The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2670: Chaos beast

"The final result is that all the family members have died. I was caught by the three of them. The Palace of the Immortals was beaten into the crack of space. I hope that in the future, someone will be able to obtain the inheritance of the blasphemy, revenge for the blasphemy, but did not expect to eventually reincarnate. I found the evil house."

"You don't want to take revenge?" Xu Ziyan fixedly looked at Yanshan soul. The face of the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord showed a trace of unnaturalness.

"Think!" Yanshan soul slammed in a flash: "It's just purple smoke, you don't know, I am in the five saints, Kui Tian and the devil are special, it is difficult to be killed. What can be done is to seal it. There is nothing special about the qualifications of the demon and the lord, but they have been similar to me, and I can't kill them. So I always expect you to grow up, and then we will join forces."

Having said that, Yanshan soul sweeps over the lord, the demon Lord and the demon lord with ulterior motives. "At the time, we both killed the lord and the demon, and sealed the lord permanently, oh... ”

The face of the lord, the demon and the demon began to look ugly. However, the look of the lord also ugly moments, and smiled brilliantly:

"Evil Lord, Xu Daoyou, don't forget the two of you, Xu Daoyou still owes me a promise, so I am not afraid!"

The expression of the lord of the lord is not only ugly, but also the face of the demon and the lord is ugly.

If the lord uses this promise to let Xu Ziyan resolve this hatred, Xu Ziyan really can't say anything. Losing the support of Xu Ziyan, although the Yanshan soul can defeat the lord, it is impossible to kill the lord.

The reason why the demon Lord and the demon Lord are ugly is because if the lord does not have the promise of the purple smoke, the three of them can unite as before. As long as the three of them unite, even if Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan join hands, they may not be able to help them.

However, now that the lord has the promise of Xu Ziyan, there is no such scruples at once, and naturally it will not join hands with them. So there are two of them left, and the repair of the Lord is still the lowest, and the ending is hard to say.

Xu Ziyan was silent, and at this time she understood why the top monks of the Xu family suddenly disappeared. It was originally called by the Xu family ancestors. This is the root cause of the decline of the Xu family. And then it was a great change in the heavens and the earth, and Xu Jia broke the inheritance. I am afraid that even if someone is still alive in the fairy world, or died in chaos, or hidden in the past generation, they gradually look at who their ancestors are. On the contrary, the Chinese galaxies and the small world retain some inheritance.

The heart can not help but secretly shake his head, Xu family ancestors is really a heroic and unscrupulous person, for his friendship completely ignore the foundation of Xu family. She did not know whether she was amazed at the ancestors of the Xu family, or whether she complained about the ancestors of the Xu family.

Xu Ziyan looked at the Yanshan soul, and his mood returned to calm. The hatred of Yanshan Soul could wait, and he could not wait for anything.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord are also calculating quickly. They know that the hatred of themselves and Yanshan soul will have a day of liquidation sooner or later. Don’t look at the Yanshan soul. This is a form of forgetting hatred. In fact, neither side can forget. Nowadays, with a purple smoke, this hatred is even more impossible to resolve.

At this time, everyone has scruples in their hearts. No one can do anything about it, so they do nothing. The fairy smiled and said:

"We will temporarily let go of these past events, why don't we continue?"

Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan also silently nodded, and the monks once again marched toward the front.


Suddenly there was a sound of heavy objects falling in front of him. Wu Sheng stopped his footsteps and slightly narrowed his eyes and looked forward. Then he saw five huge figures gradually appearing in front of them.

The one that walks in the middle is the most huge. The whole body is about 12 feet long, and the four are on both sides, each of which is about eight feet in size.

"Chaotic behemoth! Six arms!" Yanshan soul but call.

The four saints, such as the lord, also changed color. Among the five saints, only the evil lord experienced the battle with the chaotic behemoth. But the evil master at that time was only experienced and did not participate because at that time he Still an unshaped stone, just a bystander.

But this does not hinder the power of the six arms in front of you. The four saints, such as the lord, have only heard of the legend of the war, but they have seen the chaotic behemoth. At that time, after the outer cracks were closed, there were some chaotic beasts flowing in the fairy world, but they were not the first generation of chaotic behemoths, but their descendants, although powerful, they were not as good as their first generation, slowly Killed by the tribes of the tribes, it became a real legend, and no one has ever seen them.

Nowadays, there are five living six-armed scorpions in front of them, which can't help but surprise them. This Fengzu is really a supernatural powerhouse, and it can actually collect five chaotic behemoths.

"Evil Lord, will they not be the first generation?" the Lord asked in amazement.

Yanshan soul looked at the five six-armed squats that were slowly approaching, condensing the voice:


"Call..." The lord and the four saints couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If it was the first generation, they really didn't know how to deal with it. Can you cope?

"But their strength is not low!" Yanshan soul said calmly.

“How strong?”

The lord of the singer asked, this chaotic behemoth is different from the three tribes, and their strengths, such as the lord and the other, cannot be seen. The whole chaos is one. Yanshan soul shook his head:

"I don't know, but I know the speed of the six-armed scorpion. You don't see them going slow at this time. In fact, they are extremely fast, and they are the fastest of all the chaotic beasts."

The lord and other four holy faces are on the side. Xu Ziyan’s face was pale at this time. She could clearly see the strength of the five six-armed squats on the opposite side. She knew that this should be because she combined the eleven attributes. The five six-armed scorpions in front of them had quite a The strength of the sixth floor of the Holy Class.

And just said that Yanshan soul has said that their most terrible place is their speed. Look at the two huge forearms of the six-armed scorpion, which will definitely reach the level of the best peaks.

With absolute speed, there are attack weapons that don't lose to the best peaks in the late stage, and Xu Ziyan can imagine the defensive power of the six-armed scorpion. Since it is called the Chaos Beast, the defensive power is absolutely inferior.

"They...What magical power?" asked the demon Lord.

Yanshan soul bitterly said: "No! If they have magical powers, then we don't have to live at all."

"That's good!" The demon sighed with relief: "We can attack from a distance..."

The look of the demon Lord suddenly became stiff, and he remembered what the evil Lord had said to them, and the six-armed scorpion was extremely fast. How does this distance from the six-armed shackle?

The conversations that the five saints saw were not deliberately lowered, and their conversations were clearly heard by the monks who were behind them. However, their look has not changed much. Because they have not heard of the chaotic behemoth, the legend has disappeared from their generation, and even the legend is gone, then the ignorant is fearless.

However, there is a person who has a different color on his face. The person is the earth. He has seen the power of the chaotic behemoth. The chaotic behemoth at that time was still sealed. Today, five are not. The seal of the chaotic behemoth is slowly approaching them, which makes the soil not afraid of water/

"Tudou friends!" The dream machine is looking at the six-armed squat that is approaching in front of it, and the two eyes release the light:

"Is that the chaotic behemoth you once absorbed?"

The earth looks at the shining dream machine, and bitterly said: "Dream master, you still put away your mind. You don't know the power of the chaotic behemoth. Don't look at the opposite five, don't know us. Can have a few to survive in the end."

The gaze of the dream machine is a shrink: "Really so powerful?"

There is no word in the soil, but it is nodded.

"The evil Lord, how do we deal with it?" asked the singer.

"First let other people form a battle, release the defensive shield. We five go up to fight."


The body of Yanshan's soul exudes a high degree of warfare, and the war is almost consolidating into the sky. And he immediately took out the peerless giant knife, showing the importance of Yanshan soul to this war.


The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian body all exude high morale. There are no fears on the faces, and some are just endless wars.

and also……

A little excited!

Not bad!

That is excitement. I don’t know how long it has been. These five great monks have not encountered any strong hands that can threaten themselves. I don’t know how long it has been, and none of them have ever had such a high degree of warfare!

They have stood at the pinnacle of this world, almost lost interest in everything, and now see five giant beasts that can threaten them, and the long-lost passion has finally erupted.

At this time, there is no fear in their hearts, only excitement!

Xu Ziyan gradually retreated, returned to the Tianzun Master, and formed a battle with the monks, and then released a defensive shield. A pair of eyes are looking at the back of the five holy.


The five six-armed snoring snorted, and the whole space was like a tumultuous thunder, and the ground was shaking. Although the speed of their approach is still slow, every sound of the landing is shocking. If the same shank hammer hits the heart of each monk, everyone has a feeling of suffocation.


The Yanshan spirit took the lead and stepped forward. He shouted: "The one in the middle gave it to me."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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