The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2672: The solution

All these purple smokes were also clearly seen. At this time, she was sorely hurt by six arms and swelled. Because the buildings here are not ordinary buildings, the walls are hard and abnormal, and every time they are smashed on the wall by six arms, she seems to have been smashed into powder, if not because she has a six-level stage. The body of the peak, I am afraid I have already been killed.

Looking at the big monks who can only eat behind the six-armed scorpion, Xu Ziyan knows that he can never let go of the hand holding the six-armed forearm. The reason why he can grasp the six-armed forearm is completely It is the meaning of the six-armed scorpion. As long as it is released, there will be no possibility of catching it. At that time, waiting for her and the fate of those gods will only die. Because the five saints did not come to help them at this time, the whole situation was in a delicate balance.

No matter which battlefield the five battlefields have won, the situation will fall. If there is a six-armed win, then all the monks will die, even if the five saints are no exception. Similarly, if one of the three tribes wins, it will also have a fatal blow to the entire six-armed scorpion.

At this time, Xu Ziyan felt that he was almost unable to hold the six-armed forearm. This is the most powerful beast that Xu Ziyan has ever seen. The endless power and absolute speed make Xu Ziyan’s heart feel helpless and frustrated.

Xu Ziyan feels that her body is on the verge of collapse. Her body is strong, but she can't resist the frequency and intensity of the six-armed scorpion. It is not only physically unbearable, but also psychologically on the verge of collapse.


The six-armed scorpion suddenly stopped.


The fairy and the fairy behind the big monks bombarded the six-armed scorpion, but the six-armed scorpion seemed to have no feeling, and the six-armed scorpion should be annoyed. At this time, the two forearms will be Lifted up, lowered his head and opened his mouth and bit his throat toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan clasped his forearms with both hands and looked up at the head of the six-armed squat that was opening his mouth and bowing his head. His mind suddenly moved.


A thousand-handed swords swarmed out and rushed in toward the open mouth. The huge giant mouth is like a space crack, just an instant, and it has not waited until the six-armed scorpion reacted and rushed into its huge mouth.


Xu Ziyan loosened his two hands, and his body shape retreated desperately toward the rear.



A thousand swords with a sacred level of six-story late peak power burst suddenly, and in a huge roar, the huge six-armed head was directly smashed into a sieve, which was broken. The huge body swayed in the air, ejecting green liquid from its neck like a spring.


The huge body turned to the ground, and the breath of life quickly passed. Xu Ziyan climbed up from the ground, and his body shape swept through the six-armed body. At the same time, he wrapped it up with his knowledge and thought.


The huge six-armed body was taken into the storage ring by Xu Ziyan, and at the same time shouted:

"Flock! Attack the biggest six-armed scorpion."

The choice of Xu Ziyan is undoubtedly the most correct. At this time, only the Yanshan soul and the lord have slightly prevailed, while the devil, the demon and the Kuitian have fallen because of the speed of the six-armed scorpion. They are these people to help them. It can only form a balance and may not be able to kill the six-armed scorpion. Only with the spirit of Yanshan and the master of the sage, you can enlarge the advantage of this silk, and you may be able to kill the biggest six arms. As long as the six-armed scorpion was killed, the situation turned over completely.

Taking Wanli and those Tianzun also knew that this choice was the most correct, and immediately formed a battlefield, rushing toward the huge six-armed scorpion. They know that even if they are formed into battlefields, they may not be able to help too much, but they can restrain a little six-armed scorpion. Sometimes, because of this strength, they can achieve the final victory.


Xu Ziyan joined the monks with the help of the monks, but the speed of the six-armed scorpion was too fast. Although they joined, the advantage was more obvious, but they could not capture the trajectory of the six-armed scorpion. Can't catch it, how can it kill it?

This six-armed scorpion simply did not give Xu Ziyan the opportunity to seize its forearm. Not only did it not give it, but also relied on its speed. Xu Ziyan was swept once by its forearm, and the whole body was swept away, like a The meteor generally flies out of the distance, and the enormous strength can not withstand the strength of the purple smoke, and spurt blood between the nose and mouth.


Xu Ziyan fell heavily on the ground, and the voice of Yanshan soul came from a distance:



Xu Ziyan jumped up from the ground and flew toward the battlefield. He couldn’t take the blood from the corner of his mouth. From afar, he saw the spirit of Yanshan as crazy. He held the peerless giant knife madly, his speed. I couldn't keep up with the six-armed shackles, but I didn't disappear when I took out the knives, but I criss-crossed them in the air. As he smashed in a row, the surrounding space seemed to form a world of knives.


Finally, there was a knife that smashed a leg of the six-armed scorpion. The six arms snorted and the figure suddenly fell backwards. A pair of fierce eyes stared at the Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul also stopped at this time, his chest violently undulating, it seems that the consumption just for him is not too small.


At the moment when the six-armed squat stopped, the lord released his border and shrouded toward the six-armed scorpion. It only spread to the front of the six arms.


The six-armed scorpion suddenly lifted a forearm and inserted it into the converging world. The spread of the world was a meal. It was this hard work, and the six-armed scorpion flew out and smacked toward the Yanshan soul. In the eyes of the fierce light, Yanshan soul smashed it a leg, let it hate the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul stood there motionless, as if there was no reaction, and it seemed that the power consumed did not recover.

"Mountain Spirit..." Xu Ziyan screamed.

Yanshan soul moved, but a slight side of the body, the ear heard a "squeaky" sound, the six-armed one of the forearms inserted into the Yanshan soul of the chest, through the chest.

In the eyes of Yanshan soul, there was a glimpse of a sneer, and a big hand was stretched out. "The forearm was caught by a bang, and the peerless sword in the right hand smashed toward the opposite six arms."

Six-armed scorpion wants to withdraw his forearm, but Yanshan Soul pays for his own injury, that is, he wants to catch the six-armed scorpion, how can he let him escape again?

A large hand firmly grasped one of the forearms of the six-armed scorpion, and the peerless knives had been killed. There was fear in the eyes of the six-armed scorpion, and another forearm was lifted against the peerless giant knife to resist the past.


It was only a tiny voice, and the endless knife was smashed from the middle of the six-armed scorpion. The shape of Yanshan soul drifted away. The forearm of the six-armed scorpion was pulled out from the chest of Yanshan soul. The blood stopped immediately, and the wound squirmed, but it recovered in an instant, and there was no trace of scar.

With the repair of Yanshan soul, this injury is nothing. Also with his cultivation as long as the six-armed scorpion in the middle of the scorpion, it will be unfortunate.

The six-armed eyes quickly lost their luster, and the huge body separated from the middle and fell to both sides. Yanshan soul waved his hand and took the body of the six-armed scorpion. The eyes of the monks looked at the battlefield of the demon Lord, the devil and the Quebec.

The demon Lord, the Lord of the Devil and the Kui Tian are all focused on their opponents, and they have not seen two six-armed scorpions that have died. That is, Yanshan Soul and Xianzhu had time to observe the surrounding situation because they occupied the advantage. In particular, Yanshan soul had been paying attention to Xu Ziyan, so he saw Xu Ziyan’s scene of catching six arms and a pair of forearms. Inspired, he eventually injured himself and killed six arms.

But the demon Lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian did not see this scene, and they are still fighting desperately with the six-armed scorpion. Yanshan soul stood on the sidelines and smiled, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Mountain Spirit, are we not going to help?"

The lord of the side also looked at the soul of Yanshan, but saw the spirit of Yanshan gently shook his head: "You don't have to help them, they just didn't find a way to kill the six-armed scorpion, and let them experience it in advance without any bad."

Having said that, the spirit of Yanshan is divided into three spirits to the demon Lord, and the devil and the Kuitian are secret. The spirit of the three holy monks is a revival.

Kui Tian immediately stopped his body and saw a pair of forearms inserted into her chest.


There was no blood flying, and there was only a wave of ripples. The water of Kui Tianhua was wrapped in a forearm of the six-armed scorpion, and then spread to the body of the six-armed scorpion.


The six-armed scorpion inserted the forearm fiercely into the ground, and each time it was inserted into the roots, but the three colored waters of Quebec really spread the body of the six-armed scorpion, and then saw the body of the six-armed scorpion. Quickly shrinking, it is the blood of the body is disappearing.

"Oh la la..."

It was the sound of water flowing, the three-color water flowing toward the ground, and then turned into a human figure, showing the appearance of a stalwart, and with a wave of hand, the six-armed arm was collected, but her face showed a pale It seems that I just tried to let the six-armed scorpion attack her, and her body felt a bit of discomfort.

The monks saw and destroyed a six-armed scorpion, and their faces were all happy. They looked at the demon and the demon master. At this time, the demon and the devil also adopted the way of the original Yanshan soul. The six-armed slaying, just the body of the six-armed scorpion was collected.


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