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Xu Tianwo looked back and saw Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyun, and muttered in confusion:

"I haven't seen you have a sister!"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh out: "Sirius brother, do I have a sister, you don't know?"

Xu Tianwo once again looked around and said: "It is because I understand, I am confused!"

"Temple brother, you guessed. ".. Ziyun is my avatar."


There are stunned and shocked figures in the monks. They did not expect that Xu Ziyan would have such a strong avatar. Everyone has heard of this avatar, and these big monks like the sword are also imaginary.


Having a practice does not mean that you can cultivate a avatar, and almost no one will practice avatars. Because you can't always cultivate a physical garbage split? This requires extremely rare materials, and once the material is reorganized, its body strength is fixed. If you want to improve his body strength, you must re-refin it with more rare materials.

This is simply a kind of consumption, and even if you want to consume, it is difficult to find the rare materials, some materials have been lost, but only recorded in the legend.

Xu Ziyan is completely a big bargain. That is the sacred master of the sacred masters, the body of the great disciple of the demon and the demon, and the body of the body refining through the secret method, which has the effect of being promoted with the improvement of Xu Ziyun. Otherwise, Xu Ziyan will not practice avatars.

"Everyone, my future time will mainly be in the hustle and bustle... above cultivation, so I will pass the position of the tyrannical lord to Xu Ziyun, and later Ziyun is the sect of the tyrant."

The monks looked a glimpse, and the sword had no illusion, because he knew that there was a greater catastrophe in the celestial world. Xu Ziyan was preparing for the catastrophe. And hand over the Zongmen trivia to Xu Ziyun. So take the initiative to go to court:

"See the ancestors and meet the lord!"

Scared Xu Ziyan jumped up and flew to the front of the sword. With both hands holding the sword, there is no way:

"Master, don't scare me! Whenever I am, I will worship you!"

"See the ancestors! See the lord!"

Out of Jin Ge, those who are not too imaginary monks, the remaining monks are visiting Shiva and Xu Ziyun respectively. Because the sword is worthy, they set an example for them. Even the master of the purple smoke agreed with Xu Ziyan’s decision. What are they waiting for?


Who is the difference between Xu Ziyan and Xu Ziyun? Xu Ziyun is the avatar of Xu Ziyan, not the same thing!

The monks re-seat, but this time Xu Ziyan is still sitting in the middle of the upper head, and Xu Ziyun is sitting in the first position of the left hand, the sword is sitting in the first place of the right hand. When Xu Ziyan is absent, Xu Ziyun will sit in the middle of the head.

Xu Ziyan sat in the middle of the head and grabbed his head and said: "I have become the ancestor of the mountain?"

When everyone heard it, I couldn’t help but think that Xu Ziyan was probably the youngest ancestor of the entire fairyland. I can't help laughing.

When the laughter falls, the sword has no illusion: "Ziyan. Nowadays, the fairyland is really a catastrophe. The catastrophe of this day is not over yet, and the fallen family has rushed to the Arctic icefield."

"The fallen family?" Xu Ziyan frowned slightly.

The sword is not empty, and the matter of the fallen family is said in detail. Xu Ziyan’s heart is awkward. The same race is called the fallen family by the three races, and he himself is called the brilliant family. The contrast on this title will definitely make the fall. A family has become psychologically unbalanced and very cruel. I am afraid that the catastrophe that they have caused may not be worse than that of Tianzun.

"Now the fallen people are killing and looting in the north, and the Terran sacred people have no time and energy to deal with the fallen people because they have to kill the heavens and the monks. The people are lagging behind the fallen people in the top strength.

The following monks in the Northern Alliance of the Yuan Dynasty also fought against the fallen people many times, but because the fallen family had the monks of the heavenly monks, the monks who were encircling them in the North, although they had a large number of monks, had no one to be a monk, and they were calmed by several times. Retreat. There is no way to take them.

In particular, the fallen people in the Terran territories have recently gathered in the north. The fallen people who first came out of the Arctic ice sheet have only three million monks. Now they have already passed ten million. They do not occupy any place, and they do not stay anywhere for too long. Without any plan or inevitable purpose, it is simply where to think of where to hit, the people can not find any rules of theirs, often the Terran pursued where they killed, they have already killed other places.

Later, the Eastern and Southern Terrans sent some monks who were above the honor to help the northern monks, but they still had little effect.

And with this trend going on, if more degraded families gather in the north, I am afraid that by then the whole north will be the fallen family, and then they will enter the east and cause greater disaster to the human race.

The current fairyland has formed two kinds of battlefields. One is the northern battlefield where a large number of monks are gathered. There are collisions with tens of millions of ethnic monks and millions of fallen people, but the human race is not dominant, because the fallen family has a monk, And the Terran does not. Recently, the fallen family has no longer fled, posing a decisive battle with the Terran. I am afraid that the Terran will be seriously damaged.

However, the Terran of the Terran is now free from another battlefield. The other battlefield is blooming on all sides. Every day, more than 200 places in the Terran territory are attacked by Tianzun, and the Terran is exhausted. There is no time and energy to take care of the fallen people in the north. ”

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "The emergence of the fallen family is also a temper for the Terran, but if you don't invest in the monk, it is not tempered, but killed by the fallen. You must invest in a team of heavenly people, you don't have to fall. All the Tianzun of a family can be killed, as long as they can play the role of dragging down the fallen family."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the monks above Tianzun in the main hall. The sword was worthy of being a sanctified monk. With his embarrassment, one person can deal with a god, even if the other’s Tianzun is in the late stage, the sword is full and chasing. And the ability to kill. Although Xu Ziyun is the peak of Tianzun's later period, its strength is stronger than that of the sword. Ma Jiao and Xiao Bai are also the peaks of Tian Zun's later period. Xu Qin Yang is the late Tian Zun, Xu Tianwo, Xu Xingfan, Ling Xiao and Lang Yue are the mid-term peaks of Tianzun. Jin Invincible and the Magical Demon have reached the middle of the Tianzun, the heart, the destiny, the left Pengming, the city, the ink machine, the sky without shadow, the Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi nine people for the early days of Tianzun.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "Master! You alone and the dream machine they meet, specifically to kill Tianzun."

"Okay, no problem!" The sword nodded and said: "I have killed four days."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and looked at Xu Ziyun again: "Ziyun, you are alone with the master to go with the dream machine, they will meet, chasing Tian Zun."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyun nodded.

"Ma Jiao, two brothers, brother of Sirius, Xingfan, Sai brother, left brother, even brothers, you seven to form a small team to go with the dream of God, chasing Tian Zun."


"Xiaobai, Ling brother, master brother, ink brother, brother Chou, Chinese brother, Jin brother, Xuan brother, you eight to form a small team also joined the action of chasing Tian Zun."


Finally, Xu Ziyan swept his eyes over Xu Qinyang, Jin Invincible and Magical. Although the three monks are the late Tianzun, the two are the middle of the Tianzun, but they have their own strengths.

Xu Qinyang has the strongest strength and is good at sound work. The magical is good at illusion, and the gold invincible body is powerful. These three people cooperate, although they may not be able to kill the fallen gods, but dragging them should not be a problem.

"Qin Yang brother, Jin invincible, magical devil, you three go to the north, meet the monks there, your mission is to target the fallen family of the gods, as for the descendants of the Tianzun below you do not care."


Xu Ziyan looked at these heavenly monks in the hall, and in the heart, after this tempering, they will become stronger and perhaps further breakthroughs.

At this time, the Terran Alliance has increased the ranks of the hunters of the gods because of the sudden intrusion of the fallen family. Shangzun is one person all the way, the nine ancient Tianzun each as the captain of a team, each team with ten Tianzun monks. Dream God Machine, Jin Wuwei, Liu Jinsong, Hua Yu, Xuan Tianao, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi each led ten Tianzun to form seven teams. The rest of the Terran has about 800 respects, but the cultivation is from the early days of Tianzun to the late Tianzun. These monks are divided into eight teams, each of which has a hundred monks. In total, there are twenty-five teams that are chasing the gods.

When the sword was innocent to inform the dream machine, and the Taixu sent four teams to join in the pursuit of the gods, the dream machine was overjoyed.

At this time, the Shenji Zong was busy, and the eastern, northern and southern Terran areas were attacked by Tianzun, and the news was quickly summed up to the Shenji Zong by the communication jade, and the Shenji Zong immediately had a monk to classify the message, which would be the most Twenty-nine places in critical situations notified the twenty-nine teams that chased Tian Zunqi by subpoena. When twenty-nine teams killed a Tianzun, they immediately returned to Shenzi Zong and received the next combat location. Travel through the fairyland.

When there is a lot of Tianzun in a certain place, Shenji Zong will mobilize several small teams to join forces to kill Tianzun, and the Terran territory is everywhere.

At the same time, the demon world and the demon world are also smashing around. The Mozu and the Yaozu have to face the gods. The plan to watch the Terran alone resisting the catastrophe is completely bankrupt and passively involved in the catastrophe. Although there are not many Tianzun who invade the demon world and the demon world, but there are fewer Tianzuns of the Mozu and the Yaozu, and there are fewer peaks in the late Tianzun, so the casualties of the Mozu and the Yaozu are not less than the Terran.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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