The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2663: Combined

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates, mableip classmates to reward!



A knives were reproduced and criss-crossed in the air, but the three-color water suddenly shrank into a waterdrop, and walked through the gap between the giant knives, and quickly came to the knives of the giant knives. [燃^文^书库][]


The three-color drop of water suddenly turned into a big hand and tightly held on the handle, and then the shape of the sky was extended from the big wrist.


All the monks looked at Kuitian, and the eyes of Sisheng were somewhat complicated. On the one hand, they were delighted. If Quebec could conquer this giant knife, they would be able to leave. On the other hand, because Kui Tian got this giant knife, his heart was involuntarily awkward. The Yanshan spirit is no exception, and the power of the giant knife also deeply attracted him.


At the shank, the violent spurt of tens of thousands of knives, but in an instant, the huge hand of Kui Tian was broken, and the stalwart figure fell toward the ground, with unwillingness on his face. With a hand, the giant hand is restored.

"I come!"

The figure of the lord flies toward the air. At this time, the soul of Yanshan is only looking at it. It is obvious that the four saints have placed the strongest strength of your Yanshan spirit, let us try it first. Yanshan soul is not good to stop, and he also wants to take a look at the real strength of the giant knife. "Hey..."

Thousands of knives spurred toward the big hand of the lord.


There is a blur at the hilt, which is no longer a contest between the sword and the lord, but a contest between the two heavenly rules. The master's big hand is still solid under the impact of the rules of heaven. God's knowledge went to the impact of the giant knife.


The whole giant knife suddenly trembled, and the knife slammed into the heart, and the rules of the heavens at the hilt were solidified into solid bodies.


The figure of the lord flies back in the air. The eyes revealed unwillingness and the figure fell toward the ground. Everyone's eyes are on the soul of Yanshan. The brow of Yanshan Soul wrinkled slightly. Now he has no confidence in this giant knife, which is so powerful.


The shape of the Yanshan soul rises to the sky, and the dense phoenix in the sky swoops toward him.


Behind the soul of Yanshan, a giant sword emerged, and the giant sword hovered. Only a phoenix was crushed in an instant, and it was turned into a handle with a long knife. The shape of the Yanshan soul rushed to the knife like a sharp arrow. Above the handle, extend your right hand. Zoom in on the air for a moment and grab the past toward the handle. Countless knives swayed toward the soul of Yanshan.


The giant sword of Yanshan soul is magnified in the air, and the knife is smashed.


The magnified right hand grabbed the huge handle.


The rule of heaven and the other on both sides of the sword collided at the hilt, and there was a dense space crack in the surrounding space. The look of the Yanshan soul was extraordinarily dignified, and the big monks who could see the Yanshan soul shivered slightly.

The faces of the monks have become very ugly, that is, Sisheng is no exception. At this point they had no greed for the giant knife, only the worry left. If Yanshan Spirit can't conquer this giant knife, then they will only fall here.


Xu Ziyan stepped forward.


Xu Ziyan walked toward the giant knife step by step, every step. The figure grew twice as long as she came to the front of the giant knife and the law was completely released. Far from the great sword.


The right ankle slammed toward the ground, and an eleven-property aura came out.


The eleventh attribute halo hoops over the blade of the giant knife.


The blade suddenly trembled, and the eleven attributes of the aura were broken.


From the foot of Xu Ziyan, an eleventh attribute aura was spread, and the hoop was hung up from the tip of the knife toward the handle. Only in an instant, the entire blade was filled with a dozen attributes of the aura.


The blade vibrates, and the aura of the road breaks, and at this time, the gods of Yanshan soul are transmitted into the world of the knife.

The cultivation of Xu Ziyan is not as good as the five holy things of Yanshan Soul. But her rules of heaven are far beyond the five holy. The Five Saints only realized the golden rule of the five elements of the golden wood, and the rest of the rules were also involved. However, it is very weak, but now Xu Ziyan has cultivated the golden wood, the fire, the wind, the light, the thunder, the time and the space, and the eleven kinds of attributes are all cultivated to the great perfection. Therefore, she is stronger than the five holy in this contest of heavenly rules.


As the hoop of the hoop on the knife collapses, Xu Ziyan continuously releases the eleven attribute light hoop on the blade. The continued consumption of the body's strength is only the release of three halo, and the power within Dantian is consumed.


Xu Ziyan constantly turned on the power of the body, and the aura of the road continued to stretch over the giant knife body and tightened.

At this time, the shape of Yanshan soul has been still there, and his gods rushed into the blade and entered the inner world of the knife. In the world of the knife, a black knife pointed to the knowledge of Yanshan soul. The **** of Yanshan soul turned into a human figure, and looked at the black knife with dignity.

"Primary, when Feng Zu could not accept me, it depends on you!" The knife suddenly made a sound, extremely disdainful.

The eyes of Yanshan soul swept over the knife, and there was a trace of sorrow on his face: "The original space of the knife is to suppress and conquer you. Seeing your appearance has now been suppressed by three points!"


The black knife turned into a black robe youth, disdainfully looking at the gods of the Yanshan soul:

"Even if I am suppressed by three points, you are not my opponent! Yes, you have merged the five attributes into the realm of great perfection, and you have swallowed up and refined, and I will be able to return to the peak, even higher. Maybe I can get rid of this knife space."


The young man in the black robe was transformed into a black knife and turned to the **** of Yanshan. Yanshan's soul shape flashed in the world of the knife, and the black knife flew in one place, but soon fell to the bottom.

Moreover, Yanshan's soul gradually felt that the world inside the knife had a strong bond on him, and his body shape became stagnant, and he was finally shackled by the black knife.


The Yanshan spirit of the outside world spurted a blood, and his face became pale, but the look became more resolute. A large hand holds the hilt tightly.

The look of the monks are all changed, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes are anxious. Biting the teeth, the gods passed through the eyebrows and suddenly got into the world of the knife.

As soon as he entered the world of the knife, he heard a pleasant laughter.

"Ha ha ha... junior, do you know why Feng Zu has not conquered me? Because Feng Zu is like you, only five attributes are perfect, although her cultivation is more than me, but she lost to me in the rules of heaven. I have six kinds of attributes, perfection, Jinmu water, fire and earth and space attributes. Fengzu got me at first, I can't accept it, I laid the space for this knife, I want to completely suppress my space attributes, then I will Conquering. Although my space attribute has been suppressed a lot now, but it has not been completely suppressed, you are not my opponent, hahaha... I swallowed it, hahaha..."...


Xu Ziyan's fascination turned into an eleven attribute aura, and hung on the knife. At this time, it is not a contest of cultivation, but a contest of God.

Xu Ziyan's knowledge is not weak, and it is higher than the Yanshan soul, reaching the peak of the eighth grade of the holy level, and the eleven kinds of attributes are perfect. This halo hoops over the blade, and the black knife is frantically struggling. stand up.

"How come? Impossible! How can there be eleven attributes? Give me broken!"


The black knife suddenly increased sharply, and a dozen of attributes of the aura showed a crack, and the outside of Xu Ziyan spurted a blood.

"Mountain Spirit, fast!"

In the world of the knife, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan conveyed the volatility of the gods to the soul of Yanshan. The soul of Yanshan bite his teeth and slammed into the black knife.


The black knife struggled wildly: "Two juniors, I want to kill you."


The consciousness of Xu Ziyan rushed into the world of the knife far and wide. The eleven attribute halo tightly hugged the black knife, and the eleven heavenly rules were pressed against the black knife.

"No! This is impossible!"

The black knife roared, but it clearly felt the suppression of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan was also very painful. The Yuanshen was greatly shocked. The Yuanshen in the sea was sorely shaken. Xu Ziyan was very clear at this time. If he was alone, even if the rules of heaven exceeded the sword, eventually Will also be defeated in the hands of this knife spirit. Although this sword spirit is not as good as itself in the type of heavenly rules, his use of the six attributes he mastered has reached a terrible degree.

This knife spirit is definitely not formed by the day after tomorrow, but it is born from birth.

The gods of Yanshan soul have entered the soul of the sword spirit at this time. What he has to do now is to imprint his soul brand on the source of the sword spirit. Once his soul is branded on the source, it is successfully branded. I completely conquered this giant knife.

However, the sword spirit is too strong, while fighting with Xu Ziyan, while condensing countless soul swords to the soul of Yanshan soul, and even with the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan two masters stalemate.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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