The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2666: Gray air mass

The monster that had been seriously injured finally fell to the ground, was picked up by Quebec, and then concentrated on another monster. On the other side, Yanshan soul stalked the peerless giant knife in his hand and killed the monster into several paragraphs, and then connected the gray gas. Then he took the giant knife and smashed it to another monster.


Xu Ziyan released tens of thousands of flying otters, but instantly drowned the monster surrounded by the flying otters. In the ears of the monks, I heard a heart-rending bite. All the monks looked at the dense flying otters, and looked at the Xu Ziyan who stood by the side at this time. The monarchs and other holy monks couldn’t help but twitch. The otters were not dangerous for them, but if At the time of the battle, Xu Ziyan suddenly released these leeches, and they were absolutely uncomfortable.

Those gods are more seeing their eyes are green, and the holy monks can not care about these otters, but they care! Not a single step back, away from the battlefield.

At that moment, the monster’s body did not know how many layers of flying water rafts had been covered. It had been unable to separate the direction and continued to bombard his body. A large swath of flying otters was slammed, leaving Xu Ziyan with a heartache. However, in less than a quarter of an hour, the monster was bitten by the otters and there was only one shelf left.


The character of the monster's bones, "One", "This", "Reading" novel ybdu.. suddenly burst into the light, even all the water smashed out. In the distance, a knife was smashed, and the ribs of the frame were cut off. It is the swallow of the Yanshan soul that has been killed by another monster. After being destroyed by a Yanshan soul, the shackles of a plaque have been greatly reduced, and the physique has been deformed.

Seeing the spirit of Yanshan and raising a giant knife, Xu Ziyan quickly called: "Mountain Spirit. Don't!"

The giant knives that Yanshan souls lived in, some looked at Xu Ziyan inexplicably. At this time, Xu Ziyan looked at the heart of the guilty conscience:

"Now he has been injured, the power is greatly reduced, I don't know if my purple smoke space can suppress him?"

Xu Ziyan didn't want Yanshan Soul to make that monster into a few paragraphs. She also wanted to study the symbol on the bone, so she needed a relatively complete flaw.

Xu Ziyan released his own border and shrouded the shackles inside. Then, as soon as it was received, the cockroach was taken into the purple smoke space.

The purple smoke room immediately vibrated, and Xu Ziyan did not dare to neglect. Immediately, the whole Yuanshen entered the space of the purple smoke, and turned into a heavenly road to suppress the hole.

Yanshan Soul immediately felt the disappearance of Xu Ziyan Yuanshen. He knew that Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen should enter the body space to suppress the hole, and he held a giant knife and stood by Xu Ziyan’s side.

In the purple smoke space. The hole still holds a huge gun in his hand. To the bombardment of the void, the purple smoke space showed a small crack, seeing the crack here, Xu Ziyan fell a sigh of relief. Today's purple smoke space has reached the peak of the eighth grade of the holy level with the power of her gods, and has merged with eleven attributes, which has become much more stable. With the strength of this monster, it is only able to blast a small crack in the void, which proves that Xu Ziyan can completely suppress him after his incarnation.

With the power of the eight-tiered **** of the heavens, it has become a heaven, and it has surpassed that monster in the realm. As the road signs fall from the sky, more and more. Finally, a symbolic space was formed to seal the monster inside. Xu Ziyan completely relaxed, and the Yuanshen returned to the sea and opened his eyes.

"How?" Yanshan asked with concern.

"I'm fine!"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile, his eyes looking around, and the monsters had been disabled by the Five Holy Spirits. Xu Ziyan received one, Yanshan soul smashed two, the devil smashed one, the demon smashed two, the lord smashed one, and the princes harvested two.


Yanshan soul took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan knew that this was the two monsters that were broken by the soul of Yanshan, and they were happy to collect it. Kui Tian’s eyes swept through Xu Ziyan, the lord, the demon and the demon, and his face changed a bit:

"Several friends, can you let me the bodies of those monsters?"

Haven't waited for Xu Ziyan to make a sound, the fairy, the demon and the demon will shake their heads together. Not to mention the symbol of the monster body, that is, the gray gas in the monster body, let them feel strong, and they also know that the gray gas should be a preliminary fusion of Xian Yuanli, Magic Yuan and Demon Power. Have a hint of chaos, such a baby don't say to give Kui Tian, ​​even if it is a big price exchange, it will not agree. They also thought about waiting to study after leaving here, maybe their breakthrough pointed to the gray gas.

Kui Tian glanced at Xu Ziyan, and looked at the Yanshan soul standing on the side of Xu Ziyan. He couldn’t help but sigh in the heart. It’s impossible to force Xu Ziyan to hand over the three monsters. However, she still did not give up, and squeezed a smile toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, you promised me a promise!"

Xu Ziyan’s face is a change. Kui Tian continued: “Now I will let you complete this promise and give me the bodies of the three monsters you got.”

Yanshan soul slightly frowned, but this is indeed the promise that Xu Ziyan once promised, and he has no way. Only Kui Tian has no force to force, Yanshan soul can not stop.

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but appear bitter, but she has no reason to refuse. Suddenly, my heart moved and smiled at Kui Tian:

"I only have one monster! Are you sure you want to use a promise to get that monster?"

"How come you have only one? You have three distinct!" Quirky.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "The two are the spoils of the mountain spirit. He just let me save him temporarily, so I have no decision."

Yanshan soul immediately responded, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: "Yes, the two monsters are just where I temporarily put purple smoke, not purple smoke, so she has no right to exchange with you."

In the heart of Kui Tian, ​​I couldn’t help but feel a bit of pain. I thought about it quickly. Is it appropriate to exchange a promise of Xu Ziyan for a monster? However, the gray air mass is really tempting for her. And Xu Ziyan does not want to owe a promise to Kui Tian, ​​slightly thinking about it:

"Quidian Daoyou, I have a suggestion."

"What advice?" Looks on the face of Kuitian.

Xu Ziyan did not have any good concealment. Before that, the two monsters were temporarily stored on their own bodies. Everyone knows that this is a lie. With the relationship between Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, the thing of Yanshan Soul is Xu Ziyan. But the two monsters are indeed killed by the Yanshan soul, so they can't refute. And as long as Xu Ziyan has the monster that seals himself, as long as she studies the character array, the gray gas is no longer a secret. Therefore, she said broadly:

"The air mass in the monster I got was just given to Xu Ziyun. At this time, she is already refining, but she still doesn't know how it works. If you want, I can exchange the two monsters and grades that the mountain spirit gets. ”

Kui Tian thought for a moment, looking at Xu Zi flue: "Let me test the effect of the gray gas first, trouble you and the evil Lord to protect the law for me."

Kuitian knows the evil master very well, knowing that the evil master is acting as he pleases, but once he promises, he never regrets. But for the lord, the demon and the devil, there is a lack of trust. In fact, she does not blame her for thinking so. After all, she was chased by the lord, the demon master and the demon master, and she and the Yanshan soul were both sick. Therefore, she talked and stared at the Yanshan soul. Knowing that Yanshan’s soul nodded and walked towards her, she was relieved.

The fairy, the devil and the demon face are a bit ugly, but it is not easy to say at this time, after all, we need to join hands. So the lord waved and waved:

"Everyone has to hurry to adjust it!"

When the words fall, the lord takes the lead to sit down and adjust to the interest rate. The demon and the devil also sit on the ground. The rest of the monks also swallowed the elixir into the interest rate adjustment.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul sat next to Kui Tian, ​​and Kui Tian’s legs sat on the ground and began to refine a group of gray gas. Xu Ziyan glanced at the Yanshan soul, feeling that there is a Yanshan soul, his comfort will not have any problems, and as long as Yanshan soul can stop, he can react, so she immediately exchanged body with Xu Ziyun, and she It is into the time array method in the purple smoke space.

She came in this time to condense the sword, she has not used the sword for a long time. But at this time, I remembered it again. If you have a large number of air swords just now, it will not be so troublesome in the face of that monster. It is necessary to know the fascination of the peaks of the late eight layers of Xu Ziyan, and the strength of the peaks of the six levels of the Holy Stage. It is possible to condense the swords of the six levels of the late stage, but it takes time to gather together. Xu Ziyan’s cultivation at this time was only the peak of the second level of the Holy Level. If she is only a gas sword that condenses the peak of the second level of the Holy Class, a few breaths will condense a handle, but it takes three days to gather a handful of swords that want to condense the peaks of the six levels of the Holy Level.

Fortunately, her time method is one hundred thousand, even if it is so, when she condenses five thousand-handed swords, Xu Ziyun has already passed the knowledge, telling her that Kui Tian wakes up.

Xu Ziyan immediately exchanged his body with Xu Ziyun, and opened his eyes and looked at Quebec. Kui Tian’s face showed a happy color. Although she refining a group of gray gas, she did not comprehend the integration of the three elements, but she improved her cultivation. She believed that if she was refining A group of gray gas will surely be able to break through to the mid-eighth level of the Holy Order and achieve the same cultivation as the Lord. If you get the two gray gas of Xu Ziyan, you may be able to break through to the mid-level peak of the eighth grade, and achieve the same repair as the Yanshan soul.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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