The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2650: Witch

Yanshan soul does not change, said faintly: "The purple smoke of the brother can only be described as two words: gentle!"


Four holy faces are not good. "*言*情*首*发" Xu Ziyan, who sat on the floor, became a pretty face but became red.

After half an hour, Xu Ziyan stood up. Everyone started to act again. This time, they did not use the five saints together, because they have already seen it from the previous time. Don’t look at the space here is very stable, but once Xu Ziyan finds a weak place, as long as they are in the five saints A shot can open the barrier there.

Gradually, they were getting farther and farther away from the broken space, and later they could not see the broken space.


Once again, a space barrier was opened, and the shape of Xu Ziyan was worn through, and the back of the room was plucked into the air. And Xu Ziyan suddenly squatted there.

There were two steep cliffs in front of her.


How do these two cliffs look like two huge big feet?

It’s just that these two feet are too big, and each foot has a height of several tens of feet. How could this be a foot lice?

Should the cliff look like a scorpion?

"this is……"

Behind the sound of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan smiled and turned around:

"Mountain Spirit, do you think these two cliffs are not like a scorpion?"

"That is the foot scorpion!" Yanshan soul said quietly.


Xu Ziyan looked at the Yanshan soul in surprise, saw the Yanshan soul look serious, then looked back at the two big feet, and looked back at the Yanshan soul, then went to see the fairy, the demon Lord, the devil and the Quebec. Seeing them all look serious, and the heart can not help but secretly:

"Is it really two big feet? Both feet are so big, how high will this person be?"


Yanshan soul and other five saints flew into the air. Xu Ziyan also rushed to the body and flew into the air. After the high flight. Looking down, Xu Ziyan's eyes are full of shock.

That... really is a person!

A huge person! There are hundreds of feet high! If you don't fly too high, you can't see that it's a person, but you think it's a rolling mountain. 『*言*情*首*发』

"How can there be such a big person?" Xu Ziyan said to himself in shock.

"That is a witch!" Yanshan soul is dignified.


"Not bad!" Yanshan soul condensed and said: "Witch is a race in ancient times, they are not only the gods, only the body. The power is not inferior. The strength is not weaker than the immortal. Now we have been dead for a long time, I don't know if there will be a living witch in this space. If there is, the trouble will be big!"

Xu Ziyan looked toward the fairy. Seeing the four saints of the lord is also a dignified look. Her heart could not help but mention it.

Yanshan soul slowly made a fist, then pulled his shoulders back, and finally clenched his fists like a sharp arrow. In midair, there was a huge punch that hit the sky and bombarded the body of the witch.


The corpse of the witch was smashed, and Xu Ziyan’s gaze was a condensate. She saw dozens of white spots in the dust flying out to release the light and capture the eyes.


The lord, the demon, the demon, and the squadron swooped down to the bottom.


Yanshan soul suddenly burst into fists, and even said that the four saints lived. Xu Ziyan was in the heart. The figure swept out in an instant and rushed toward the dozens of spots.

"The evil Lord, you are too much!"

Four holy violent screams. The rushing toward the Yanshan soul, the strength of the mid-level peak of the eight-story of the Yanshan spirit sanctuary completely broke out, and the four saints were dragged for a moment.

It’s just that for a moment, it’s enough. With the strength of the late stage of the second layer of the purple smoke, without any human disturbance, the dozens of white spots will be collected in a natural moment, and then a light spot will be taken out and watched. .

A slap-sized thing, delicate and smooth, releases the radiance of Yingying.

And this time. The four masters of the lord and the other four saw that Xu Ziyan had collected all the white spots, and then he took the hand and retired to wait for the Yanshan soul road:

"Evil Lord. You don't want to be too much, you can't swallow those witches."

"When did you say that you want to swallow it alone?" Yanshan soul turned a blank eye.

The four masters of the lord listened to a slower face. Then I heard the Yanshan soul continue to say: "The brothers and the purple smoke are equally divided!"


The four gods of the lord were almost squirting, but before they did not worry, Yanshan soul said with confidence:

"What happened to me and Ziyan? You can leave this place without purple smoke? I am afraid that it was already broken by the broken space at this time? Don't say that these witches are grabbed by ourselves, in your hands. We want you to, you should not give? Are these witches more important than your life?"

The face of the emperor's four saints changed, this is not the guilty conscience of the words of Yanshan soul. I think the words of Yanshan soul are justified, but this time they realize that they have not left this space, if they really annoyed Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul, two people put them down, they will fall here.

How long has it been?

They have not experienced the feeling of not falling under the roof.

One by one blinking, and finally hiding a greed in the depths of my eyes, the lord laughed and said:

"Oh... we just wanted to see it. It’s not with you, evil Lord, you are too stingy!"

The evil Lord was in a good mood at this time, and he did not make a dispute with the lord. A robes flew to the side of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan asked the white thing in his hand and asked:

"Mountain Spirit, what is this?"

"Wu Jing!"

"Wu Jing? What is that?"

"It is the essence of witch. I said before that witch does not cultivate the gods, but only cultivates the body. So they will leave an essence after death, and the thing that condenses these essences is called witch essence. The refining witch essence is the strength of cultivation. There are huge benefits."

“Really?” Xu Ziyan opened his eyes in surprise.

"Of course it is true! These witches are collected, and when we go back, you can retreat and refine these witches."

"you do not need?"

"No!" Yanshan soul shook his head: "My physical condition is special, there will be no bottleneck in this aspect of the body."

Xu Ziyan only thought of the stone of Yanshan soul at this time, and should have his own secret on the body. I happily collected the witch in my hand.

"Xu Daoyou!" At this time, the emperor waited for the four saints to fly over: "Are we supposed to leave?"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan fell to the bottom, opened the eyes of the space, continued to search for the weak points of the twisted space, and then broke through the weak points.


Xu Ziyan rushed out of a weak space, and then his face showed a happy color. In the eyes of her space, she saw that she finally took out the space, but did not know where she was today.

All the people rushed out of the distorted space, and when they found that they had left the distorted space, they could not help but scream. But then the cheers came to an abrupt end, because they found that although they came out of the distorted space, they did not understand where they are today. Who knows if there will be more dangers waiting for them?

As a result, the monks were silent and looked around. The sky here seems to be exceptionally high, and in their field of vision is an endless plain, with 13 isolated mountains on top of this vast expanse of plains. The entire plain is red and yellow, giving people a feeling of ridiculousness, which makes people feel like they have returned to ancient times. From time to time on the plains, the hurricane was blown, and the yellow dust was rolled up.

At this time, Wu Sheng, Xu Ziyan, with a few people in the illusory, stood tall in the air, while the 300-day monk was a virtual one. At this time everyone is watching everything around, no one is speaking. After experiencing a distorted space, no one dares to have a slight negligence on this place. Although the plain is quiet and does not show a trace of danger, a tense atmosphere is still permeating.

Xu Ziyan took back his eyes from a distance and looked down to look at the 300-day monk. The minimum cultivation of these three monks is also the middle of the Tianzun, and there is also the soil of the second level of the holy level. Can be described as a terrorist force.

Coupled with Wu Sheng and Xu Ziyan and others, it can be said that the highest-end forces in the Upper Yuan Dynasty are all gathered here, and Xu Ziyan can not help but sigh. If these people are out of here, it is definitely an unbearable disaster for the entire Yuanyuan.

Xu Ziyan's experience is still small. After all, her age is too small, otherwise she will not even know Wu Jing. At this time, she did not see any signs of danger here. But when I saw that the Five Saints still looked at it in a dignified manner, they simply stopped looking at it. Anyway, the Five Saints are all old monsters and have rich experience. If they can’t see anything, they will not even see it. What happened, so her eyes fell on the three hundred days of respect, and some went away.

Looking at the following Tianzun, think about your own imaginary, Xu Ziyan feels too imaginary or weak, can truly rank among the ranks of the big gates, on the one hand, the number of Zongmen monks is up, on the other hand, mainly relying on themselves And the two masters, as well as Ziyun, Xiaobai, Ma Jiao Xu Xiang these days of the late peaks. However, the overall strength of Zongmen is still quite different.

Moreover, Taixu Zong now has one of the biggest disadvantages, that is, the entire Zongmen and Xu Ziyan are as young as the lord, and their experience and experience are somewhat inadequate. Hundreds of thousands of disciples who had been admitted to Ziyan were young disciples. These people are now growing rapidly in Taixu, but they have great flaws in experience and experience. They are still not as purple as they are, and they should be said to be much worse than the purple smoke.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued)[End of this chapter]

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