The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2667: Suddenly

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), kelingr (100), Zheng Xinqin (100), mableip classmate (100) for the reward!


As for the promise of Xu Ziyan, it is not important, and what kind of commitment is not as strong as oneself. However, she did not immediately refine the second group of gas, because she was afraid that Xu Ziyan knew that her cultivation had changed and then changed her attention. At that time, she only had to inform Yanshan of the soul, and then Yanshan Soul made a disagreement with the two monsters. She did not have any way to deal with Xu Ziyan. Therefore, she temporarily resisted the urge to refine the gray gas of the group, toward the Xu Zi flue:

"Well, I promise you the conditions, as long as you give me everything about the two monsters, even if you complete that promise."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan was also very happy, and solved a promise to make her heart a little relaxed. No matter who it is, it is always uncomfortable to owe someone else a promise.

Immediately took out the storage ring and handed it to Kui Tian. Kui Tian took the storage ring and scanned it with mental power. His face showed a happy color. At this time, she has refining a gray air mass. She knows that refining a gas group does not require her to go all out. With her current cultivation, she is suddenly attacked by other four saints and will not die. Moreover, in this place. The future is uncertain, and the other four saints will not shoot her. Therefore, she does not need Yanshan soul and Xu; one; Ben; read; the novel Ziyan protects her. After thanking the two people of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, they began to refine the gray air mass.

Yanshan spirit looked at Xu Zi flue: "Ziyan. You will adjust the interest first, I will protect the law for you."

"You adjust your interest, don't worry about me!"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile. Yanshan's soul is slightly stunned, but she has great trust in Xu Ziyan. This kind of trust is brought from the mainland of Cangwu. I know that Xu Ziyan is not a reckless person, and nodded into the interest rate adjustment.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that the monks were still recovering. After all, everyone has consumed a lot of power. Then I exchanged my body with Xu Ziyan again. but. This time she did not enter the time array, her cultivation has been restored when the sword is condensed, at this time she went straight into the void of the purple smoke space. There is a space floating there, which is the space that traps the monster.

Xu Ziyan incarnates the purple smoke space heaven, and then begins to carefully observe the characters in the monster body. This character array is too complicated, even if the purple smoke incarnation of the heavens can not find a clue. But it is perceived. The gray gas is indeed generated by that array. Because Xu Ziyan saw the flow of the character. The gray gas will add a little bit of silk.

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it. Now her first thing to do is how to control this monster. If she can control this monster, she can better observe this character array. She scans the monster over and over again and finally does not find control. The key to this monster, so she determined that the key to controlling this monster must be in this array.

Xu Ziyan not only sighed, Feng Zu is really a genius of the array. A character array is not just the source of power for this monster. And still control the center of this monster, this is what kind of character can do this!

Until Xu Ziyun called her again. She also did not study the mystery of that character. I exchanged my body with Xu Ziyun, then took out the gray gas in the monster's body and gave it to Xu Ziyun to refine her, and then opened her eyes.

This opened eyes made me feel subtle changes in the surrounding atmosphere. The eyes of the monks gathered on Kui Tian's body. Xu Ziyan's eyes could not help but look at Kui Tian, ​​and he saw the Kui Tian Man Sheng Chun at this time. There is an endless joy between the eyebrows.

"Quidian Daoyou, have you broken through?" Xu Ziyan could not help but ask.

“Yeah!” Quebec excitedly nodded: “Now I am already at the mid-level of the eighth grade! Hahaha...”

The lord, the devil and the demon have the impulse to refine the gray air mass immediately, but they still endure it. After all, their physique is different from that of the celestial world. Maybe they will have any scorpions. They need to go back and study slowly. Xu Ziyan looked at the soul of Yanshan. She knew that the repair of Kuitian and Yanshan souls was as high.

Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan's gaze looking over, and shrugged his shoulders indifferently. He looked at it and he did not break through to the eighth-tier mid-level peak of the holy level.

"The evil Lord, waiting to leave from here, let's talk about it?" Quebec saw the appearance of Yanshan soul indifferent, and felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"as you wish!"

The eyes of Yanshan Soul are bright. It is really difficult to find an opponent at this level. Now I heard Kuitian’s suggestion that it is false.

At this point all the monks have been restored and repaired to stand up from the ground, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord also restored calm. Everyone has a chance for everyone. Who knows if they will get a better chance than Quebec?

The monks began to walk along the street toward the front. Without a few steps, the flower fairy suddenly said to the lord:

"Yu Tian, ​​will there be any treasures in the houses on both sides! Do we want to see?"

The eyes of the monks were all bright, but the eyes of the five saints did not change at all. Their purpose was the palace in front, not the houses on both sides. Although these houses are also beautiful, there may be treasures in them, but they cannot shake their hearts. However, seeing the bright eyes of those who are behind them is not good for their enthusiasm. After all, everyone is looking for treasures. If you don’t let those gods get some treasures, they will make them feel uncomfortable. Then the eyes of the lord looked at the other four holy paths:

"What do you say?"

There is no such thing as the Four Sacred Hearts. Anyway, there is time, and they all nod. Then the lord looked at those who respected heaven:

“Everyone is pushing forward while searching for treasure!”

"Yes!" Those Tianzun immediately dispersed to the two sides of the street and entered the houses one by one.

"Master, we are also hurrying to hunt for treasure!"

Xu Ziyan is eager to try. She is not looking for any treasures. She knows very well that the best treasures should be in the palace in front. Even if there are treasures, it will not be expensive to make her tempted. She values ​​the process and feels that treasure hunting is a very exciting thing. In the end, her age is too small, and the fun heart accounts for a large proportion.

Her speech, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan were also eager to try, and there was some movement in Wanli and Jianwu, and they followed Xu Ziyan to a house. The other four saints looked at the Yanshan soul and smiled hard. The Yanshan soul touched the nose with some helplessness:

"You are willing to stand here, I will look around."

The words fell and went to a house. Four saints looked at each other and looked at each other:

"We don't stand here anymore, feel free to take a look."

Therefore, Sisheng also flew away to the houses on both sides. In a short while, a scream of joy was heard in a house, and at a glance, a monk found a baby. However, there is no fighting. Every monk is very clear in his heart. It is not wise to have a battle here. The danger before it is that the three tribes know that they need to join hands in the future. So they all form a tacit understanding in silence, that is, whoever gets the first thing is not going to fight. Just see who is in trouble!

It is exactly that sentence: the hand is fast, the hand is slow.

And the most important thing is that there are too many treasures here. For example, Xu Ziyan has not seen the crystal veins of the eyes. There are many here, almost every room. Xu Ziyan doesn't look up, it doesn't mean that these gods can't look up! Even the nine sects are just a vein in the roots of Zongmen. Now that you see so many veins, how can you not let them be ecstatic?

So so many treasures can fully satisfy these celestial beings. All they have to do is to fasten their hands. When they have finished the treasures in a house, they immediately rush to the next room. There is no time to fight. There is a fight for that time, maybe you can get better treasures in the next room.

So, the atmosphere and harmony, and the warmth...

Xu Ziyan gradually lost interest. On the one hand, she did not look at these treasures. On the other hand, where is this treasure hunt? It’s just a treasure, it’s not fun at all.

It is a thousand miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are so happy. Xu Ziyan just followed, and the gods swept around, looking forward to discovering what made his heart move.


A figure flew out of a house and rushed into a house. After entering the house, there was an ecstasy in his eyes. There are not only crystal veins, but also many, one by one compressed into a dragon-shaped seal on a piece of palm-sized stone platform, releasing the precious treasure, and there are many elixir, fairy and fairy in the house. Device. The monk laughed and rushed toward the treasures.

Suddenly his body settled there, his eyes were confused, his moments became dim, the breath of his soul disappeared from his body, and his body was so low that he stood there, but the people had no breath and became A body.

After a period of no more than ten interest, two people rushed into the house, and then smirked at the treasures. But the smirk was abruptly stopped, and the body stood there so firmly.

When Xu Ziyan and his party came out of the room, they saw a monk rushing into a house. Xu Ziyan shook his head with a smile and five people flew away toward another house.

"Ha ha ha..."

The house where the monk rushed in just came the laughter of the man’s surprise. The faces of Xu Ziyan’s five people also showed a smile. This time, every monk’s harvest is indeed quite a lot. This kind of laughter is from time to time. It’s no surprise that it’s coming out of a house.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued...)

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