The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2646: Furious Yanshan Soul

The Five Saints spread the knowledge and spread it into the vortex. The face of the five saints is a change, and the knowledge that has spread into it becomes stagnant, and as the vortex rotates, it seems to have lost its way. For a quarter of an hour, the Five Sacred reluctantly withdrew the knowledge of God, and could not penetrate the vortex.

The Lord saw a look at Xu Ziyan and locked his brow: "Xu Ziyan, is this space really open? After we enter the vortex, we will not be lost in the whirlpool?"

The words of the devil are exported, and all the monks are a glimpse. The face of Yanshan soul was gloomy, and the brow slowly wrinkled:

"Magic Lord, if you dare not go in, you can stay outside. Purple smoke opens space for everyone, is it to make you doubt?"

"The evil Lord!" The demon Lord said faintly: "This is a bad saying. Xu Daoyou is making this space change, but who is sure that this is the channel of space? If not? Is it not that we are in danger? In the middle? I would like to ask Xu Daoyou, is it sure that this is the space channel? If there is an accident, she is willing to be responsible?"

The flame of Yanshan's soul and eyebrows leaps up. If someone accuses him, he may not care. The **** of the evil master is arbitrary, but some people accuse Xu Ziyan, and his heart will rise to endless anger.

“Is it? I just want to ask, who asked the purple smoke to open the space channel? Now the purple smoke is & one & this & read & novel {.{yb}{du}.} you open, but you I have such a scruples. Do you want to sit here, I and Ziyan go in and bring the treasures found inside to you?"

The Lord condensed the voice: "We are not so uncomfortable. We just want to determine if the vortex is seeing the passage. Our request is not excessive. Although Xu Daoyou is your Taoist, I also want you to be awake."

"Hey..." Yanshan soul gave a sneer and said: "Stand up and talk, no pain, you go! You think this is not to see the passage, you have to make another one! Also, just rely on your point of space. I realized that when I came to Ziyan, I couldn’t catch it. How could I make a space passage? What would you do besides being jealous?”

Kuitian stood aside and smirked. In the heart, the darkness said: "This evil Lord is reborn, but still sharp."

"Okay! Let's take a look at whether this vortex is a space channel!" The lord stood up and stopped the Yanshan soul. The quarrel between the demon and the demon.

After all, everyone came here to look for opportunities, not to fight, so although the Lord, the demon and the Yanshan soul are not happy. But they still endured each other. Looked at the vortex on the opposite cliff.

The lord took out a bead and left a glimpse of the inside of the bead. Then he sacrificed the bead and spurred it toward the opposite vortex.

Everyone looked at the bead into the whirlpool, expecting the bead to enter the space inside, and reacting to the scene inside.


Then the look of the lord was changed, and then spit out an airway: "The contact with the beads lost."

The Lord of the Lord looked at Xu Ziyan with a cold look: "Is this the open channel?"

There was no speech in this Yanshan spirit, but the eyes of the demon Lord became cold. The momentum on the body broke out completely.


Behind the soul of Yanshan, there is a giant sword, which makes Xu Ziyan a glimpse. When the sword is seen, it is newly refining. When is the mountain spirit refining a sword? This is the first time that Xu Ziyan saw the spirit of Yanshan with a fairy. At first glance, he knew that the soul of Yanshan had become extremely angry.

Xu Ziyan knows very well that the reason why the Lord has been embarrassing with her is because of the existence of Xu Xiang. Xu Xiang is really important to the demon Lord, and Xu Xiang is also very important for Xu Ziyan. Xu Xiang’s importance to the Lord of the Lord is in cultivation, and the important thing for Xu Ziyan is emotional. Xu Xiang can be said that Xu Ziyan has a big hand. He wants Xu Ziyan to give Xu Mo to the devil to swallow refining. How is this? may?

The devil's help is because the lord and Kuidian have received a promise from Xu Ziyan, but he did not take any advantage, and naturally he lost some. Then stood on the side of the Lord.

Xu Ziyan stopped the soul of Yanshan and said faintly: "The Lord, if you think that is not a passage, you should not go in. No one is forcing you to go in."

The demon Lord glanced at the giant kendo that had risen to the top of Yanshan’s soul at this time:

"The evil Lord, we still use our energy in the city of Phoenix!"

At this time, the three hundred days behind can be clearly seen, the demon Lord and the demon Lord seem to form an alliance for the time being, targeting Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. And Xianzhu and Kui Tian are posing a pair of two helpless gestures.

The Five Holy Communities began to show their abilities, and they used various methods to test the world behind the vortex. Every temptation is cautious, although every temptation fails, but no monk enters it personally. Because the Five Sacred Hearts are clear, the magical powers of Fengzu, that is, their current cultivation does not guarantee that they will be able to survive.

Eventually, after all the experiments of the Five Sacred failed, the silence in the air reached the extreme, and it was dull to the extreme. Xu Ziyan has no action and no words. She firmly believes that the vortex is the passage into the city of Phoenix. Although it bans the gods, it does not harm the body of the monk. Nor will the monk be lost in it, but she has no evidence, so she can only remain silent.

However, Xu Ziyan was not stupid enough to propose that he was the first to go in. The passage was no problem, but who knows if there is any problem in the space inside?

Once I have just entered, I have encountered a holy phoenix inside, isn’t it looking for death?

The lord looked hesitant and looked at the gods behind him. Do you want to make these cannons with these heavenly statues? Isn't this time the time to use them?

The face of the 300-day-old statue is neat and tidy, and the heart is a pump. There is a hint of fear in the eyes, they naturally understand what the lord sees.

At this time, the Lord of the Lord spoke faintly.

"Xu Ziyun is the avatar of Xu Ziyan. Two people are connected to each other. I want Xu Ziyun to enter the whirlpool. It should be the best way to solve the current problem."

When the Lord's words were exported, the Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec were all stunned, but the subsequent look was a piece of hope. Obviously they also thought that this method was very suitable.

The three hundred days of respect are obviously relieved, and others are always more dangerous than their own.


Xu Ziyan is only losing a avatar, not the deity!


Without any warning, the soul of Yanshan appeared in front of the demon Lord, hitting his face with a fist and kicking the demon.

"You ungrateful animal!"

Yanshan soul roared and his body shape followed.

"Evil Lord!"

The body of the demon is flying.


Yanshan soul has brought the strength of his eight-tiered mid-level peak to the extreme, and the demon Lord will fly back in the air, while glaring at the demon Lord who is stunned:

"What is your brother's business?"


The figure instantly came to the front of the demon Lord. The demon Lord was only the beginning of the seventh level of the holy level, and the soul of Yanshan was the mid-level peak of the eighth level. The devil is really fighting the soul of Yanshan.

"Pong table tennis..."

The demon Lord watched the demon Lord being the soul of Yanshan, his face changing. It was so stunned by the Yanshan spirit that his face was very shameful. But go up with the magic master... I can’t beat the Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan looked at the demon Lord. She did not think that the devil had hated this point because of Xu Xiang’s reason, and reduced her strength without any means. If Xu Ziyun died, it would definitely have a great impact on Xu Ziyan. Not to mention that there is one less avatar, that is, when the Yuanshen who was once divided into Xu Ziyun died, the **** of Xu Ziyan, who is connected with it, will be greatly hurt, and even the realm of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen will fall.

It is necessary to know that Xu Ziyun’s Yuanshen and Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen are completely connected. What is the realm of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen, and what is the realm of Xu Ziyun’s Yuanshen. Imagine that once a **** on the fairy is erased, the **** of the master will be hurt, let alone a split god.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not look at the Yanshan soul this time. Although he knew that the special constitution of the demon Lord, it was difficult for Yanshan Soul to kill him, but watching him be smashed, Xu Xinyan’s depressed heart could also be brighter.

"The evil Lord, you have to be too much!" The devil snarled. In the face of three hundred days of respect, the lord of the lord screamed, the lord did not hurt, but was in the heart.

"Brother is too much? Hehe..." Yanshan soul is a punch on the face of the demon Lord: "Brother is too much today, Mom [you], have you forgotten your brother's cruelty?"

"Xu Daoyou..."

The lord finally spoke up. He couldn't let the Yanshan soul fight like this again. Here, the repair of the Yanshan soul is the highest. He must be with the demon master, the devil, and the Kuitian alliance. Otherwise, the Yanshan soul cannot be suppressed. This is if it is in the phoenix. The city has encountered a chance, not all have been robbed by the Yanshan soul?

Once the four holy forces join hands, Yanshan soul is not an opponent, although they can not kill Yanshan soul, but they can suppress Yanshan soul. So in the end, he still chose to stand up, but he was not stupid enough to directly fight against Yanshan soul, but wanted to let Xu Ziyan persuade Yanshan soul to stop.

"Xu Daoyou, do you want to stop the evil Lord?"

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye. How did you not see you when the devil was talking nonsense? With a faint smile on his face, Xu Ziyan said softly:

"Our family's soul can be tempered, and it is terrible to start a fire. How can we not persuade it!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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