The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2653: Bondage rules

I am very grateful to zhlovenaiye classmates (1888), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), mableip classmates (200), and the rewards of the heart classmates (100)!

The five holy words are all condensed, and the Yanshan soul looks around and asks:

"Ziyan, what is the danger here?"

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "It seems that there is no!"

"So, are we trapped in this space?" The lord also looked around and said: "What we have to do now is how to get out of this space."

"Go ahead again!" said the demon condensed.

"Or fly, this can be faster!" Yanshan soul said.

The monks nodded, and the monks began to fly toward the front for the first time. The worst strength here is also the early days of Tianzun. Although it is not able to tear through the space, but by the speed of these masters flying, it also flew to the end of the plain in less than two days.

At the end of the plain is a thick layer of black, and nothing can be seen beyond black. Wu Sheng also tried to walk into the darkness, but was blocked by a layer of barriers. No matter how they bombarded, they could not break through the barrier. Finally, all the monks joined hands to break the barrier.

Xu Ziyan once again opened the eyes of space, but could not find the weakness of this space. Because this space is not a distorted space at all, it is like a big bowl that has been buckled down and the whole plain is buckled in the bowl.

The barrier is in front of you, but you can't break it. And there is a black mist on the outside. People can't see the situation outside. By this time the monks had to admire the strength of Fengzu.

This is not a fairy tales at all, but a great supernatural power. So you don't have to summon the Yuanshen of the first one, let alone there is a Yanshan soul that is more powerful than the one.

but. Xu Ziyan still summoned Xiaomumu into the sea and asked him to observe the barrier. Xiaomumu just took a look at the road:

"This is not a natural space barrier, but a great supernatural power that I can't wear."

Xu Ziyan disappointedly sent Xiaomumu back to the body space, and at this time Wusheng was constantly negotiating, and then experimented with various methods. Xu Ziyan simply sat next to the floor and had five saints. She is too lazy to brain, sitting there waiting.

Whether it is from cultivation, age. Experience, experience in all aspects, the five saints in front of the eyes are far more than Xu Ziyan, so Xu Ziyan sitting next to the peace of mind.

What she doesn't know is. At this time, the eyes of the gods on her sleeves have been turning left and left. Turning right, the top, bottom, left and right look at everything around, and the illusion of the eyes is very humanized to reveal a thoughtful look.

"This is a great supernatural power, not relying on violence to break open." Yanshan soul said.

"Yes! If you want to get out of this barrier, you must understand this great power." The lord nodded.

"Then we are slowly comprehending here. Yes, we have time." The demon stared at the barrier in front of him, but his look was a little excited.

"Yeah, the witch here has been wiped out by us. It seems that there is no danger. If we can understand this great power, it is not worthwhile." The Yaozu simply sat down on the ground.

"Oh, huh..." Kui Tian smiled faintly: "I want to comprehend this great power. Does it take a million years, or a million years? Is it impossible to comprehend with a barrier?"

Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord frowned slightly, but in the end they could not help but sigh, they admitted that Kuitian made sense. But I don’t understand this kind of great supernatural power, but I can’t go out of this space. Now it’s a dead knot in front of them.

Xu Ziyan heard the conversation between the five saints, and the brow could not help but wrinkle, she would not want to stay in this space for a million years.

"Ziyan." Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea suddenly remembered the voice of the god.

“Hmm?” Xu Ziyan’s spirit: “What have you found?”

"Like this great powerhouse usually has an open key."


"Yes, this kind of key can be anything. But after I speculate that this is the city of phoenix, Fengzu will not allow other races to rush in, so this key will definitely be related to the Feng people, and the Feng people have What? What they have in common is that they will not give up their will. I think that if we release our unyielding will, we will be able to pass this place."

"All the Feng people have unyielding will?" Xu Ziyan asked in surprise.

"Of course, but Feng Zu's unyielding will contains a supreme mood. It is different from ordinary unyielding will."

Xu Ziyan thought about it and thought that Fushen made sense, but she felt that she still asked for the opinions of Yanshan Soul. Sometimes she was not reliable.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and walked toward the Five Saints. At this time, the Five Saints are arguing how to break this barrier.

"Mountain Spirit!"

"Well?" Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan, his eyes could not help but brighten: "Ziyan, do you think of a solution?"

When I heard the sound of Yanshan, the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian smacked their mouths neatly, and secretly said:

"We admit that Xu Ziyan's talent is very high, but now it is necessary to crack the space barrier. This is related to experience, and it has nothing to do with cultivation. Is there any way for her age?"

The Lord is even impatient and said: "The evil Lord, don't waste time, we will continue to study."

"Mountain Spirit, I have a speculation. Since this space is the one left by Fengzu, if there is a Feng nationality here, what if the Fengzu inside wants to come out? Or even if there is no Fengzu, then then What happened to the Feng nationality who wanted to come in outside the sky? Can Fengzu always stop his descendants?"

At this time, the Five Sacred did not speak, and all eyes flashed amazed, looking down and thinking.

“So, there must be a way to open the passage through this barrier. And this method must be available to all phoenixes.”

“All the Phoenix people have it?”

The eyes of the gods and Yanshan spirits lit up. Said in unison: "Unyielding will!"

Both of them have swallowed the soul of refining and aging the ancestors, and naturally have the supreme and unyielding will of the ancestors. So I thought of this in an instant.

The body of Yanshan soul immediately transmitted an unyielding will, and the lord's eyes flashed. In the heart:

"No wonder his cultivation is higher than me. It seems that he has not only swallowed up the soul of Fengzu."

This unyielding will emanating from the body of Yanshan Soul, I saw this space vibrate, and then there was a portal in front of the barrier in front of them. A straight forward pontoon appeared outside the portal, and the outside was black. The fog has also changed, turning into a colorful light. Cover this pontoon in the middle. Only the pontoon has no sinuous colors, and the straight pontoon around it is a sinuous color, as if it is a meandering passage in front of them.

Look ahead. It is an endless channel. If you don't know where the passage is, look up and down, it will be a shining light. I can't see anything at all.

And the knowledge of God can only spread within the channel. When I hit the ray of light, I was bounced back. Even if it spreads along the passage, the gods will not be able to move far, as if the passage is endless.

However, everyone can feel the great power in the ray of light, and it seems to be full of the rules of heaven. It is also the horror of the gods who have reached the peak of the mid-level eight-story.


The Yanshan soul finally opens, no matter what kind of risks are contained in it, it will eventually be faced. So Yanshan soul walked in the first step. Xu Ziyan is naturally followed. A group of monks have entered the passage.

Walking into this passage, the monks walked through a rainbow. All the monks went into the passage. After being told, a Tianzun exclaimed.

The monks looked back and there was a horror in their faces. In their vision, the portal was so small that it was completely shrouded in shackles. However, the blazing light did not spread forward, but stopped there, but blocked the way the monks returned. But as they move forward, the sly light follows them.

They stopped, and the ray of light stopped.

No monk dares to touch the radiance of those sly, but only when he perceives it, he knows the power contained in the radiance of the blasphemy, that is, the five saints cannot guarantee that they will not be destroyed. Therefore, the monks can only move slowly.

Suddenly, the five holy people who walked in the front stopped their steps and looked at each other with a look of excitement. At this time, they all found that from the ray of light, a piece of colorless energy was decomposing in this passage. These colorless energies keep pouring into their knowledge of the sea, exuding a heavenly path, so that their power of the gods grows in a single line.


The monks quickly immersed themselves in comprehending a heavenly road. Xu Ziyan felt that these heavens belonged to the very high-end avenue of heaven and earth. Every time they integrated into a heavenly road, they could enhance their power of the gods. She has not found the best way to improve her own power, and now I have this opportunity, and my heart is also a big joy.

The monks simply did not leave, sitting one by one, absorbing the fusion of heaven and earth, which is a big opportunity for any monk. However, after a quarter of an hour, all the monks were shocked and opened their eyes. The face was extremely shocked.

Every monk feels it, and with the influx of heaven, there is a rule in this heaven, and there is a same rule in every heaven. This kind of rule has been doing one thing, that is, to let each monk’s gods be controlled, so that every monk can produce one from the soul, that is, the Feng nationality, all must take the interests of the Feng nationality as the starting point, everything In order to protect the Feng nationality, the Feng nationality can do anything to mind.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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