The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2645: Broken wall

I am very grateful to Venus Flashing Classmate (588), my unwilling brother (300), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (200), petty cat classmate (200), Lu Xifeier (100), skye1994 classmate (100), Mableip classmates (100) reward!


Yanshan soul smiled unspeakably, Xu Ziyan took out the communication jade Jane to the virtual sect call. Soon after the communication jade was put down, the jade communication was simple and shocked. It was easy to know that they had arrived at the Palace of the Immortal.

Xu Ziyan immediately left the Xianzhu Palace and soon came to the outside of Xianshan. He saw that he was riding thousands of miles, and the sword was not empty. Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan and Xu Ziyun were standing outside Xianshan.

After seven years of retreat in Wanli, it has broken through to the peak of the early stage of the Holy Age, and it is already possible to fly in the Palace of the Immortals. Others do not have this ability. Xu Ziyan has sacrificed a space fairy to make the sword worthy. Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan and Xu Ziyun have been included in the space fairy, and they have flown all the way to the Palace of the Immortals.

Entering the Palace of the Immortals, it is natural that someone arranges a room for Wanli and others. These people and Xu Ziyan lived in a courtyard, and they all gathered in the room of Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, what is going on? You didn't make it clear in the jade." When you sat down, you asked.


{一}{本}Read}Fiction yb][du Xu Ziyan gave the reasons for the matter to the monks in the room in detail, and took thousands of miles. After all, he has been sanctified, and later he can improve a little by the practice of water and sand. But this news is true for the sword, Xu Qinyang. Xu Xingfan and Xu Ziyun are different. These people are not at the holy level at this time, and the sanctification is absolutely attractive to them.

In the past seven years, there has been no progress in the sword. No matter the strength of the gods and the strength of the body, they stay on the first level. The same is true for Xu Qinyang, who has been stopped in the late Tianzun. Similarly, Xu Xingfan, who has no attribute roots, also stays at the peak of Tianzhong. Not to mention Xu Ziyun, always staying at the peak of the late Tianzun.

Now I heard Xu Ziyan say so in detail, where is the suppression of my inner excitement? One by one, eagerly looking at Xu Ziyan.

"The city of Phoenix is ​​full of dangers. There are also the Lord, the demon Lord, the devil and the Quebec. So you must have a normal heart first, and the second must be careful."


The land of the East.

A huge peak in the sky, halfway up the mountain has been surrounded by thick clouds, the red day seems to be in front of you. The lord. Evil Lord. Demon Lord, Devil Lord, Kuitian, Xu Ziyan, take thousands of miles, sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang, Xu Xingfan and Xu Ziyun are standing in the air. Behind him is the strongest Tianzun in the 300-yuan continent.

The lord raised his finger at a cliff: "There is the city of phoenix."

A glimpse of the gods immediately went to the cliff to explore, not just the holy monk. It is those who respect God and explore the past. Then, on the cliff, there was a turbulent ripple on the cliff. The sound of "砰砰" was heard in the ear, and more than 300 gods were bounced back.

All the monks were shocked by the sea and quickly recovered their knowledge. In particular, the 300-day-old lord no longer dared to rashly use the gods to explore, that is, to ride thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, and both of them have changed their looks, and they have honestly recovered their knowledge. Only the lord can continue to explore. , evil master, demon Lord, demon Lord, Kui Tian and Xu Ziyan.

The fairy, the devil, the demon, and the Kuitian face were amazed, and they did not think that Xu Ziyan’s knowledge would be so strong. The face of the lord has a happy color, and only the power of the **** of the purple smog is strong enough to open this space more.

Xu Ziyan carefully scanned the cliff with the knowledge of God. The uploading of the cliff was a strong rebound, which made her perception very vague. In my heart, I know that I can't see through this space. Then the gods were retracted, and at this time the five saints also recovered their knowledge.

Although the lord said that he wanted to ask Xu Ziyan to break open the space, but the heart of Wu Sheng really did not take Xu Ziyan as a child. After all, the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is placed there, only the peak of the second level of the Holy Level. Each of these five saints is an extremely confident person, and if they are not confident, they cannot cultivate to the present cultivation.

But the lord still looked very politely at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, but what is the solution?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head: "There is no way at present, I need time to look again."

The lord nodded and then gathered together with the other four saints to study. It’s just that when the time is less than three, the five saints have a decision, because they feel that as long as they are united together, they can’t break the space.

All the gods are retreating toward the rear, and Xu Ziyan is no exception. Retired to the back and looked at the five holy.

The Five Holy Forces smashed a sacred scorpion, but the cliff was not loose, but it was twisted and swayed, and it was restored to its original appearance. The look of the five saints became dignified and looked at each other. This time they took out all the power, and it took a quarter of an hour to move, and then under the command of the lord, they rushed to the opposite side. cliff.


The cliff was twisted again, and then slowly restored to its original appearance with a wave of ripples. The five saints face each other, at this time they know that it is impossible to break this space with brute force. All the people will look at the soul of Yanshan, Yanshan soul is the law of everyone, the last cracked Dragon Palace is under the leadership of Yanshan soul.

However, at this time, the face of Yanshan soul appeared a bitter smile, this space is different from the Dragon Palace. The space above the Dragon Palace has no rebounding power, and the space of this Phoenix City has a strong rebounding power. It does not give the opportunity to explore the gods. How can we find the flaws in this space?

Seeing the bitter smile on the face of Yanshan soul, the other four saints immediately understood the hardships of Yanshan soul, and they could not help but frown. Yanshan soul turned his head and yelled at the back of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, let's take a look!"

The eyes of the Four Saints immediately revealed their wings, and in any case, the original purple smoke revealed a space magical power. Maybe there is a way to break this space.

Xu Ziyan floated away, his eyes looked at the opposite cliff, but suddenly turned his head and said to the Lord:

"This time. You are not allowed to catch me!"

This matter is very important for Xu Ziyan. I must know that there are two opportunities for the arrest of Xu Ziyan in the hands of the Lord. The Lord’s face is a red road:

"You can rest assured that this Holy Spirit is not so mean."

Xu Ziyan turned around and looked at the cliff opposite. Shuangyu Azure strobes, and Peng Peng looks toward the opposite cliff. Wu Sheng saw the blue of Xu Ziyan's eyes, and his heart was a move. With their natural state, they knew that this was a magical power of Xu Ziyan. And this magical power is very similar to the 鲲鹏目.

The spirit of the Five Saints is alive. With the eyes of Peng Peng, it is very possible to find the flaws of this space. A pair of eyes are staring at Xu Ziyan.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan carefully passed from the top to the bottom, about a quarter of an hour. Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and waited to open his eyes again, and he had already recovered his original appearance.

"Ziyan, but found a flaw?" Yanshan soul asked softly. The other four saints erected their ears.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "This is not a battle. It is a space that Feng Zu used to open up with the Great God. It is impossible to start from the formation."

"Then you are a space supernatural power..." The lord couldn't help but open his mouth.

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "I try!"

Wu Sheng immediately retreated to the side and held his breath. Since Xu Ziyan has made the appearance of Wu Peng, let Wu Sheng have confidence in Xu Ziyan at once, and he does not consciously show low respect.

Xu Ziyan once again looked at the cliff, and the right eye showed a space vortex. Immediately in the eyes of her space, the cliff turned into a space barrier. It takes two quarters of time. Xu Ziyan closed his eyes. The lips of Wusheng squirmed, but in the end no one to disturb Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and said, "Let me rest for a while!"

Then sit on the knees and sit in the clouds. The face of Wusheng has a happy color. Since Xu Ziyan did not shake his head to negate, it shows that there is hope.

After half an hour, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and stood up from the cloud and said to Wu Sheng:

"There are nine nodes in this space that need to be broken open continuously. When my sword is shot in a while, the five friends will try their best to bombard them, and there will be no stagnation."

"No problem!" Five Sanctuary nodded with joy.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan once again faced the cliff, and the five saints stood side by side on her right side, and they were ready to make a good shot.


Xu Ziyan’s head appeared on the head of the nine swords, floating in the air in a row.

The vortex appears again in the right eye, and the eye of the space opens.


A slash of swords shot at one of the cliffs, and then the five saints shot at the same time, and the violent force rushed to the node.


The cliff began to twist from the ground.


The second flying sword spurred out, and the five saints once again smashed the fairy.






The nine consecutive bursts of sound, the cliff became fragmented, Xu Ziyan scattered the eyes of the space, everyone's eyes are closely staring at the opposite cliff.

The broken and twisted cliff opposite the face gradually returned to its original appearance, but there was a huge vortex in the middle of the cliff.


Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and looked at the Five Sacred Roads: "The space is open, through the vortex, and it should be the city of Phoenix."

Five saints looked at each other and their faces were dignified. Space is now open, but not what they had imagined before. After opening the space, the city of Phoenix will appear directly in front of them, but only a portal, a swirling vortex, can not see inside.

Can't see who dares to trade easily?

To know that this is the city of Phoenix left by Feng Zu, what is Feng Zu? That is the achievement is higher than today's five saints. I don't know how much. The remains of such characters are that the five saints are very taboo.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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