The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2640: Avenue to Jane

The lord looked at Yanshan Soul and Quebec in the air, and had some speculation about the realm of both of them. ;. Quebec should be the beginning of the eighth level of the holy level, and the soul of Yanshan is higher, it should reach the middle level of the eighth level. Thinking of this, there is a smile on the corner of the fairy.

At the beginning, he was also able to get the slightest insight after he had completed the first eight levels of the Holy Order. So he had to leave, but he did not expect that he happened to get the wrath of a phoenix ancestor. After refining the sacred soul of the ancestor, his cultivation has reached the middle level of the eighth grade. He has been paying attention. With the spirit of Yanshan, it is finally determined that the strength of Yanshan soul should be similar to him. This time, the heart is a loose.

Suddenly, the eyebrows picked up slightly and saw a figure in the air. As soon as I saw this figure, Xu Ziyan’s mouth couldn’t help but sneak a bitter smile.

People are not others, but they are the Lord of the Lord.

This demon must have felt the battle between Yanshan Soul and Quebec, but this is a big trouble for Xu Ziyan!

Because Xu is here!

At the beginning, the devil ruined the tyrannical sect for the sake of Xu Xiang. Now Xu Sheng is standing here, will the demon Lord let this opportunity pass?

Sure enough, the demon Lord just appeared in the air, and there was an induction in his heart, and his eyes were locked in Xu Xiang’s body.

"Ha ha ha..." The Lord of the Lord burst into laughter: "It’s really hard to get through the iron shoes!"

A large hand extended in the air and grabbed the past with Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang naturally will not sit still, and the momentum of his body will open. The eyes were black and inked and stared at the big palms that were slammed into the air.


Xu Ziyan communicated with the bridge of heaven and earth, and the power of the world in the body worked like a tide of the sea. Too virtual sword is in the hand.

"Ha ha ha..."

Xu Ziyan just wanted to continue to move, but he saw the big laughter hanging down in the air, while dropping a big hand from the air and grabbing the past.

"The devil, brother is not addicted, you come!"


The body shape of the demon Lord was bombarded by the spirit of Yanshan. At this time, his cultivation was the lowest among the five saints, and only the seventh stage of the holy level. Was slap in the face of Yanshan soul, and his face was full of shame. Looking up, I saw Yanshan Soul and Kui Tianzheng fighting fiercely. But the Yanshan soul clearly has the upper hand.

Kui Tian’s face was also very ugly at this time. Yanshan’s soul was able to pour out time to pay attention to the following Xu Ziyan and others when she played against her. This shows that Yanshan’s soul did not put her in her eyes, and she also invited the magic. The Lord is together. Said that he did not play too much.

"Hugh to be crazy!"

The momentum of Kuitian suddenly surged to the extreme. This time she was really angry and sent a crazy attack to the Yanshan spirit.

"Oh..." The Lord smiled, but he remembered the fact that the Yanshan soul chased him and beat him to his face. The figure rushed toward the Yanshan soul.

"The evil Lord, since you invited me, I will not disappoint you!"


There is a huge law behind the demon Lord. He used all his potential as soon as he got started, and there was no temptation. He also did not need to test, before Yanshan soul chased him for a long time. What do you still know about Yanshan Soul?

The attention of the lord at this time was attracted by the sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan. He did not know the sword, but the material of the sword was too clear.

"Is this the sword that I used to forge in a large array of swords? My god's knowledge was wiped out by Xu Ziyan?"

"Xu Ziyan, is the sword obtained from my fairy palace?"

The heart of Xu Ziyan is a pumping. How do all the things get together? Just want to answer, but I heard the voice of Yanshan soul coming from above:

"The lord, don't have to be so small, want to take a break and come up. Don't squat below."

The lord's eyes flashed, and Kui Tian and the demon Lord, who looked into the air, shouted: "Quidian, the devil, I can help you. But after defeating the evil Lord, I want to make the sword in the hands of Ziyan."

"I just have that avatar!" Kuitian shouted.

"I just want to ring!" The Lord also shouted.

"Okay, so let's join hands!" The lord turned his head and said to the demon: "The demon Lord, is there any interest?"

The demon Lord shook his head: "No interest, you all have purpose, there is nothing in the purple smoke that can make me look."

"Okay, then you stand by and watch us have a good time!"

The body shape of the lord appeared on the side of the soul of Yanshan in an instant. The demon Lord, Kui Tian and the lord became the three talents and surrounded the Yanshan soul in the middle. The flames between the Yanshan soul and the eyebrows are full of excitement. The momentum of the body is fully open, and the double fists are combed.

The look of the lord is a change. At this moment, he feels the true strength of the Yanshan soul. He has not yet made all his strength under the attack of Kuitian and the Lord. Now that the strength is fully open, all of a sudden, the lord perceives that the Yanshan soul has now reached the peak of the eighth grade.

"Even if you are the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade, you will be suppressed today, otherwise there will be a part of what we will talk about in the future!"

The lord, the devil and the prince are very clear at this time, they have no ability to kill the soul of Yanshan, even the desire to defeat the Yanshan soul is not great, although the three of them join forces, but the Yanshan soul can be repaired at this time When they were all, not the lords, the demon and the demon, when they were killed, the five saints at that time were quite equal, and no one stood out. Therefore, these three great monks are going to take this battle and suppress the soul of Yanshan. Let him know that you should not think that you can be driven to the highest level and you can drive without any scruples.

As for the split of Xu Ziyan, Xu Xiang and the sword are too virtual, they want it, but they dare not touch Xu Ziyan before defeating Yanshan soul. If this irritates the soul of Yanshan, it will be stared by a strong monk who is the strongest in the whole world. Then the days will not be passed.

Therefore, defeating the soul of Yanshan is a prerequisite, and then you can raise the conditions with Yanshan Soul.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is very tense at this time. She has the power of the gods of the sixth level of the late stage, and naturally can see the scene of the fighting above. Although Yanshan Soul has not yet fallen into the wind at this time, it has begun to shrink the scope of the attack. In the long run, it is only a matter of time before the Yanshan soul is defeated.

"Master!" Xu Ziyan whispered softly. Looking at Xu Ziyan with Wanli and Jianwu.

"You two immediately returned to the sect with the tyrannical person, and opened the guardian squad, waiting for me to come back."

By Wanli and the sword hesitated without hesitation: "Ziyan, this level of competition is very precious for us, we want to stay here to watch."

Xu Ziyan looked at the two masters in front of him, and his heart was helpless. These two masters were fighting madmen, and they encountered the battle between the holy monks. How could they give up this opportunity? Even if you don't want to live, you will stay here. Therefore, Xu Ziyan had to say to Xu Ziyun:

"Ziyun, you leave with the sovereign monk!"


Xu Ziyun did not hesitate, and immediately passed the order, and the Taixu monks began to evacuate. But they just moved, but they saw the eyes of the demon Lord, and said faintly:

"Before the battle is over, let's stay!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a tight one, his eyes staring at the opposite demon master. Undoubtedly, although the demon Lord did not directly participate in the siege of the Yanshan soul, but the Xu Ziyan and Taixu Zhan 700,000 monks were detained here to prevent the Yanshan soul from fleeing.

If Yanshan soul wants to go, no one can stop him, so if they want to press Yanshan soul, they must have a condition that makes Yanshan soul unable to escape. Xu Ziyan and Taixu are undoubtedly the most qualified candidates.

Xu Ziyan naturally understands this, she must let the Yanshan soul have no worries. Xu Ziyan waved his hand and stopped the monk who was too imaginary to leave. She had no doubt that if she dared to let the monks of the tyrants leave, the demon Lord would shoot them all. Xu Ziyan alone can't take care of more than 700,000 monks. And these more than 700,000 monks are also unbearable.

Seeing that the Taixu monks stopped, Xu Ziyan ignored it, but looked up at the sky with his hand and looked at the battle between Yanshan, Kuitian, Mozu and the Emperor.

This battle, let Xu Ziyan see the true strength of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan at this time suspected that the body strength of Yanshan soul definitely exceeds the late eight-layer level of the holy level, maybe has reached the holy level nine layers, and Yanshan soul after two generations of reincarnation, I am afraid that the power of his **** will not be low. What he is afraid of is only the accumulation of Yuan Li, so that his realm cannot be improved.

The lord, the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade.

Quebec, the eighth grade of the holy level.

The Lord of the Devil, the seventh level of the Holy Level.

It is such three holy monks who have not been able to completely suppress the Yanshan soul, but only slightly occupied the advantage. Moreover, Yanshan Spirit does not completely lose the opportunity to counterattack, but the chance of counterattack is decreasing.

The four great monks completely concealed the boundaries on the fists, and they contained them without any hair. Each stroke was simple and simple, but let Xu Ziyan see it as intoxicated.

This is the avenue to Jane!

Not only to Xu Ziyan, a monk who entered the holy class, but also the devil's mind is completely attracted. In particular, the Yanshan soul of World War I, the appeal of each type to the demon Lord is too great, and the avenues contained therein faintly let him have a breakthrough trend.

Xu Ziyan forced himself to strip himself out of the fascination, squinting and squinting at the demon Lord. When he saw that the demon Lord had been completely attracted by the battle at the top, he would use the voice of the gods, each one too The voice of Xu Ziyan sounded in the ears of the virtual monk:

"Don't resist, I will take you out of the cloud baby."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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