The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2642: committed to

Kuitian's look is still hesitating, but she also knows that 90% of the avatars have a breakthrough of less than the holy level. Those materials were all refining by her. But there is still a chance to become a holy level, but that requires a chance. Therefore, in the end she still reluctant to give up the avatar.

The celestial curiously looked up and down Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, is it time for us to trade two of us?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the lord and said: "The lord, I will not return it to you. I am sorry."

The eyes of the lord suddenly released a strong radiance, and the two ray of light shrouded Xu Ziyan in the moment. Xu Ziyan was shocked. He couldn’t help but look at the Yanshan soul. He saw the Yanshan soul still standing there, and his heart was slightly Relaxed, but she has a feeling that she is completely seen by the lord, and immediately clings to her own dantian. A taiji figure in Dantian slowly rotates to block the world.

The eyes of the lord dimmed and returned to normal, but the look on his face became a bit weird. He found that he could not see the purple smoke. Even Yanshan soul, as long as he shows his true eye, he can see through the body of Yanshan soul, even his body world, but Xu Ziyan's body space is covered by a huge Taiji diagram.

The double eyes were slightly thoughtful, and a decision was made in the heart. Looking at Xu Ziyan, a smile appeared on his face.

"Xu Ziyan @一@本@读@小说, that sword can I give you, but you have to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" Xu Ziyan looked at the fairy cautiously.

"I don't think about the specific conditions, but in the future you have to do something for me. One thing that doesn't violate your heart!"

Yanshan soul. The demon Lord, the devil and the Quebec looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement. They all know what kind of supernatural powers the lord has just displayed, and see the appearance of the lord. It turned out that I did not see the bottom of the purple smoke. This can't help but make a heart move, even the face of Yanshan soul is also curious.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, and the conditions proposed by the lord were not excessive. So I immediately nodded:

"Okay, I promised!"

The singer heard a smile on his face, and with a wave of his hand, he went out with a vow of a heavenly oath, and then wrote the conditions on the vow of the Tiandao vows and signed his name. The big sleeves glimpsed, and the Tiandao vows flew to the front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan carefully read the handwriting on the Tiandao vows, and then bit his own finger and signed his name on it.

The oath of the day immediately released a colorful light. The whole heavenly oath disappeared in the light.

The lord took a step back and smiled. "Everyone, I quit this thing."

Kuitian’s look was hesitant, with her understanding of the lord. The lord must have seen what Xu Ziyan said. This is the decision to make this. Doesn't he have to learn the lord? But... that avatar...

Forget it! Only one chance can break through the holy level, it is better to learn the lord to get a promise from Xu Ziyan. This purple smoke has only broken through to the holy level in her two hundred years. Maybe she can really have a great chance in the future, and break through the realm that no one has ever seen. It is not necessarily a poor performance to get one of her promises. Moreover, I only promised not to be the avatar, and did not promise to conflict with her in the future. If I would kill the purple smog because of other things, I could also take back the detached body. As long as you don't kill Xu Ziyan with the idea of ​​taking back the avatar, it is not a violation of the Tiandao vow.

then. Kui Tian also looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Ziyan, my conditions are the same as the Lord, but you promised?"

"I promise!"

Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, this is the best result for Xu Ziyan, but also an honor. As a holy eight-tiered lord and Kuidian can promise a purple smoke a promise, undoubtedly value the future of Xu Ziyan.

In the lower three monks, the look of Xu Ziyan changed, and there was a trace of fear. A monk who is valued by the lord and the priest, does her future use it?

The look of the Lord has become hesitant, but his needs are different from those of the Lord. The fairy sent out is just a sword, and precious is also a sword. Kuitian is even more unbearable. She only sent out the materials for refining the body. If it wasn’t for Xu Ziyan, she was still a material.


He is different!

Xu Xiang is very important to him. If he gets Xu Xuan and swallows and refines it, although he can't become a holy eight-tier like the other four saints, he can also be promoted to the seventh level of the holy level. As for the difference between the other four saints. Therefore, he could not give Xu Xiang to Xu Ziyan.

However, it is now obvious that Xianzhu and Kuitian have already withdrawn from this matter. With the strength of him and the demon Lord, even if they join hands, they can’t help Yanshan. Did you watch Xu Ziyan leave?

At this time, countless monk eyes inside and outside the Yuanmeng gathered on the body of the demon. The devil knew that he had to make a decision immediately, otherwise he would leave an uneasy impression on the monk.

"Xu Ziyan, I have three chances to catch you. If you catch you, you have to give me the Xu Xiang, how?"

"three times?"

"Not bad! As long as I haven't caught you three times, I will give up the ring!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

The demon Lord and Kui Tian took out the Tiandao vows respectively, wrote the rules, how to sign, and glanced at the sleeves and sent them to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan signed his name, and the two Tiandao vows turned into Guanghua disappeared.

The four saints have retreated to one side, and the high-altitude left Xu Ziyan and the demon Lord. The lord's gaze tightly locked Xu Ziyan, and he did not believe that he would not be able to grasp a Xu Ziyan who was only a holy level on the second floor.

The magic master’s hands jerked outwards and shouted:


The space where he and Xu Ziyan were located was cut into a separate space by the Lord, and then a large hand was stretched out toward Xu Ziyan. The eyes of Xu Ziyan showed a vortex turning at the same time. The eye space.


Time magic is overbearing, but Xu Ziyan’s current cultivation is only able to stand still in the early stage of the seven-level holy level. But for Xu Ziyan, a moment is enough.

The light of her space released the light and touched it at a point in the independent space. For the understanding of the spatial attributes, Xu Ziyan is a great perfection, and it is much more than the devil. Most of the power of the Lord's locked space comes from his own cultivation, and he does not have much understanding of the spatial attributes, which means that he is a space for violence.

Xu Ziyan is different. She has a great understanding of space, and there is also a magical power of space. This is the moment to crack the space locked by the demon master. When the hand is swept away, it breaks into the space and the figure disappears without a trace. At the same time, the big hand of the demon master has already held the residual image of Xu Ziyan.


That's just a shadow!

The face of the devil is hard to see, that is, the lord, the demon, and the face of Kuitian are also very shocked. Only Yanshan soul knows that Xu Ziyan has the understanding of time and space, and his face is light and windy.

The lord and the priest looked at each other. They thought that Xu Ziyan had the confidence to escape the arrest of the lord. It must be based on the treasures that Yanshan soul gave her. I did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such a deep understanding of the time and space attributes.

This can not help but make them both happy, even if they only have a deep understanding of the five attributes of Jinmu Shuihuo, but the understanding of time and space is only fur, to their level, deeply know more understanding one kind The importance of attributes, but also the realization of an attribute is the power and foundation to go further on the road of cultivation.

So I want Xu Ziyan to promise them two promises. When Xu Ziyan grows up, this promise will probably benefit them. The two hearts will be unhappy.

In the air, Xu Ziyan’s figure appeared opposite the Lord, and smiled and said:

"Magic Lord, is it going to come for the second time?"

The Lord shook his head decisively: "Xu Daoyou, I keep the opportunity to catch you twice, you have to be careful later, because I don't know when I will shoot."

Xu Ziyan's face is a change, so that she has been guarding the devil's shot, this day can't be over. Only a thousand days to be a thief, then there is a thousand days to prevent thieves?

However, this is the rule she had set with the Lord, and she had no reason to object. As long as she was depressed and nodded, she carefully guarded the Lord.

The demon Lord saw the depressed and cautious appearance of Xu Ziyan, finally vented some depression in his heart, could not help but laughed.

Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian can not help but shake their heads, there is no way to take the devil, and then they all look at Xu Ziyan with pity.

Xu Ziyan's eyeball turned and turned against the Yanshan soul road: "Mountain soul, let's go back to Taixu Zong. I will stay in Taixu Zong in the future!"


The face of the Lord is a stiff face. The lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian looked at the Lord of the Lord with mercy. Yanshan soul released and laughed:

"Yes, when you return to Zongmen, you will retreat, and wait until you step up to the eighth level and come out again, hahaha..."

Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan, the body shape of Wanli and Jianwu disappeared into the air, the Lord looked at the space where Xu Ziyan disappeared, and a robbed sleeve, and sullenly broke away the space. The Mozu below is also led by Mellon and the thorns, flying toward the Devil.

The demon Lord looked at Liao Bufan's four demon statues, and said faintly: "Let me go back to the demon world!"


The demon should be in unison, and go with the demon Lord. Kui Tianyi robes his sleeves and left alone. Only the lord was left in the air, and his eyes slowly swept to the seven ancestral gates and the nine ancient celestial gods. I saw that the seven great masters and the nine great ancient Tianzun were still hesitating there, and their faces were cold, and they shouted:

"Submission, or death!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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