The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2651: witch

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), petty cat students (200), Jie Yan classmates (200), small petal flying classmates (100), a very quiet classmate (100) reward!


Xu Ziyan's childish experience and experience is compared with the five saints, but compared with other people, it is not bad, even if compared with the nine masters, Xu Ziyan is not bad. But the monks who are too imaginary are not like this. Compared with the peers of the nine major sects, they are probably a lot worse in their experience and experience. This is because they have been closed by Green Children for many years. Practice, no opportunity to leave to accumulate their experience.

Xu Ziyan secretly thought: "When you go back this time, you must let the disciples of Zongmen go out of the mountain gate and go out and practice. Let them practice in the southern continent first. It is not a cultivation method to build a car behind closed doors."

Xu Ziyan was wandering around the sky, thinking about it, but suddenly heard a rumbling voice, suddenly looked up, but found that I do not know when, Wusheng has left the team, far into the plains. And the sound of the rumble is the 13 orphans.


The shape of the five saints has already flown back, looking at the thirteen unique peaks in the distance. I saw that the thirteen unique peaks slowly moved, as if thirteen or lying, or the giant sitting awakened from the ancient sleep. As they stood up from the ground, a pole = one = this = read = novel xstxt its huge pressure on everyone's body, as if a mountain is in the heart, even breathing has become difficult. All the people looked at the front. There are thirteen giants standing there.

"Witch!" Five Saints took a breath.

At this time, it is no longer necessary to say five saints. Xu Ziyan naturally knows that the thirteen giants in front of him are witches. It’s just that this witch is too tall, and Xu Ziyan looked at himself. His body is not as tall as a toe of a witch.

This plain should be the territory of these thirteen witches. The closeness of the five saints made these thirteen witches woke up. At this point, I looked over here.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "The size of the family is so small, how can you fight this? Only change the law."

Xu Ziyan can think of the five holy nature can also think of. The lord, the demon and the demon sang to the three hundred days below:



Three hundred days of sacredness suddenly turned into a law, and they saw their bodies continue to grow bigger. Straight into Yunxiang, three hundred days of glory changed into a giant of three hundred and hundreds of feet tall. This kind of scene is shocking.

Xu Ziyan and Wu Sheng still did not change their body, but only floated high in the air and looked down.

On the opposite side of the wilderness, thirteen witches were rumbling toward this side. However, there are three hundred people who are not inferior to their heights.

Three hundred days of glory into a fairy tales. When the thirteen witches were thousands of miles away from them, they released the gathering of fairy tales.

In time, huge powers bombarded the past with 13 sorcerers. The thirteen witches each had a huge shield in their hands, and the gathering of the fairy scorpion was resisted outside, and the footsteps kept approaching for three hundred days. Every step, the earth was rumbling...

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is tightly locked to one of the thirteen witches. She wants to see how the witch is different from the person. The first thing she felt was that the body of the witch was indeed very powerful. All of them are carrying pure power. At this time, the witches were holding huge shields and holding large guns. Although they will not be immortal, but each shot is stabbed, the pure power that erupted will crush the attacking fairy.

"Is this the power of witch?"

Xu Ziyan was shocked. This kind of power is really horrible. Xu Ziyan feels that the power released by these thirteen witches has exceeded her imagination. She really can't imagine how pure power can reach this level.

Obviously, the 300-day esteem does not have the ability to fight with the close-up of the witch. The 300-day sage immediately began to divide, split into 13 battles, began to open the distance with the 13 witches, and fought with 13 sorcerers. As soon as they came together, the gathering of immortals continued to pour toward the thirteen witches.

Xu Ziyan and Wu Sheng and other monks quietly stood in the sky and looked down. Everyone could not help but frown slightly.

Any of these three hundred days of respect in the Upper Yuan dynasty is the existence of the wind and rain, but today such a concentration of three hundred, but in the face of the thirteen witches gradually at a disadvantage.

Xu Ziyan looked at the thirteen witches below, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart. The reason why the three centuries of celestial congregation is not enough to threaten the witch, it is because the body strength of these thirteen witches is very amazing. In Xu Ziyan's view, their identity has definitely been sanctified, and the grade is not low.

"What a powerful witch! How can such a race disappear?" Xu Ziyan muttered to himself.

"They are not ordinary witches!" Yanshan soul condensed: "We are the Witch King!"

The battle of three hundred days of honor finally angered thirteen witches. The body shape of the thirteen witches swiftly accelerated, and the huge figure left a shadow in the space, because the speed was too fast, the huge body broke through the space, and the sound of the bursting sound, the huge handgun of the right hand was hidden. The violent energy, standing toward the sky, stood in the past.

Three hundred days of respect for the change of color, they already know the power of these witches, if they let these witches close to them, they do not know whether they can withstand the gunshots of each other.

Each battle immediately retreated quickly toward the rear, and at the same time unleashed the release of the fairy to block the rapidly approaching witch. The overwhelming immortal bombardment is on the body of a witch. If this powerful fairy is released on the Upper Yuan, it can destroy a sect. But here it only delays the progress of the witch.

Xu Ziyan looked at the witch below, and his look was anxious: "Mountain Spirit, let's go!"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "There will be no problems for the time being. We need those gods to consume the power of the witches. When their power is consumed, they are the targets of beating. After all, they only cultivate the body and not cultivate the gods. If we are now, although we will eventually win, we will be struggling. We don’t know if there will be more powerful existence after killing these 13 witches, so we must preserve our strength. So bad!"

Thirteen battles are now on the verge of collapse. Although the 13 witches have not caught up with the 13 battles, the rifles that have been pierced from time to time have punctured the space, and the space has been swayed for three hundred days. Unspeakable.

The earth glides over the battlefields, and the anxiety between the eyebrows flashes. Suddenly shouted:

"The people of the human race are concentrated, and the sects are set up!"

One hundred people, Tianzun, gathered together in the battlefield of the earth, but there was a witch's pursuit, and the gathering was not smooth.

"The demon monk is concentrated, and the devil is set!"

Melon Tianzun shouted loudly, and one hundred demon Tianzun began to gather toward Melon Tianzun, but they had the same difficulties as the Terran monks, and they had a witch chase. The speed of their gathering was extremely slow.

"The demon monk is concentrated, and the demon is set up!"

Liao Bufan shouted loudly, and the Yaozu Tianzun began to gather at Liao Bufan. Between the thirteen witches, three hundred days of glory gradually formed three torrents to converge in three directions.

Three hundred days of respect is not as good as the thirteen witches in the strength of the body, but they also have their own advantages, that is, they all cultivate the gods, can release the long-range attack of the fairy, so they move together and finally come together.

The three large arrays were finally formed.

A group of one hundred people, Tianzun.

One hundred demon Tianzun composed of the devil array.

One hundred demon Tianzun composed of the demon array.

The three big bursts burst into awe-inspiring power, dividing the thirteen witches into three parts, and the celestial array surrounded five witches, and the sacred squad and the sacred squad surrounded each other. Among the three big arrays, the witch's actions finally became stagnant.


Thirteen witches suddenly made a scream, and this screaming formed a shock wave that spread rapidly toward the outside. The spatial position was broken. Like the violent fluctuations, the cockroaches of the three hundred days respected the body and let the three hundred days stand in the moment. There is a tremor of the soul.

It was at this moment that the witch made a fierce counterattack, and the witches swept across the three big battles. Every monk's face became pale, but he managed to keep the big position running, and once again attacked the witch in the big battle.

A fierce battle broke out in the crash, and Xu Ziyan looked down. This is the most violent array she has seen in her life, both visually and audibly. It is in this shock that her mind has a comprehension.

The strength of the three big arrays is different. The celestial array is full of killing, the sacred squad is full of destruction, and the celestial squad is full of violence. But the witch is showing another ultimate power, pure power.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes gradually lost focus, and at this time she was completely using the mind to perceive the war.

Killing...destruction...violence...pure power...

The three large arrays surrounded thirteen witches, and countless scorpions came out, but they were shattered by the witches in the hands of witches or the pure power of the thorns or swept, forming a circle between the big squad and the witch. vacuum. But then this vacuum was filled with power and pure power, bursting out of unparalleled power. Over and over again, it seems that the two sides are not tired.


Both sides know that as long as one side reveals a sign of exhaustion, what is waiting for them is death.

The ground is intertwined with killing, destruction, violence, pure power, and the whole space is a mess. Xu Ziyan felt this power, and the mind suddenly fell silent. She could not see the killing, destruction, violence and pure power, nor could she hear the killing, destruction, violence and pure power. At this time, only nothingness in her mind, nothingness...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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