The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2657: Emperor

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), shannee classmates (100), little 妍o classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), kelingr classmates (100) for the reward!



Xu Ziyan and others feel that they are on the ground.


The flames of the surrounding area smashed away, and the monks looked around and saw the sights and places at this time disappeared.

The monks wanted to leap, but they found that their bodies were firmly sucked on the ground, and they could not change their faces.


A burst of heartbeat was heard in the depths of the monks' souls. The monks looked down and saw the ground beating vigorously. They released their knowledge and shrouded the surrounding ground. They couldn’t change their faces. Standing on a huge heart.

Then they felt that their blood was flowing toward the huge heart, and the body was gradually weak. Every monk struggled immediately and wanted to get rid of this huge heart, but the huge suction sucked the monks firmly on the huge heart.

"this is……"

The look of the lord suddenly became complicated, and the emotions contained in the look were very complicated, but definitely not fear. With memories, there are %%%%%%%Xstxt yearnings, and also have confession and humility...

If this complex emotion appears on the face of a weak person, the monks will not be surprised, but appear in a generation of strong. The lord of the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Order is not only shocking.

"Sin Lord, do you recognize this heart?" Yanshan soul moved. Asked the opening.

The look on the face of the celestial being became sad, and the voices were a little choked: "I feel the breath of the emperor!"

"People... 磐?" Yanshan soul was shocked.

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea came with a sigh of God.

"Do you know what?" Xu Ziyan knows the sound.

"People's Emperor is the leader of the Terran in the ancient times!" The voice of Fushen has a long memory: "In the tribes of the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu, the Terran was the weakest. So it has been enslaved by the Yaozu. Even the Mozu can arbitrarily oppress the Terran. But in the end, the Terran has an outstanding figure, and he is a sly. For example, the sun and the moon generally appear in the ancient times, uniting all the human races around themselves. Rebel against the Yaozu, vying for the right to life belonging to the Terran in this world.

He brought hope to the Terran. Bring the Terran to a glory that has never been seen before. However, he was stronger and stronger than Feng Zu. In the end, he was killed by Feng Zu, and the Terran was followed by a piece of sand. Lost your money. The Terran lost its spiritual pillar. If the Fengzu and Longzu in the Yaozu had an infighting, I am afraid that the current Terran is still in the enslaved years.

I did not think that the heart of the Emperor Huang was sealed here by Feng Zu, and..."

"And what?" Xu Ziyan's heart is moving, such a character makes Xu Ziyan heart admire.

"And I can feel that the soul of the Emperor's Emperor is sealed in this heart, and has been enslaved by the rules of Fengzu, becoming a barrier to protect the Fengzu. Maybe you monks will die here today. ”

The heart of Xu Ziyan is suddenly a pain.

"No! I can't watch the Emperor's shackles being enslaved by Fengzu after his death. Even if I die here, I must release the soul of the Emperor."

"Useless!" Fushen sighed and said: "You and his gods do not figure out. It is almost impossible to expel the rules of the soul, and the soul is integrated into the heart. The heart of the emperor It's very powerful. It's not that you can penetrate it."


The lord suddenly fell on the huge heart and cried out cryingly: "The Emperor..."

"He... what happened?" Xu Ziyan asked in amazement.

In the tone of the gods, there is a trace of disdain: "Yu Tian should be the elite of the original Emperor, and after Feng Zu killed the Emperor, he once slaughtered the high-ranking monks of the Terran, and Yutian was able to survive. In the end, he became a trustee of Fengzu. Presumably he went to Fengzu for a rebellious day. He might have done a sorry for the Terran, and even sorry for the Emperor. Maybe the death of the Emperor is related to him."

Xu Ziyan only felt a anger in his heart, and a pair of Liu Mei was upside down. His eyes sparkled with murder and looked at the lord:

"Soul Lord, have you done a sorry for the Emperor? Is the death of the Emperor related to you?"

"No! I have not done it!" At this time, the lord has the grace of the Holy Master, trying to argue:

"I have never done a sorry for the people, nor have I done the sorry for the Terran. I don't have it, I don't have..."

"You didn't?" Xu Ziyan's tone did not hide his sarcasm: "You have never done a sorry for the Emperor and the Terran. Why do you end up being the ancestor of Fengzu? Fengzu killed the Emperor and slaughtered the Terran. Why do you leave the elite of your own person, and you will become the ancestor of Fengzu?"

" do you know?" There was a fluster in the eyes of the lord.

"Have you really done it?" Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, and his eyes looked like a sword to the lord. All the people looked at the eyes of the lords. Although they did not understand the past of the emperor, they only heard the words of the emperor, and they knew that it was the leader of the human race in the era of Fengzu.

What era was that era? It is the most tragic era of the Terran, and the Emperor must be the leader who shoulders the prosperous mission of the Terran. If the Emperor has done a sorry for the Emperor, it can be said that everyone casts aside. It is such a person who has become the leader of the lord and the human race. This is absolutely a shame for the human race.

"I didn't!" The tears of the lord flowed down and cried: "After Feng Zuo killed the emperor, he began the massacre of the Terran. Only the people who did not surrender to Fengzu were slaughtered by Fengzu. We Had to avoid it and look for opportunities to rise again. This is the wish of the Emperor.

However, the Terran who lost the Emperor is too small. At the end of the day, we have been hiding, and the turtles are in the end of a mysterious world, in the depths of the world. And at that time, the masters of the Terran were few left. But we are not reconciled, even if we can not make people re-emerge, we must kill Feng Zu as a revenge for the emperor.

But... it’s easy to talk about...

At that time, Fengzu was about to search for the secrets of the end of the world. We all know that we can't hide. Some people have proposed that one person should bear the humiliation and surrender to Fengzu, and tell the horizon to the ancestors. The rest of the Terran is here, waiting for the Phoenix ancestor. I hope that the person who bears the burden of humiliation can win the trust of Fengzu and then look for opportunities to assassinate Fengzu. I am the only disciple of the Emperor, and the Terran gave this task to me.

I can't deny it...

So, I went. Then... I took Fengzu to the end of the world, watching Fengzu kill the last hope of the Terran, and... I was still under the pressure of Fengzu, killing a lot of hands. Terran...

Feng Zu did not trust me, but I was a rare spiritual root of five attributes. Qualification and savvy are the top choices, otherwise the Emperor will not accept me as a disciple. Feng Zu saw my qualifications and also gave birth to the meaning of cherishing, but it was difficult to trust me. After thousands of years, I tried to test me many times. I also succumbed to killing many people. My hands are covered with the blood of the human race..."

All the monks are silent at this time, they can imagine the pain that Yutian endured at the beginning, and the pain in the heart of every human being.

There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the lord: "In the end, I won the new ancestor of Fengzu, and because of my heart and heart, I gradually became the confidant of Fengzu.


I found that I couldn't avenge the emperor at all, because Fengzu's strength is too strong, I am not her opponent at all, whenever I stand in front of her, I feel only small.

So I began to look for every opportunity to create a contradiction between the Feng and the Dragon, and finally I finally succeeded. The Feng and Dragon races took place. Finally, the Fengzu and the Dragons also died in a mysterious space, hehehe..."

The monks in the hearts of the monks are stunned. No one would have thought that the great war between the Feng and the Dragons in the ancient times was actually caused by the little man of the lord at that time. Xu Ziyan’s heart was moving:

"Fengzu wants to get your loyalty as long as you enslave your soul, why bother to test you in all directions? Finally give you the opportunity to leave the Feng and Dragons?"

"Oh..." The lord smiled sadly: "If a person is enslaved by Fengzu, he loses himself. All his understanding needs to be given by Fengzu. In that case, the achievement of that person is not at all. It will be high, and only those who have not lost themselves will be able to comprehend the heavens and the earth!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, remembering that in the sly passage, Feng Zu’s rule of slavery Xu Ziyun was very fast, and there was no time for Xu Ziyan to comprehend Heaven. The reason why I was able to absorb the heavens and breakthroughs into the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Order is that I have been able to absorb so many heavens because I have never been enslaved. If you let those gods relax and absorb the heavens in the passage, I am afraid that they have not been enslaved by raising the power of the gods to the holy level. Once enslaved, the road will no longer enter the sea of ​​monks.

The monks face each other, especially the Terran monks, and the mood at this time is very complicated. At the foot is the heart of the human leader, but at this time the heart of the emperor is absorbing their blood, I am afraid that it will not take long, they will fall again.

"Do not!"

Xu Ziyan made a cry in his heart, his feet suddenly sinking, and the center of his feet swayed out of a halo, which is the aura of eleven attributes.

At this time, Xu Ziyan couldn't care about hiding her own cards. She wanted to expel the rules of slavery in the soul of the emperor. She wanted the emperor to get rid of the enslavement of Fengzu.

A man can die, but he cannot suffer this humiliation after his death.


The monks looked at Xu Ziyan blankly. At this time, they still don’t know that Xu Ziyan has eleven attributes.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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