The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2634: convene

It seems that there is a big hand that has been pushing her, pushing her to continue to practice, to improve her cultivation, but as her cultivation improves, her mood has also changed. ()..

She went from guarding her parents to guarding her family and eventually went to protect humanity. In the vast mainland, she fights with the ghost king to protect the human beings, and comes to the fairyland and the demon, and the demon fights. Although she lost her longing for her life, and sometimes even gave her life, she does not regret it!

Because on this road she also saw countless Terrans in front of the big and the big, can decisively abandon personal grievances, just as now, all Terran are united to resist the Holocaust.


She always feels uneasy. She always feels like this. The north will be completely smashed, and once the glorious family completely occupies the north, it may not continue to attack the eastern world or the western devil world, which will bring more to the mainland. For a serious disaster!

Xu Ziyan finally broke through. Yanshan soul felt that Xu Ziyan was out of the way. He just sighed softly. His path may not be the path of Xu Ziyan. Although he felt that his own path was correct, he did not want to go. Interfering with Xu Ziyan.

"Maybe because she is a human being, and I am just a stone!"

Yanshan soul whispered to himself and closed his eyes.

After Xu Ziyan left the customs, he immediately got the news that the brilliant family surrounded the Yuanmeng League. Now there are about 50 million brilliant families outside the Shangyuan League. According to statistics, there are about 80 million brilliant families in the three circles. The north advances.

Xu Ziyan immediately contacted Shenji Zong, and then let Shenji Zong inform all the monks of Tianzun to come to Taixu.

It’s only less than half an hour. One by one, the monks and monks have traveled to the Taixu Hall. After a few chills, after some statistics, it is estimated that there are less than 90 Tianzun in the Shangyuan continent. This period of time is the most devastating of thousands of miles. Xu Ziyan silently checked the breath of thousands of miles, and his realm has been basically consolidated.

It was very unhappy to see Xu Ziyan in Wanli.

"Ziyan, what do you call me back? Let me kill more than a dozen days, I will be able to completely consolidate the realm."

Xu Ziyan lost his smile: "Master, don't worry. There will always be opportunities."

When the words fall, Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the Tianzun in the hall, not just the Terran. It is the Mozu and the demon Tianzun who are also sitting in the hall at this time. The Mozu and the Yaozu are no longer the Terran to cooperate with them, but they need to cooperate with the Terran. After all, their number of gods is much less than that of the human race.

"You friends!" Xu Ziyan condensed: "Now the fallen family besieged the Yuanmeng, and the entire northern monks have now hid in the Yuanmeng League. If the Shangyuan League is broken, the entire north will be no one else. This is a real disaster for the entire Upper Yuan."

The Mozu and the demon Tianzun secretly licked their mouths in their hearts, one by one: "The northern people are all destroyed. What is in control of us. It is good to be destroyed. The gap between the three tribes will be narrowed."

However, at this time they did not dare to say it in their hearts, because in the past period of time, Terran Tianzun did not enter the demon world and the devil world to help them kill Tian Zun. At this time, if they show the hope that the human race will lose more, the Terran will abandon the Mozu and the Yaozu, and the Mozu and the Yaozu will suffer more casualties. If you think about it more darkly, the Terran does not kill those gods, but drive them all into the devil and the demon world. That is the real catastrophe for the devil and the demon world.

So at this time they can only listen, as long as the Terran does not pass the harm on them. They can work with the Terran.

"If the alliance is broken, the brilliant family may not be satisfied. They will inevitably invade the eastern world, or the western demon world, to further expand the disaster."

“How do we do it?” The dream machine quickly responded, and the previous strategy seemed to be problematic. Can not wait to kill the gods, and then go to the fallen family.

"There are not many left in the remaining Tianzun, but there are only more than 80 left. The damage caused is not as good as before. It is time for us to drive out the fallen family."

"Just expelled?" Mellon Tianzun said: "The Mozu is seriously damaged this time, and the fallen family is not in a good mood. So what he wants to do is not to expel, but to kill. To kill this race." ."

Mellon Tianzun said this, not only the Yaozu, but also the Terran Tianzun also nodded, the fallen family came to the catastrophe to come to the Three Realms, really let the Three Kingdoms Tianzun hate the bones.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Don't forget, we have to face the fallen family, and Tianzun is the biggest catastrophe. At this time, expelling the fallen family is helpless. I think the original ideas of all the friends in the heart are first After Tian Zunzhen solved it, he will fight with the fallen family."

All the heavens nodded.

"If we have killed all the gods at this time, we can naturally start a decisive battle with the fallen people, not the expulsion, but the real decisive battle. Even if they return to the Arctic ice sheet, we will also chase the Arctic ice sheet.

However, the timing is not right now. Don't forget, in addition to the fallen family, there are more than 80 Tianzun squatting around, and more than half of the more than 80 crickets are the peaks of the late Tianzun. If you don’t kill them, they will endless troubles.

Therefore, I think we should solve the fallen people at the fastest speed at this time, as long as they are driven back to the Arctic Icefield. So we can pour out time and energy to specifically kill those who are esteemed. ”

There was a silence in the hall, only a heavy breathing sound. In the end, these days, the monks and grandmasters nodded helplessly. They know that Xu Ziyan makes sense, but he is unwilling.

"How do we do it?" asked the dream machine.

"Choose the elites of each family and immediately rush to the North Union." Xu Ziyan said with a sigh, then looked at the nine ancient antiquity:

"Dao You, how long can the Shangzheng League's Guardian Guards last?"

Time Tianzun thought for a moment: "There is no problem for two months."

Xu Ziyan looked hesitant, and she couldn't believe it in her understanding of the time. But there is no way at this time, big deal, I will go and see for myself.

"Ziyan, don't have to be so troublesome, we Tianzun immediately went to the north, and with our heavenly respects, can we still not go to those fallen people?" The soil is shimmering in the eyes.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "The lords of the earth, our monks went together, and naturally they were able to expel those fallen people, but there are two aspects that are not appropriate."

"Which two aspects?"

"First, I lost a chance to honed the Zongmen or the family disciples. It is rare to have such a big scene. Don't you think that they should be experienced? And the level of the fallen family is exactly the martial arts of the various sects." The best object. Of course, when those who are degraded, they will be handed over to the friends. Well, you can also leave some of the fallen people in the early days of the Tianzun family, so that the monks of the various Zongmen’s families will be killed. They, that will be the best temper for them. I am going to lead all the monks of Taixu to the north."

The monks are all in the heart. It seems that Xu Ziyan really regarded the fallen family as the object of Zongmen. So the sky is also a hot heart.


This is a rare and big scene. Let the disciples of the Zongne know each other and strengthen the Tao. Afterwards, even if they have a demon in cultivation, they can pass through with a strong will.

"Secondly, if we go this way, those Heavenly lords will inevitably break through a large array of small families or small sects, and slaughter the three monks. During this time, all the friends are rushing, and it is too late. At the time, some small families and small sects were destroyed."

I heard the words of Xu Ziyan, and all the gods looked stunned.

"If we start sending a large number of monks to the north, those gods will attack us, just like they attacked the fallen and fallen people. After all, they lost their minds, only knowing the killing, they smell the popularity gathered together, it is bound to Give up the monks who are hiding in the guardian ancestry, but directly kill the monks who go to the north. This avoids attacking the small sects and small families, attracting them, and letting us not go around. They. The mission of our Tianzun is to protect the ranks of the disciples of the various sects."

Having said that, Xu Ziyan looked at Wanli Road: "Master, as a result, there will be a lot of jealousy for you to kill!"

Take a look at the eyes of Wanli: "Okay, this is a good way!"

"The task of escorting the entire southern monk is given to us to take the lead."

In the hearts of the people, they scorned and escorted the monk team. In the face of the gods, the most important thing is to have the monks of the late Tianzun. Too imaginary, even if Xu Ziyan still does not shoot, now there is a thousand miles in the early stage of the holy level, the sword is not empty, this sacred sanctification, Xu Ziyun, Xiaobai, Ma Jiao and Xu Xiang, the four peaks of the late Tianzun, there is a weak strength Xu Qinyang, who is at the peak of Tian Zun's late period, is also a metamorphosis, and nature is foolproof.

But what about other continents?

Especially the Mozu and the Yaozu, it is really difficult to complete this task of escorting the monks to the north.

The North now has no need to escort, nor has it been escorted by monks. The nine ancient gods are idle, and the east has the horror of earth-water.


Earth is really scary!

Who knows when he is going crazy? Once the hair is insane and the six parents don’t recognize it, isn’t it worse?

Therefore, the remaining monks of the heavens are hesitant and silent.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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