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The sanctuary of the Five Saints spread out and waited for a while, and this signaled that everyone began to adjust their traffic. Around three hours, the monks began to open their eyes one after another. The lords, the demon Lord and the demon lord respectively counted those monks and monks, and the 300-day monk was left at this time. One. This makes the living monks and monks feel very good.

The faces of the lords, the devil and the demon are not good. After all, these monks are their men, and one is dead, and the forces in their hands are weakened by one point. However, at this time, it was not far from the palace in front of it. Looking at the huge and magnificent palace, the spirit of the monks was excited.

The eyes of the Lord have turned, and now his strength is the lowest among the five saints, so he is also most expecting the treasures left by Fengzu, hoping to upgrade his cultivation through the treasures of Fengzu, even if only chasing The demon Lord is also good. So he raised his voice:

"What are you waiting for? Let's hurry into the palace and see."

The monks did not immediately agree with the Lord’s initiative. They had encountered a single danger before they were careful. Although the palace seemed to be in front of them, and they had just explored it with God, it seems that there is no danger, but let them Do not dare to act rashly.

The face of the demon Lord showed a firm color, and yelled toward the Mozu monk: "The demon monk came with me."

A glimpse of the clothes, dozens of monks and monks from the battle, surrounded by the Lord of the Lord. The demon Lord immediately issued an order, and the battle array composed of dozens of Mozu Tianzun pushed the demon in the middle and pushed forward.

Just a few steps forward, there is a hint of hesitation on the face of the Lord. Because he found the lord, the demon Lord, Yanshan Soul and Kui Tian did not even follow.

Don't they want treasure?

The heart of the demon Lord suddenly jumped, and there was a remorse on his face. He knows his own pressure because of Yanshan Soul, Xianzhu, Demon Lord and Kuitian, and his mentality is somewhat out of balance. If his strength is the same as that of Yanshan, even if he is the same as the demon, his mentality is not so unbalanced.

where is this place?

Is this the city of phoenix, is there less danger on the way? Now that I am close to the palace, is there no danger?

The lord, the demon Lord, the Yanshan soul and the sturdy, it is clearly to let him take the lead, he is still rushing to be cannon fodder. This is not a fool. What is it?

But at this time, the demon master has already retreated, although at this time he is the lowest in the five saints, and the lower is also one of the five saints. If he retreats at this time, he can't afford to lose that person. The eyes suddenly became firm, and they shouted:

"Be careful!"

The look of Mellon and the thorny side is also tight, and the steps of the gods are suddenly slowing down and proceeding carefully toward the front. Behind them, the monks of Yanshan and other monks looked at the demon monks in front of them.

"Evil Lord, do you think there will be danger ahead?" the lord asked softly.

Yanshan soul faint smile: "There is already an answer in the heart of the lord, and ask me more than before?"


The voice of Yanshan soul just fell, and I saw a roar in front. The space there was violently oscillating, and there was a little void. Then there was a little empty space, and there was a dozen or so demons. Engulfed and turned into powder. Without the devil's order, all the Mozu monks frantically flew backwards toward the rear, and even the far-reaching Yanshan soul face changed, and shouted:


All the monks were retreating quickly, but Yanshan Soul and others just stopped for a moment and stopped because they found that the sprawling void stopped. In front of them, the devil led the remaining Mozu monks. Flying toward them, one by one pale, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan stared at him and saw a void blocking the palace opposite, so that they could no longer see the magnificent palace. There was a undulating pontoon in the endless void. The pontoon radiated a faint white light, gently undulating, as if it would be scattered at any time.

The face of the demon who flew back was very ugly. He was undoubtedly doing a cannon fodder. Although Sisheng didn’t look at him at this time, he looked at the void, but the face of the devil was still hot. .

Silently reorganizing the Mozu monk, the devil stood aside without saying a word, but the ups and downs of the chest revealed that his mood was very unstable at this time.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, his eyes flashed blue, and the lords and other people were all blinking. The lord's eyes suddenly gave birth to a stern color, and shouted toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Ziyan, why didn't you just take advantage of Peng Peng, let us be the Mozu to take risks?"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him eccentrically and said faintly: "Devil Lord, when will I let your Mozu take risks? Is it good for you to rush ahead?"

"You..." The face of the demon Lord was stiff and a little angry and said: "Then you can't remind us? Don't forget, we are joining hands. Don't you think we are all dead, you are alone." The treasure of the ancestors? Ha ha... Today, there is a loss for my demon Lord. Does it mean that there will be a lord, a demon Lord and a Quebec in the future?"

The face of the lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian changed, and the eyes of Yanshan’s soul flashed and looked at the Lord of the Devil. Xu Ziyan said faintly:

"The devil thinks more, just because the lord, the demon Lord and Kuitian still remember that everyone is united, so they will not be the first to act like the devil, and want to swallow the treasure of the city of Phoenix. So even if it is dangerous, everyone Take it together, it won’t happen to the Lord."

The face of the demon Lord is a stagnation, and at this time the lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian also looked coldly at the Lord. Xu Ziyan is right, they have always been united, but the Lord wants to be the first to enter the palace. It is not Xu Ziyan who wants to swallow the treasure, but the Lord of the Lord.

"Xu Daoyou, what do you see?" The gentleman's face showed a gentle smile. The demon Lord and Kuitian's face also showed a close smile and looked at Xu Ziyan. The face of the demon Lord was even darker. However, at this time, he also knew that he had committed public anger, and he did not say anything. He just looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes and flashed a hint of killing.

"Hey!" Yanshan soul snorted coldly, his eyes swept to the demon Lord.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "The time is too short, I haven't seen anything yet. Let's get closer."

"it is good!"

The monks flew toward the front and quickly stood in front of the void. In front of them was a pontoon formed by faint white light. It was just that the pontoon was curved and extended in the void, not knowing that it was extended. where. And the white light kept undulating, as if to be able to disperse at any time.

Xu Ziyan once again opened the Peng Peng, about a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan put away the Peng Peng, but the look is very unsightly.

"What's wrong?" asked Yanshan soul.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I can't see anything. This piece of void is a real void. It should be that Feng Zu cut a piece from the void and moved here. This light bridge can only be seen as a light attribute. As for whether it will disperse at any time, I don’t know. Besides, just look outside and I can’t see anything at all. If you want to move forward, let’s take your mind.”

The five saints looked at each other and showed a bitter smile in their eyes. How could it not continue?

Already here, the palace is just behind this void, how could it just leave?

Yanshan soul looked around and said: "How do we do?"

The lord looked at the Tianzun masters behind him and looked at the other four holy roads: "You friends, we talked openly and honestly."

"Good!" The other four saints are nodding.

"I think there are a lot of monks here, but they are headed by our five saints." The eyes of the lords swept through the other four saints.

Four saints have no words, just silently nod. When the lord saw that everyone agreed with his point of view, he was pleased to say:

"So, if you encounter any chance, it is actually our five fights."

Four saints nodded again, and the words of the lord did not object or oppose it.

"As a result, we should share the dangers encountered on the road." The look of the lord dignified.

"How to share?" Yanshan soul asked.

"It's very simple. On the way forward in my future, we need someone to test in front. Since we share the dangers, you need our five parties to send people to explore in front."

Kui Tian immediately sneered a sneer: "The lord played a good abacus. You, the lord, the devil and the demon, all have their own hands. Every time you send a hand to die, you will die. And I am a lonely man, is it? When it’s my turn, do I still have to go to temptation in person?"

Yanshan soul's face is also very ugly at this time, he has no one on this side, only Xu Ziyan, riding thousands of miles, sword is not empty, Xu Qin Yang, Xu Xingfan. With the temperament of Xu Ziyan, it is impossible to take thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan take risks. At that time, he was still adventurous with Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. And Yanshan soul can not let Xu Ziyan go to adventure, in the end is still his Yanshan soul to venture.

"Oh..." The lord said with a faint smile: "There is no way, there is no absolute fairness in the world."

"Yes!" said the Lord, with a smile: "The people we raise naturally work for us. Do we still have to work for irrelevant people?"

In the eyes of Yanshan, the fascinating eyes flashed and pondered for a while: "Exploring the danger is only one aspect. Once the danger occurs, how is the treasure obtained after the final cracking distributed?"

"Which turn is the turn, the treasure you get belongs to which side."

"If that party can't crack it?"

"The one that is obtained by the crack. If everyone is working together to crack, it will be divided by everyone." The lord thought about it.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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