The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2644: City of phoenix

It has been five years since then.

After five years of disappearance, the lord suddenly returned to the Palace of the Immortals, and then used the communication jade to summon the soul of Yanshan, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec. Yanshan soul rushed out of the door, and Xu Ziyan also called out from the retreat. At this time, the repair of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the second level of the Holy Level, but it still does not break through to the third level of the Holy Level. The barrier was firmly in front of her.

This seems to be a miracle in the Yanshan spirit. It can jump from the early stage of the holy level to the second stage of the holy level in just a few years. This is not something that can be described by the word enchanting. However, Xu Ziyan is very clear that she will not have much difficulty until she reaches the fifth floor of the holy level, but once she reaches the fifth level of the holy level, she must face the first level.

Her body strength.

Now her body strength is only five levels of holy level. If she does not raise the fifth level of the body level to the sixth floor, she will not continue to break through. The second level to be faced later is the power of the gods. Now she is I have never found a way to improve the power of the gods, so her power of the gods has been at the peak of the sixth level of the holy level. If you can't improve the power of the gods, you will stay in that realm. It is difficult to upgrade again.

She is now able to ascend so quickly, thanks to the power of the gods and the strength of the body, and the most important thing is her space world.

Therefore, her "One", "This" and "Reading" novels are not as easy as the imagination of Yanshan.

Awakened by the retreat of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan was shocked. I thought that something went wrong, coming out of Dongfu, I hurriedly asked:

"Mountain Spirit. But what happened?"

"The fairy sent a message saying that he found the city of Phoenix!"

"The City of Phoenix?" Xu Ziyan confused.

"Well, it was the place where Fengzu lived, and it was also the birthplace of the Feng people."

"He... would you find the city of Phoenix?" Xu Ziyan was surprised.

Yanshan soul faint smile: "The original out of the mysterious space, his cultivation is the peak of the eighth level of the Holy Level, and the demon Lord and the Quebec are eight levels of the Holy Level. That is, when I left the light group, it was only holy. At the beginning of the eighth grade, I devoured a refining and refining dragon and soul, and then broke through to the mid-level peak of the eighth grade. And the cultivation of the lord today can reach the peak of the holy level, must be accidental in the mysterious space. I got a ancestral soul of the ancestors. After refining it, I have such a cultivation."

"Why not the soul of the dragon ancestors?"

"This is why the lord found the city of phoenix. Presumably he got the memory of the city of phoenix in the soul of the phoenix ancestors. So he learned about the whereabouts of the city of phoenix. And I am afraid he wants to do it. The method did not enter the city of Phoenix, which reminded us of it. Ha ha..."

Yanshan soul smiled faintly: "Ziyan, this is a chance, so we can't let go. Maybe we can get an unexpected opportunity in the city of Phoenix. After all, there is a place where Fengzu once lived. So I Only wake you up from the retreat. Let's go!"


Xu Ziyan nodded lightly. Two people left the Taixu, and as they stepped, the two disappeared into the sky.

The Palace of the Immortals.

The monks who guarded the palace gates were all from the human race. Now, do the human race monks still know the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan? So all they can do is sing loudly at once:

"The evil master is driving! Xu Zong is driving!"

This sound was transmitted to the central Palais des Congrès with the spread of the fairy. Therefore, when the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan swept away, the fairy had already stood outside the door and smiled.

"The fairy, long time no see!" Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan fell from the air.

"It didn't take long!" The lord narrowed his eyes. The face has a warm smile, but the heart is in the perception of Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. The repair of the Yanshan soul is somewhat difficult for him to perceive. After all, the repair of Yanshan soul is higher than him, but the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is clearly perceived by him, and his face is surprised.

"Xu Daoyou, I really didn't think that in just a few years, you will be promoted from the early stage of the second level to the peak of the second level of the holy level."

"Have she improved and improved?"

A figure fell from the sky, it is the devil, a gloomy face under the face of Xu Ziyan. The lord smiled and said:

"Yeah, maybe it won't take long, Xu Daoyou's cultivation will catch up with us. Hehe..."

Now the lord has been vocally claiming to call the purple smoke as a Taoist friend. This is to put Xu Ziyan on the same level and express his respect for Xu Ziyan. The devil is very depressed. He feels that he has less chance of catching Xu Ziyan. Xu Xiang is getting farther and farther away.

"The lord praised it!"

Xu Ziyan said humbly, she is very self-aware to face the lord and the devil, although she is now a holy level, but in front of these two monks is actually a small generation.

"Oh..." The lord smiled and said: "You, please, the demon Lord and the Quebec have arrived."

After everyone entered the Palace of the Duke, and greeted the demon Lord and Quebec, the guest was seated. After the fairy was on the tea, the lord condensed and said:

"Dear friends, I have discovered the phoenix city of Fengzu in the past few years. It is in the land of the extreme east, where the sun rises. I studied there for a while, but I can't break the space there."

The demon Lord’s eyes are bright: “Do you mean that the city of Phoenix is ​​located in an independent space?”

"Not bad!" Xianzhu nodded.

Yanshan soul frowned slightly: "Since you have found that space, it is not difficult to break the space with your strength?"

The main face of the fairy is now helpless: "The space is unusually strong. I thought that Fengzu used the Great God to seal the space. I used brute force to break the space. And I think that even our five holy forces may not be able to break. Open that space."

Speaking of this, the lord looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou is proficient in space magic, should there be a way?"

At this time, the monks thought of the scene where Xu Ziyan avoided the Lord, and his eyes were all bright.


At the beginning, Xu Ziyan was able to avoid the arrest of the devil by the initial cultivation of the second level of the holy level. What is it based on?

Nature is the understanding of space magic!

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it: "This will not be known until you see the space."

The lord nodded, then looked at the monks and said: "We don't know what danger there is in Fenghuang's phoenix city, so we need some helpers for this action, and our holy monks try not to do it!"

The monks understand the meaning of the lord, that is, the city of Phoenix is ​​likely to have the danger of making these holy monks fear, so they need to save their strength to deal with unexpected events. The general situation is handed over to those ordinary monks.

However, there is a doubt in Xu Ziyan's heart. Since the lord knows that there is a danger in the city of Phoenix that makes the holy masters fear, why did he still have to go alone, but now he wants those monks to go? The difference between before and after seems to be a bit too big.

Xu Ziyan can't help but convey the sound of Yanshan soul, and Yanshan soul quickly passed the voice:

"Ziyan, you want more. Since the lord has already made the matter public, and can not dominate the city of phoenix, naturally it is necessary to bring more people, so that once his man has encountered a big chance, then Belong to his chances of the lord."

So everyone began to discuss how many days of respecting the parties, Kui Tian is a lonely family, so sitting there without saying a word. The Yanshan soul is also a lonely man, and Xu Ziyan is a sign that too many imaginary gods are too few to participate in this action. Therefore, the task of collecting Tianzun falls on the body of the lord, the demon and the devil.

In the end, the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu each dispatched a hundred Tianzun. Of course, the quality of the Tianzun in the Terran is the highest, because the number of peaks in the late Tianzun is far more than that of the Yao and the Mozu.

The lord, the demon and the demon are busy collecting the gods, and there is nothing about the Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan and Kuitian are arranged to live in the main palace.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul sat opposite each other in the room, thinking and thinking:

"Mountain Spirit, do you say that there should be a chance for the Holy Master in the city of Phoenix?"

Yanshan soul nodded and said: "It should be!"

"Is there a chance to be sanctified by Heaven?"

"Not good, maybe, maybe not!"

"Then I called my two masters, um, and Qin Yang brother and Xing Fan, the two of them are five attribute roots, maybe they will encounter chances in the city of Phoenix. And Xu Ziyun, in fact, her yuan God's strength and body have been sanctified, just because of physical qualifications, see if you can meet the opportunity in the city of Phoenix."

Yanshan soul shook his head: "If Xu Ziyun really meets the opportunity in the city of Phoenix, Kui Tian will find you desperately."

"No!" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise: "I and Kui Tian have already made a vow to heaven, she will not go out of her way?"

"She naturally won't go out of her way." Yanshan soul smiled and said: "It will only be very bad for you in the future. If you encounter the chance of pit, she will never give up."

"Is this not to say that I am very dangerous?" Xu Ziyan said with some anxiety: "Is the two masters of the demon and the Quebec staring at all?"

"Not only the two of them!" Yanshan soul said seriously: "When you enter the city of Phoenix, you must be prepared when facing the opportunity. The lord and the demon master can always start with you. Not only they If conditions permit, I am afraid that those Tianzun will also start with you. Therefore, once you enter the city of Phoenix, you must always be on guard."

"Know it!" Xu Ziyan nodded. "I will let Master come over."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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