The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2656: Flower sea

In the purple smoke space, Feng Zu's rules were smashed faster, and her rules were completely suppressed by the purple smoke of the incarnation. It took only a day or so, Xu Ziyan completely annihilated that rule, and Xu Ziyun recovered the Qingming.

Xu Ziyan left Xu Ziyun in the purple smoke space, and then let the cloud baby leave the purple smoke space and release the monks.

As soon as the monks came out of the cloud baby, they looked around and saw that they had left the passage, and they were not happy with their faces.

"What about Ziyun?" Kui Tian asked.

Xu Ziyan glanced at her, and the heart was dark. It seems that Quebec has not died on this. There is a more faint expression on the face:

"I was put away and sealed up. I will slowly expel the rules in her god!"

"Deportation rules?"

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “I found that after leaving the passage, as long as there are not many rules to absorb and have not been enslaved, the rules can be expelled. Although Ziyun was enslaved, I and her gods The same, as long as there is enough time, it can be expelled."

The monks heard the words and immediately sat down one by one and began to expel the rules of slavery within their respective gods. And Xu Ziyan began to look around.

"It's so magnificent!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the huge cloud in the air. Feng & Yi & Ben & Read & Fiction {} Zuzhen is a big hand, this is how much supernatural power can do this. Presumably, the cultivation of Fengzu should reach the highest level in the holy level?

About a time or so, all the monks expelled the rule of the gods. Each face has a relieved look. Take thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan stand up from the ground. Standing behind Xu Ziyan. Three hundred days of silence have formed a battlefield. They know that they have no say here, and all they can do is try their best to make themselves alive.

"Xu Daoyou, thank you!" The lord came over cheerfully.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is pumping. If you look at the cheerful look of the lord at this time, who can think of it as the sinister act he initiated. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately raised his alert to the lord, but shook his head faintly.

Demon Lord. The demon Lord and Kuidian also came to express their gratitude, and then the monks looked at the front. At this time all the monks looked dignified and experienced a twisted space and a passage. No one will have a little mentality, no one knows what is fatal in front.

Looking far and wide, it seems that a huge city can be seen in a vague way, and the hearts of the monks are jumping. Where should it be the city of phoenix?

But no one dares to fly from the air. The dangers that have been experienced have made them cautious. The monks still walked on the ground on their way to the front, and they did not go fast.

Looking far away, there seems to be a golden yellow on the horizon, and the golden yellow is like a sea tide. The monks looked dignified and the pace slowed down again.

But the pace is slower, and after all, after an hour, they see what the golden piece is.

It is a sea of ​​flowers. It is a sea of ​​flowers made up of sunflowers. It is like a golden ocean, swaying in the wind.

The monks stopped in front of the flower sea, Xu Ziyan stared at the endless flower sea, did not feel any difference, it seems to be just a sea of ​​flowers.

At this time, a battlefield was formed by three hundred days, and several people brought by Wusheng and Xu Ziyan stood in the middle of the battle. The god's knowledge spreads over the past, and the face is relaxed:

"It's just a sea of ​​flowers, let's go!"

“Is it really just a sea of ​​flowers?” Yanshan’s soul looked calmly.

“Yes!” said the lord. “I remember that Fengzu liked sunflowers very much. This may be what she planted for viewing!”

"Ziyan, this flower sea has a kind of soul power." Suddenly the voice of God passed.

"The power of the soul?"

"Yes, just like me, it seems to be the soul power of the seal!" The voice of Fushen has a trembling.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. The **** of the gods was sealed by Feng Zu in a pen. Is this flower sea in front of the seal also sealed with the soul? Every sunflower is sealed with a soul?


At this time, the lord issued an order, and the entire battle began to march forward and stepped into the sea of ​​flowers.

"and many more……"

Xu Ziyan made a cry, but it was too late, and the front of the battlefield had already stepped into the sea of ​​flowers.

The wind has blown...

The sea of ​​flowers was undulating, and suddenly there was a scream from the sea of ​​flowers:

"They did not surrender to Fengzu!"

This sound came very abrupt, almost Xu Ziyan shouted "Wait" and the moment before the three Tianzun stepped into the sea of ​​flowers. Then all the sunflowers moved, and a face of the Terran appeared in the middle of their flowers, and then they gave birth to two arms on their stems. A sunflower hand in hand, struggling to jump up, their roots I pulled out the soil, created two feet, and then sang a song while thinking about the tribes of the tribes coming in like a tide.

"La la la... We are the guardians of the Phoenix!

La la la... Destroy everything that is not loyal to the Phoenix!

La la la..."

Without the command of the lord, the 300-day-old statue was attacked, and all kinds of fairy tales, demons and enchanting smashed the sunflowers that came in. A series of explosions, the sunflower's light body was lightly hit. But these sunflowers did not smash, and even the hands that were pulled together did not loosen, just flew out.

Hand in hand, row of rows...

Flying in the air, then another batch of sunflowers rushed up...

"Xu Daoyou, what did you find?" The lord turned his head.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile. At this time, she did not need to say it. There were faces on the sunflowers. How could the Five Sacreds still not know that every sunflower has a soul sealed inside?

So Xu Ziyan just raised his hand and pointed at the face of those sunflowers. The lord also immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, and his face became ugly. When the spirit of Yanshan was questioned, he also promised that this was just an ordinary flower sea, which was planted and watched by Feng Zu.


Is this an ordinary sunflower?

The lord felt that his old face was a little red, especially when he saw the eyes of Yanshan looking at him, it was like a slap in the face of his slap in the face.

The lord reached out and grabbed a monster from the body space. He wanted to see what damage these sunflowers had. A hand raised the monster into the sea of ​​flowers.


The monster has just screamed, and there are countless feet on it. The tough beast is now as fragile as sand, and it is instantly broken and then absorbed by the earth.

"La la la... Fertilizer! Fertilizer! La la la..."

The monks' faces were discolored, and the lord shouted: "Get up!"

The entire battle immediately flew into the air, but the sunflowers that were hand-in-hand also flew into the air, and they became a string, flying in the air, not seeing the end, like an infinitely extended huge rope entangled in the entire battle. .

"La la la... Fertilizer... La la la... Fertilizer..."

The whole space echoed the tender songs. A sunflower surrounded the whole battlefield and kept spinning. It was like a huge whirlwind, wrapped around the tribes and flew to the depths of the flower sea.

Yanshan's soul shape flew toward the air, out of the battlefield, and the inexplicable power could spread outside the battlefield. Yanshan soul handcuffs change in front of him, then stretched out a finger toward the air.


The whole space was vibrating, and the sky was as dark as it was, and then in the darkness, there was a boundless red, and the boundless red fell to the bottom. It was a meteor with a flame, the whole sky. As if covered by a meteor, the sky is filled with the rumbling sound of a meteor.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the meteor fire in the sky, and his heart was shocked.

The meteor fire can also be released. She can release the meteor fire when she is still in the mainland, but the meteor fire that she released is completely incomparable with the release of the Yanshan spirit, and the meteor fire and rain released by the Yanshan spirit. When she gets up, the meteor fire that she releases is like a candle, and the meteor fire that the Yanshan spirit releases is like the sun.


The whole flower sea became a sea of ​​fire, and the sea of ​​fire spread sharply around the square. Only when the beautiful flower sea was destroyed was immediately destroyed, the tender song disappeared. I can never see a sunflower in their surroundings...

Three hundred days of stunned look at everything in front of him, this kind of sacred power makes their hearts shudder. In the face of this power, they are as fragile as gravel.


The sea of ​​fire suddenly turned up. In their vision, the sea of ​​fire gathered toward the middle and gathered into a huge fire dragon. The fire dragon opened its mouth and swallowed them.

The hands of the lord suddenly slammed on the chest, and a frosty fog spread toward the fire dragon.


The huge fire dragon was frozen into an ice sculpture. All the monks were relieved with a long sigh of relief.


I haven't waited until the tone is loose, and I saw that the ice on the fire dragon began to collapse, and then burst into tears, turning into an ice fog, reflecting the colorful light.


The huge fire dragon suddenly screamed, and a huge suction made the monks unstoppable. Even the body of the Five Sacred could not stand, and was swallowed by the fire dragon.

Xu Ziyan only felt a whirlwind, and vigorously propped up the defensive shield to resist the erosion of the flame.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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