The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2668: Extraterrestrial

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan stopped. The people who took Wanli and others also stopped their steps and looked at the opposite house like Xu Ziyan. Because the person in the house has no sound. There is nothing strange about this. Maybe that person is collecting treasures. However, the laughter stopped too suddenly, as if suddenly caught in the neck

This is not normal...

Did monks begin to kill each other?


There are so many treasures here, it is better to go to other houses to collect. The heart of Xu Ziyan is a jump. Is there any danger hidden here?

At this time, Xu Ziyan thought that this is the city of Phoenix. Before that, it has experienced countless sinister dangers. Is there no danger in the houses on these two sides?

Reaching out and stopping the steps of Wan Li and others, Xu Ziyan extended his hand and pushed it gently toward the front. He gathered a palm in the air and gently pushed the opposite door away. Then they saw the back facing. They stood a dozen monks, people, demons, and demons.

Only these dozen monks are motionless and stand there like sculptures. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and the palm that had gathered together continued to push forward and pushed to the back of a person. The man fell to the front and met other monks. There was a "plopping" sound in his ear, and more than a dozen people in the house fell to the ground.

Xu Ziyan and others were shocked. It is obvious that there is strange in this house. Xu Ziyan finally got excited, this is called treasure hunt!

I just wanted to step into the look, but I was caught in the arm.

"Ziyan, don't take risks!"

"Yes!" The sword grasped the other arm of Xu Ziyan: "They are also monks and monks, and a dozen of them died silently, don't care."

"Nothing, I will go in and see! There should be no problem with my cultivation!" Xu Ziyan has sufficient self-confidence, and the death of Tianzun Master is silent. It does not mean that she will be like this. There is a huge gap between Tianzun and Sheng. .

However, the two arms were tightly grasped by the two masters, and it was also known that Xu Ziyan was difficult to change once he made up his mind, so he immediately shouted:

"The mountain spirit, there is danger here!"

Xu Ziyan reluctantly gave up entering the house, and the space between the people flashed, but the moment Wu Sheng stood in front of Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, what is the danger?" Yanshan soul asked anxiously. The monks also looked at Xu Ziyan.

"It's a room... Hey?" Xu Zi stood there, his fingers sticking out in the air:

"What about that room?"

By Wanli and Jianwu, others just looked at the Five Saints. At this time, I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, looking to the opposite side, the look was a stiff, and then I felt a layer of goose bumps on the opposite side. There is still that house, there is only one open space at this time. The room disappeared silently.

"What happened?" Seeing the look of Xu Ziyan and others, the heart of the Five Sacred is not raised, and it is not easy to let the purple smoke change color. After all, Xu Ziyan is also the peak of the second level of the Holy Level.

"That is..." Xu Ziyan quickly said the beginning and end of the matter, and the look of the Five Saints was also dignified. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked around and he jumped in his heart:

"Let's hurry up and collect those gods!"

The look of the Five Saints is also a change. The Yanshan Soul immediately shouted: "All the gods listen and immediately gather."


One by one, Tianzun rushed out from one house. These Tianzuns were not fascinated by treasures. Knowing the collection of Yanshan souls must be dangerous. So one by one swiftly swept toward the five saints, and in a moment formed a battle. The five holy eyes swept away, and the face became ugly. The collection of Tianzun was only 247, and there is no need to ask that dozens of Tianzun who have not returned are dead.

What is it that can survive the life of so many gods without sorrow?

The Yanshan spirit suddenly raised a hand to sweep the house on one side, and destroyed a row of houses in the rumble. The other four saints also shot, and the houses on both sides were instantly destroyed, but they still did not find any danger.

The look of the five saints dignified and negotiated with each other, and finally decided to stand here. They believe that as long as the danger still exists, they will definitely be shot again. As long as he dares to shoot, the five saints can find traces.

The collapse of the house has disappeared, and the dust that has risen has gradually disappeared. The silence was restored all around, and the silence was dead. Every monk spread his own knowledge. Although he could not be far away, he could cover his surroundings. Every monk is convinced that as long as the danger arises, they will be able to find clues without the five holy.

A quarter of an hour has passed!

Half an hour has passed!

An hour has passed!

There is no trace of sound around, and there is silence, a suffocating silence. If you don't see a few dozen people in the team, they hardly believe in the danger.

"Would you like to go a long way to see?" The lord also had some inattention at this time, and asked for the Four Saints.

Four saints nodded and the monks moved. However, just moving a step, all the monks stopped, and the color of fear was unstoppable in the eyes.


The five monks were touched by the steps of the monks behind them, and they fell to the ground straight. The five holy gods quickly swept over and their faces became very ugly. The five heavenly lords died silently under their eyes.

"leave here!"

Yanshan soul snorted and the monks swept away in front. Although these monks have fear in their hearts, they still maintain their battle.


A monk in the swept suddenly fell to the ground without warning, and the team immediately stopped. The five holy gods quickly spread out, but still found nothing. This time, even the heart of the Five Saints also raised a trace of fear.

They are not afraid of danger, but they cannot afford to fear this unknown danger. Every monk's knowledge is madly scanned around, but as time goes by, his face is getting more and more ugly.

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in his heart. Immediately opened the 鲲 目 目 目 目 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , No signs were found.

At this time, there was another excuse from the monk. Xu Ziyan followed the sound and saw that the body of a Mozu monk had fallen to the ground, causing a burst of exclamation among the surrounding tribes. The face of the five saints was very Unsightly. Then they heard Xu Ziyan exclaimed:


When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stared nervously at the dead body of the Mozu monk. In addition to the five saints, the other monks immediately flew backwards.

"Ziyan, what's wrong?" Yanshan's soul stared at the corpse and asked, slightly frowning.


Xu Ziyan stared nervously at the corpse, and the body slowly retreated toward the rear. Although the eyes of the five holy eyes showed a confused color, they still retreated toward the back with all their spirits, and they retreated to a place where the monks merged.


Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief, Yanshan soul once again asked: "Ziyan, what happened? What happened to the body?"

Xu Ziyan’s face was still very nervously staring at the body, and said with a sigh: “The extraterrestrial demon.”

"Out of the world?"

The five holy gods are all shocked. They naturally know the extraterrestrial demon, and they can pass their gods to kill the three tribes. This proves that the extraterrestrial demons here are not lower than them. The face of the lord is also dignified at this time:

"how many?"

"At present, only one is found!" The blue in the eyes of Xu Ziyan is still flashing, staring at the body.

At this time, no one in the five saints suspected Xu Ziyan, because they also saw the illusion of Xu Ziyan. Hearing only one, the heart of the five saints could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, even if the repair of the demon outside the domain exceeded them, but there was only one, and they had five here. As long as you can capture the position of the demon outside the domain, you should be able to kill it.


There was a sword on the top of Xu Ziyan's head. The five-sacred look on her side was a slight sigh. Before they had seen Xu Ziyan condensing the sword, the power was obviously far from the handle. The swords that were condensed before were only the power of the Tianzun class, but this time the qi sword of Xu Ziyan has the power of the peak of the six-level stage.

The five saints were only slightly stunned, and they immediately took action. One by one, they have their own powers running to the peak, and each one has its own fairy. The five saints who used to cooperate with Xu Ziyan knew that this is the position of Xu Ziyan to use the gas sword to point out the extraterrestrial demon.


Xu Ziyan’s gas sword flew out and spurred toward the body. At the same time, the peerless giant knife in the hands of Yanshan, the fairy sword in the hands of the lord, the blood knife in the hands of the demon, the demon gun in the demon and the long whip in the hands of Quebec are immediately behind the sword. The body was bombarded with the past.

In the eyes of the monks who were surprised, they saw that the ground beneath the body suddenly flowed, and flowed out in the distance, avoiding the attack of the Five Holy.


The attack of the five saints blasted the ground into a deep pit, and then they saw that the ground that had just flowed suddenly stopped in their view, and then it seemed as if a layer of ground was uncovered and lifted up toward the sky, after which the ground There was a pair of giant eyes on the top and looked at them.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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