The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2665: Hard fight

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With her shot, the other four saints also shot. Kui Tianyi wants to catch a monster, so she doesn't care what damage these monsters will do to the tribes. I rushed to a monster and wanted to suppress the monster. So the other four saints had to face each monster with two monsters and blocked the other eight monsters.

But the strength of these monsters surprised the Five Saints. It seems that they are not much more than they are, and the atmosphere they radiate makes the Five Saints feel very weird.

There is a human race, and there is also the brutality of the Mozu, and it is more fierce. The three breaths are perfectly blended together.


The weakest demon master could not stop two monsters and was rushed over by a monster. The giant gun hit the defensive shield.


A shattering sound, the defensive shroud was broken, and the body of the seven-day buddy of the broken friend.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape rushed out, and he had already sacrificed a too virtual sword in his hand. The sword mans are like *1*this*read*small*..ybdu practises to the opposite monster in general, and also follows the miles. Behind Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan and the monster slammed into a note. Xu Ziyan feels that the blood is surging, which is because the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Grade. Otherwise, she feels that only this blow will cause herself to be seriously injured, and hurriedly yelled for thousands of miles:

"Master, don't fight hard with him!"


Listen to Xu Ziyan shouting in Wanli. Changed the way of fighting, but even so, the monster flew out.

"Battle, turn!"

At this time, Tu Yishui issued a command, the huge battle array was up, and the battle was integrated, Xu Ziyan and the Wanli into a triangle surrounded the monster. Fighted with the monster. Just played three rounds, Xu Ziyan's brows wrinkled slightly, she already felt the mystery of this monster. Because she opened the eyes of Peng Peng, I saw that the body of this monster is full of symbols. It is really these symbols that are constantly rotating and flowing, which perfectly combines the three breaths and burst into powerful power.

This power is not only reflected in defense. Let the monster's defense become very powerful. Also reflected in his attack power, even if Xu Ziyan, riding Wanli and the battle team can not even suppress him.

What is this array?

How can there be such power?

Xu Ziyan, a congenital fairy, is full of curiosity.


On the other side, Yanshan soul took out the giant knife that had just been conquered, and slammed it on a monster. Even if the monster was strong, it was in the middle of the mid-level peak of the eight-tiered Yanshan spirit. It’s a peerless knife. This knife also opened the huge wound of the monster's body. No blood flowed out, but there was an energy that escaped from the wound.

The monks who are fighting are not looking at the past. In one eye, they couldn't help. Through the huge wound, they saw the inside of the wound. The sound of the bone inside was a sly symbol, but there was a gray energy in the middle of the body.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. The gray energy of the group is clearly the fusion of the three elements of the demon. And with a hint of chaos.

“How did Feng Zu do it?”

All the monks are in shock, but the most shocking is the five saints. By cultivating to their realm, the understanding of heaven has reached an extraordinary height. They once thought about integrating Xian Yuanli, Magic Yuan and Demon Power to pursue the origin of the avenue, but never succeeded.

Although Kuitian is a fusion of the three attributes of the demon demon, she did not cultivate the three elements into the realm of chaos, which is the realm she has been yearning for. Now that she saw the gray gas, her heartbeat speeded up.

Every monk is very clear in his mind, whether it is the Terran, the Devil or the Yaozu, the power of their cultivation is a branch of the origin of the avenue, and chaos is the true power of the source. But as different races, it is doomed to be able to cultivate only one kind of power. The power of chaos is only a yearning for them.

Only Quebec has the qualification to cultivate to that realm, and Quebec has been working hard, but the realm is far away from her.

Xu Ziyan looked at these monsters, and looked at the sky that was flushed with excitement, and the heart was a jump. If you can get this monster, you can study the symbol on the one hand. On the other hand, if Xu Ziyun refining the gray gas in the body, will Xu Ziyun break through to the holy level?

And now Xu Ziyan can be determined that it is the characters in the monster body that make the three elements of the fairy demon begin a preliminary fusion.

Not bad!

It is the initial integration. Xu Ziyan has seen the power of true chaos. There is a lot of chaos in the edge of her body. The true chaos is stronger than the gray energy in front of her. I can say that it is a day. , one place, there is no possibility of comparison at all.


Even if it is a preliminary fusion, this is definitely a miracle. This has left the scope of the road, but belongs to the real source.

Can combine the three elements, even if it is a preliminary fusion, Xu Ziyan feels that this is not something that the holy level can do, did not see the shocked eyes of the five holy?

At this time, Xu Ziyan had a speculation that the original Fengzu and the shroud might not be as simple as the peak of the holy level, and may have truly realized the origin of the avenue.

In front of these nine monsters, the defensive power in the eyes of Xu Ziyan also definitely reached the seventh level of the holy level, and the attack power is even more amazing. If such power can be born ten years earlier. I am afraid that at that time, even if the Five Saints were born, they would only be abused.

But now the five saints are different from the past, even stronger than before the injury, not to mention the Yanshan soul has a peerless knife. However, Xu Ziyan is also very clear in his heart. Any one of the five saints should face no problem with a monster. All that is needed is time. But it is still a little difficult for them to face two. At this time, Xu Ziyan, who is besieging a monster by Wanli and Tianzun, is still reluctant. If there is a monster in the five saints who can’t stand it, I’m afraid that there will be a purple smoke here. Casualties, and casualties will not be small.

The battle between the monks and the nine monsters has reached a tragic level. Almost every monk released all his power, the surrounding buildings began to be destroyed, and the hard ground became pitted. This is also in the city of Phoenix. If you change places, it will become a ruin.

At this time, the most relaxed one is Kuitian. With the repair of the peak of her eighth grade, the monster has been completely suppressed. At this time, I am thinking about how to subdue this monster.

Suddenly, Kuitian spit out a three-color blisters. Instantly wrap the monster in the blisters. The monster shook with a giant gun and thought about the three-colored blisters attacking the past. The three-color blisters were deformed by the giant guns, but they still did not break.

At this time, Kui Tian took out a space fairy, which was a top-grade immortal treasure, was sacrificed to the air, and a ray of light shrouded the three-color bubble. At this moment, the three colored bubbles were shattered and the huge body of the monster was revealed.


The monster was taken in by the space fairy. Kui Tian’s face was a joy and his eyes turned. Falling on the side of the two monsters who are fighting against the lord.


The stalwart figure rushed over, and the lord also saw a monster trapped in the machine and gave another monster to Quebec. Kui Tianwei can open it all, as long as the monster in front of him is suppressed, he can take advantage of the three-color blisters to trap him, and then use the space fairy to collect it.

After about a dozen times, the monster was suppressed by Kui Tian, ​​and Kui Tian opened his mouth and spit. A tri-color bubble shrouded the monster inside, and the look of the sky was a joy, and then his face changed.


Her mouth and mouth actually spewed out a blood, the space fairy flew out of her body, only to see the space fairy twisted in the air, and then heard:


The whole space was shaking, and the golden light was shining in front of me, as if a sun suddenly fell from the sky, making people unable to open their eyes.

The celestial space fairy has been blasted...

The monster trapped in the space fairy rushed out, and the body cracked a lot of mouths, and the movements were somewhat distorted, but they rushed toward Kui Tian.

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows were picked. She saw at a glance that the monster's movement was distorted because the symbol on his bones was destroyed a little, and his heart suddenly became cheerful. All the actions of these monsters depend on the internal array of the body. At this time, the monster exploded the body because of the explosion of the space fairy, revealing the bones inside, and letting Xu Ziyan see the symbols on the bones inside.

At this time, Kuitian also reacted, propped up a defensive shield against the attack of another monster, and then focused all the energy on the injured monster, bombarding and accurately bombarding the bones of the monster. Symbol. The burst of brilliance blew the blazing attack, but after all, Quebec was the peak of the eight-level sacred level, and the symbol on the bone began to be damaged.

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved and looked at the monster surrounded by himself and the battlefield. The brow couldn’t help but wrinkle. With her current strength, let’s not destroy the symbol on the monster’s bones. Even the monster’s body could not be broken. How to destroy?

Suddenly in the heart of the purple smoke, she remembered the flying otters, those flying otters but nothing, not only see the bite of things hard, but the speed is different.



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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