The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2659: Devil

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"Master..." The blood and tears left in the eyes of the lord.


The huge heart of the Emperor exploded, but did not hurt the monks in the slightest. The heart of the explosion sprinkled countless blood and fell to all the monks. Every monk is shocked in the heart, knowing that this is the gift of the Emperor, a great opportunity.

One by one, the two legs immediately sat on the ground and closed their eyes to meet the blood of the emperor.


After all, the Emperor is the Emperor of the Terran. After all, he has little blood for the Mozu and the Yaozu. He can only recover the blood he lost. It may be improved, but the increase is very small.

Most of the blood is scattered on the human body. Xu Ziyan felt that the blood that was lost in the moment was completely restored, and the extra blood was improving her body strength. This made her happy, and immediately ran the world to quench her body and refine her blood into her body.

Time passed in the silence. Three days later, the Mozu and the demon monks opened their eyes. At this time, they have recovered the essence of the body, and the strength of the body has increased slightly & one & this & read & novel { .{yb}{du}.}Long, that is, the demon Lord, the demon Lord, the Quebec and Yanshan spirits are no exception, but their body strength has grown very little, so they all look at the envious eyes and still in the refining and polishing Bloody human monk.

Three days later. The Terran monks also woke up one after another, and smiles appeared on the faces of every Terran monk. Because the body strength of each Terran monk has been raised by a step, the strength of the human race monks in the middle of the Tianzun period has been raised to the late Tianzun. I want to dream the **** machine, Liu Jinsong, Jin Wuwei, Hua Yu, Xuan Tianao, Luo Bufan and Hua Xianzi, the seven peaks of the late Tianjun are rising to the holy level. The body strength of Xu Ziyan also rises to the peak of the sixth grade of the Holy Grade.

At this time, only three people did not wake up, and one was a fairy. One is earth water, and the other is Xu Qinyang.

Xu Qinyang was at a critical time at this time, after the blood of the emperor entered the body of Xu Qinyang. Immediately discovered the blood of the blood demon who was sealed in his hands, the rumbling rumbling broke the seal that he and the light moon dance teamed up, rushed into his hands and began to refine the blood of the Gorefiend.

This is a long and difficult process. The blood of the Emperor is very strong. But the blood of the Gorefiend is not weak. There was no stalemate at the moment, and Xu Qinyang knew that this was the best time for him to eliminate the blood of the Gorefiend. If this time he could not annihilate the blood of the Gorefiend, I am afraid there will be no chance in the future.


The blood of the Gorefiend is beyond the tenacity of his imagination, even the blood of the Emperor has only reached the level of its stalemate. Xu Qin Yangzhongzhongshengzhi, immediately silently recited the heroic Haoran song in his heart.

The situation is almost the same as his situation. After the blood of the emperor entered the body of the earth, he immediately began to resolve the factors of tyranny in his body. But I also encountered tenacious resistance. Similarly, he also remembered the song of the Emperor Haoran. I meditated in my heart.

"Pregnant!! Hao Ran!

Bones! Hurricane!

Middle column! Shen Yunsong!

Three-foot sword! Through the sky!

Exhibition Xianghe! Drive winter!

The gas is out! Hero now!

Broken sea! Step calmly!

Long time!撼 Long sky! ”

The Emperor's blood seems to have grown stronger and gradually took advantage. Tu Yishui and Xu Qinyang are more attentive, using the soul to sing the singer.

Although the two of them were only meditation and did not have the slightest sound, but gradually the space created a kind of volatility centered on the two of them. This kind of fluctuation passed the Xu Ziyan and other ethnic groups, and even let these people easily perceive. This is the song of the Emperor Haoran.

Xu Ziyan sat in front of Xu Qinyang and Tu Yishui without hesitation, and screamed loudly. All the human races surrounded Xu Qinyang and Tu Yishui in a circle, sitting cross-legged and screaming loudly.

"Pregnant!! Hao Ran!

Bones! Hurricane!

Middle column! Shen Yunsong!

Three-foot sword! Through the sky!

Exhibition Xianghe! Drive winter!

The gas is out! Hero now!

Broken sea! Step calmly!

Long time!撼 Long sky! ”


The emperor's blood in Xu Qinyang and Tu Yishui suddenly broke into unmatched things, destroying the blood of the Gorefiend and destroying the blood.


Almost at the same time, Xu Qinyang and Tu Yishui spit out a breath and opened their eyes. The roar of the monks also came to an abrupt end. Xu Ziyan asked Xu Qinyang and the soil to condense:

"how about it?"

Xu Qinyang’s face showed a smile: “I have completely refining the blood of the Gorefiend.”

"Complete refining?" Xu Ziyan's eyes showed a happy color.

“Yeah!” Xu Qinyang said with a sigh of relief: “But it left some magical powers of Gorefiend. And although my body strength has not improved much, it has also risen to the peak of Tianzun’s later period.”


Xu Ziyan looked excitedly at Xu Qinyang. She understood the meaning of Xu Qinyang’s words, that is, he would not have been in the blood of the Gorefiend in the future, but he could have some of the power of Gorefiend. She had been worried about Xu Qinyang, and finally she could finally let go. Looking at the earth and the water, the earth is smiling with water:

"I am fine, but there is no growth in the strength of the body. It is still the peak of the second level of the Holy Class."


Xu Ziyan really congratulated. For Tu Yishui, the strength improvement at this time can be put aside, and it is the biggest gain to be able to solve the problem of being controlled by riots.


At this time, the singer who had been closing his eyes suddenly burst into a strong atmosphere, and Xu Ziyan turned his eyes, and his heart was a jump. The lord broke through to the middle of the Holy Age. It seems that the Emperor really left him a lot of insights, but in such a few days, the Master’s cultivation was broken. In time, when he completely digested the emperor's comprehension, he did not know what level he would reach.

The lord opened his eyes and his face was full of excitement. When he remembered the emperor, his face became extremely upset. At this time, the monks did not know how to persuade the lord, only to be silent.


In the end, Yanshan soul condensed and said that the monks set foot on the journey. Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart. There was a feeling of regret in my heart. How did I forget to call Xu Ziyun out? Otherwise, it may be that Xu Ziyun refining the blood of some people, he can break through to the holy level.

When Xu Ziyan heard the story of the Emperor, it was still too exciting. Excited to forget Xu Ziyun.

At this point the crisis has passed and the monks are moving silently. The lord, the demon Lord, the demon and the Kui Tian looked at Xu Ziyan from time to time. The heart recalls the eleven attributes of Xu Ziyan's release. They naturally know what it means, and they blink all the time, and no one knows what they are playing.

There was no danger any time until they came outside the city of Phoenix. The city gives people a feeling like a dead city, but even if it is a dead city, and it has been sealed for many billions of years, the heavy historical atmosphere is blowing, but it still makes all the monks feel shocked. pole.

This city of phoenix is ​​really too big. It’s too big to see the margins. Just the strong breath that a city exudes makes these monks feel a suffocating feeling, not to mention its grandeur. Beautiful...

In front of the huge city gate is a wide, kilometer-wide channel made of a black flat, crystal-clear stone, which is even more heavy in the city of Phoenix. The black passage is like an endless void, which makes people intoxicated and embarrassing.

The monks stopped in front of the passage and looked at the passage that was 10,000 meters long. The heavy feeling made every monk's heart give birth to a kind of respect.

After going through the flower sea before, no one will rush into this black avenue. Every monk tried to check the black stones on this passage.

The Lord's breathing gradually thickened, and he felt that there was a huge attraction coming out of the black passage, as if calling him.

It’s not just him, the one hundred devils are all like this. A pair of looks that want to step into the black channel, if they don’t have a sense of reason, have already stepped into the black passage.

"This is..." Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea suddenly came to the voice of the god: "This is the demon stone!"

"This is the demon stone!" And at this time, the face of the lord changed dramatically, but he called.

The Lord of the Lord was shocked and turned to look at the Lord. The look is amazed. In the end, he also recognized that this is the demon stone, the greed in the eyes, and stretched out a hand to zoom in the air, and wanted to put the 10,000-meter demon stone away.

"Slow!" The lord hurriedly stopped the noise, and the Lord of the Lord smashed the big hand in the air, looking back at the lord. The fairy **** looks dignified:

"Devil Lord, I know that Devil Stone is a treasure for your Mozu, he can enhance the power of your Devil's God. But you must not forget another effect of the Demon Stone."

The look of the Lord of the Lord has changed. Another effect of the Demon Stone is that he naturally knows that it is the soul of the Sealed Monk. The souls of the Mozu are warmed up in the stone of the demon, not only will not dissipate, but also will be improved, but those who enter the demon stone will no longer be the Mozu, but become a demon.

Once the demon stone seals the demon, it loses the effect of elevating the power of the demon. However, if you can swallow and refine the magic spirit in the demon stone, it will also have an effect on the power of the demon monk.

The air condensed big hand quietly dissipated, and the look became awkward. Looking from the near and far beyond the extended black channel, he knows that every piece of the demon stone in this channel is sealed with the soul of a demon ancestor. At this time, it has become a demon. As long as you slightly illuminate the space here, you will be attacked by these magic spirits.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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