The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2661: Giant knife

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All the monks were shocked by the sights in front of them. This is really a big deal. Looking across the sides of the street, there are a hundred giant pillars, which means there are a hundred dragons.

Looking at the dragon, Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes, and the heart secretly said, are these dragons alive or dead? If it is dead, but if it is alive...

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped and his face was pale. If it is alive, then the repair of these dragons is absolutely not low. The worst is also a holy level. Because if there is no sanctification, it is impossible to have such a long life, even if it is a dragon.

One hundred holy dragons, even if it is only a holy level, is enough to be chilling. And if it is a living dragon, then there is only one possibility, these dragons have been enslaved by the original Fengzu. Attacks on these intruders at any time.

The monks walked cautiously on the avenue of the flaming stone, and looked at the giant dragons above the giant pillars from time to time.


All the monks have a hop in their hearts, and their faces are discolored. The dragon on the giant pillar ~ one ~ Ben ~ read ~ small ~ said ~ have opened their eyes, as a dazzling sun shines on everyone.


The white dragons screamed together and the dragon shook the entire city of Phoenix. The whole space is shaking, and each dragon has a strong atmosphere.

The look of Xu Ziyan and others immediately became very ugly, and the dragon of this hundred dragons had already been released. Let Xu Ziyan and others feel their cultivation in an instant, part of the holy level, and part of the holy level.

The face of one hundred people, Tianzun, has become very ugly, and they may not be able to withstand the hundred dragons in their realm.


Yanshan soul sighed aloud, one hundred Tianzun immediately formed a battle, Xu Ziyan's face showed anxiety, with her current strength, don't say that the hundred days of respect. It is she who is in danger.

The dragon's body was originally powerful, they belonged to the beast. The repair of the holy level is able to exert the strength of the second level of the holy level, and now the cultivation of Xu Ziyan is only the peak of the second level of the holy level.

"Let me do it!"

In Huahai is the soul of Yanshan. Xu Ziyan and the lord jointly shot, after the demon stone is the devil's shot, at the gate of the city is the demon master shot, the five saints left Kui Tian did not shoot.

A dragon has left the giant pillar at this time. Covering the sky with a huge body. Dive down to the bottom, and the face has changed color in a hundred days.

In the thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan have sacrificed their own swords, and their faces are very dignified. Although Kui Tian promised to take the shot, no one can believe that it can't spread to himself.

That is the holy dragon, not at all these people can resist, even if it is only affected. Even the first level of the Holy Level is a thousand miles.


The dragon's breath of one hundred dragons has been sprayed down, and the powerful power is overwhelming. Kui Tian raised his right foot and squatted to the ground.


The three-color hydrology centered on Quebec. Instantly formed a three-color ocean. However, at this time, the overwhelming dragon's interest has been a little too far from everyone's head!

Kui Tian’s hands suddenly rose, the clothes slammed and fluttered, and the three-color hair flew.


The three-color swells of the waves, like the rising tide, greeted the past with the sky, but under the tri-color ocean that drowned the crowd in an instant, the raging water faced the dragon in the sky and smashed the past.


The water surface collided with the dragon, and the water surface was cloudy, but the people under the water surface were not affected by the slightest. Everyone looked through the water and looked at the dragons above them, one by one:

"Is this the power of the Holy Class?"


Three colored water waves surged from the three-colored water surface, like a three-color rope, entangled toward the one hundred dragons. It was only in an instant that a hundred dragons were entangled, and then they were wrapped around the dragon. No matter how the one hundred dragons struggled, how to roar, but the three-color ropes became more and more tight...

One hundred dragons made a painful scream, and then the sound of the dragon's body shattered...


The body of a hundred dragons was broken by a strip, and large chunks of flesh and blood fell from the air, but disappeared as soon as they fell on the surface of the three-color water. Everyone’s face showed regret. I know that this was collected by Quebec. But no one said anything. After all, this is the power of Kui Tian to kill the hundred dragons. Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan are not in the same color.

After the death of one hundred dragons, their souls floated out. The three-color ropes were like a whip in the air, all the dragon spirits were crushed, and then Kui Tian opened his mouth and sucked. The three colors of water formed a huge vortex, sucking the dragon spirits floating in the air into the mouth.

The three-color water converges toward the middle, and then disappears into the body of Kui Tian, ​​and Kui Tian’s legs sit on the ground. Yanshan soul has been holding hands, and looked at the Kuitian in the cultivation, thinking about it:

"Here is the Kuidian protection method!"

The one hundred people, Tianzun, swayed and surrounded Quebec in the middle, and they all looked shocked at Kui Tian’s eyes. Xu Ziyan was no exception.

Is this the power of the eighth level?

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul stand side by side and look toward the end of the street. After the dragons were wiped out by Quebec, the entire city of Phoenix seemed to be gray and unclear. However, the repair of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan still saw a huge square at the end of the street, but there was a huge knife on the square, which exudes a fierce atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls have faintly felt a trace of horror, especially the thing that can feel the horror of the repair of Yanshan soul, absolutely extraordinary.

But neither of them has moved. Who knows if there will be danger again? If the two of them leave, the monks here are likely to be in danger of being irresistible.

There was a footstep behind him, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked back and saw the demon leader led the Mozu monk to quickly come over. At this time, the demon Lord was full of spring breeze, the spirit of Yanshan, Xu Ziyan and the gods of the lord swept the past, and the heart was moving at the same time. At this time, the repair of the lord had risen to the middle of the seventh grade.

Xu Ziyan has no words, and there is no slight change in his look. She didn't want to think that the demon knew that her strength at this time had exceeded him. However, the Yanshan soul has no scruples, nod to the main point of the devil:


For Yanshan Soul to be able to see his cultivation, the Lord will not be surprised. Hearing and laughing, but the subsequent words of Yanshan Soul made the look of the Lord's joy stiff.

"Compared to the demon Lord and Kui Tian after a while, the repair will also be improved."

Today's Yanshan soul is the mid-level peak of the eighth grade, and the lord is the eighth grade of the holy level. Before the encounter between the demon Lord and Quebec, it was already the beginning of the eighth grade. After the opportunity, the repair will definitely improve, and his demon Lord is still the bottom of the five saints.

When I was in a bad mood, I naturally didn’t want to talk about it at this time. I looked at the front:

"The evil Lord, what is the front?"

Yanshan soul gently shook his head: "I don't know, but it is dangerous."

The devil's look is a glimpse, and it is really dangerous to make the Yanshan soul feel dangerous. He also looked very far into the distance, and then he felt a touch of danger, his face could not help but reveal the color of shock.

There is no monk to speak again, everyone is waiting quietly for confluence, and the danger ahead makes them more cautious. About a day later, footsteps came from behind, and everyone followed the sound, and they saw the demon Lord coming toward the side with red light. Xu Ziyan, the spirit of Yanshan and the **** of the lord swept the past.

As for the Lord of the Lord...

That's it, it is not enough to observe the cultivation of the demon Lord with his cultivation.

Sure enough, the repair of the demon Lord has also been improved, breaking through to the peak of the eighth level of the Holy Level. The eyes of the monks fell on Kui Tian's body. It is estimated that after she finished her cultivation, she should also be in the realm of the peak of the eighth grade. After all, the realm of those dragons is still lower.

Sure enough, after the completion of the Quebec cultivation, her cultivation was upgraded to the peak of the eighth level of the Holy Grade.

So come.

The soul of Yanshan is still ranked first in the Holy Class with the revision of the eighth-level mid-level peak. The lord is ranked second in the middle of the eighth-level sacred level. The repairs were tied for the third place, and the Lord was still at the end of the seventh-grade mid-level revision. This made his face look very unsightly, and he stared at Xu Ziyan’s body, remembering the Xu Xiang. If at this time he swallowed Xu Xiang, he was able to break through to the beginning of the eighth grade.

Looking at the cultivation of the Four Saints, all of them have grown up, and everyone has enough confidence in the dangers they face before. Yanshan soul looked at the square road at the end of the road:

"Let's go!"

Three hundred days of Zun immediately formed a battle, and Wusheng and Xu Ziyan and others walked in the middle of the battlefield, forming an integration and advancing toward the front. Three hundred days of glory flickering, nowadays, the treasures of the Phoenix City have not yet been officially seen. The lords, the devil, the demon and the Kuitian have already benefited, and the Terrans have also received the gift of the Emperor, which makes them I look forward to the treasures in the city of Phoenix.

The footsteps of the pedals echoed in the empty city of Phoenix, and the monks gradually approached the square, then they lost their footsteps and looked to the front.

In front of it is a huge square. The square can be about fifty miles. In the middle of the square is a giant knife that is inserted into the sky. The fierce breath is radiated from the knife, and the soul of the monks is attacked. People are upset.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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