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Most of the more than 700,000 monks did not see the cloud baby, but they all heard that the sovereign had a cloud baby. After these people heard it, they stood still and stood still, just a pair of eyes secretly going around to see, where is the cloud baby?

At the foot of Xu Ziyan, there was a cloud that quietly spread out behind him. Everything went silent. About half an hour, more than 700,000 monks were stepping on the same white cloud. The demon Lord did not find this change at this time, he was just watching the battle above.


Xu Ziyan and Taixu Zongshi have been standing there without moving. If more than 70,000 monks begin to look far together, he will be alarmed if he is intoxicated.

The cloud at the foot of the seven hundred thousand monks suddenly rose, and more than seven hundred thousand monks were all shrouded in the clouds, and then shrank toward the body of Xu Ziyan, but in less than three times, it turned into a streamer. Hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan. There are only a few purple flowers left outside, and there are three people in the Wanli and the sword.

In fact, for the Yanshan soul, their level Reading> The fiction of the fiction is not a holy monk. I can't understand it at all. It is already a holy level, and the sword is not only because of the qualifications, it can't break through to the holy level. However, his body and the gods have reached the holy level, but they can understand the battle in the air.

More than 400,000 monks suddenly disappeared, still alarming the demon Lord. The demon Lord saw that the streamer slid into the body of Xu Ziyan. The heart knows that this is Xu Ziyan used a space fairy to collect the more than 700,000 monks, and the eyes are not flashing.

Since the more than 700,000 monks have not left, in the body of Xu Ziyan, they can force Xu Ziyan to hand over at any time. As long as Xu Ziyan gets caught, it solves all problems.

"Happy. Very happy! Hahaha..."

The voice of Yanshan soul rumbling in the air, the voice filled with joy, suddenly a big hand grabbed the demon Lord. The air laughed at the sound of Yanshan soul:

"The demon Lord, don't be idle, when the three of you crushed us, and now you are adding Quebec. See if you can suppress me like the next one? Hahaha..."

The body shape of the demon Lord is vertical. Standing on the opposite side of Yanshan's soul, he said coldly: "Evil Lord, do you really want to be an enemy of us?"

"How about being an enemy with you?"

At this time, the lord, the devil and the Kuitian also stopped, and the four great monks surrounded the Yanshan soul in the middle, and the Yanshan soul held the hand and condensed:

"Now it is different from the previous one. The last one was quite the same between us, so the three of you can suppress me. But now my realm is more than you. Yes. You can't beat the four of you, but I am Today's cultivation is. No one can stop me if I want to go.


After the First World War today, your four best are always together! ”

"What do you mean?" The lord, the devil, the demon and the prince's look are all changed.

"Nothing to do!" Yanshan said faintly.

But how can the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec hear the meaning of Yanshan's soul? That is to say, once they are separated, his Yanshan soul will attack them. And now they really don't have the ability to jointly suppress the soul of Yanshan, although Yanshan soul can't kill them, but they are harassed by the Yanshan soul. Is there any face?

"Evil Lord, I just want to go back to my avatar!" Quebec said seriously: "This is not difficult. The evil Lord, don't you even give this face?"

Yanshan soul gently shook his head: "Quitian, that avatar is now a purple smoke, although it was originally prepared materials, but that is also the opportunity of purple smoke. It is absolutely impossible to give it back to you. You can propose other conditions. As long as I can do it, I will satisfy you."

"The evil Lord, that Xu Xiang is not the avatar of Xu Ziyan, can he always give it back to me?" said the Lord.

Yanshan soul shook his head: "I don't care about these things. You can go to talk with Ziyan. I am only responsible for protecting the purple smoke, fighting with you, hehehe..."

"The evil Lord, you are forcing me to start with Xu Ziyan!" The demon Lord said with a gloomy look.

"You can try!" A face of Yanshan soul is also cold.

"Master, you two don't resist, I have received the cloud baby!" Xu Ziyan knows the voice.

"Ziyan, we are here to help you!"

"Master, I am ready to escape. You can rest assured that I can't beat them, and it's okay to escape."

When the words fell, they thought about it, and two clouds floated from her body. They slammed the sword and shook it in the air, and then shrank into her body.

All of this, the five holy monks in the air can see clearly, but the fairy, the demon, the devil and the Kuidian did not care. Although Xu Ziyan will collect all the monks from the imaginary, but just grab the Xu Ziyan.

The lord smiled faintly: "The evil Lord, I, the demon Lord and the Kui Tian three can completely stop you. The Lord will easily grasp Xu Ziyan, and as long as you dare to escape, we will immediately kill Xu Ziyan. So After catching Xu Ziyan, the four of us will join forces to fight you. It is only a matter of time to suppress you."

The face of Yanshan's soul changed. He was so confident that he could easily get out of the battlefield with his realm and leave, but once Xu Ziyan was caught by the other party, he forced him to fight all the time. It is not the same as the four holy monks who joined forces. It is really what the Emperor said, and they were jointly suppressed by the four of them.

The Lord of the Lord will look at Xu Ziyan with a cold look, and the meaning of the threat is very obvious. Xu Ziyan smiled lightly:

"Devil Lord, when I was not holy, I was able to escape from your hands. Do you really have the confidence to hold me?"

The face of the Lord is a red, but the heart is also a jump. At the beginning, he only had five levels of holy level. But at that time, Xu Ziyan came to the holy level, but eventually escaped from his own hands and broke through to the holy level. Nowadays, although he has been upgraded to the seventh level of the holy level, Xu Ziyan has also broken through to the second level of the holy level. Can he really catch Xu Ziyan?

The lord, the demon Lord and the prince look at the face of the demon, and they know that Xu Ziyan is true. One by one, they couldn’t help but blink. They really didn’t believe that when the purple smoke had not reached the holy level, they could escape from the hands of the demon. The lord could not help but open the way:

"Magic Lord. Is this true?"

The face of the demon Lord is even more ugly, and his eyes are locked by Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, last time I thought you were dead in my hands. Did you really think that you could fool the past in my eyes?"

"Then we are better to gamble?" Xu Ziyan's face did not have the slightest fear. Instead, he said with enthusiasm.

"How to gamble?"

"I can gamble if you can hold me! If you can catch me, I will give it to you if I can't catch it. If you can't catch me, I will take it again in the future. Of course, we always have to set it up. You can't catch me for a lifetime, set a time?"

The Lord of the Lord fixedly looked at Xu Ziyan, but his heart was thinking fast. How to look at this bet is good for him. If Xu Ziyan can escape from his hands, it means that they can't catch Xu Ziyan at all, and can't catch Xu Ziyan. It is also impossible to trap the soul of Yanshan. The plan of the lord was just on paper. Instead, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan can leave at any time. Then join forces to attack them after separation.

Xu Ziyan has promised that if she can catch her, Xu Ziyan will give Xu Xiang to him, and he does not have to join forces with the Emperor to suppress the evil Lord. Is the evil master really so good?

Don't forget, he is called the evil Lord. If you really start evil, leave without regard to the purple smoke, then hide it and kill them at any time. There is such a headache killer who always pays attention to you, who can bear it?

"Good!" The devil decisively said: "Xu Ziyan, I will gamble with you once. As long as you can leave this space, even if you win. But the conditions need to be changed."

Xu Ziyan arched toward the Lord of the Lord: "You said."

"If you can't escape, you just have to hand over the Xu Xiang, things have nothing to do with me. If you can escape, then just today I don't ask for a loud noise, staggered today, if there is a chance, I will also shoot ""

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "So, after staggering today, I and the mountain spirit should find a chance to join forces to suppress you first!"

The lord's gaze is a shrink, Xu Ziyan is not without a mountain now, people have Yanshan soul. Now Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are posing with a gesture. If you can't catch me, you must bear the anger of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Today's Xu Ziyan is only the second level of the holy level, but how much Xu Ziyan is. If the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is upgraded to the fifth and sixth floors of the holy level, the two Taoists will join hands. Who are the opponents?

Is it really letting the four of them always get together?

Can't afford to lose that person!

However, the Lord of the Lord has the possibility to give up the Xu Xiang, which is related to his cultivation to take another step. Let him and Xu Ziyan gamble this time and never stop making a sound, he can't do it.

Looking at the face of the demon Lord's face changed, Xu Ziyan's eyes turned to Kui Tian, ​​first sincerely gave a gift to Kui Tian, ​​and then sincerely said:

"Queen's predecessors, I didn't come to the Yuanyuan continent before I got this avatar, and I didn't know you." But this avatar was raised by my god, and the highest state of this avatar can only be reached. The peak of Tianzun’s later period cannot be a holy level. For the predecessors, it is better for you to propose other conditions, and Ziyan will do its best.”

Kui Tian's gaze looked at Xu Ziyan, his eyes flashed and said: "That avatar can only reach the peak of Tian Zun's late stage, can't be promoted to the holy level?"

"It is true, I swear!" Xu Ziyan said sincerely.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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