The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2655: go away

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So she and Fushen are so silent that they can have an hour or so, Xu Ziyan suddenly woke up from the delusion and remembered his purpose.

"Fu Shen, you said that I can help the mountain souls to expel the rules of the phoenix ancestors?"

"No!" Fu Shen said decisively: "There is a rule that has entered their gods and can only be expelled by the power of their own gods. If you want to help expel, you will definitely be your god. Enter into the other's knowledge of the sea, and also integrate your gods and the other's gods, and then be able to expel the rules. This is the expulsion rule, not the other aspects of the gods, only so Can do it."

When Xu Ziyan thought that his gods would be held together with other people's gods, and then merged, they could not help but fight a chill, and they stood tall and sweaty and floated a layer of goose bumps. If it is the soul of Yanshan, and other people, how can Xu Ziyan do it?

But she can't do it like this with Yanshan Soul!

The five saints in the front suddenly stopped and gathered together to look at it with dignity. Yanshan soul took the lead to open the way: `一`本` reading `fiction`

"Dear friends, I speculate, I am afraid this channel has two functions, one is to improve the power of the monk's god. One is the slave monk."

"Not bad!" The other four saints also nodded.

"The lord, what do you think?" Yanshan soul looked to the lord.

"In my opinion, if we can't be enslaved, I am afraid I will never get out of this channel."

"I think so too!" The demon Lord thought deeply and said: "But, do we really let Fengzu enslave?"

"That is not natural!" Quebec categorically vetoed.

"Then how do we get out of here?" The Lord locked his brow and said: "One day our strength will be consumed. At that time, even if we don't want to be enslaved, it is impossible. We must come up before this. Method."

The five saints were silent, and the dialogue between the five people was very clear to everyone. It was not only the three hundred days that the Huoran was discolored, but also the ugly face and the sword.

At this time the monks stopped and the passage was silent. Suddenly in the silence, the voice of the lord was heard.

"I came up with a solution. I don't know if it works."

"You say!" The eyes of the monks gathered on the face of the lord.

"We can let a monk accept slavery, and we all enter a space fairy. Let the monk carry it, so when the monk is enslaved, we can go out."

Once again, the passage was silent. The three hundred days looked ugly, especially those who were in the middle of the lower Tianzun. They knew that if they really did what the lord said. I will definitely choose one among them.

Who wants to be enslaved!

And they can already anticipate the consequences. After going out from here, Wu Sheng will not let the enslaved monk live. Therefore, whoever is selected means death.

I figured this out, and there was a commotion in the silent passage. Yanshan soul frowned slightly:

"Two questions. The first one, if you accept slavery by the lord, then I will put myself and all the monks in a space fairy that I refine, and then let you hold. So this fairy Can't get into your body, so will this channel agree? If you don't agree, your space fairy is likely to be locked in this channel. Even if this channel doesn't care, after the lord is enslaved Naturally, I am thinking about the Phoenix people. At that time, you will think that we will pose a threat to the Feng people. I am afraid that we will not hesitate to throw us in this passage and leave alone.

The second question, if we use your refining fairy, or simply enter your body world. This should be able to avoid the surveillance of this channel, but the same conclusion is, after you are enslaved, are we more dangerous in your refining space fairy, or in your body world? ”

The monks were silent, and the Yanshan soul was very reasonable. The lord did not resent. Because the Yanshan spirit does not distrust the lord, but does not trust the enslaved lord. It is to choose any monk, once he is enslaved, he loses the trust of the monks, and once he gives his life to the enslaved monk, the consequences are self-evident.

Xu Ziyan also stood aside, and the gods did not speak. However, after about a quarter of an hour, the gods know the voice:

"Ziyan, in fact, there is a person who can be enslaved and take you out, and then you can expel the rules of slavery in her god."

"Who?" Xu Ziyan's spirit rose.

"Xu Ziyun! You two gods are connected, and you are the main god, she is the **** of the gods. First you can control her, at least after she is enslaved, you can also influence her to leave you with you. Secondly Because you two gods are connected, you can directly expel the rules in her god."

Xu Ziyan hesitated for a while: "Is it sure?"

"There should be a 70% grasp!" Fu Shen said with discretion.

Xu Ziyan fell into silence, thinking for a while, she felt that there was no room for choice. This is already the last resort. Otherwise, it can only be sealed in this passage. When the monks here are exhausted, they will eventually be enslaved.

"You friends..."

When Xu Ziyan made a sound, it attracted the attention of all the monks. This is not how high the position of Xu Ziyan is in the hearts of these people, but a sudden sound in the silence that ignited the hopes of the monks.

"I think I have a choice!"

"Who?" asked Yanshan soul.

"Xu Ziyun!"

The eyes of the monks turned to Xu Ziyun, one by one. But there are some uncertainties in the eyes.

"Ziyun is my avatar. I think if she is enslaved, I can have some influence on her, maybe she will take us out."

The monk and other monks looked into thought. On the one hand, it is thought that Xu Ziyan can suppress the avatar. In the end, they think that there is a great possibility. After all, Xu Ziyan has the main god. On the one hand, it is not worth trusting to think about the value of Xu Zi, especially the devil's look is flashing, but the thoughts of the monks also think that this is the best way, and it is only risky.

"Ziyan. Then you are a avatar..." Yanshan soul looked at Xu Ziyun, and there was a pity in his eyes.

"If we can go out, I will seal her first. Then try to slowly expel the rules of her gods. It can't be expelled here. It doesn't mean that we can't be driven after leaving here."

The monks heard the words and they were moving again.


Here, because the rules of Fengzu are everywhere, it is impossible to expel the rules of the gods. But if you leave here. There is no such thing as the shackles of that rule. Maybe you can really drive that rule out.

"I agree!"

Finally, the fairy first took the initiative. The eyes swept over the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec. The Yanshan soul does not have to ask at all. As for other Tianzun, there is no room for choice.

"I agree!" The demon owner then agreed.

"I agree!" Quebec also nodded.

The Lord of the Lord finally nodded in agreement because he did not have a choice. Or stay here forever, or trust Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan simply released the cloud baby, put all the monks into the cloud baby, and then took the cloud baby into the purple smoke space. The monks and other monks entered the cloud baby and found that their gods were blocked. God's knowledge can't be transmitted at all, and I don't know the situation outside the cloud baby at this time. I was a little nervous in my heart, and I was very curious about the cloud baby. I don’t know where Xu Ziyan got this baby.

In fact, they know where the cloud baby has the role of blocking the gods, but how can the level of the cloud baby ban the five holy gods? That is because Xu Ziyan has integrated his own knowledge into the cloud baby, which has blocked the exploration of the five holy gods. Now the intensity of Xu Ziyan’s knowledge has surpassed them, and even the strength of Yanshan’s soul is weaker than that of Xu Ziyan. Such a purple smoke of the gods combined with Yunbao, the best innate fairy treasure, only blocked the monks' knowledge.

Moreover, at this time, the lords did not dare to forcefully use the gods to break through the ban of the cloud baby. If there is a mistake, no one can afford this responsibility. Besides, Yanshan soul is also sitting here, if they do too much, Yanshan soul will not agree.

Xu Ziyan turned into a stream of light into the realm of Xu Ziyun, sitting cross-legged in the circle of Xu Ziyun, always paying attention to the situation of Xu Ziyun.

Xu Ziyun released the defensive shield, and Tiandao poured into her knowledge of the sea. Her power of the gods could not be improved, but the gods were being enslaved quickly.

A month later.

Xu Ziyun has been enslaved by the rules and a portal has appeared in front of her. But at this time, Xu Ziyun’s face showed a struggling color. Xu Ziyan immediately communicated Xu Ziyun’s god, and used up the power of the **** to break it:

"Go out!"

Xu Ziyun’s look was a stiff one, and he took the door in one step. Xu Ziyan immediately came out of the circle of Xu Ziyun, and saw that two people were falling down at the moment. Xu Ziyun, who was opposite her, still struggled with her face. It seemed that she wanted to start with Xu Ziyan, and the channel was closed and turned into A cloud of clouds.

When Xu Ziyan thought about it, he pulled Xu Ziyun into his own body space, and then incarnates the space of the purple smoke space. Within the purple smoke space, a halo of twelve attributes immediately appeared, and Xu Ziyun was confined in the middle.


Xu Ziyun began to struggle struggling, but in this purple smoke space, Xu Ziyan is the absolute master, Xu Ziyun completely imprisoned, and then the aura of the twelve attributes rushed into Xu Ziyun's knowledge of the sea, the Xu Ziyun's **** was imprisoned in the middle, A ray of light infiltrates into her god, and begins to rule out the rules of the ancestors.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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