The invincible cultivation of Jin was promoted to the middle of Tianzun.

The people on the main hall greeted Jin Invincible, and Jin Invincible responded with excitement. When he met Xu Ziyan, he felt the enormous power of Xu Ziyan, which made his heart more excited, as a contract. Slave, who does not want to be with a powerful master!

Xu Ziyan waved his hand to let Jin invincible and everyone speak, and looked at the confusion. At this time, everyone's eyes are also concerned about chaos, chaos has always changed the appearance, so they do not know the identity of the chaos, but they can feel the huge atmosphere of chaos.

Although the chaos of cultivation is only the peak of Tianzun's later period, Xu Ziyan knows that because of her physique and inheritance, she absolutely has the strength to fight against the monks and monks at the top of the holy level, and even can take a few moves in front of the second level.

Slightly think about it, Xu Ziyan knows the voice: "Chaos, do you want to go back to my body space, or want to stay outside?"

The look of chaos is a glimpse, and there is a slight hesitation between the eyes. The final look becomes firm, and the gods know the voice:

"Ziyan, now my cultivation is no longer possible to improve, I... I want to stay outside."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the decision in his heart became more and more firm. Now she is already on the second level of the Holy Class. Originally, she felt that after she broke through the holy level, her life was happy. But now she knows that the mountain spirit will force her to practice, and she also knows that the mountain soul is doing the right thing. If there is a real world robbery in the mouth of the mountain, the repair of the second level of the holy level will be degraded at any time. may.

Whether it is cultivation or happy, Xu Ziyan is not suitable to continue to be the sect of the tyrant. Because she did not have the time and energy to deal with the trivial matters. The best candidate for the tyrannical lord is chaos. She doesn't have to practice, she has a lot of time and energy, and she is her own avatar. There is no doubt about loyalty. So, Xu Ziyan knows the voice:

"Chaos, I am going to pass on the position of the tyrant of the tyrants to the Lord. How will you manage the tyrants in the future?"

The chaotic eyes are bright, and the gods know the voice: "Ziyan, I must lead Taixu to the first door of the fairyland."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan knows the voice: "But you have to remember, don't easily cause killing!"


There is no worry in Xu Ziyan's heart. The chaotic **** is half of her split, and naturally has the character and wisdom of her purple smoke. However, she just wanted to introduce the chaos to the monks, but she heard the confusion of the gods:

"Ziyan, that..."


"Can you change my name when introducing me..."

Xu Ziyan is also a joy in his heart. In his heart, he said: "Yes, how can this lord of the imaginary sect be called chaos? When I hear this name, is the imaginary monk still not messy?"

"What do you want to call?"

"Please also give the name of Ziyan."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and the gods said: "It’s better to call it Xu Ziyun!"

"Good!" The chaotic face showed a happy color.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked at the crowd, and then he was confused. Today’s Xu Ziyun said: “Ziyun, you will change back to look!”


Xu Ziyun’s body shape changed into the same pattern as Xu Ziyan. The only difference is that Xu Ziyun can be seen as a repair, which is the cultivation of the peak of Tianzun’s later period, and Xu Ziyan is the appearance of an ordinary person, which makes people not see depth.

There was silence in the hall, and every monk was stunned. Look at Xu Ziyan for a while, and see Xu Ziyun for a while. At this time, the sword went in from the outside, and then looked at Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyun.

"Everyone!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "This is called Xu Ziyun!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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