The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2652: Magic master shot

Is it...

The end of all power is nothingness...

The ultimate of immortality is nothingness...

At this time, there is no one to pay attention to Xu Ziyan. They are all concerned about the battle below to judge the timing of their shots. Looking at the three big arrays below, there is a trace of satisfaction on the faces of the lords, the devil and the demon. Although the three big arrays still have many of these shortcomings in their eyes, after experiencing the faults, they are still able to play the three big arrays out of such power and have already exceeded their expectations.

In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan's knowledge, the killing, destruction, violence and pure power gradually began to overlap. Although they only overlap, not integration, there is already an unspeakable power that has spread.

"Is this nothing?"

Do not!

This is not true emptiness. Only the true integration of these four forces will form a true nothingness.


This power of nothingness is really powerful. Now it is the nothingness of nothingness. It has such power. If it is a true nothingness, what kind of power can it be? ”

Xu Ziyan gradually imprinted the origins of the four powers in the sea. She knew that it was impossible to fuse the four powers here, which took time and slowly merged. However, Xu Ziyan firmly believes that after he has merged these four kinds of powers and cultivated nothingness, he will create a sword that truly belongs to him {一+本}Read} novel ybdu..诀.

Strictly speaking, a sword is not a sword, it just shows the power of the world perfectly, but it does not use the power of the world to exert the power of the sword, so that the sword is using the power of the world. after that. Unleash the power beyond the power of the world.

And Xu Ziyan has never had a sword that can surpass a sword to break the power of the Fa, not only she did not, but also the entire Yuanyuan. In the eyes of all monks, a sword is the strongest sword.


Today, Xu Ziyan seems to have found a powerful sword, that is nothing!

Not bad!

It is nothingness, Xu Ziyan named the sword that he had not yet created as nothingness. She believes that once the virtual sword is created, it will be a horrible sword that completely surpasses a sword.

Xu Ziyan has been completely immersed in the fusion of the four powers. She is immersed in the origin of every power, looking for their commonalities and exclusion points...

She did not know that at this time, the three tribes in the lower tribe began to gradually become inferior, and the body of the thirteen witches was a nightmare for the three tribes. Can not help but the defensive power is amazing, and it seems that I don't know how tired.


The fairy in the air suddenly opened, and then looked at the Lord of the Devil, and the soul of Yanshan. Demon Lord. Kui Tian also looked at the Lord of the Lord.

The face of the demon Lord is black, but he is not afraid of the thirteen witches, but he is forced to work hard by the four saints, and his heart is very uncomfortable. But he can't resist, who gives him the lowest strength here? Moreover, Yanshan Soul is not bullying him. He always wants to retain the strongest force to guard against emergencies. Therefore, at this point, it is beyond reproach to let the lowest-powered demon in Wusheng.

As for Xu Ziyan. There is no such monk to go to the tube, there is the Yanshan soul there. Is it true that Xu Ziyan does not exist?


Before in the distorted space, but in the eyes of Xu Ziyan's space, everyone can get out. Now that I have met the witch, Xu Ziyan does not shoot, and it is their turn to take it for granted.

Therefore, the eyes of the Four Holy Ghosts gathered on the Lord of the Lord.

The devil's face went down in a gloomy step. He didn't change his body, but the short body compared with the witch gave a feeling of no slight weakness. Instead, it was very powerful and seemed to be taller than the witch.

The demon Lord is step by step, as if walking on the underside of the witch as he walks through the invisible steps. As he takes every step, a power that is destroyed to the extreme is pressed like a Tianwei to the bottom. Only in an instant, Tianzun in the three big arrays quickly retreated toward the rear, away from the witch. Thirteen witches seem to have become mountain peaks at once, standing quietly in the wilderness, but thirteen pairs of eyes are like twenty-six suns shining toward the demon who is coming down.

Xu Ziyan has already woke up from the immersion. When the devil took the first step, she woke up, and the power could wake her up from immersion.


The ear seemed to hear a sound of closing the door, which was the sound of space lockout. The space around the thirteen witches was locked into an independent space at this moment. And squeezing toward them, the body of the thirteen witches immediately pressed like a huge number of giant peaks, and the strong body began to bend.

As the body of the demon walked step by step, the body of the thirteen witches bent more and more.


The thirteen witches finally could not withstand the squeeze of the space and fell to the ground. At this time, in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the short figure of the demon Lord seemed to become very huge, just like a demon between heaven and earth. Xu Ziyan’s gaze shrank, and at this moment she really felt the power of the demon Lord.

this moment.

Xu Ziyan really realized that the last time he could escape from the space locked by the demon Lord, it was definitely because he realized the great perfection of the space attribute and could make a kind of tricky behavior. If you really fight the Lord, I am afraid that you can't resist the two tricks of the Lord.

The Lord gently lifted a large hand and reached into the air, and then the locked space turned into an infinite hand and thirteen sorcerers in his hands.


Thirteen witches felt the threat of death and struggled to struggle, but the big hand was getting tighter and tighter.


The body of the thirteen witches suddenly violently grows again. They inspire all their potentials, and the struggle of the outburst caused a huge crack in the giant hand in the air.

The head of the devil's mouth skipped a slap, and the body's magical swayed, and then the cracked big hand instantly became solid and tightened toward the inside.

Xu Ziyan looked at the giant hand and was shocked. She perceives the power of the seventh level of the Holy Class. It is simply infinitely close to the power of destroying the earth. The strength of the thirteen witches makes Xu Ziyan jealous. But in the hands of the Lord, there is no power to resist.

It is true that three hundred days of esteem consume a lot of the power of the thirteen witches, but Xu Ziyan firmly believes that even if there are no three hundred days of respect, the devil can kill the thirteen witches, but it will not be so easy.

Xu Ziyan was only shocked for a moment, and he recovered his calm. After all, she and Yanshan soul have been together for a long time, and this kind of power will not make her mind unbalanced.

But the three hundred days of respect, including standing on the side of Xu Ziyan, who took Wanli and Jianwu, and others looked at the figure of the demon Lord.

That is a reverence for strength!

At this time, the thirteen witches in the air were still struggling to struggle, but they could not prevent the big hand from gradually shrinking.


A witch body is smashed, and it is smashed by the big hand of the lord!


The body of a witch is continuously smashed by the devil!

At this time, a thought emerges in the hearts of all Tianzun. Is this really an ordinary fairy, a dragon hand?

They had just had a hard battle with the Thirteen Witches and they were very familiar with the physical strength of the thirteen witches. However, it is the thirteen witches that cannot be shaken by the three large arrays of three hundred days of reverence, but they are pinched one by one in the hands of a common dragon.

This is naturally not an ordinary dragon hand.

The 300-day-old can't see it, but Xu Ziyan, who has already been sanctified, looks at the score. The ordinary dragon's hand is only powerful, but now the dragon's hand, which is displayed by the Holy Master's Master, carries a kind of heavenly meaning.

The body of the thirteen witches was pinched into a powder by the devil, and more than a hundred white spots were scattered inside. The demon master took a handful of light spots and then flew back to the four holy places.

Faced with the eyes of the Four Holy Ones, the face of the Lord is somewhat unnatural. Finally, I gnawed my teeth: "I take half, and the rest are equally divided."

The demon Lord shook his head: "All of us have five equal shares."

"Why?" The Lord angered: "The thirteen witches were all killed by me. These witches are my trophies."

The demon Lord said faintly: "That of the thirteen witches can kill, but it is just letting you kill!"

"But I ended up killing you! You don't want to get the same witch, you don't make sense."

Xu Ziyan stood by and looked at the Wusheng dispute, and he felt funny. At this moment they stripped the high-rise coats, no different from ordinary monks. The past highs are just because they don’t touch the treasures that attract them. Only she knew that the witchcraft she got had nothing to do with her, and she stood silently watching the fun.

"You take a third, the rest of us are equally divided!" Finally, Yanshan soul said faintly.

The Lord thought for a moment and finally nodded. And the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec are not too much, nodded and agreed, and finally the Yanshan soul got 22 pieces of Wu Jing to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked at these twenty-two witches, and felt that they were a lot worse than the witches they had before.

After the restoration of calm on the plains, after the loss of the thirteen witches, it became a veritable plain, a flat horse, and no longer blocked.

Xu Ziyan followed the Five Saints from the air and landed on the plains, and then everyone continued to walk forward. This trip is three days, but the plain seems to be endless, and it is impossible to see the margin. Wu Sheng stopped and looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan immediately understood their minds and immediately opened the eyes of the space and looked around. Xu Ziyan observed for a long time, the more he observed, the tighter the brow wrinkled. Finally, I took up the eyes of time:

"This is still a space opened up with great powers, but I have not found a way to get out of this space."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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