The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2633: Siege

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When the laughter fell, Xu Ziyan continued to ask: "Brother, you haven't told me why you are depressed?"

The face of the fire dance was boring, and said with a sullen mood: "You put a posture on the edge of the demon world, took out two swords, drove the fallen family away, and scared away the demon people in the Wuthering Mountains. At this time, there is no longer a demon in the entire Wuthering Mountains. Where do you want us to honed?"

Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but laugh, and the gods spread out, shrouded hundreds of thousands of monks in the illusory, and then recovered the gods:

"In fact, after you have been killed in these days, the realm has been basically stable and you can continue to cultivate. It is better for you to use this time to continue cultivation. After killing all the gods, I will agree to all of you going to the north and the fallen people." ”

The eyes of everyone are bright, and the fire dance and other people immediately said: "Then we will go back to practice immediately!"

When the words fell, a group of people flew away, and the three great monks couldn’t help but smile. Everyone's heart is very happy, from the fire dance and other people, {a + Ben} read the novel ybdu they saw the emptiness of the Taixu.

"Ziyan, I also need to settle. I am doing my cultivation, I am going to hunt those Tianzun!"

Xu Ziyan indulged in a moment: "Master, you are now a holy monk... or purple smoke and you are practicing!"

Shaking his head in a thousand miles: "Master's foundation is still too weak. Just by opening a bridge between heaven and earth, I feel that it is difficult to get through the second bridge of heaven and earth. So Master needs real battle to lay a solid foundation, and you. In fact, Master can now count as the weakest holy monk, and those who are not as weak as the gods are as long as I keep searching for those who fight in the sky and fight all the time. The continuous killing will definitely put My foundation is solid. Let me deepen my understanding of the Holy Level."

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and felt that it was reasonable to take a thousand miles, especially those who were at the peak of the late Tianzun. Its body strength has reached the level of the Holy Level, which is exactly the opponent who is tempered by thousands of miles.

"That... Master, you have to be careful!"

"The ones that are careful are those who go, Master goes too. Hahaha..."

With a burst of laughter. The figure of a thousand miles disappeared in the Taixu Peak. Xu Ziyan took back his gaze and looked at the soul of Yanshan:

"The mountain soul, the big Zhou Tianjian array is set up?"

"It's almost the same. The rest of the way is to let the school learn to lay." Yanshan soul said nothing.

"Your petrochemical..."

Yanshan soul shook his head and shook his head: "Don't say it, I will slowly find a way."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan's face showed a hint of ambiguity, suddenly remembered his feelings before. Condensed asked:

"Mountain Spirit, I have also felt the faint vibration between heaven and earth. Does this indicate that the world is getting closer?"

"Can you feel it?" Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan with shock.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan. Halfway: "What is the realm of your power of the gods?"

"The sixth level of the holy level!"

"Sure enough!" Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyan strangely: "Otherwise you can't feel the faint vibration."

“Is it true?”

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul nodded lightly: "But there may not be a world of catastrophe, I thought that when I was a stone, I used to have a lot of vibrations, but it disappeared without a trace. In the hundreds of millions of years, there has been a catastrophe in the world. I hope that this time there will be no catastrophe."

Having said that, Yanshan soul gaze at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, we have to do the worst. Now it is only a matter of time to eliminate it. As for the fallen family, as long as the annihilation is eliminated, the tribes want to destroy the fallen family. You will be easy. Don't worry, or practice with peace of mind, you can break through to the third level of the holy level, and there will be more protection."

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile: "Where is it so easy to break through!"

Yanshan soul gently shook his head: "You must be easier. After all, your power of the gods has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Level."


Fairy world.

East and West, the world, the human world, the demon world, the devil world, the glory of the family, like the genius of the genius, generally gathered toward the North on the Yuanmeng, the brilliant family has occupied all the territories of the North, leaving only the Yuanmeng.

Since all Tianzun is chasing Tian Zun at this time, the original strength of Shangyuan League is not strong, and it is in a state of weakness at this time. The nine ancient antiquity Tianzun had already sent back the news, so that the Shangyuan League adhered to it, and it was really unstoppable, and it retreated toward the east. After waiting for the elimination of the blasphemy, it was the time when the Terran counterattacked.

The three tribes were seriously prepared for this catastrophe. They originally thought that it was only the lord of the lord of the lord, and the Terran thought that the three tribes would join forces and set up a large array of squadrons in the sacred palace, which would surely control the catastrophe within the scope of the sacred palace. In the end, I will fight for the loss of half of the three elites, and also destroy Tianzun in the Palace of the Immortals.

It’s just that the Terran did not think that the Mozu and the Yaozu did not cooperate at all. Only the ethnic group alone resisted the horror of the Heavenly Lord, but it was never imagined that there was a Tianzun later that gave birth to the intellect, controlled the public, and put out the After the World War, it broke through a large array of layers and rushed out of the Palace of the Immortals.

If it wasn't for the birth of Xu Ziyan, most of them would be killed by more than three hundred scorpions, and the three tribes would be even more unprepared.

Nowadays, the Mozu and the Yaozu have to passively participate in the battle to eliminate Tianzun, but the house leaks have been raining all night, and it is the fall of the Arctic Icefield who never thought of the ice sheet.

Originally there was nothing, but it was never thought of. The fallen people killed by the Arctic Icefield have formed the trend of the Suiyuan as the fire of the stars. The fallen tribes of the demon and the demon have caused a catastrophe that is not weaker than Tianzun.

If there is no god. Even if the tribes of the three tribes are not out of the mountains, there is no problem. The tribes of the three tribes who lead the tribes can completely kill the brilliant tribes of the three realms. After all, there is no master in the brilliant family of the three realms. There are not a few masters, let alone the monks of Tianzun. As long as some monks are sent to stop the Great Holy Lord in the north, some of the Arctic Icefields are not a problem.

But now the monks below the three tribes are not afraid to move out, once they leave the guardian squad. Those who are in the sky will come to the space at any time, and the three tribes cause huge casualties.

Therefore, the tribes of the three tribes took the same approach, except for the monks of the Tianzun period who were chasing Tian Zunyu everywhere. All the monks are unable to stand, let the brilliant family shuttle in the Three Realms, gather in the north, and wait for the destruction of Tianzun.

This strategy is not without benefits. The Three Territories monks are keeping the casualties to a minimum. Those who are often present in the ranks of those brilliant families, Tian Zun can not tell what is the Terran, the Yaozu, the Devil and the brilliant. They only know how to kill, and when they see a huge team of brilliant people, they directly kill the past. These brilliant families only fled while fighting, but they suffered heavy losses.

Even the Great Lord has suffered several attacks by Tian Zun, and was jointly killed by the Great Lord and others. The glorious family is inevitably involved in the catastrophe of Tian Zun.

But the benefits of the brilliant family are still more than the loss. They robbed a lot of resources in the north. At this time, there have been 50 million brilliant families gathered in the north. Their purpose at this time is to break through the alliance and collect all the resources of the Yuanmeng.

Starry sky, the high air floating in the fairy palace. Under the Emperor's Palace, it was the Shangyuan League. At this time, the Shangyuan League opened, and the foreign exchanges in the big array gathered more than 50 million brilliant families. The inside and outside of the big array are very quiet, only to hear the sound of breathing.

The brilliant family set up an attacking array. They couldn't break the big battle with their squad. They didn't have a superb fairy sect, but they gathered the power of 50 million monks. They were confident that they would violently break in the absolute. Under the force, all formations are also illusory.

The Great Lord is high above the Yuntai. The twinklings are full of excitement. The Terran is comparable to the Shangmeng League of the Great Gate. The Shangyuan League, which has the nine ancient gods, will be destroyed in his hands. He is excited. The body was slightly trembling, took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, raised his hand and waved gently, and a monk standing beside him immediately raised a huge flag and shook it.


A large array of 50 million brilliant families issued an attack, and the large array of the Shangmeng League began to shake. Every glorious family's face is exposed with cruelty and the most excitement. It continues to gather strength and fights through the battlefield to the Guardian of the Yuanmeng League.


The roaring sound rang through the sky, and the sound of the voice outside the big array was silent. Silence was silent.

A thousand miles away from Shangyuan League, Xu Qinyang, Jin Invincible and the magical face are very ugly. After all, they only have three people. When the Great Lord assembled tens of millions of monks and targeted them three, the three of them only fled.

Too imaginary.

Xu Ziyan opened her eyes helplessly in the secret room. She had not yet entered the bridge of heaven and earth, but the scene of the past suddenly appeared in her mind.

Since she suddenly came to the world, from the day after tomorrow, she started to escape marriage and avoid the tragic fate. At that time, she felt that she only had one house, three meals a day, and she could be ordinary and happy in this world. Living is satisfied.

Later, she felt the love of her parents, and her thoughts changed. She hopes to protect the parents of this world and let her parents live happily for a lifetime. Later, she joined the Xu family and had friends at Xu Family. For these friends, she and these friends embarked on the road of guarding the family.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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