The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2660: The sigh of the devil and the horn of the demon

Feng Zu is far away from now. His heart has no fear of Feng Zu. Especially when he heard that Feng Zu has fallen, he has no fear. At this time, only the anger of Feng Zu is rising. % Just look at the number of demon stones, you can know that there are tens of thousands of magic spirits sealed here, that is, tens of thousands of ancestors of the demon.

I have just experienced the things of the Emperor, and now everyone has a sympathy for the Lord. The lord sighed and sighed:

"Magic Lord..."

The Lord gently shook his head and said, "I am fine!"

When the words fell, the Lord took a step forward and stepped into the black passage, standing firmly on the stone of the demon. The original black crystal clear demon stone suddenly released a black light, the entire black channel gave a humming sound, and then saw the 10,000-meter black channel squirming, like a huge monster It’s up. Like a wave of waves, accompanied by a wave of waves, a magical spirit floated from the stone of a demon.

Every body of the demon has a strong atmosphere, although not as good as the devil, but can also perceive their power. Xu Ziyan and others are shocked. Although the Lord is expensive at the beginning of the seventh grade, can he deal with so many devils?


The lord sang high. All the monks immediately formed a battle. Xu Ziyan also stood in the battlefield, his look dignified.

At this time, in the vision of Xu Ziyan and others, the demon Lord took out a bow and arrow from the storage ring. The eyes of the lord are one, and they are shocked:

"This is the sigh of the devil!"

"The sigh of the devil?" Xu Ziyan's look. What it is? I heard the voice of God in the sea:

"The sigh of the devil is the magical weapon of the Mozu, and it can suppress all the demons. Whoever has the sigh of the devil? Who will become the real demon Lord. Otherwise, even if the demon is repaired as powerful, there is no magic. The sigh will not be recognized by the devil."

The Lord has put the arrow on the bow and then pulls the bowstring...


Bows and arrows screamed, releasing endless magic, a huge power that spreads endlessly around. The Lord's feet are rooted on the stone of the demon as eternal. The tall and straight spine, his arms filled with explosive power pulled a bow like a full moon, and across his face tens of thousands of demons whistling toward him like a tsunami.


The Lord's finger on the bow of the sigh of the sigh was put down.


The arrow spurred out. Separated into an arrow of rain in the air, thousands.


There was a long sigh in the air, as if thousands of sighs gathered into an endless sigh, and it sighed sourly.

The space does not smell the sound of arrows. I only heard endless sighs. An arrow runs through a demon, and the devils dissipate, turning into a glimpse of the soul floating in the air, slowly dissipating.

In just a dozen times, there is no magic spirit in the entire black passage. The dense Mozu soul floats in the air, and the cold atmosphere radiates around and infiltrates into the human soul.

This is also the monk who is the worst in the place here. If you switch to a monk who is a lower monk, I am afraid that it will be forced to be dysfunctional by this cold atmosphere.


The sound of inhalation sounded in the air. That is the devil's proposition to open his mouth and **** toward the inside. Then I saw the dense souls above the demon stone rushing into his mouth, but in less than ten moments, the whole air was clear, and there was no cold breath. All the souls were absorbed into the mouth by the Lord.

The Lord of the Lord took away the sigh of the demon, and sat on the ground with both legs. The Mozu monk immediately surrounded the Lord of the Devil and protected the Lord in the middle.

The look of the lord is somewhat weird. Just now he was still proud of his inheritance of the emperor. He was promoted to the middle of the eighth grade, not only the demon Lord, the devil and the Kui Tianyu, but also approached. Yanshan soul. I didn't think that this was past a little longer, and the Lord of the Lord even got a chance.


Yanshan soul faintly walked toward the front, embarked on the demon stone, and walked along the magic stone channel toward the huge city of phoenix. The monks regained their gaze from the Lord of the Lord, and immediately followed the soul of Yanshan.

All the way to the city of Phoenix, in their view is a huge closed gate. This gate is really huge, and the monks stand in front of it like a cockroach.

Xu Ziyan looked at this huge city gate, thinking in his heart, what will happen after this city gate? Waiting for them is an endless treasure, or an endless danger?

"I come!"

The lord stepped forward and looked at the city of phoenix in front of him. He remembered the emperor, and his eyes released endless anger. I waved a punch and slammed into the huge city gate in front of me. In the air, a huge fist is condensed in the air, and the huge city gate is generally sized and bombarded with endless power.

He is going to ruin the gate and pour his anger at Fengzu.


The fists condensed by the lord bombarded the huge city gate. The gate of the city was like water, and it was suddenly recessed into the inside. Then the recessed part became a big mouth and swallowed the fist that the scented condensed, and then sprayed it out.

The lord hurriedly released a defensive shield, and the only fist that was ejected slammed into the defensive shield of the lord, and the body of the lord was bombarded and stepped back two steps. Look at it.

The face of the demon Lord is more ugly than the lord. At this time, in front of him, a huge face is transformed on the gate of the city. It is a demon face, and the fierce drops overlook the monks.

"Hundreds of evil spirits!"

The lord blurted out, and the face of the demon Lord was even more ugly. The so-called sacred demon spirit is to refine the soul of a hundred demon people into a demon spirit. This demon spirit not only has the magical power of a hundred demon monks, but also converges to mutate a more powerful supernatural power.

However, these Yaozu are no longer a living Yaozu, but become a demon spirit. The stronger the 100 refining demons, the stronger the demon spirits that have been refining them. Now, seeing this demon can knock the lords back two steps, showing their power before their death.

At this time, the demon Lord was angry with Feng Zu, and went up two steps: "I am coming!"

The demon Lord stood at the forefront, facing the huge face of the demon, and there was a hint of sorrow in the eyes. I took out a golden horn and took it in my hand. I looked at the huge face and sighed.

"The demon horn!" The lord once again exclaimed.

"The demon horn?" Xu Ziyan also knows the voice.

The voice of Fu Shen passed over: "The demon horn and the sigh of the devil are the treasures of the town. Take the horn of the demon, although it has little effect on other races, but it does not affect the demon. Very large, it can control the Yaozu, but also can increase the size of the Yaozu, very powerful."

"Does the sigh of the devil have an extraordinary effect on the Mozu, but it has no effect on the Terran and the Demon? Is it the same as the horn?"

"It is not useless to the Terran, but it is no different from the ordinary Xianbao. It does not seem to have a restraining effect on their Mozu.

The sigh of the devil is the treasure that controls the Mozu. The horn of the demon is the treasure that controls the demon. Therefore, the Mozu monk who has the sigh of the devil is the real demon master. The demon monk who has the horn of the demon is the real demon master. ”

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a move, and turned to look at the ugly fairy.

"The lord, the demon has the sigh of the devil, the demon has a horn of the demon, is there no treasure of the town?"

"Of course!" The face of the lord became even more ugly: "The treasure of the town of our human race is called the Emperor. But as the fall of the Emperor disappeared."

Speaking of this, the eyes of the lord suddenly appeared: "The emperor may be in this city of phoenix."


At this time, the demon Lord blew the horn of the demon, and the sound of a swaying soul spread in the space. The first one was the demon spirit of the incarnation.

After the huge demon spirit heard the sound of the horn of the demon, it immediately became painful and distorted. The time lasted for about a quarter of an hour. The huge demon spirit suddenly dispersed and broke into a hundred souls rolling toward the demon Lord. Then, it poured into the horn of the demon, and then was sucked into the body by the demon. After that, the demon Lord put away the horn of the demon, sitting on the ground with the legs on the ground, and the one hundred demon Tianzun immediately stepped forward to encircle the demon in the middle to protect the demon.

At this time, the gate has disappeared. Through the gate, you can see that there is a wide passage inside the gate. Yanshan soul looked into the city gate and said faintly:


Yanshan soul, Kuitian, Xu Ziyan, riding thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan led the 100-person Tianzun to the city of Phoenix.

So the Mozu is refining the demon to protect the Fa. The demon is refining the demon to protect the Fa. Only the Terran has entered the city of Phoenix. At this time, the face of each Terran showed excitement.

Phoenix City!

That is the birthplace of Fengzu, and there will be endless treasures waiting for them to dig.

Walking into the huge city gate, everyone's face showed an extremely shocking color, a kind of grand breath rushed to the surface, even if these celestial beings are extraordinary people in the eye, can not help but be shocked by the grandeur.

In front of them is a wide and smooth road, the avenues are paved with bright fire clouds, exuding the colors of the rainbow, the beauty of this avenue paved. Everyone seems to be walking on the rainbow at this time.

On both sides of the boulevard stood a giant column that was straight into the sky. Each giant column was covered with a dragon. The huge head was looking down on them, but the pair of dragons was forced. But even so, every monk feels that the dragons are staring at them.

Ask for a pink ticket and ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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