The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2664: monster

This stalemate is obviously unfavorable to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Both Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul can feel that the foundation of this sword spirit is very strong, and the persistence is stronger than the two of them. - top-point-small-say-

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, and she suddenly flew out eleven light clusters from her body, but it was the eleven sword spirits in the Taixu sword.


Eleven light groups were shot inside the giant knives, and the eyes of the monks outside were shrinking. Especially the four holy, the eyes burst into the light. One thought in my heart can't stop rising again.

"This is...Sword Spirit! Ten Spirits of Swords!"


In the world of the knife, the knife spirit saw the eleven sword spirits, which produced a huge shock. He felt the fear for the first time, and immediately communicated with the outside world. He saw countless phoenixes composed of long knives facing the Yanshan soul. And Xu Ziyan shocked away.

At this time, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan have all tried their best to fight with the sword spirit, and the outside body cannot move at all. Seeing that it will be hit by a dense phoenix.


The lord shot, he can't stop. Now Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan have become their last hope to leave here. Although he also hopes that the Ziyan and Yanshan souls may get the giant knife, but this time they can't help but let go of this trick, for the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan.

The lord can think of it, and other sacred monks can naturally think of it, and they have tried to protect the law for Xu Ziyan and Yanshan. Although this shot is reluctant, but has to do everything.


Eleven sword spirits entered the world inside the knife and connected to each other. Turned into a halo hoop on the body of the knife.


Knife spirit made a painful whistling, and it found that his soul stagnation became stagnant, and instantly revealed numerous flaws. Not to mention that there are countless flaws, that is, there is only one flaw, and Yanshan soul can grasp it.

The gods of Yanshan soul passed through a flaw, rushed into the origin of the knife spirit, and began to leave their mark on the origin of the knife spirit.

Knife spirit began to struggle hard, but under the joint constraints of Xu Ziyan and the eleven swords, the struggle became very difficult. And the power of this struggle is getting lower and lower. Because the brand left by Yanshan soul is gradually becoming complete.


The knife spirit vibrated a bit and then stopped in the knife space. The gods of Yanshan soul retreat from the sword spirit, and some weakly said to Xu Ziyan:


outside. The gray sky suddenly became clear, and the appearance of the Phoenix City appeared again in the eyes of everyone.


The dense phoenix in the sky smashed away, turned into a long knife and hovered in the air, and then "snapped" back into the ground.

The four sacred eyes flashed toward the eyes of Yanshan and Xu Ziyan. And just in this moment. Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan moved at the same time. At the same time, eleven light spots flew out of the blade and hidden into the body of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the Yanshan soul in the sky.


Four saints sighed in the heart and gave up the idea of ​​attacking Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Yanshan soul grips the big hand above the handle and suddenly exerts a force.


With a knife, the giant knife was pulled out from the ground by Yanshan Soul and lifted high. Then I saw that the giant knife began to shrink, and finally turned into a normal long knife in the hands of Yanshan soul.

"Good knife!"

Yanshan soul praised, and his heart was moved, and the long knife was hidden into his body. The eyes of the monks looking at the five saints are full of envy. From the time of entering this space, only the five saints have the greatest gains.

The Lord of the Devil has acquired the Devil's Spirit and will be upgraded to the seventh level of the Holy Level. The demon master got the demon spirit to be upgraded to the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. Kuitian won the dragon soul and was upgraded to the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. The lord won the inheritance of the emperor and will be promoted to the holy In the middle of the eighth grade, although the repair of Yanshan Soul was not improved, it was superb innate treasure.

How can this not envy those monks and monks?

Of course, these monks still don't know the benefits that Xu Ziyan secretly obtained. They have already raised the power of the Yuanshen to the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. Otherwise, they will become mad. I am afraid that the lords know that they will be embarrassed.

"Ziyan, how are you?" Yanshan soul fell on the side of Xu Ziyan, looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Just in the world of the knife, he discovered that the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan has reached the eighth level of the holy level. The peak of the later period is even higher than him.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, then sat on the floor and said: "I am fine, just consume too much, I need time to recover."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan began to take Xiandan to close his eyes and adjust his interest. Yanshan soul also has a large plate of legs, sitting on the ground. Take the elixir and start to recover.

In the thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Qinyang guarded the Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan in the middle with a hundred people.

Kui Tian remembered that when she refining the dragon soul, Yanshan soul once guarded her for her, and her face was tangled for a while. Finally, she stood in front of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan and put on a posture of protecting the law.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord raised their helplessness. Even if there is no Kuidian protection method, they want to attack the Yanshan soul and have to think about it. After all, the Yanshan soul has already possessed the giant knife. It’s even more difficult to play this idea. Therefore, the four people also made a gesture for the protection of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Since it is impossible to attack Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, it is better to sell it to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan.

The demon Lord and the demon Lord conveyed to the demon gods and the demon gods, "Go to those long knives!"

The monks and demon monks are a joy in their hearts, and those long knives are congenital treasures.


These Mozu and the demon monks flew toward the millions of long knives, and the lord glanced at the red-eyed Terran celestial gods and said faintly:

"Let's go too!"

The Terran goddess looked hesitant, and Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and said, "Go, Qin Yang brother, you go too!"

Xu Ziyan knows very well that if there are other dangers, there are four saints here to protect her and Yanshan soul. If Sisheng wants to target her and Yanshan soul, these Tianzun can't stop it.

Hearing the words of Xu Ziyan, the Terran Tianzun finally stopped hesitating, and his body flew out and flew toward the long swords. Take thousands of miles and the sword is not moving. In their hearts, nothing is more important than his own disciple, Xu Ziyan. Even if they can't resist the Five Sacred, they must guard the front of Xu Ziyan, even if it can be delayed for a moment.

For a full day, a million long knives were collected by these gods, and one by one smiled back to the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan.

It’s been another half a day. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul repaired to restore the peak, Yanshan soul flashed a trace of excitement, since entering here, the other four saints have benefited, there is no gain in his Yanshan soul. Now I have got this giant knife, which makes the Yanshan soul difficult to hide the excitement. The other four saints can only admire the soul of Yanshan.

The lord took back his envious eyes and looked to the front: "Go."

The monks once again formed a battlefield, walked out of the square and walked toward the front. It is incomparably brilliant in front of the monks, and the surrounding buildings are beautiful and grand and solemn.

The buildings on both sides of the street are engraved with various totems, lifelike, as if they can come out of the building at any time, and the monks can actually feel the faint pressure from the carved totems.

Far from being able to see the outline of a palace, although it is still not clear, but it can already feel the brilliance, as if you can see the palace, you can feel the glory of the ancient phoenix, where it seems to be hidden The history of the phoenix's brilliant and heavy.


A heavy footstep came from a distance, and the monks narrowed their eyes and looked away into the distance, and they saw nine huge figures. It was nine shocking figures, and the nine phoenixes were flying towards them. The sound of the bang was the roar of the giant claws of the nine phoenixes on the ground.

When the nine phoenixes were slightly closer, the eyes of the monks changed again. It was not a real phoenix. It was just a phoenix from a distance, but it was completely different after being slightly close.

Below the waist is the characteristics of the Feng nationality, the giant claws of the two phoenixes, but above the waist is the human body, but there are two phoenix wings behind them, and the huge wings are floating with the brilliance. The head is the head of the Mozu, holding a huge gun in his hand.

All the holy monks can clearly perceive the look of the nine monsters, the demon and the demon seem to be perfectly combined to give off a powerful power.

"This Fengzu is a madman!" After a brief horror, the lord did not open his mouth.

"Fu Shen, what is this?" Xu Ziyan could not help but know the voice.

"I don't know!" There is a hint of fear in the tone of the god: "I have never seen Fengzu refining this kind of thing."


Nine monsters rushed to the front of the battlefield, and the giant guns hit the defensive shields released by the monks through the battlefield. This is the first round of offense, so that the powerful defensive shield is crumbling, and even a small crack has appeared.

Although this defensive shield does not have a five-sacred shot, it is only a defensive shield that is supported by three hundred days. But that is also 300 days of respect! It is the existence of three hundred peaks on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is impossible to hold back the attack of the other nine monsters.

Kui Tian first shot, she felt that these monsters seem to help her, she was originally a kind of life formed by the three elements of the demon demon, now seeing this embarrassment, the heart has a resonance . She feels that if she can refine some of the monsters, her own cultivation will definitely be improved again.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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