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It was only this sound that made the seven masters and the nine great ancient gods and gods lose their hearts. Especially from the ancient nine ancient antiquity, the fear of the lord in the heart is deep-rooted, and immediately fell in the clouds.

"See the Lord!"

The fairy swayed the sleeves of the nine ancient gods, and said faintly: "Stand to the side."


The nine ancient gods stood up from the clouds and stood on the side. At this time all the eyes of the monks gathered on the seven main gates, and eventually the seven masters also surrendered to the lord. They have no way to surrender, and their strengths are too different. In fact, there is not much resistance in their hearts. The lord has been the leader of the human race since ancient times. Since he has not caught up with the lord in repairing, he can only surrender.

When these monks were surrendered, only the southern monks were left. The southern monks did not have any panic. They had already received the voice of Xu Ziyan before Xu Ziyan left, let them surrender to the lord, because Xu Ziyan at this time did not have the ability to protect them. Therefore, when the eyes of the lord looked over, Ouyangpu and others immediately fell in the clouds.

Conquered the world's monks, the lord waved a wave to let everyone disperse, Xiangyun rolling with tens of millions of monks to leave, a **** | one | Ben | read | novel robbery ended. The lord returned to the Emperor's Palace and walked while sighing the sea.

Looking at the entire Emperor Palace, there is no one in the air, and there is some sadness in my heart. A move in my heart. The figure disappeared in the Palace of the Immortals.

next moment.

The lord appeared in front of the mountain gate of Tianxiangzong. The disciples who had not yet guarded the gate of the mountain opened the guardian ancestor, and the lord stepped through the big array. Go to the Tianxiang Peak where the Tianxiang Zongzong main flower fairy lives. A group of petite voices came from behind:

"See the Lord!"

The lord smiled lightly, and one step had already reached the top of Tianxiang Peak. The figure was passed through the array, and the stone gate of Dongfu was opened without wind. The fairy stepped in. While walking in, while watching with a hand, the top of the cave is inlaid with a night pearl. The inside of Dongfu is brightly lit. There is a large jade bed inside the Dongfu. At this time, the flower fairy is practicing on the jade bed.

The eyes of the lord looked toward the flower fairy on the jade bed, and the twins flashed a trace of satisfaction. Tolerance and elegance. The flower fairy who was out of the dust sat on the top of the jade bed. At this time, she opened her eyes and looked at the fairy with surprise. A soft white robe perfectly set off her slender figure.

The mind of the lord at this time suddenly became erratic. Their five saints have always been alone. I have never been a lover. Nowadays, the evil master who cultivates lovelessness and ruthlessness has become a Taoist with Xu Ziyan, and the cultivation of the evil master is still the strongest. Is it a Taoist buddy, is it a practice avenue to exchange yin and yang?

The flower fairy has been psychologically prepared at the moment of surrendering to the lord, and she is willing to form a Taoist with the lord. Didn't you see Xu Ziyan?

Doesn't the purple smoke form a Taoist with the evil master before it can break through to the holy level? Perhaps he and the lord will become a Taoist, and the lord will be able to become a holy monk.

Both the Emperor and the Flower Fairy did not understand the experience of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but they had their own speculations. The flower fairy rises from the top of the jade bed. Step by step toward the Emperor's money, the gentle white robe under the graceful posture with the waist and hips gently swing. Ripple a fascinating melody, quietly standing in front of the lord, bow down.

The lord stretched out his left hand and gently pulled the flower fairy up. The right hand slid her white silky chin and stared at the dusty flower fairy for a long time. The peak of a Tianzun period was already the first person under the holy level. Naturally, there is no turbidity, and the whole body is full of dust. The lord stretched out his left hand and took it in his arms, laughing happily.

Since the injury, he has been treating himself in isolation. After the injury has recovered, he did not expect to accidentally break into the mysterious space and make his repairs more than before the injury. Now seems to have found a way to the avenue, the lord really laughed and laughed.

The flower fairy also laughed and laughed very softly. At this moment, she also smiled from the heart. She seemed to see that she also broke through to the holy level and lived with the heavens and the earth.

Tianxiangzong is quiet, and now they all know that Xianzhu went to Tianxiangfeng. In their hearts, they know that from now on, they are no longer the existence of the top nine sects. The other eight sects are likely to look at their faces.

The cool jade bed exudes the scent of the fairy spirit, the flower fairy lies on it, and the white enamel-like body shows a layer of pink, and the soft white robes have been stripped by the lord, and the wonderful appearance is revealed.

The lord gently lie on her side, holding the chin in one hand, gently touching the white skin with one hand, the curve of the ups and downs, the fragrance of the heavenly woman is extraordinarily rich at this time...


Xu Ziyan returned to Taixu, first calling Jin Ge, Hua Gu Ren, Xuan Daozi and others to ask if they want to return to their respective sects.

The light moon dance naturally does not have to ask again, with Xu Qin Yang, she is already a virtual person at this time. Jin Ge, Hua Gu Ren and Xuan Daozi and others have been thinking for a long time. They can imagine that after they left the Shangmeng League, all the human race monks must surrender to the lords, and they do not know the lords, and they do not know the surrender. After the Lord, what will be the result.

Jin Ge looked up at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongzhu, do you surrender to the lord?"

Xu Ziyan shook her head gently, and her move was not expected by the monks in the hall at this time. Xu Ziyan itself is a second-level monk of the Holy Class, and there is also a Taoist soul, there is no reason to surrender to the Lord. Since Xu Ziyan does not surrender to the lord, it means that the entire Taixu will not surrender to the lord. Is it that Xu Ziyan wants to move the whole south...

"Xu Zongzhu, you want to take the whole south..."

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "I can only guarantee the independence of the whole imaginary, and the rest can't manage it!"

Jin Ge and others fell into silence. At this point, the time for the showdown has arrived. Jin Ge and others understand that they are waiting for someone to return to their own ancestral halls, and to serve the lords with their own sects. Or stay in the Taixuan, but can not exist in the form of guests, but to really join the Taixu, or else Xu Ziyan to protect them?

At this time, it was already midsummer, the weather was very hot, and various insects outside the hall were intertwined into one piece, which made the hearts of these monks irritated.

Xu Ziyan sat in the first seat, and his right hand was gently placed on the arm of the chair, looking at the people in front of him. She saw that these people were frowning one by one, and they couldn’t help laughing. In fact, she didn't think much about it. But nowadays, every sect has already surrendered to the lord, but these people have never returned to the sect. It is not clear to stay here. This will not only make Jin Ge and others The idea in the door is that the lord may also have an idea. After all, the cultivation of these people is not low.

"Everyone, I mean, if you want to stay in the Taixu guest, it is best to inform each of the sects."

When I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, everyone’s heart was loose, and the face showed gratitude. It turned out that Xu Ziyan did not force them to join the Taixu thoughts, just let them explain to their respective sects. Of course, they also understand very well in their hearts that it is best for them to return to their own sects immediately, so that too much trouble is too much.

In the end, the monks carefully thought about it. Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi, Luo Yu, Lou Ruyun, Hai Lan, Xu Tianqi, Dance Color Clothes, Lan Bai Ling, Ma Jingying, Liu Huaping decided to return to their respective sects. Intoxicated flowers will naturally not return to Wan Jianzong. Although they have been helping Xu Ziyan to do things before, they have not announced that they have really joined Taixu, but at this time they have truly announced their participation in Taixu.

The condensation cream originally belonged to the ancestral sect, and the sect of the sect and the sect of the sect was really unclear, so the condensation cream also decided to join the tyrant. Yan Xingyun also decided to leave Luo Tianzong, it is to join Taixu. Li lazy to think for a long time and eventually joined the Taixu.

The second day.

Xu Ziyan made a big banquet, and the monks and the monks drank for half a day, and then personally sent the monks out of the mountain gate. Then Xu Ziyan announced the retreat. This time it was a real retreat. After seeing the strength of the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec, she knew that she was very different.

If you are in the face of being the lowest demon, you can barely run away. If you fight with the devil, you can't stop the other three moves, even if you are already a holy level, and it is a holy level.

Yanshan soul retired after returning from Shangyuan League. Xu Ziyan did not know what he was doing, but he knew that he had asked for a lot of refining materials from Taixu.

One year has passed by.

The reunion of the Emperor Palace was re-established, and some elite disciples were selected from the major gates to join the Palace of the Immortals. The singer has issued a series of rules. After every ten years, the Emperor's Palace will recruit a group of disciples, and will set up a heavy assessment. The Emperor's Palace will teach them all kinds of perfect fairy tales.

Just one year, the Palace of the Immortals became a holy place for the Terran.

This is not the most sensational thing. The most sensational thing is that the lord owns the immortal, the flower fairy becomes the fairy of the lord's palace, and the lord establishes a fairy palace for the flower fairy in the sacred palace.

Flower fairy mother instrument world!

The lord gave Tianxiang Zong a large number of cultivation resources, with the support of the lord, Tianxiangzong became the largest sect of the Terran.

In the same year, Situ Ming and Wutie, who had been recovering from overseas, returned from injury and really joined Taixu. However, Xu Ziyan has been retreating. Xu Ziyun, who presided over Situ Ming and Wu Tie joined Taixu.

the second year.

The lord left the fairy palace and disappeared. The demon Lord also rebuilt the demon palace, and the lord also rebuilt the main palace. Kui Tian opened Dongfu in the southern part of the country.

The Three Realms seem to have entered the stage of cultivation and maintenance, and they are calm.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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