The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2662: Take the knife

Around the giant knife is a square with a long knife inserted into a circle of fifty miles. That is a knife array. If you look at it roughly, you will not have a million long knife. /..

The eyes of the monks suddenly lit up. It is obvious that the millions of long knives are all innate celestial treasures. There are also many monks who practice knives on the Upper Yuan dynasty. Even in the nine sects, there are many monks practicing. Knife method. There are also many monks practicing knives in the Taixu Zong who was formed by Xu Ziyan.

If these long knives are collected, it will definitely enhance the strength of Zongmen. Just looking at the fierce power in the knife array, let a monk comfort the greed in his heart, and his eyes fell on the five saints.


Yanshan soul sighed. The monks all sacrificed the fairy, and the battle began to advance and stepped into the square.


When the last monk entered the square, the whole square suddenly gave a shock, and then the surrounding space changed. The surrounding Phoenix City suddenly disappeared, and the monks were in a world of knives.


Millions of long knives screamed.


Flying towards the air.


A long-handled knives were combined in the air to form a phoenix, but these phoenixes were not real phoenixes, but consisted of a long-handled knives, with a cold light that swooped down toward the monks.

Yanshan soul reached out and grabbed the air, his face was discolored, and his repairs could not break the space here. They were trapped in this space.

The phoenix made up of long knives swooped down. Although the speed is not fast, but with great power. The three hundred days of the formation of the battlefield did not have to be ordered to run, these monks are truly top elite. If it weren't for the Five Saints, they would be the pinnacles on the Yuan Dynasty. Each monk is not only powerful but also rich in experience. Only a momentary joint release of a defensive shield, colleagues put a variety of fairy out of the defensive shield, greeted the phoenix swooping down.


A stalk of a handle hits a phoenix composed of long knives and scatters a phoenix. Turned into a long handle knife circling in the air, and then slowly formed a new phoenix. Although the power of these Tianzun attacks is very powerful, there are too many phoenixes in the sky. In the end, the phoenix with a long knife hit the defensive shield, but in a moment the defensive shield shook and there was a tendency to collapse.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. She is keenly aware that these long knives are not tightly formed into a phoenix shape for good looks. Instead, a knife array was formed inside the phoenix. Derived a huge power.

At the same time, Wu Sheng also saw this situation, so Wu Sheng also shot instantly. The five holy shots, the surrounding phoenixes are broken, the sky is clear. But there are countless phoenixes spreading in the air in the distance.

Xu Ziyan also shot, she took out the virtual sword, and the figure came out from the battle. At this time, not only her, but also the five saints left the battle. Even taking thousands of miles left the battle. Only Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are integrated into the battlefield.

The phoenix has swooped down towards Xu Ziyan, and the huge body carries great power. Xu Ziyan closed her eyes at this time. At the beginning, it was the emptiness of the emptiness of the thirteen witches that flowed through the heart, and the imaginary sword in the hand stabbed the phoenix.


The phoenix was crushed by Xu Ziyan and turned into a number of long knives, but Xu Ziyan locked her brow tightly. The sword she had just had was not the effect she wanted, and she did not play a trace. The power of nothingness. The reason why he can crush the phoenix is ​​that he relies on the power of the peak of his second level, not the sword.

Xu Ziyan has shattered one and another phoenix with one sword and another sword, trying hard to capture the emptiness of nothingness. I don’t know how long it has been, I suddenly heard the call of Yanshan soul:

"Ziyan! Purple smoke!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly awake from comprehension, and saw that the tribes of the three tribes were in extreme danger. It can be said that if there is no protection of the five saints, I am afraid that the tribes of the three tribes have begun to fall, and the defensive shields have completely collapsed. At this time, the tribes of the tribes are insisting on the power of the war, and they are very difficult to persist. .

Moreover, it was also incorporated into the battlefield at this time. His eyes swept through the five saints and found that there was a trace of exhaustion on the faces of Wusheng. At this time, Xu Ziyan felt his consumption, and the power in Dantian actually consumed half. Although he is only the second level of the holy level, the five saints are much higher than themselves, but the consumption is not less.

“How long has it been in the past?” Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but ask.

"Seven days!" Yanshan soul condensed.

"The evil Lord, in this way, we will all die!" The sword of the lord crushed a phoenix with a hint of anxiety.

"Yes!" The demon Lord also slammed the phoenix and said a few times: "We must come up with a solution as soon as possible. The knives and phoenix here are almost endless."

"And with our power, we can't break those long knives." Kuitian said anxiously.

The eyes of Yanshan soul looked at the middle of the handle and inserted a long knife: "I think I know the reason."

"What is the reason?" the monks asked anxiously.

"It's the big knife, it should be the constant supply of these long knife energy, so that we can't break the long knife, it is also the control of the big knife, so that even if they are crushed, they still remain. Constantly forming a new phoenix, so..."

Yanshan soul took a long breath: "The knife is the key to leaving here. If you want to leave, you must solve the knife!"

The monks looked at the big knife. The five saints can see that the long knife is a supernatural innate treasure, and since it can control a million long knife, it must have a knife spirit. I am afraid that it is impossible to destroy the giant knife. The only way is to conquer the sword.


Is this more difficult than destroying the giant knife?

This is when I look at the giant knife, and the heart of the five saints jumps. If you can conquer the giant knife, the strength will not be doubled, and it will be greatly improved.

At this time, the five saints did not need to exchange their eyes and began to approach the giant knife in the center of the square. With the migration, Xu Ziyan followed the Yanshan soul and stepped closer to the giant knife.

The repair of the five saints is as long as the Yuan Li is not exhausted. There is no problem in dealing with these phoenixes composed of long knives. Only after these phoenixes are crushed, they form a long knife, which is endless and dense, and the power of the monks is consumed. It’s very fast. Those monks and monks have begun to take the benefits of Xiandan.


The phoenix in the sky was shattered, the long knife spurred around, and the tribes of the tribes approached the knives in the center of the square. The giant knife seems to be aware of the five holy thoughts. The phoenix composed of long knives swiftly rushed down toward the tribes of the three tribes, and the speed of the three tribes to release the fairy tales suddenly doubled, and the pressure on them increased sharply.

Under the constant pressure, the tribes of the tribe finally approached the giant knife in the center of the square. The five saints joined forces to smash the thousand phoenixes, let the sky clear, and looked up at the giant sword.


The giant knife shook a little and made a sound wave. The look of each monk's face immediately became very ugly. The sound wave was not talking, but it clearly conveyed a meaning.


** naked contempt for the three tribes!


The body of the demon Lord rises to the sky, and the remaining four holy brows wrinkle, but still do not block the demon Lord, just staring at the figure of the devil.


Countless phoenixes rushed toward the Lord of the Devil. The body of the Lord was like a sharp arrow and slammed into a phoenix. The one was only a phoenix, but it was broken. The body of the demon flew above the sky, reaching out a palm, and the palm of the hand suddenly grew bigger in the air, and shook it toward the handle of the giant knife.


The giant knife took out a knife from the blade and slammed it toward the Lord. The look of the Lord is a condensate, and the left hand clenches the fist toward the knife, and the right hand continues to move toward the handle of the giant knife.


The fist of the lord collided with the knives that the giant knives smashed. The knives were smashed, but the sculpt of the lord was also smashed out, although it was only flying back in the air. Step, but let the main face sink like water.


A knife was thrown from the blade of the giant knife and went to the devil. At this time, the demon master had no spare capacity to grasp the handle of the giant knife, and the double fists were continuously swept out, crushing a knife and a mans, but the figure was unable to retreat.


The big feet of the demon Lord squatted on the ground, and the body shape rose to the sky, rushing toward the handle of the giant knife.


The giant knife vibrated a bit, and suddenly released a myriad of knives and rushed to the demon Lord.


The demon master took out the fairy sweep and collided with a knife, but the body shape was pressed by the knife and could not be rushed. His eyes flickered, and a sword blew the knife in front of him, and his body fell toward the ground. At this time, the body shape of the demon Lord has returned to the ground, and the face is ugly looking at the giant knife.

The original Lord of the Lord is facing this giant knife if he has conquered it. Can make their own strength to improve for a while, and the other four saints have a battle, and did not expect that even the knife handle of the giant knife can not touch. The same is true for the Yaozu, and his face looks good.


The shape of Kui Tian suddenly turned into a flowing three-color water and rushed toward the air.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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