The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2632: Take the mile into the holy

Chapter 2630 wrote the wrong name and changed it. Thanks to the reminders of the comrades, o(∩_∩)o


The South has experienced too many hardships. If the tens of millions of brilliant people in the demon world have passed through the Wuthering Mountains and merged with the glorious people of the South, it is a devastating blow to the South. I am afraid that after this catastrophe The South is completely depressed. It has not recovered for tens of thousands of years.

Xu Ziyan immediately slammed Xu Xiang, hoping to call the spring 30 maiden to the front, let them three immediately went to the south, leading the southern monks to expel the southern glory.

The situation has been completely smashed. At this time, what Xu Ziyan wants to do is not to annihilate the glorious people of the southern continent. The loss will be extremely huge. There are also tens of millions of brilliant families in the southern continent. If they are surrounded by these brilliant families, they will definitely be in the southern continent. Rogue, even if all these glory are annihilated in the future, the Terran monks may have to fall at least a few million.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan can only be expelled, let go of a mouth, let the brilliant family have an escape direction. After all, there are no monks in the glory of the glorious family. There are not many monks in the land. There are Xu Xiang, and the hopes of the three monks of the Spring and the 30th Anniversary are absolutely shocking to the brilliant family. At this time, let the brilliant family release an escape, they will not hesitate to flee in that direction.

The brilliant family is not wanting to be with the Arctic ice = one = this = read = novel = the original big saints they meet?

Then let them meet, expel the splendid situation to the north, and then expel them to the Arctic ice sheet. Even after the Terran kills Tian Zun, it is also in urgent need of self-cultivation, facing a more harsh world. There is no room for a decisive battle with the brilliant family. Only the brilliant family will be expelled from the Arctic Icefield.

Xu Ziyan let Xu Xiang, hope that the mouth of the Spring 30 is open to the direction of the Western Devils, she can only save the strength of the Terran with the greatest efforts, let the brilliant family go to the North through the Devil.

Shaqianli continued to lead the demon hunters of hundreds of thousands of monks who deported the Wuthering Mountains. This is also a temper for the Taixu monks. The monks who are too imaginary are in urgent need of rapid growth.

And Xu Ziyan is a person who came outside the Wuthering Mountains. Facing the direction of the demon world. A person quietly stood on a mountain peak, looking at the demon world.

The sky suddenly darkened.

A thick cloud covers the sky and spreads toward the Wuthering Mountains.


Southern continent. In the confrontation between the southern monk and the brilliant family, Xu Xiang, hope and the spring thirty-naughter teamed up and smashed the last psychological defense line of the brilliant family, and retreated in the direction of the devil world. Their strength is not strong. Just relying on a crazy momentum in the crazy killing, but once they are being swayed, the fear and humbleness in the subconscious has long caused them to collapse.

Ouyang Liu Xian flew to the front of Xu Xiang, looking at the glorious family who fled and fled, long spit out a breath:

"Predecessors, the fallen family on the Wuthering Mountains..."

Xu Xiang smashed his sleeves and said faintly: "There is a purple smoke sister!"

Xu Ziyan stood on the top of a unique mountain and looked up.

The splendid family that covered the sky and the sun rolled up the clouds. The scent of Xiao Xiao hangs from the sky, and the space jumps with the factor of turbulence. Within the Wuthering Mountains. Both the Yaozu and the Taixu monks did not fight, and each one looked at the boundless brilliant family in the sky, and their eyes moved down and gathered at Xu Ziyan, the peak of Dufeng.

The gale blew through, and the dress of Xu Ziyan was raised backwards, hunting and screaming, and a hair fluttering in the wind.


A sword, Xu Ziyan's right hand has a sword!

A too virtual sword!

The side of the pituitary body!

The brilliant family in the sky saw Xu Ziyan, and then tilted down toward Xu Ziyan, like an endless Wang Yang slamming down to Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan raised the sword in his hand and swept it from left to right in the air. The space seemed to have a crack in the line. The crack in the line was instantly extended, extended to the boundless, and then extended to the sides. A world appeared in Xu Ziyan and brilliant. Between a family.

Absolute crushing!

The dazzling light is released in the sky, which is temporarily blind. Out of the light, I can't see anything, I can't see clearly.

The splendid monk's body instantly shattered, turned into powder, and was swept up by the violent wind...

Hundreds of thousands of brilliant families were annihilated under this sword. Although the strength of these monks was very low, even a monk who had no respect for the monks did not, but watched hundreds of thousands of monks suddenly become a powder. Flying, let tens of millions of brilliant families look dull.

This power has exceeded their imagination, and the shock they brought them made them psychologically on the verge of collapse.


On the verge of collapse is also a moment of psychological madness. The brilliant family wakes up from the shock. They don't believe that this kind of power can be released once.


I don't know who screamed first, although the voice was full of tremors, but it ignited the madness of the brilliant family on the verge of collapse.


More than 20 million brilliant families have red eyes and look stunned, and they are rushing toward Xu Ziyan, the peak of Dufeng.

Yanshan soul is far from the imaginary imaginary, and the glorious family who are looking at the edge of the demon world is facing the Xu Ziyan, and the corner of the mouth floats a little sarcasm.

Sword Mang splits the space, and one world is once again formed. It seems that the sound is lost between heaven and earth. This is the sound of the big sound.


The sound of the sound of the sky finally rang through the sky, the sound of the sound, the arrogance...

It is in this fairy voice that the bodies of those brilliant families collapsed and hundreds of thousands of brilliant families annihilated in the air...


The psychic of the brilliant family collapsed, the madness turned into fear, and the escape turned back. They realized that the Wuthering Mountains were too imaginary and had purple smoke. For them is the road to eternal, tens of millions of brilliant families fled back to the demon world, and gave up the glory of the southern continent. Rushing toward the eastern continent, flowing from the east to the north...


Xu Ziyan looked back, his eyes turned to the tyrannical peak of Taixu Zong, and the eyes of Yanshan in the air also looked down to the bamboo building next to the hall of Taixufeng.

Xu Ziyan’s face appeared to be delighted, his body shape was vertical, and he plunged toward Taixufeng. Speak in the mouth:


On the face of Yanshan soul above the void, there was a smile on his face, and he whispered in a low voice:

"There is one more holy level between heaven and earth. We are not lonely. Take the road friend, welcome!"

Cloud scattered...

There is a colorful halo in the sky, and the fairy sounds fall from the sky...

Whistling the mountains.

Countless demons look at the halo in the sky and listen to the fairy voice between heaven and earth. One by one feels that Tianwei is spreading to them. Look at the Xu Ziyan who went to meet Tianwei, and I was not afraid of it. Look at the Yanshan soul in the middle of Tianwei, the cloud is light and windy...

"What is this? What are the characters?"

"What is this realm?"

The demon people were completely chilly, and they would not stay in the Wuthering Mountains for a moment, screaming and rushing toward the demon world.

At this point, there is no demon in the Wuthering Mountains!


The bamboo door opens and takes you out of the bamboo building. Looking at the surroundings, I looked a little embarrassed.

"I... Is this a maddening? This is this... Too illusory reappeared yesterday. Did I fail to enter the Holy Land?"


The shape of Xu Ziyan flew up from the foot of the mountain and looked at the miles with joy.

"Ziyan... I am... is it mad?"

"Master?" Xu Ziyan was amazed, and then there was a worrying color on his face.

"I...what did you see too imaginary..." The face of Wanli was awkward.

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile.

"Take a friend!"

The shape of Yanshan soul descended from the sky, and fell in front of the Wanli and stood side by side with Yanshan soul.

"Mountain Spirit... Are you also in my fantasy?" The bitterness of the face of Wanli.

"Master!" Xu Ziyan jumped to the front of the miles, grabbed his arms and swayed with his arms: "You are not a fantasy, it is too imaginary to come back."

Take a thousand miles to make your face scream: "Ziyan, although in Master's fantasy, you should not fool Master, what is called Taixu Zong!"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but smile, and said the reason for the matter to listen to the thousands of miles, and finally said in a firm tone:

"Master, so you said that you broke through to the Holy Class, not the fire!"

I took the knowledge out of the world and felt the truth of the world. I smiled and smiled happily:

"I broke through the holy class! I became a holy monk! I live with the heavens and the earth!"

At this moment, like a child who is happy in a thousand miles, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul also laugh as innocent as a child.

Suddenly, as soon as he changed his face, he saw the robbery cloud in the sky being formed. Immediately said:

"Ziyan, I am going to robbery!"

"Master, I am going to protect the law for you!"

The three figures disappeared instantly in the mountains.

After seven days.

That peak suddenly appeared three more people, but it is the ride of thousands of miles, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. At this time, there have been traces of avenues in every move. The three holy monks are enchanted by the atmosphere of joy, and they see the fire dance. Ximen Yu, Ling Yijian and others are so sullenly flying to the peak. The eyes of the three holy monks could not help but look at them. Xu Ziyan smiled:

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you not happy?"

The fire dance looked at the miles and shook hands: "The predecessors broke through the holy level?"

"Yes, hahaha..." I haven’t been out of excitement since I’ve been in the air, and I can’t help but laugh.

"Congratulations to the seniors!" The face of the fire dance showed a sincere smile.

“Congratulations to the predecessors!” The monks on the peak congratulated him. I’m happy to laugh in a thousand miles.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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