The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2669: Xu Jia Xin Mi

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Five Saints reached out and recruited the fairy, and then sacrificed to the outside world to bombard the past. (


The raised ground suddenly scattered on the ground like gravel, and then disappeared.


The attack of the Five Saints once again bombarded the ground into a deep pit. Can't help but say that the ground of this phoenix city is hard. If it is outside, it is a mountain that has been flattened by the Five Saints, but here it is only a deep pit.

The eyes of Wusheng immediately concentrated on the body of Xu Ziyan. In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the blue strobe flashed rapidly and swept around. At this time, an extremely hidden wave rushed to a human monk, and the human monk fell in an instant. Death on the ground.

This time, not only the five holy faces are ugly, but the face of Xu Ziyan is also extremely ugly. And those monks and gods are the eyes of fear in their eyes.

This silent means of killing monks cannot help them fear.


Xu Ziyan flew out of the sword, and the five saints were bombarded. A house was collapsed, but the faces of Wusheng and Xu Ziyan were very ugly, because they all knew that the gods outside the domain had escaped. They did not hit the extraterrestrial demon.

At this time, the heart of the Five Sacred is not calm. It is conceivable that it is their turn to wait for the Heavenly Demon outside the domain to kill these Heavenly Respects. At this time, the Five Sacred did not have the confidence to kill the Tianmo.

The five holy eyes flashed, and the heart turned, but in the end, the eyes were full of helplessness. And in this instant, there is another demon sage, and a panic is spreading in everyone's heart.

Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, and the blue in the eyes suddenly collapsed. The heart of the five saints was dark. Couldn’t Xu Ziyan not lock the extraterrestrial demon?

If Xu Ziyan can't be locked, they won't be able to find the extraterrestrial demon without them. Is this not always a situation of passive beatings?

Yanshan soul's eyes suddenly brightened, thinking that he saw Xu Ziyan took out a jade flute, this jade flute is the refining of Yanshan soul for Xu Ziyan, and he also remembered Xu Ziyan but will sound. The sound is the best way to deal with the soul of the extraterrestrial world, and the heart can't help but scream. This sound was originally passed to Xu Ziyan by his predecessor. Why didn't he think about it?

Xu Ziyan crossed the jade flute in front of the lips, and the sound of the pharynx swallowed, but it was the extinction. The songs that led the spirits spread out to the outside, but the monks behind Xu Ziyan could not hear the points. The souls of the evil spirits avoided the three tribes under the control of Xu Ziyan and spread to the surrounding.

Four holy frowns, do not know what Xu Ziyan is doing, they explored a glimpse of the gods into the temperament, and then the look of the four saints is a change, the look of Xu Ziyan has become a bit stunned, the lord turned Looking at the soul of Yanshan:

"Evil Lord, she makes a family?"

Yanshan soul turned a white-eyed road: "She is surnamed Xu, do you say she is a Xu family?"

"She... is the descendant of the Sound Saint?" The face of the fairy became a bit ugly.

There was a smile on the face of Yanshan Soul: "Yes, it was you, the demon Lord and the devil killed the sound saint, and watched the purple smoke revenge."

Yanshan soul saw the eyes of Xu Ziyan coming over and said in a hurry: "Yin Sheng is the ancestor of your Xu family that you said to you. I will tell you later, or kill the demon outside the domain."

When the words fell, Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan stood side by side, and the mind was moved. A guqin floated in front of him, and the hands swayed, and the evil spirits spread out.

Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan glanced at each other. Two people walked to the side of Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul. There was also a guqin in front of the two people waving their hands. Each of them touched and swayed the soul and led the spread.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord glanced at Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan, and they looked at each other and could not help but sigh:

"Xu family finally returned to the mainland of the Yuan!"

Three guqin, a jade flute.

The endless expansion of the rhythm of the soul-killing, and soon the four people's eyebrows picked one. They discovered the extraterrestrial demon from the fluctuations of the temperament in the space. I don't know when the extraterrestrial demon became a broken house.


The destruction of the four people led to the demon of the heavens and the devils. The broken house swayed and finally showed its original shape. It was like a giant tentacle, and it was like a quirk, very huge. Swing, the volatility continues to destroy the soul.

The monks and other monks just wanted to act, but they listened to Yanshan’s soul and said: "Wait!"

The lord and other people immediately felt guilty. The Yanshan soul was to let the monks wait until the devil of the extraterritorial domain was the weakest. At this time, the extraterrestrial demon seemed to be trapped by the ecstasy, but still did not lose his mind. If they shoot at this time, they might let him run again. Therefore, they need to wait until the souls of the demon to suppress the souls of the demon outside the domain. At the very least, let them be in the moment of the shot, the extraterrestrial demon can not escape.

"Everyone is prepared to wait for the command of the evil Lord." The gods knew the voice to all the monks.

All the monks immediately transferred Yuanli to the peak state and prepared for the moment. At this time, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan began to superimpose the four souls, which produced resonance and rushed into the soul of the heavenly demon.

This annihilation of the soul rushed into the soul of the demon outside the domain, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul have a trace of shock in the eyes, this extraterrestrial demon actually has the equivalent of the soul of the holy nine layers. If it is not Xu Ziyan has a sacred eight-layer late Dai Feng, Yanshan soul has the power of the gods in the middle of the eighth grade. At this time, there are four people who are superimposed on the soul, and I am afraid it is difficult to rush into the soul of the heavenly demon.



The demon outside the field made a painful cry. At this time, the Yanshan soul issued an order, and all the monks immediately released their strongest fairy, and saw countless fairy weapons bombarded the past. At this time, the demon outside the field was in an instant pain, and there was no time to escape. All the fairy weapons were bombarded on him, but in an instant he was smashed into powder.

Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan put away the jade flute and the guqin, and reached out to sweat the forehead. The battle also cost them a lot.


All the monks had a long sigh of relief, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan were full of gratitude. Since they entered this space, this time is the most dead and the most dangerous one. They really don't know how to have four people, and how their final outcome will be.

Xu Ziyan immediately swallowed Xiandan and began to adjust the interest rate. The Wanli also led the Terran monks to guard the four people. The other monks looked at the four guards. They didn't know if there would be extraterrestrial demons.

After about two hours, Xu Ziyan and other four people gradually adjusted their interest rates and stood up from the ground. Xu Ziyan looked coldly at the fairy, the demon and the demon. The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord are just a hop, thinking of something, the face is not a bit bitter.

"I want to know the truth!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

The lord took a breath and looked calm and calmed: "You still ask the evil Lord!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the soul of Yanshan. Yanshan soul touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "The reason why I have not told you before is that I am afraid that you will find some revenge on them. After all, your cultivation is still low."

Xu Ziyan stood there quietly, without words, just looking at the Yanshan soul calmly. In fact, Xu Ziyan thought that there was no feeling for the so-called Xu family ancestors. How many generations did it happen? What's more, Xu Ziyan has never seen him, where is the feeling?

However, Xu Ziyan must make a gesture, and she really wants to understand this secret.

"At the beginning, your Xu family was also a big family in the fairy world, and it was very strong in various small worlds. However, although your ancestor was called the Sound Saint, it was not a holy level. His cultivation was only the late Tianzun. He has been flying up from the small world of the mainland of Cangwu. It is not only a very strong, but also the sound of your Xu family. Because he can use the sound skill challenge with the cultivation of the Tianzun period. Holy level, so it is called the sound holy.

Your ancestors were temperamental and unrestrained, but they were very similar to the character of my previous life. They met each other under an accidental opportunity, and then we became friends and traveled the world. ,

That period of time was the happiest time, and the soul-killing was also learned by your ancestors during that time. After about three years of traveling together, we separated. He has family affairs to deal with, and I also have my business.


I did not think that your ancestors were so passionate and righteous. ”

Speaking of this, the face of Yanshan soul has a sinuous color: "When the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the lord jointly attacked the House of the Evil Lord, the House of Evil Lord could not stand for less than a month. Although the predecessors of the past have their men, but where are their three combined monks?

Just as you watched the evil house being broken, your ancestors appeared with Xu disciples. He...not only came with the Xu family in the fairyland, but even used the power of Daxian to bring together the Xujia elite disciples of each small world, and jointly laid down the twelve great arrays, and cooperated with Xu’s rhythm. The place of life also withstood the attack of the lord, the demon master and the demon master. ”

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the lord, the demon and the demon. The face of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord showed the color of the memories, and the eyes showed amazement.


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